Day Five

Every time I finish a book or series for the first time, I always feel like I came back from a wonderful vacation. It’s like that moment when you walk through your door and put down your bags and everything is quiet as you take it all in. The moments when you’re saying goodbye to those characters and that world they let you visit for a little while are so beautiful and bittersweet. Like a vacation, I can always visit again, look at pictures, recount stories, display souvenirs, but nothing is quite like being on that journey for the first time.

Every story is a new experience every time you read it or reread it – who you are when you read it will inevitably affect the way you see and understand the story. But there’s also the comfortable familiarity of a story that you’ve read over and over again, which is its own kind of journey. Growing up we used to travel a lot, and spend about a month or more away from home every summer. During those weeks, my books were what helped me from feeling homesick. They were the piece of home I could take with me, a place I could be comfortable and among familiar friends, no matter where I was. It’s so strange, that the one thing that made me feel at home was the one thing that took me far away from home.


[Song of the Day:Bring on the Wonder by Susan Enan]

I can’t see the stars anymore living here
Let’s go to the hills where the outlines are clear
Bring on the wonder, bring on the song
I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long


    I can relate with everything you said! Sometimes I just slow down my reading speed so that i don’t finish it early! And when I finish it, it feels like some kind of hollow in heart!


      I’m always so torn when I get to the final chapters because I want to savor the story, but I also want to know what happens! It’s so hard sometimes. I’ve been known to not read the latest book in a series that is ongoing until I know there will be more because I can’t take it being over.


    I really relate to this as well. I have been known to immediately read the book I just read again because I don’t want to let it go – but it’s never the same as the first time.


      I definitely do this. I’m also a big re-reader, and I try to own all my favorites so I can skip to my favorite parts. But that first reading is still special and nothing can ever replicate it. Maybe this is the one good argument for amnesia.
