Is a place that allows NSFW fiction but that’s based on real children worth defending guys?


    which child?
    and it is a thin line… fiction vs reality.. the challenge here is if this fiction leads to someone taking action in real life


      People write NSFW fics of real life minors like that just sexual harrasment. If you have thoughts like that about real kids and writing it down it’s disgusting either way.


        Like someone wrote weird fics involving me without my consent i sure as hell gonna make them pay. But i am not a child. They sure as hell never consented to that.


        but you can’t pretend that kind of fiction exists.. what about all your chinese drama or even thai..
        r u talking about celebs or just regular people.. are these fics that clear with the identification? .. all kinds of weird things exist in fictional world, important is for it to not trickle down into the real society


          Ao3 is a website that allows NSFW rpf of minors to exist. That means that someone can write an incest fic involving you and your relative and it doesn’t get taken down.


            For example a youtuber who is a minor gets an NSFW fic about them but the person who wrote the fic wasn’t removed for doing that but for having free Palestine in their bio. Someone writes an incest fic involving someone who died in that submarine. Someone who hated an actress who had been sexually abused purposefully wrote her being raped. A kid found out from someone that an NSFW rpf had been written about them that kind of thing not all of them are celebrities.
