Go like the wind Eugine


    I’ll guess this was a steerage ticket, do you know? Or it really is just a tax? The only ticket price reference I’ve found anywhere is that a first class steamship ticket from Pusan to Inchon cost US $17.50 in 1883 and the trip took 30 (!) hours. But to travel it overland took ten days. 😲


      How much did it cost for Eugene to travel from New York to Japan? The answer is I do not know, The lowest possible price was 25.00 in the most horrible conditions. Workers from Asia arranged to pay their future employers back the price of the passage at 300% interest. First Class round trip was $524. Automobiles cost less than that, Special Fare (?) was about $250. So if Eugene bought a ticket one way it was about $124.00, that is a guess. The reason that this is a state secret is Ticket Agents didn’t always charge their clients the same rates. I have found loads of menus and other ephemera but no tickets that show a price paid. Also isn’t so much a ticket as it was a contract of passage. All the tickets say is that so and so paid the fare. I don’t give up on things like this ( a blessing and a curse), I am calling the maririme inst. tomorrow. He may have worked his way across as a merchant seaman.


        Wow! So interesting! So much, so interesting! On Eugene’s way home, I guess he would have traveled as a prisoner under the auspices of the Marines. And you’re right, back to Korea probably as a merchant seaman. This is so great! There’s soooooo much info on transatlantic travel but look how hard you’re having to work for this!
