Thanks to @cherryinbloom I started reading the “what’s wrong with secretary Kim” web-toon” and I AM HOOKED. The show is pretty true to the web-toon so far. It makes me happy and worries me. It makes me happy because now I can read the web-toon and know what’s in store for our couple – I LOVE knowing how things will turn out instead of biting my nails (unless it’s a mystery thriller, I love the guessing game for those). It worries me because the web-toon only has 30 installments – the first 6 installments were what we saw in the first episode. By that calculation, I’m only getting 5 episode worth of stuff out of this! NOOOOOOOOO I want to know about it all now!
I was never a live watcher before for this reason precisely. I hate the waiting game! I started live watching with You Who Forgot Poetry and loved it. Mainly, I loved the discussion and predictions with the beanies. Let’s see how this show turns out. I’m loving it so far!