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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

Javabeans, the things that you do in the name of blogging is by far faster than a speeding virus in the internet. haha! Many many thanks for the recap! The success of your blog surely reflects your remarkable writing skills. So don't get pressured uploading stuff for us. You started this blog because you love to write and just wanted to share your insights. If at any point it became a chore just to appease us, then we apologise for the inconvenience. The least we can do is wait (right everyone?). And everything you do is really worth the wait. :)

And about this episode, we're definitely in the eye of the storm. 14th eppy is in the midst...(uhm, no pressure there Ms. Javabeans. Seriously)


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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

A whole day for you to do all this, that is pretty damn fast. Hey for me waiting for the latest installment of Coffee Prince is 1/4 of the fun. The build-up of anticipation until you finally get to read the latest post, wowwee!!! it makes my night. Thanks for all your efforts it is really appreciated. You are so right, waiting for the next episode and the heartbreak that they might or might not heap on you is a real killer... anyway my heart can take it, it has been hardened and trained by previous K-drama. So I say bring it on!!!


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Series Preview: Oh Su Jung

Series Preview: Oh Su Jung

by javabeans

Dramabeans, i hope you get this series a chance. I watched the first two episodes and it seems pretty good so far....Got this from another website "This show is best described as The Fantasy Couple peudo-sequel of sort, featuring all the elements of the original. Um Jung Hwa looks incredibly good for a 39 year old woman and is almost as funny as Han Yeosul's Jo Anna. Oh Ji Ho's performance is more restrained but very good nevertheless. I would recommend this series to The Fantasy Couple fans since it has all the elements of the original series and could be considered a first true clone."


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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

tks a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ur summary is amazingly sweet, clear and useful \(^.^)/ love coffee prince love coffee prince love coffee prince love..................


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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

Thank you so much for your wonderful recap. ^_^


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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

Yeah, you work really fast! I always come here for your caps before I dl subbed episodes.. love the way you go into all the details
I wish I knew Korean T_T Can't wait for subs to be out~~


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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

Wow - how can people complain that you're not quick enough! You work at the speed of light ... and I love you for it! *chu* Hey you impatient guys, give her a break! *takes up fighting stance* LOL! ^-^
Awww - such a cute episode. But like you, I can feel the storm-clouds gathering ........ I mean there's how many more episodes to go so of course SOMETHING(S) are going to happen. Can't wait (as always) for the next episode! >.


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Coffee Prince: Twelfth Cup

Coffee Prince: Twelfth Cup

by javabeans


The meeting-in-the-middle scene is the sweetest scene among all the kdramas I've watched. Kudos to the script writer/s and director, and also to YEH and Gong Yoo's superb acting! :))


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Coffee Prince 1-Episode Extension Confirmed

Coffee Prince 1-Episode Extension Confirmed

by javabeans

thunderbolt, shirley: many thanks for pointing me towards the subs for TNV. I never thought to check whether there were any, I was so busy getting hold of the raws after I was suddenly alerted to who the PD was. The subs will be really useful, though actually I'm trying to wean myself off English subs.

I'd reckoned it would take a couple or more years of hard slog at the language manuals before I got that far, but then my Korean-learning experience was transformed by javabeans fantastic summaries, and more recently by her posting all those scripts here, which suddenly activated somewhere in my ageing brain loads of stuff that I'd stored there from all those tedious course books but which had never really "clicked" before.

Why do the authors of Korean teaching manuals try so hard to make the language seem utterly dreary and boring? My suggestion to the Ministry of Culture: shut down all departments trying to teach Korean to foreigners, redirect their salary budget to getting still more space and bandwith for this site and replace their classroms by combined DVD-and-PC-bangs equipped with the best KDrama series, but with only Hangul subtitles, and where following javabeans blog in real time would be only compulsory assignment. It would spread happiness to thousands of people, and a lot more of them would actually end up knowing real Korean.

Heck, panic!!! Less than an hour til CP starts to stream and my Windows has suddenly gone silent, telling me "This machine has no audio devices attached". All those job-threatened teachers of Korean have obviously started to gang up on me even before I got to click the "Submit" button.


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Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

Coffee Prince: Thirteenth Cup

by javabeans

Thanks a lot for this post! =) I am actually on the verge of breaking down because I can't find subtitled videos for episodes 11-13. I can't find them in youtube. Can you suggest sites to surf to look for the episodes? Thanks a lot. :)

Your post just made my day extra-extra special. I LOVE COFFEE PRINCE!♥


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