Recently, a friend I haven’t spoken to in at least 10 years texted me (yes, a text, and not a Facebook post) to wish me happy birthday and asked how I’ve been doing. I immediately wondered if she was trying to sell me insurance.

Not sure if K-dramas have taught me well, or fed my overthinking tendencies 😶


    So did she sell you insurance? Lol. I get the same feeling when somebody texts me out of nowhere after not contacting me for so long.


      I just said hello and thank you without answering the “How have you been”, and she hasn’t replied. So thankfully, no! I do recall her being a doctor, and I don’t think she’s changed career paths. But it was still quite awkward so I didn’t try to keep up the convo.


    I am also weary when ppl text me out of nowhere. Because more times than not they want something. Which sucks, but I’m a horrible texter so I don’t get that upset. Well, I try not to. Hopefully you had a good chat with your friend though. Happy late birthday! 🎉🎂


      Thank you! ^^ I didn’t have much to say because we haven’t spoken in so long, so I just thanked her and she hasn’t replied, which I don’t mind.


        I see. I haven’t really seen anyone from high school since we graduated and I really don’t want to, so I understand that it might be better if the conversation ends there. Still nice that she texted you:)
