I have somethimg to say on the current [Theme of the Month].
I was so angry about the ending of The King Loves. Their enviable bromance (which borders on platonic love) was damaged because of a girl! What a nonsense. So the rest of the story of their bromance gets relegated to an epilogue in my mind, which shows them promising each other faithfully to meet every year at the usual place and at the usual time (of course without San; you know, two’s company, three’s a crowd). Waiting so long sweeten their reunion. On these speacial occasions they roams the streets in disguise as they did when they were children and talks late into the night.

As far as Won’s love life is concerned, time heals all wounds, so Won realized that his feelings has changed towards Dan. He found himself feasting his eyes longer and longer on his wife. He reflected that there was no use loving a girl living far away with another man (and with his best friend at that) when there was a girl nearby who has loved him for years. He no longer sees her as his little sister because through perseverance and with tender loving care Dan managed to win her husband’s affection. (I have to confess I’m a bit of a sucker of this type of affection which springs from a long-lasting gratitude, see Mr Tilney and Catherine Morland’s love story in Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen). Much to Dan’s great amusement, Won feels very awkward when he tries to display his new-found romantic feelings. Nervous giggles, clearing his throat nervously, clumsy movements…I cheered them on throughout the drama very much, but the writer just ignored this pairing.


    i love this pairing too! the exact scene of your gif was what made me want desperately of Siwan to headline a romcom when he discharge from the military.


      Ooh, I thought I was the only one!

      @bernadett, I love your ideas! TKL was flawed in a million and one ways, but I did adore the heart of it, so it has a special place in MY heart for it.
      And Northanger Abbey 💖💖💖

      *sighs and retreats happily*
