I was watching When the devil calls your name and was enjoying it (less dark than expected, actually funny), but after six episodes I am tired of FL being a saint baring all kind of abuse and despise from almost every single person she meets. I know drama wants to show us how good she is in comparison on how mean people are to them, but enough is enough.

I really liked everything else, but FL gets in my nerves, really. Want to know something? You can be a level 1 soul without all the suffering.


    That was the point of her character. I really think it would have played better in the hands of a better, young actress. Lee So el was not it. Woefully miscasted.


      Exactly. I get the whole point but so far I have endured the drama, and I promised myself I wouldn’t be the mess I was last year. So even if the rest of the plot is promising and I really wanted to see how Harib arc worked, I just dropped.
