dylb stan updating top 5:

1) psycho, but it’s okay ♥️♥️😆
2) my ahjussi ♥️♥️♥️
3) reply 1988 ♥️♥️😆

4) do you like brahms? ♥️♥️♥️

5) i’m not a robot ♥️😆🤖

yea last 2 are crazy but i don’t care ☺️


    2,3,4 in your list are in my top 5, too.


      my kdrama spirit animal hello!! i actually judge people based on any of these dramas. if they hate one of these, i start questioning them hahaha. if they like one, they’re instantly my friend, “hello! lemme buy you some coffee/beer!!!” 🤭 so yes, looking forward to gushing with you over similar kdramas over virtual coffee/beer on the DB!


        Hey, would love to have that virtual coffee here.. i have very low tolerance for beer, i’d probably conk out after half a bottle.. LOL.

        Don’t judge me about 1 and 5.. hahaha, I did not hate them, I just did not like them that much… there is a difference, right???


          no no the fact you like any of 1-5 and these days especially 4!! BRAHMSIE BEANIE!! love and respect. 🥰


    2,3 and 5 are my absolute favourites! 💕💕

    Didn’t watch Brahms coz not in the mood for melo but the main leads are just 😘


      hello fellow robot stan! you are instantly my friend. there are probably 25 shows “objectively” better than robot (like, say, “misaeng”) … but that OTP whoooo weeeee. top 5 has to have a fire OTP. i’m (we’re?) shallow like that!

      re: brahms, i find it utterly fascinating why so many beanies call it “melo.” i’m literally doing a psychological analysis and have many working theories haha. ’cause i don’t see it as “melo” at all but romantic AF! if we compare it to my ahjussi and robot in terms of pain/melo-ness, ahjussi is obviously 10, dylb is 3 and robot is 2. but here i go again, preaching about dylb haha. see you around the threads, ahjumma (i can call you that right haha?)!!


        Haha yes you can call me ahjumma (it is what it is 🤣🤣 and yes I’m rather shallow although I’m trying to change 😁)

        Objectively, there are definitely better dramas than Robot (FYI I also love misaeng hee)) but liking and loving a drama has nothing to do with objectivity but emotional resonance and timing. That’s why the same drama can incite love or hate among viewers but that’s what makes it interesting (as long as we remain civil about it).

        I can understand how loving a drama can make one super enthusiastic because you want to spread the love around! Although I didn’t watch DYLB (toxic people around you? No thank you), I totally enjoyed the squee-ing on the fan wall. It’s like getting the best bits of the drama without having to watch the parts that frustrates you.


          Hmmn.. emotional resonance and timing. I think you are spot on. And yes, I wish we can all just remain civil about differing opinions (while we secretly judge… LOL)


          YES! i’ve realized that emotional resonance and timing are very important for liking a show … ’cause of dylb. it’s one of my working theories on why some disliked it. without being spoilery, the show is about first love struggles and first career failures, which in the grand scheme of things is not that awful (compared to being, say, brutally hit by a man like poor IU). so for older types (like my ahjussi self), who are further removed from those things (3-4 breakups, 1-2 career changes), the pain is only slightly felt, and does not resonate as much as it does as, say, a beanie from their 20’s. and as for toxic people, me so old that they seem like my everyday co-workers haha.

          was kidding with a friend the other day, would we even like old shows like “full house” and “secret garden” now? when we literally stanned them so many moons ago?


        I have been puzzling about this too.. so what really is “melo”?. I go to wikipedia and it says , “typically sensational and prioritizes emotions over characterization”, “dialogue is often bombastic or excessively sentimental”..i honestly did not see dylb as bombastic nor sensational.. because if it was, since it had been realistic to me, then my conclusion is my life must have been “melo” too. ?


          hahaha same! seen that word thrown at dylb so much in a diss fashion hahaha.

          and yes, i too am wondering if EYE am the one with the melo life hahahaha. ’cause the show literally reminds me of my REAL first love and REAL first career change.

          what really baffles me is how a show can also be characterized as “melo” when 13 out of 16 episodes are literally full of fluff and ice cream dates and awkward cute moments. tbh, my criticism of the show is that it’s a bit cheesy haha. i wanted more of a “my ahjussi” open ending and would’ve been fine if ep16 ended right after widmung. widmung is the only requirement for me. 🙂
