So, I finished Age of Youth/ Hello My Twenties and loved it. There were things I would have liked to know more about, but also, that means every crack was filled with meaning – always more to explore.


    I loved Age of Youth as a whole, and season 2 especially (some new characters were good additions).


      There was so much to love.
      Some of the villains we said goodbye to in the first season were excellent choices, too. The terrible, terrible boyfriend and the terrible, terrible restaurant owner were both pretty good-looking, which is way better than having a villain you can spot from a mile off.
      Ji-won of course was fantastic … The fact that she was so oversexed she scared people off, and that this was actually a change that had happened to her at one point, was … it’s a truth rarely acknowledged and especially rarely displayed in comedy! Also that exactly the wrong kind of guy took her up on her word about wanting to lose her virginity. (Fainting while still at the party came in handy there).
