Dropped Angel’s Last Mission

Started Prison Playbook

It’s a weird switch but life’s too short to be watching dramas that are driving you up a wall, and after recommending PP to a friend because she wanted a Reply-like show, I decided to start it myself

So far, I really like it. It has that slow, mellow quality to it that endears me so much to Reply ‘88. And it feels retro even though it’s set in modern times (AND I LOVE IT)

I’m not crazy over it yet but I’ve only watched the first episode so far, and I know this one’s going to be a slow yet strong burn.


    Good choice. I too only watch things I enjoy. I’m not getting any younger. And Prison Playbook is a good one! Enjoy!


    I have the latest two episodes of ALML but thinking of dropping it, too. I have yet to watch Prison Playbook but it’s been in my To Be Watched list since it premiered. Let me know how it goes for you.


    Great Choice!

    I loved that it was an ensemble cast, and I have a soft spot for ragtags who become like family to each other.
    PP was amazing from start to finish, and one of the best dramas last years!


    PP is such a joy!!! Enjoy!
