Perfect Marriage Revenge :
When it comes to romance this show just hits all the right notes. This scene was so beautiful. Two souls finding a ‘home’. 💕.
Home is where the heart is. Home is where I share my meal with you. Such simple things but seeing these two being so happy just being with each other makes me go 🥰🥰🥰


    This was my favorite scene!!!! 😍 🥰❤️ Thank you for capturing it!!


    I loved his shell-shocked look and hand holding spoon mid-air as emotions flitted across his face to see her eat without waiting for him to taste.


      From the beginning, the fact she couldn’t eat affected him. The first time he asked ‘what the hell happened in that household’ was when he realized she wasn’t eating.
      Ever since, he has made sure she eats well. And he hadn’t forgotten to be her food taster even once.
      Even when he wanted to get his mother on his side he told her about the food.
      I really like how he puts the basic needs first as a human should. So his emotions were so on point. Disbelief, happiness, everything at once.


        It was a beautifully moving scene. Even she seemed surprised when he pointed that out. Then she intentionally took a second bite to reassure him that it was not just a mistake. That was so sweet. She is also opening up to him.


    Just the same week that ML in My Dearest refers to the FL as his hometown.
