Fluttering Alert, ep 14. The show really screwed the pooch keeping Woo-joo apart for 2 eps. They should have been going through those trails as a couple. Why break them up. UGH !!!!


    Thanks for the update! I am waiting for the episode where they reunite so I can pick it back up and skip all the senselessness. Hopefully it is not the last 10 minutes of episode 16.


    What, they break up again?? Why??


      Because everyone was being stupid by keeping them apart. I am not kidding, there was a point that Yoo jung was locked in her own apartment, had her phone taken away, and was put on permanent babysitting with staff by the manager. It was embarrassing to watch a 30 year old woman having to sneak out the be with her also 30 year old boyfriend and there adult people treating them like children.


        The CEO unnie support them now, and I hope she wont change her mind.
        They way this drama trying to create and solve crisis is so laughable. The only one that still consistently evil is Kang Hye-joo although I don’t really understand why she’s willing to go that far.
