I’m sad the WTF-ery of the last couple episodes overshadowed Kwak Dong-yeon’s just heart-rending performance in15. I cried immensely when he called his wife over the intercom and their tear-filled tear-filled reunion. Then his encounter with the “real” dad and his thugs. Protect that man at all costs please. And he’s one that I’ve always thought was underrated and just an amazing actor. I would switch out half the screen time KSH has with him in this show instead.


    He is an incredible actor and put everyone to shame.


    He is that one good thing that came out of this whataboutery. Give him a drama already.


    I hope he gets more opportunities after this. Something good has to come from QoT’s success.


      For sure! Also, T, am grading tomorrow (my time) so can take a bit of time to chat about LR if you have time!


        I feel like tomorrow’s episode will be crazy. Hahaha, I’m already excited to talk about it!


          Me too and ditto!


          T, do you think that the person who bumped into Sol/deliberately knocked her phone out could be Taesung? That fan theory is fuelled by the speculation that he has also slipped through time!


            Emma, I haven’t watch the episode yet, so when I watch it I can post something so we can talk there. Let’s not spam poor Ally’s notifications. 😆


            I totally believe that! I wrote it on my timeline too!


    He deserves all the love. I sure hope he gets a very good lead role from this


    He did that answer so beautifully without sounding too boring.
    Btw, was KDY part of the “Young actors’ retreat”? Am too lazy to look it up but I’m pretty sure he was. If I’m not mistaken and I could be, he was quite shy and said he didn’t enjoy being the center of attention. I’ve heard some actors say this and given their profession, the dichotomy fascinates me.


      Yes he is in Young Actors Retreat part of the Love in the Moonlight Team. 😊


    Sorry Ally! Will take the LR convo elsewhere.


      I don’t mind at all! Talk about LR here! The more engagement the better for my chances of leveling up!


        Thank you Ally! Will give you a hand for sure so you can level up.
        Have you watched ep 7 as yet?


        @enriquequierecagar: Ally wants a little traffic so am helping her.
        One question which I think about is why didn’t they contact each other in the 14 years in this timeline as the respective versions existing? I understand what is needed to drive the timeslip narrative and the motivations but even in a fictional context, doesn’t make sense. Life is so transitory: it is unreliable for most of us and ephemeral. They should have at least reached out to each other.


          I think the old Imsol had absolutely no memory after the kidnapping (both times). She woke back up in 2008 still dating Taesung. She probably thought Sunjae was stalking her and cut contact with him back in high school. When he became famous, she had no recollection of him to even reach out to him. I think the time slip actually makes sense why they didn’t contact each other.


          OG Sol never had a relationship with Sun Jae in the first place. She became his fan after the accident, and that’s why she had a connection to him (from 2023 Sol perspective).

          But in this new timeline she doesn’t even have that. She wasn’t even his fan since he didn’t saved her. From OG Sol of this new timeline, Sun Jae is just a regular famous person. She probably knows him from the news, but that’s it.

          This Sol cares about Sun Jae, because she has the memories of the original timeline (which doesn’t makes sense to me, but that isn’t the point), where he saved her by saying all those things in the radio program.


            I got everything muddled! The OG Sol time-slipped into a new timeline in the future with all her memories, including her disability and timeslip to the past where she got to know the pre-fame Sunjae. The Sol that she replaced though had clearly known Sunjae from his reaction. What did that Sol do in the intervening 14 years? Could it be plausible that the reason Sunjae knows her in this future because he timeslipped into this future hoping she would arrive there? This is all a delicious mindfuck.


            Ohhhh, yeah.

            And according to my own time travel logic, 2023 Sol deleted the OG timeline and created a new one. Both, her and OG Sol, should have no memories of Sun Jae.

            But this show is mixing the memories of the OG timeline and the memories of this new one. I think. So I guess they’re keeping the original timeline as something that really happened. Like, instead of re-writing the past, what she did was split it (which doesn’t makes sense so far, but wtv) at some point in time.

            If there are two alternative timelines, then all the things she did in the past with Sun Jae did happen, and that’s why he remembers her as his friend (or wtv they were) instead of a secret crush/person he hurt.

            But she didn’t change things from one crucial moment, she literally changed everything from the past, and OG Sol didn’t remember/know anything (because she didn’t live it, her future self did, which doesn’t count), so I don’t really get the logic behind Sol having both memories… Mindfuck indeed.


            So I think that when adult Imsol (who was paralyzed) came back, she suppressed her teenaged self when she got there (which is why the old Imsol thought she was possessed by a spirit and they had that shaman scene). Both Imsols inhabit the same body at the same time, but the teenaged Imsol can’t remember anything the adult Imsol does while possessing her body. When she left the second time, teenaged Imsol lives her best life, without any knowledge about who saved her. Now, I think that there was another time she must have been kidnapped again, that she also has suppressed due to trauma and maybe SunJae saved her then too, and that’s what he remembers as well. SunJae and Taesung (and her friends and family for that matter) as teenagers remember the adult Imsol while she was in the teenaged Imsol’s body. They probably thought the stress of the kidnapping gave her selective amnesia of what happened to her while the adult Imsol has her body. But because adult Imsol has a stronger spirit than the teenaged one, I think she can also access teenaged Imsol’s memories, which is why she has flashbacks of what happened to the teenaged Imsol and then of the adult Imsol that martured from the teenaged one, when she reawakens in 2023. Future Imsol has memories of both timelines. And I think her grandmother does too. I am so distraught about the rest of this drama though. The serial killer is still on the loose because the first timeline Sunjae caught him, even though Imsol ended up being paralyzed, but not in the second. Like, I haven’t watched the 8th episode, but think my nerves probably will need to wait until the end to finish this because I’m really not in the headspace for all this back and forth timeline with Imsol’s life still in danger at every point. I hope the romcom vibes stay strong though. Episode 7 was a riot with the chaos and misunderstandings.


            Her heartbreak at not being able to even meet him (because there was no reason to) was so 💔 😔


            Ally’s idea of “adult Imsol has a stronger spirit than the teenaged one, I think she can also access teenaged Imsol’s memories” seems legit but I perhaps there is another possibility.

            Sol-19 saved by Sun-Jae-19 was paralyzed in the original timeline.

            Sol-34 was saved by Sun-Jae-19 or Sun-Jae-34 (coz his watch was on as he swam towards her) two times i.e. both times she time traveled.

            So Tabong is right – mindfuck indeed.


            These are the pictures of the two rescues by Sun-Jeae each time S time travelled. Both times his watch it lit up.



