Because I accidentally spoiled myself, I was prepared for what the twist at the end of ep 10 of The Light in Your Eyes was. But I sure wasn’t prepared for how it was revealed.

There’s the shakiness of the handheld camera, the skewed angles, the roiling sea (an apt backdrop, for it often symbolises life and hardship); the slow cello music and the quick cuts between fragments of Hye-ja’s memories, and the layering of dissonant audio feedback over the melodic music. All of these carefully constructed elements were put together to produce an instant sense of disorientation that connects us to Hye-ja’s perspective.


    The scene was painfully disorienting for me too… I wish I had been spoiled. Good job noticing the musical elements. 👍🏼


    It was one of the most well-constructed scenes I’ve seen in a drama.
