Not sure how I feel about Beauty Inside, I try to watch it and be happy abt LMK’s comeback but I just cant enjoy the rich dude character/chaebol. Sigh. Will try to watch it again when it ends.


    Same let’s cry together


      Why did he have to go and ruin 13 years of having never played a rich asshole


        I don’t mind him playing a chaebol if the story was done right. But something’s awfully wrong about this show… it’s just like a showcase of rich beautiful people, totally lost the meaning of the original film. I like both leads but I’m thinking about dropping this show.


          It’s not the end of the world. There will be more dramas and movies in both of their futures.

          That’s what I keep telling myself lol.

          When I see the ratings keep rising and how it’s apparently the current most buzzworthy drama, I feel so conflicted. I can’t stand to watch this (I wouldn’t have even watched ep 2 if Beanies hadn’t forced me on Rabbit) but I’m happy for him.

          IT’S FINE.


          Yes—they didn’t keep any of the original tone, which is why I dropped it after seeing one episode.


      Mindy how are youuuuuuuu my friendddddddd. It’s been a long time! *hugs


        It haaaaaaas! I just got back from a DB/drama-watching hiatus! I’m good, how are you?! Whichh dramas have you been watching??


          Gooood tooo :’)

          well I used to watch quite a lot of currently on going dramas but ended up dropping some. Here are I enjoy so far:
          The Guest
          Matrimonial chaos
          Fox bride star
          How abt you?


            I’m watching:

            The Third Charm
            Fox Bride Star
            100 Million Stars

            And I’m really liking all 3 of them! I need to start Matrimonial Chaos, too!


    I felt the same. Can’t he play a character like that in ‘I really really like you’ or ‘evasive inquiry agency’ again? I think those kinds of street-smart, middle-class characters suit him more. It also doesn’t help that he’s such a horrible rude guy here.


      Chaebol jerk is the only role now that I’ve seen him in where he hasn’t been convincing or engaging and…. I’m not mad about that lol it’s my most hated character archetype and I hope he doesn’t play it again.

      I was just thinking a while ago that he has never played a chaebol and I didn’t think it would suit him if he did. Looks like I was right.

      It’s fine I still love him. Nam Se-hee was too awesome, there needs to be a balance in the world I guess. At least at this point his next role HAS to be better


        ‘At least at this point his next role HAS to be better-
        Amen to that. I don’t know, I’m not sure how I feel about chaebol characters, good souls could be out there too, [like shopping king Louis?] just that dramaland needs to give us more of that as well. :S What really made me mad here is his treatment with the main lady and that was quite off-putting. And for me it’s like a momentary decision whether I would come to love or hate a character. So although I have no doubt about his acting abilities, this role is just not working for me lol, and same goes for you I guess. 😬
        Here’s to hoping he comes back with a realistic, more believable role next time.
