To quote Sol: omo, omo, omo.
SunSol from sunny to sizzling hot. LovelyRunnerEp8


    It is amazing to me that they have such intense chemistry. I don’t know anything about theor sexual orientation and the fact that they are so good at their jobs and can simulate such attraction, makes their true sexualities irrelevant and BLOWS MY MIND. Huzzah!


      It’s the not blinking when they are close like this. Just the intensity of their stares and the tearing. I was just at the eye doctor and was told I have dry eye and to blink more and stop starring at things (like computer screens). Which makes me think that these actors probably with suffer from chronic dry eye at some point whenever I see scene like this. Lol.


        Same here, had to buy artificial tears because my eyes are drying out


    I love the seamless way the show shifted from cute, poignant teen romance to sexy, poignant adult romance. Some shows can’t even pull off one, let alone two in the space of a few episodes. I did not expect this one to give me this many feels!


      So true! Very few KDs and non-KDs manage it. It is a tribute to the writing which is mostly good, the direction and the tinderboxes in human form tbat our leads are. They are captivating. How could actors manage to convey such intense and intimate emotions surrounded by crew, lights, mics, other equipment and the camera? How is this possible? I’ve always wondered about this? That’s why I can never be an actor even in a parallel life when my counterpart would want to be one.


        I’m certainly too self conscious to be an actor myself, but I can imagine there are those who can truly get into the moment even with a crew around them. It helps in this case that these two appear to have mutual trust and respect between them, and natural chemistry. I’m sure there are also many times when editing can work wonders if the actors aren’t able to deliver, or if the chemistry just isn’t there, but I’m thinking that’s not the case here.


      You’re right! I should’ve also included editing and I forgot music! How could I?


      Thank you casting director! Thank you writer and director!


    Omo omo omo is exactly our reaction to episode 8. 😊
    The sizzling OTP really fried our brains. 🤯
    Moar please. ❤😍❤
