I haven’t started Pretty Noona yet, but I found out the director did Grapevine and that affair drama Yoo Ah-in was I. I didn’t see Grapevine but I was utterly bored by the affair drama. I kinda don’t want to watch Pretty Noona anymore after this discovery.


    Yes I was pretty bored out of my mind with Love Affair as well. And I was pretty cautious going into Pretty Noona. But its actually pretty different from Love Affair in terms of the overall tone of the drama. The first episode does focus a lot on establishing the main lead Ji-ah’s life at work (which I fast forwarded through) but once the leads meet halfway through ep 1, the focus shifts to their relationship and takes off from there. There is still some boring office drama in the background, but I mostly tend to skip that. Other than that, there is still enough in this drama to actually watch and dissect. The relationships between the two families (and even the women in the workplace) is very interesting. I would say give it a try. I love this drama so far and its actually one of the only dramas I’m currently watching (other than Poem and Oh-jak doo).


    One of the Beanies mentioned that Pretty Noona was his most accessible work and I completely agree. I personally thought Secret Love Affair was a work of art but I can understand if people found it slow. You won’t have that problem with Pretty Noona.


      I largely think Secret Love Affair went over my head because I couldn’t understand any of the characters or their motivations. In any case, I’ll give Pretty Noona a try now since it’s supposed to be different in tone than Secret Love Affair.
