Beanie level: Loan shark with a heart of gold

Tabong during the entire episode: I don’t know what to think about this couple…
*Mi Ho counts how many zeros Il Yeong’s bank account has*
Tabong: .. but I think I feel good about them. I hope they have a happy life.

I thought the whole thing about the car was a joke, but I guess not. Now he’s really looking handsome enough to ignore his flaws.



Il Yeong: why won’t you tell her…
Tabong: YEAH, why won’t you tell heβ€”
Il Yeong: …about Hyun Woo oppa.
Tabong: wait, what? no… What? NO. Dude, why won’t you tell her that lobster dad is waiting to kill her?
Wtf is wrong with these people’s priorities.

Btw, that was probably the weirdest phone call ever. I think Eun Ha wasn’t paying attention at all. He was like “stay home because I say so… Oh, yeah, pretty please?” and she was like “…yeah, I’m going out right now. You are welcome, babe.” LMAO



    β€˜Il Yeong: why won’t you tell her…
    Tabong: YEAH, why won’t you tell heβ€”
    Il Yeong: …about Hyun Woo oppa.
    Tabong: wait, what? no… What? NO. Dude, why won’t you tell her that lobster dad is waiting to kill her?’
    Wtf is wrong with these people’s priorities. 👈🏾thank you for saying what I have been thinking. I just don’t get the β€˜no one mention she could be at risk’ approach to protection as they fight it out in the β€˜who can increase the risk factor the most’ stakes😬😞.
    Every time she is out and about they play it so we think β€˜this is it’ she will be kidnapped or attempts to kill her will be made and then all is well so we will lower our guard and suddenly they will have the crisis and of course they have strung it out so it will happen in a way that means we will be stressed in the last week instead of having a decent amount of time watching them have fun in happy ever after land.


      They’re making it hard to enjoy anything.

      When Eun Ha and Ji Hwan met at the end of the episode, I was convinced something was going to happen to her. Until she didn’t get very, but, VERY close to Ji Hwan, I couldn’t relax.


    I’m just here for the tags… πŸ™‚


The bestie gave me She Was Pretty war flashbacks. 😖 I really hope her crush on the ML isn’t anything serious.

PS. Why is the uncle the best part of the show? He’s hilarious. 😆



    Oh yeah, She Was Pretty, haven’t thought of that drama in a while. Just finished ep 1, we’ll see how this goes…


Jae Soo is my bias but Eun Ha is my wrecker. 😆

It was adorable to see Jae Soo trying to help Il Yeong even when the boy wouldn’t tell him what’s going on, and it was super cute how he told the other boys to go home after midnight so Ji Hwan and Eun Ha could have a cute and sexy home date.
He’s so supportive and protective of his family. And I love him for that.

BUT THEN Eun Ha has to be super thoughtful and caring and mature and cute. I loved how she told Ji Hwan to take his time telling her everything, and that he can rely on her. And I couldn’t stop smiling when she help the boys with the show for the kids.

Whatever, I will make them both my number 1. 😖
Like mama deer, like deerling. They’re both super cute. 🥺💚

Q. Beanies, do you have a favorite deer?



    lol that last hashtag… when the kid said abt Man ho being scary… i was like he is scary ????
    how come that chubby bubbly deer is remotely scary.. that was so harsh on him.
    but yes i too found kdrama family for all time for me.. before this i loved Still 17s family but this one is going to be my most memorable n lovable family (am already having separateion anxiety thinking how my life will be after 2 weeks)


      It’s true the Still 17 family is hard to beat but this one is on a different level because they show that no one is all good or all bad and with nurturing can grow into the better version of themselves


      Oh yay! Still 17 is the best but uri Deer family is the best-est. ❤️🥳


      IKR? I was like “girl, he’s like a walking teddy bear, what…”

      17 but 30’s family is iconic but our deer family is making competition!!

      I feel you about not wanting to let this go. They have two weeks to make a season 2, because this is literally the only show I’m watching right now.


        yes absolutely… Deer family is giving real good competition to Still17 family…
        and yes 2 weeks for 2nd season… and i see there is good scope for that but then i feel 2nd season kind of hardly lives upto the expectation of season 1… so i think ending is on the best note possible is my only hope… cause i can live with a big poster on my room’s wall of this awwdorable family to remember the journey i had with them.


    favorite deerling? easily Man Ho. I will be sticking to anyone who gives me food like a tick. I mean even shaved ice!I am going to be glued to the kitchen.


    Hong-gi was the MVP this week with his perceptiveness. But it is hard to beat Jae-soo and his dad jokes😂😂😂


      Jae Soo’s humor is the real reason why he’s my fave. He’s so funny.

      Hong Gi understood the situation even faster than the people involved in it. I almost died when he was like “girl wake up, he doesn’t like you. Don’t waste time in those heels”


      Yess, and his utter and total exasperation when the other deerlings weren’t catching on, hilarious 🤣


    Thank you T. Your posts and hashtags are the sweetest. I love our whole Deer family but my favourite has to be Ji-hwan Sweetie. 🫰🌹


      Ji Hwan is papa deer, but this week he was so cute and embarrassing he seemed like the maknae. LOL I love him.


      ditto same to same.. Ji Hwanie is my #1 but ill keep Hong Gi right below him.. that boy is perceptive more than anyone else in the family.. his heart is on Ye Na for now but his love for Eun Han Hyungnim is just sooo pure…


        Hong Gi is brilliant. His acting in ep 11 breakfast scene – WHILE TALKING! it is not easy to coordinate. Im always amazed how they pull of smooth scenes with many people, action, expressions and dialogue. I wonder if they or the PD have theatric experience. you could take the scenes put it on stage and make them act live and they will pull it off im sure.


          absolutely…that breakfast scene was soo well done… all 3 in sync and perfectly timed… all actors are brilliant here and as you said can have theatric experience to act so naturally.
          and i also feel this show as an editing marvel… how much work is done in editing to look all the actions, reactions, expressions so smooth and without missing the essence that actors performance so flawlessly…. i really watch these sooo many times to understand the work behind.


            I think it is as much planning as editing. the behind the scene shows them practice many times and PD really taking care setting it all up.


            @redfox obviously without those well planned footages, well acted scenes editing wont work this well.
            i just said editing here is great by putting it all together so well to enhance the overall impact of those comic scenes


Only Man Ho can call Eun Ha sis in law and hope she dates a guy that isn’t his bro at the same time. And of course Jae Soo is supporting that notion. LMAO

They really consider her family now. It doesn’t even matter who she dates, she’s not going anywhere. They don’t even care about Ji Hwan. 😂😂😂

…But not Hyun Woo, please. Have higher standards guys.

PS. We’re not adding Ye Na to the family, right?



Oh my cat, FINALLY.

Happy monday-like Wednesday, deer beanies. Let’s have a lovely day/night!
My (kdrama) week finally started.



I know that in kdramaland women don’t follow any birth control plans, motels don’t even know what condoms are, and all one night stands are “the one” but PLEASE DON’T TURN THIS INTO PROPAGANDA.

Even if kdramaland women don’t really have a choice because “do you want to keep the baby” isn’t even a question in this land, do not turn Mi Ho’s storyline into propaganda. Do not do this to Mi Ho.



    Sigh … I 💯 agree I don’t want Gu Mi-ho to be in this type of storyline. She was perfect – be your own Prince Charming – role model. The kind little girls want to be when they grow up.


    This turn of events was definitely a disappointment for me. Now the story is all about the baby, and how that brings them together, rather than the much more interesting and realistic story of two young people who are very attracted to each other and want to move forward together but who are struggling to communicate properly after a torrid one night stand. I hope the show surprises me but for now, this remains my one disappointment with this show.


      The fact that everyone in the deer family already know makes me more worried. It makes it almost certain that the pregnancy will become a big deal. And that really sucks after what she said in episode 9. Like you said, we had a realistic and interesting couple. And Mi Ho’s characterization was fantastic until then.
      It’s kinda crazy that after they made her that girl that has control over her life, body and decisions; and clearly establish that a night of enjoyment/passion wasn’t a mistake but choice, and one she doesn’t regret, they reduce it to this.

      I’m begging for a twist.


    I hate this. I lost interest in this couple right then and there. You were doing so well show.
    Please surprise me. Maker her have Covid and I forgive you.


      Yes, please.
      Tell me it was COVID, or that test was wrong or that she has an extended hang over, Idk, anything…



I love Eun Ha so much. Uri Ji Hwan almost had a heart attack.



I can’t stop thinking of Joon’s cameo. It felt like he was truly enjoying the role. LMAO



I think there’s something wrong with the title of this show (The Woman Who Plays) because the girls here aren’t playing games.

Min Ho and Eun Ha know exactly what they want and they know exactly what they deserve. And they’re not taking any less than that.

Ji Hwan and Il Yeong need to get their shirts together ASAP, because our girls deserve the best NOW.



    Ha, I did yell out loud at the screen/JH β€œdude, you need to get your sh*t TOGETHER!”😾


      I feel you. He was low-key pissing me off. 😆

      Eun Ha said “don’t confuse me” and he responded with “so how many mixed signals do you want?”
      Like, dude, c’mon. 🤦


        Really, if it hadn’t been interspersed with humor from the gang, the show would be getting quite boring with all his angst-ing 🙄


          Like Gaga says, he was given her a million reasons to walk away, without one good one to stay. LOL
          I hope he does the contrary today.

          And you’re right. The show is too good with the comedy. That’s why I couldn’t stay mad at him for long during the entire episode.


        I might be the minority but I am low key enjoying all this angst. Because the person suffering the most is Seo Ji Hwan and he caused it himself.
        I like that they have other things happening which keeps me entertained so I am not too bothered by this angst. This is quite delicious he he.


    I absolutely love how these two females are written. Gosh, such emotionally intelligent women who speak their mind, yet are kind and thoughtful. They also know how to protect their own hearts. I love them both!!


Am I the only one who cried with these scenes? 😔 I love learning about the lobster-past. They really are a family.
Btw, can we adopt Taek and his cute sis too?

Okay, but the real question is HOW TALL ARE YOU, IL YEONG? Dude is a giraffe (Kwang Soo?) or something.


    Il Young shouldnt blame himself for not being there. Ji Hwan did right for sending him away that time. It would be worse had Il Young gotten stabbed instead, in the confusion it might have put Ji hwan in jail for life


      I think what’s really hurting Il Yeong is that he ignored the calls. If Ji Hwan hadn’t survived… damn.


        I really appreciate that the show is adding depth to other relationships. The backstory reveal was well done and well timed.


          This flashback explained so much about their relationship and Il Yeong in general.

          I just love how we keep learning more and more about our family!


Family portrait completed!!

PS. I love how Man Ho keeps calling Eun Ha “sis in law” and no one corrects him.
And I also loved how Jae Soo called the whole gang “family.” 🥺💚



This show needs to borrow QoT’s OST because she’s FALLING, beanies!! Our girl is in love!

Jelly Eun Ha is so cute! It was hilarious to see her act all petty! She almost made her man choke on eggs, LMAO

Deer papa scolding the kids and deer mama defending them. 🤭
And uri not-human Mi Ho acting all petty because Il Yeong said it was a mistake (petty besties).
I love these couples!!
Also, are they going to start calling Mi Ho sis in law too?

PS. Why are they giving Jae Soo the best lines? From “Gumiho? She isn’t human?” To “Introductions? Why don’t you introduce what you did with hyung-nim last night?”
I love him!!!



Usually, I never notice characters’ clothes unless they’re like really pretty or really ugly. But I like that for once I noticed a little detail in the characters’ outfits.

One teacher, the one with long hair, buys the other bread for breakfast, and tells her that she should treat her right of they’re both “on the same side.”
Later, while they’re are eating I notice that they’re wearing clothes with the same color.

I don’t know if they did it with the intention of showing that they’re one team, but I thought that was super cute. Like a little message for the viewers.



    Same here on the “really pretty or really ugly part”
    It reminds me of the outfits in It’s Okay to not be Okay which were mind boggling gorgeous
    and it reminds me of My Lovely Liar where the outfit choices were kinda odd. Was it the skirt over the jeans look?


Am I the only one with an empty week?

Midnight Stress in Hagwon, Cinderella, Dare to Love Me, Interview with the Vampire, Girls on Fire…, just everything I was watching ended. So if the new dramas aren’t good dramas, I’m more doomed than a Korean crossing the street when there’s a white truck on sight.

I shouldn’t have binged The Bear and We Are Lady Parts. 🤦

But tomorrow is lobster/deer day!! Finally! 😁 Hurray for that!


    Have you watched all shows or do you only watch current shows


      😆 neither. I watch old shows, but the problem is that I binge them, so I still have nothing to watch for the rest of the of the week.
      That’s why I need a few dramas airing weekly.

      And tbh, I’ve watched/dropped/put on hold a lot of shows, so it gets harder every time to find something to watch.


        Have you watched Military prosecutor Doberman ?
        Gritty, lots of fighting, but really great show


          I have it on hold. 😔 I watched half of it when it was airing.


            I bet better as a binge. I’m not one at all for violence or really anything like that show but the leads did such a good job I was very focused on them and their investigation. Actually I sort of fell bad even suggesting it but for someone who has seen lots of shows it’s so different. But ABH has my heart right now so that helps a lot haha🤣😍


            I like action so don’t worry.
            I really liked the show back then. Actually, I think it had a consistent mini fanbase here when it was airing. 🤔

            Anyway, I probably put it on hold because of bad timing, but I really liked the show. I think my favorite thing was Jo Bo A in badass mode. Her fight scenes were pretty cool. I still can remember her action scenes with the song “my zone” in the background.


            Absolutely Jo Bo A made the show! I was so impressed. She added the toughness. It was great to see her role as the enforcer type. Great casting to get her on that. Now we need to see her in some better roles like this. Not Destined


    Same story! LR bought me back to dramaland but I am again stuck with nothing to watch other than Sweet Cheekbones (mobster)
    I am rewatching Sky Castle, such a good show!!


      LOL Sweet Cheekbones is the highlight of the week.
      Sky Castle is gooood. Glad you’re enjoying the rewatch!

      Let’s hope we get more GOOD shows soon!


    My week sucks too I am padding with a variety show and oldies. I just finished The most beautiful goodbye in the world which had me raging at the screen due to one character’s decision making he was like the mother in The good bad mother and the dad from Welcome to Samdalri rolled into one😡 The slice of life with complex characters reminded me of Dear my friends turns out it is the same writer.


      Oh, no. If it was like the mom from The Bad Bad Mother, and the dad from Run Away From San Dal-ri, then it was an atrocious character.

      Let’s ask the universe for some good dramas soon!


    waiting for Mobster I started Save me 2 but it is a little too heavy right now. tho good. movie-like execution. but should have maybe even been a movie instead. dont know if I can do many episodes


      I get you. I started Bitter Sweet Hell, but that vibe isn’t what I need right now. :c

      I hope you keep enjoying Save Me! ^^


    I only watch Sweet Mobster on air (today is the day!). But these days I’m on a holiday trip, so I only have time to watch something before going to sleep. I’m watching Racket Boys too.


      Today is the day!! Yay! *happy dance*
      Racket Boys! ^^ Such a heartwarming show.

      I hope you’re enjoying your trip to the max!! <3


    I don’t see Connection on your list. It’s riveting and ends this week, so there you go! I bet it’ll be a good binge watch.


      True. 🤔
      It isn’t my type of show. But since many beanies seem to love, I’m thinking of giving it another chance.


I’m going to miss this show. 🥺
I’m gonna miss my weekly dosis of stress and darkness. And I’m gonna remember the few moments when they turn the lights on. LOL

I’ll also miss all the debates and reflections about life and education. I can’t wait to get my “diploma” too.



I didn’t know I needed an entire episode of just Jun Ho spitting facts on people’s faces, BUT I’M HERE FOR IT.
I guess I was scared for nothing.



Okay, so my beanie level changed and now all I can think of is how cooler it would be if it said “lobster with a heart of gold” instead. 😂

Yes, I want it to be Wednesday already. I’m obsessed


I can’t decided who’s the cutest member of the family!!!
That little dimple though… 🥺

Oh, beanies. What a fun couple of episodes. I live for their chaotic energy!! This show is so charming and sweet. And I love how pure the concept of the show is. I loved seeing more Thirsty employees and hearing their stories! This show would be perfect for me if only one character disappeared. However, like TRStones said, we can’t always get what we want. But I definitely got what I needed. This is such a lovely drama.



    It’s the only thing I’m watching right now that I truly love and enjoy from start to finish of every episode. (I like “Midnight Romance,” too, but it’s definitely a more taxing watch.) “Mobster” feels like the perfect romcom with humor and poignancy in equal measure. I had zero expectations for this show when the promos came out, and didn’t even think I’d watch it. But it’s absolutely wonderful. Stay good, show!


      I feel the same. This drama is a pleasant surprise.
      I clicked episode 1 without knowing what it was about, and with very low expectations. But now I’m such a big fan.

      Fingers crossed!


      Tbh from the Barbie promos I was expecting more “fairytale” from this than the Cinderella show but both shows have surprised and warmed my heart with their deep and heartfelt emotional beats. 👏👏👏👏 These are the kind of shows we live for. 🥰❤


    This show has my whole 💙. And uri mobster has bewitched me body and soul 🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍

    What a fantastic set of episodes.


    Episode 6 has been the best one so far, imo.
    There are very good comedy moments in this show.


    These episodes were hilarious and sweet! The way he was fixated on SHOULDERS reminded me a lot of our Knight Flowerβ€˜s fixation on ABS. *cackles* 🤣

    And yay for our second couple!!! 🫠🔥🔥


    their academic hopelessness tho. not even knowing whether you did finish elementary school or not.
    they all have some good strengths that, if society allowed it, would take them to the top.
    also some realness about the world we live in is that urge to post everything online and unable to keep it secret
    the freezer is tropey
    the doggy rocks


    Your hashtags are the best. I agree with your views on Prosecutor-nim but then it only helps us appreciate uri Sweeties all the more. I can’t wait for the show to wipe that smug look off his face when he truly realizes how “handsome and manly” uri Penguin Thug is. 🐧 🤗


      I would enjoy seeing his smug look wiped off his face, but maybe we can get him out of our faces first? Like, I wouldn’t mind if he just disappears. 😂


        I won’t mind either, neither would Kwon Yul – as long as the gets the check!! 😂🤣 But I’m afraid we are going to ffwd quite a few scenes each episode. But I don’t want to miss gems like uri Shoulder Thug growling in the backseat.


That’s not a regular water slap. That’s more like a water bomb, ahjumma.

She did them a favor tho. 🤭
