Beanie level: Chaebol’s poor doppelganger

In Malaysia, male actors in talk show, discussing about their famous villain roles and making inappropriate jokes about their women co-stars from one of their movies/dramas. What are men and their ways of thinking about this stuff? All of them are married man. One of them just has his daughter getting married last week too. Have some respect to the women in your life before making jokes like this.


God, how are we going to pretend he didnt exist on all his dramas tho? i really, really love Good Manager and i dont want to pretend that drama didnt exist because of him even though he only has small role in there TT_TT


    I get you! You Drive Me Crazy is one of my all-time favourites and he’s the freaking lead. It was such a comfort drama for me and now it’s been ruined. Same goes for Chief Kim/Good Manager.


    I love Chief Kim too. I think KSH is talented and a good actor, and the benefits is that I can unsee him as KSH in these past dramas where I first knew his characters before I knew the actor.


It’s the dimple, right? The one that makes someone looks innocent. People like him so much because of his dimples and β€œidiot” character he build on the show. Its make us sway to people like him without realizing that he’s just a mere human and not a God that we should worship and protect that much.


    it’s his expressive eyes for me


    He had his fan following since theatre days.. so can’t take away from his talent…

    Dimple don’t make everything. Talent did. He actually didn’t become famous because of 1n2d but startup


    But after JJY, nothing can trump that level of disgusting behavior


I wonder what will KSH fans who threatening lawsuit will act. How you trying to shield him again? With what retort? Some in twitter already said they will continue to support his career and said that there’s more than meets the eye about his decision with the ex, even after his confession. My goodness. There’s should be limit to blind fangirling, ladies.


    That lawsuit was ridiculous anyways. How are you going to sue someone on behalf of some guy you don’t know and have never met? Bloody hell, these people were delusional.

    As for the twitter bots continuing to support him… honey, there’s nothing left to support. He’s not getting new roles.


    I think that was from his fan cafe, havent login to see if there was any change or they are closing. but most of the accs I follow is closing and the ones that are leaving are all big accs. at least I know few of us that are sane enough to re-think everything but with fandom, there will always some who has the mentality that they need to stick with their ‘idol’ despite what happened. which is unhealthy imo

    and I need to exit that fan cafe too….


1D2N is definitely cursed. How did Kim Jongmin survived all this bullvhit from his fellow castmates. From MC Mong to Uhm Tae Woong to JJY and now KSH. The last 3 is literally horrible man to exist in earth too. Playing around with women’s heart and dignity. Its probably high time to end the series before it get worse.
KSH ex was kind enough to let his HCC drama to end first before exposing him. Their hardwork shouldn’t get implicated together with their messy break up.


Sorry for the Bidulgi rant post (not in particular order) post#hospitalplaylist2.
Let’s see.
1) they mention hawaii and junwan so many times last season, but it was unmentionable this season.
2) they create iksun ilness but by the end her ilness seems to disappear all of sudden.
3) they mention how lonely junwan can be. But seem nobody doing anything to help him.
4) before iksun appear, he’s so in love with golfing. What happen to that hobby by the way?
5) wtf with junwan lines at the end of steakhouse scene? Seems confusing that even koreans youtubers questΓ­oning what his lines suppposed to mean.
6) what’s the meaning of iksun stare in ep 11 too? Why did we have all this scenes but no continuation for all of it?
7) wish we have some of their POVs tho😭


    HP 2 was lukewarm. Maybe the crew thought they could make another season but realized they didn’t have enough story to tell (or budget) hence they wrapped it up in the second. At least we know enough about Junwan and Ik Sun to question why their arcs were left incomplete, we don’t know anything about Song Hwa except for the fact that she is a perfectionist and likes camping. But yeah this couple had potential and they ruined it this season. They also ruined Winter Garden honestly.


    I should add at no.3 that seem nobody help him with his loneliness EXCEPT for Do Jae Hak. He’s the only one actively trying to engaged in some kind of activities with his favorite Prof Kim instead of letting him “veg out” 🤭 at home, all alone on the weekend or try to invite him to have lunch together with his wife.


    He lost his whole character πŸ™
    But still had the best hospital interactions with patients so… at least it wasn’t a total %*+=* up?


      not lost per se . but more they decided to expand his character on hospital setting only. he was kinder to everyone this season, to jaehak, to changmin to his patients . but outside of Yulje, he’s the most lonely guy ever. his live this revolved around yulje and band practice. we dont even meet his sister (who seems very interesting person btw) or any of songhwa’s brothers too while we already saw jaehak’s wife and gyeoul’s brother.


This is Professor Kim Jun Wan of Yulje Medical Center Appreciation post, post #HospitalPlaylist2
We witness a man who was brash and stoic to the point his subordinate, his junior has to point him the right way when dealing with patient’s guardians even though he fare well all these years with some of his patient returning to see him after he moved from Kangwoon Medical Centre to Yulje. But he changed for the better nonetheless. I will never forget how he comforted baby Hun’s mother at the end of S1 ep 8.
We witness a man who were so harsh to his chief resident, especially during life and death surgery to became his trusted allies and sharing their most vulnerable moment with each other. I love his ways of making sure the interns (although it’s always Hongdo tbh) become more knowledgeable with his timely and scary pop quiz method hahaha.
We witness a man who can’t last 3 month without new relationship to someone who remains faithful to one lady even after she broke his and her own heart due to noble idiocy. His love language to her, Jjajangmyeon and the willingness to drive again over 4 hours for the sake of making amend and restarting their love with each other.
We witness how much a piggies he is with Song Hwa that he is so adorable beyond saving.
I’m gonna miss you Professor Kim Jun Wan. So long and bless you.


    He really had the best overall arc out of the core 5.

    One of the things I loved about him was that he had awareness to his surroundings. When he became Department Chief, he realized he didn’t even have anyone to teach. The fact that he wanted Hongdu to sign a contract in Season 1, while used for comic effect, also gave us some insight into him.

    He stoicism shown to be a protection that didn’t benefit him anymore and he made that change. He even broke his own rule and told a guardian he was going to save their child this season.

    It’s called growth. He had it in spade and was still a damn good doctor as a result. I can’t imagine anyone but Jung Kyung Ho playing him and he did a fantastic job.


    Agree, he had a lovely arc. I love how JKH played him stoic, brash but not a jerk!
    JKH always manages to steal the show even in supporting roles – loved him in Prison playbook.


      ” I love how JKH played him stoic, brash but not a jerk!”

      This, this, 100 percent this.

      A testament to the writing and casting. A character who was a grown person with a solid professional career and also personal life. You never questioned why he had friends or was liked by people. You knew why.

      Take a note other dramas. This is how it is done.


    Junwans the only one out of the five who doesnt have any hidden agenda. Like how songhwa and ikjun “lied” about their feeling to each other; jeongwon’s “not cup of tea”; and seokhyeong’s american lies to his mother (this one get me realize that he is a sly fox. Not a bear at all. He’s a plotter)
    (Oot: no wonder minha’s parent mistook junwan as the bear instead of SH. Parent know best, after all). He is the naive one out of them, and JKH did potray him very well. 😍


      … while the other 4 can keep their own secret/plot without batting an eyelash, hes so jumpy and in the verge of confessing his relationship to ikjun 🤣🤣


Another week and we’ll said goodbye to Hosplay 2. Pray for satisfying ending and no cliffhanger even if they want to have another season. im gonna miss our Black n Chain Gyosunim😭😭😭


Coming back to DB for my temporary non kdrama rant.
I never know my restlessness and sleepless night right before Monday start has its own name. Its called Sunday Scaries. God, why can’t I my brain turn off for 6 hours before I need to go to work? Its just give me tension headache every week and making my body sore before I even hit Monday morning. I need to fix my mindset if I want to get a proper rest before new weekday start.


Come back temporarily just to say….

I pray to god that ShinLee will not have Junwan went through Junghwan (reply 1988) sad trajectory. Junwan loneliness resembles too much to Junghwan loneliness that i feel dejavu. Its like that bloody ep 18 all over again!

Please take Junwan out from that loneliness misery… For his sake. For our sake!! If Iksun not the endgame, end his misery by having them talk through the misunderstanding and the miscommunication. Its torturing both Bidulgi couple and Ikjun who stuck between being a good oppa or being a good friend.

ShinLee stop torturing junwan!!



A YEAR IN REVIEW – Kdrama that i watched, aired in 2020
οƒΌ18 Again
οƒΌDr. Romantic 2
οƒΌMystic Pop-up Bar
οƒΌStranger 2
οƒΌTale of the Nine Tailed
οƒΌIt\’s Okay to Not Be Okay
Wow!! Really work has taken a lot of my time and apparently im just in the mood to rewatch Manager Kim and Hot Stove League again and again. But I need to compile my non kdrama list to see how bad my interest in drama has gone to.


@sirena, queen coming through!!


    This was such a great episode. I wonder if we’ll get another season?


@sirena . to answer your question, yes. im still watching. right on premier night before gmmtv block my country from watching 🙄. and last sunday, this is my favorite moment from the series 😻. Korn got his happiness back!!


    Yes! I loved that he was finally able to sleep πŸ™‚


Now I feel what Taek stan felt back when Reply 1988 happened. I’m on Jungpal ship through and through so I though by ship deserved better and start backhanded comment about Taek here and there. It seems dejavu with happen here now. One sided war going on in this place that I detest to be here even for a moment. I need to put the mantra β€œits only a drama, not a real life” and β€œdon’t be too dramatic, don’t be too dramatic” only inside my head because I can’t judge people for being over-protective on their ship since I did the same things years ago. Be careful tho, people might dislike the character that you kept defending if you keep thrashing another character like this. Tone down it a bit, if you can.

Disclaimer: This back from hiatus post are not aim to anybody. Just a general observation since a few week ago.


Back to drama, who’s watching The Gifted:Graduation? Man, the reveal at the end ep 4? Pang will go crazy later when he find out about Korn…maybe Mon too?. poor guy.


Apparently in Korean fandom, both Ryeowook and Yesung (If im not mistaken) currently is being ostracize. ELF fandom has only one and only ONE reason for them to ostracize the member. The boys are dating, and they found out about it, and media will release their dating news. Korean ELF fandom are even willing to say that for Suju 15th Anniversary, they don’t really need this two main vocals in the group. How fuvk up is that?!! The sense of entitlement!! CHANGE GIRL, CHANGE!! DON’T BE TOO OBSESS!! YOU GUYS CAN GET MARRIED, SO IS THE BOYS!!


While I’m truly happy with our Ryeowook dating news. Congrats, our eternal maknae!!! But, I can’t deny that I’m devastated with their Korean fandom. Why is it dating became so taboo in ELF fandom? From sungmin to heechul to ryeowook. Nothing change…at all. They are so territorial about the boys dating life that they refused to accept those men are all over 30 and deserve to settle down just like any other human beings. Since when β€œOppa belong to us not anybody else” become a thing that you are willing to hurt them with hurtful word and harassing their partner? Why is it they always use smear campaign on the couple every time dating news explode? WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO FUXKING GROW UP?!!!
This fandom are truly going to cray cray when donghae or eunhyuk(the most delusional OTP created by ELF) announce their dating news in future.
How can we get them to change, my goodness. The boys always seem powerless with their Korean fandom that always dictate their movement. Please fight for your happiness, our boys. Fans come and go. Don’t let them rule you too much, I’m begging you.


    I know!!! My bias is Kyu and while I admit that I’ll be sad once he starts dating, I understand that he’s a completely grown adult.


      We are 15 years old fandom. but a huge chunk of this fandom act like a toddler who got their toys taken from them with they way they act. they sent letter to ryeowook airing their grievance because ryeowook call them princess. they harass Ari, they still harass Saeun till this day. they even harass the boys daily with their self entitlement. truthfully, im embarrass when new gen kpop see how our fandom act when suju dating news come out. we maybe senior fandom, but our fandom still act like batshit crazy like we are some 5 years old fandom, sigh.


        SM needs to bring bad Sungmin. There’s nothing wrong with falling in love. They have a life outside their work. My goodness! (Some) K-Ent fans are toxic indeed!


    Whenever this happens, I’ll always be reminded of what Eunhyuk said during the early years about people shooting arrows in their back that they have to hide from the fans. Sometimes, I think it’s the fans that’s shooting those arrows. It’s frustrating and I’m still mad at what the K-ELF did to Sungmin.


      definitely… it’s more hurtful because fans are the one who hurt them the most. but they kept enduring, and enduring, thinking, that media and antis are the worst. however, how long will it last tho? they are not getting young. they need to put boundary(even tho ELF itself an acronym for friendzone) so they can move on to the next chapter in their lives and to protect their partner.
      for goodness sake, please stop apologizing for dating too. it’s like you give K-ELF an ammo to terrorize you and your partner.


        This is what I didn’t like in K-ELF fandom, the entitlement over SuJu’s lives were too much. To think it’s still going on to this date is just *roll eyes*.


NON DRAMA RELATED: Please pray for Beirut everyone. It such a terrible disaster to streak during this never ending pandemic. May Allah SWT bless those who perish in the explosion. Al-Fatihah.


Hello fellow beanies. Long time no see. Happy new 2020. Hope everyone doing well in this pandemic. I was busy starting my life as new hospital librarian. Lose my dad to ischemic heart disease month after reporting to my new job. Moving on from losing him suddenly. Trying to tamper the regret that still looming in my heart. Caring for my mom who loss her other half, and now became a victim to scam. Man, 2019 and half of 2020 is hard to get through.
I’m currently in love with Mystic Pop Up Bar. HJE such a goddess in this drama. Her wardrobe choice is just fabulous.


    Congratulations on the job. I’m so sorry for your loss.


    That’s so hard. My condolences on the sudden loss of your father.


    I’m really sorry for your loss.
    Healing takes time, so don’t rush. I know pain doesn’t totally disappear but you learn to live with it.
    I’m also so sorry about your mum. When my mum died, it was y dad who lost her longtime partner and I could see him devastated. My main job was being by his side to love and comfort him, so I totally understand. She’s lucky to have her, and you are lucky to have her. Please enjoy each other’s company and love.
    And congratulations on your new job.


could be better if i work through the registration document better before reporting for duty. newbie stupid mistake 101.