always find another part time job to replace it. Her plan is actually brilliant. Not only does she not have to sell her soul to a corporation but she gets more freedom than the likes of Je-hoon.


    that is exactly what I’m saying. I love how she didn’t beg just because the customer is the king. That is her charm and that’s why Siwon is falling for her. Hopefully the writer won’t change her later on…


      i hope they don’t change her either. That girl’s got a lot of spunk and I was routing and cheering for her in that scene. Goddamn, she will make quite the addition to the family and the company. Can you imagine her future father-in-law’s face the first time she lays into him like that? Hehehehehehehehehe.


        Ah that!! Damn! I hope he’ll get his mind blown from her..


          He deserves to be. Someone needs to put that man in his place and make him realize that just because he is rich doesn’t give him the right to go spanking his employees with that huge as bat. Like tf?!!! People have been sued for less!


            I know.. I was mad at gong myung when he came running with the bat. I was screaming at him not to be so cruel and to save his friend… only to realize that he’s the one who’s getting hit.
