Ahjumma April
Yesterday, I was having a conversation with my friend over how humans have to make an effort to please in every non blood relationship, I also recognized that effort is required in blood relations too. There is just too much pressure to live upto the expectations that so many of us end up faking many things, the ones we don’t inherently want to do. While watching Kim Ji young born 1982, I could not ignore how close this was to the reality of several women. From the moment we are born, to the experiences we share growing up. My favorite scene from the movie was essentially, a sad one. KJY’s ex colleagues find out that they have a camera in the ladies washroom and that footage is being watched by few men in their office. The women are sad and enraged but amidst all this, they crack a joke. All 3 of them laugh at that and then sigh again! How many times have we done this? I feel like making fun of the issues has been the coping mechanism most women use when they realize they can’t solve the problem and they can’t change the world. Cry, get over it. Laugh, get over it. I once had an idea to write a similar story as this but I thought it’ll be very preachy, surprisingly KJY born 1982 wasn’t. It was just life. It’s how many women around the world live all their lives. It isn’t exaggerated, yes as a movie it focuses on not the happy parts of a girls life but the sadder ones for the critics who think that this movie only has complaints. And yes those happy moments exist for which we are thankful for being born a girl but the society fails women on many more aspects and that needs to be addressed and that’s what this movie does, incredibly and simply. To all the moms here, do me a favor, show this movie to your boys. This is the movie you show boys to because the women already know all this, they live through all this.


    When I began to act more as a feminist activist, I began not by trying to convince women to be like me, but to convince men to talk to the women in their lives and listen to their stories: how we ignore patronizing, how we are discriminated at work and in life, how we are hysterical but boys have strong personalities, the reason we go together to a bathroom, why we would never alone a friend that has drunk too much, why we always ask the taxi driver to wait until we’re in. Those things men don’t. And then, I got male friends that listened and realize there was “another life” that they didn’t know about. I’m not saying every man is doing certain things on purpose, but because we all have learned certain things, it doesn’t mean we have to go on with them.


      That’s great! And that is the approach that should be taken. While I do think that there are several women who have internalized misogyny and they are a problem too but they still understand because we share experiences. However, that’s not the case for men, so many things that people have normalized for women is actually sth that shouldn’t exist in the first place. For instance when I drop friends at their home at night, I stay in the car long enough to see them go inside their homes. This might seem like a caring gesture but no it’s actually just that we want them to go inside their homes because it’s dangerous outside. It’s a normal thing, it shouldn’t be. I studied in a class of where there were 4 women to 1 man, so generally most men wouldn’t really want to bring up discussions that discriminated against women but they still had those concepts. However, my degree encouraged discussions and these men took the effort to speak to women, some didn’t as well. The ones who did, I saw a considerable change in them by 4 years, they promoted feminism and spoke for women rights. They finally got it. Women have very different experiences than men and men can just not understand them without noticing or discussing because they are more priveleged and it’s a concept that any sort of equality will lower them, terribly wrong concept.
      Please watch this movie, I’m sure you’ll like this. I will however say that I got really bad subs on drama c**l so look somewhere else or wait for better subs.


        I’ve already have the link to k*ssa**an, I believe the subs are also pretty bad.
        I can’t find it in any other site.
        I will tell you whenI’ve watched!


    This is lovely. All those little things we do to be safe. There is a whole world of difference. Thanks for sharing and starting a good conversation.
