I wonder what will KSH fans who threatening lawsuit will act. How you trying to shield him again? With what retort? Some in twitter already said they will continue to support his career and said that there’s more than meets the eye about his decision with the ex, even after his confession. My goodness. There’s should be limit to blind fangirling, ladies.


    That lawsuit was ridiculous anyways. How are you going to sue someone on behalf of some guy you don’t know and have never met? Bloody hell, these people were delusional.

    As for the twitter bots continuing to support him… honey, there’s nothing left to support. He’s not getting new roles.


    I think that was from his fan cafe, havent login to see if there was any change or they are closing. but most of the accs I follow is closing and the ones that are leaving are all big accs. at least I know few of us that are sane enough to re-think everything but with fandom, there will always some who has the mentality that they need to stick with their ‘idol’ despite what happened. which is unhealthy imo

    and I need to exit that fan cafe too….
