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Air City: Episode 12

Air City: Episode 12

by javabeans

sarahbeans.. yay!! you managed to finish this off - * pat pat*.. just stopping by to cheer you on!!!!


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by javabeans

Eve, if you have a blog, you can use a third-party (free) hosting site to upload the mp3 file to, then link using the wordpress audio player code (make sure you use a third-party site that allows hotlinking though, otherwise it won't work). Another option is to buy the space upgrade which allows you to upload it directly to your blog, which is nice if that works for you because there's no bandwidth limit.


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song index

song index

by javabeans

EL, I'm not sure which song you mean? But you can always try dl'ing at for drama soundtracks.

coollady, thank you and i'm glad you enjoy the music! i do wonder which songs people like more and i love that you like those artists because i figure you can go anywhere for mainstream kpop -- i'm more interested in the lesser-known but good-quality stuff. (kind of like my stance on dramas too, now that i think about it.)


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Air City: Episode 12

Air City: Episode 12

by javabeans

Javabeans...thank you so much for all your writeup on various series. I enjoy the discussion more than the AC drama, which is sad because it started with so much potential. The only good thing is that it introduces me to LJJ's acting skill.

In terms of supporting WithS2 fansub, I was wondering what is the net $ the group gets based on different method of contribution. For example, $100 contribution, do you get the entire amount or is there a charge based on the payment method chosen.


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Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

Que Sera Sera: Episode 5

by javabeans

wajing, i'm sorry, that's one of the songs that i've been unable to figure out! it drove me crazy for days... :( seriously, i looked for it in english, korean, and even spanish since it had a latin beat and thought it might be a latin song.


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Air City: Episode 12

Air City: Episode 12

by javabeans

hey emily, wanna answer ginnie's question? my answer would be that our coordinators frequently use money out of their own pocket to keep the fansub group running smoothly, like providing resources for the team members to enable us to work on files quickly and easily, server space and costs, etc. i believe withs2 also donates quite a bit to d-addicts and soompi, which both have very demanding server loads and costs. those groups also have donation links (i can't post them b/c wordpress only allows one link, but you can find them at their sites).

it's basically to break even so that people don't actually LOSE money fansubbing (frankly i think time is precious enough, without adding money to the equation!) although I think our lovely coordis are willing to put in the time and money.


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Air City: Episode 12

Air City: Episode 12

by javabeans

Shoot. I hope Lady Doctor does not get terminally ill.

Thanks for the summary. Actually I quite like the part when they tricked the hackers to the planeless gate. I didn't expect that.

p.s. Javabeans, I saw that you added a new link to support fansubbing, which I think is very worthwhile. Can you let me know how does the group use the fund raised?


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Bad Couple: Episode 8

Bad Couple: Episode 8

by javabeans

Ubo, the time it takes to write up a summary really varies (a lot) depending on the drama, but I generally watch the show while taking screencaps, then pick out the screencaps I want to post, upload them, then write the summary.

For a show like Bad Couple, I zip through them pretty quickly and it doesn't take much time at all. On the other hand, Que Sera Sera took me hours and hours because (1) it had complicated dialogue, and I felt I couldn't leave out things because things wouldn't make sense without them, (2) I wanted to give the show the proper attention I thought it deserved, so I took my time, and (3) it was thought-provoking and sapped a lot of brain power to think about. I'd say QSS easily took double the time than Bad Couple or Witch Amusement. So anywhere from an hour (not including watching them) upward. Actually, the writing part is probably the easiest/fastest -- the time-consuming part is uploading and formatting the text/links/pics.


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Air City: Episode 12

Air City: Episode 12

by javabeans

Hanizah, I have mixed feelings on watching things live (or nearly live) too. On one hand, it sucks when something you've been enjoying takes a turn for the worse. But there are benefits too... If you don't watch something live, you'll miss out on a lot of the great conversations and analyses that are difficult to carry on once the drama has finished airing -- and in the case of some really great shows, the discussions are fascinating. I loved the discourse brought up by Que Sera Sera, for instance -- you can just look at the comments (and comment counts) for QSS versus all the other summaries here and get an idea.

So despite the disappointment, I don't think it's all bad. It's just a little tricky predicting what kind of drama something will turn out to be.


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Air City: Episode 12

Air City: Episode 12

by javabeans

Thanks javabeans. This will my first and last k-drama that I'll be watching post-live just as it is being broadcasted in Korea. My formerly insatiable curiosity has been somewhat quashed by this pretty scary forum and blog culture. Maybe I should stick to the safer subject of clinical research. I will visit your blog till you finish the series and hope AirCity won't give any of us bad indigestion. Cheers!


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