
  • The Midnight Romance in Hagwon: Episodes 3-4

    The Midnight Romance in Hagwon: Episodes 3-4

    The cut-throat competition of hagwon teachers intensifies as our leads team up to take down their enemy. But all that strategizing and planning means late nights at the office — where...

  • 58

    The Atypical Family: Episodes 5-6

    As our atypical show hits the halfway mark, our con artist heroine struggles between staying professional or giving into personal feelings, while our superpowered hero finally picks a side. But...

  • 11

    Chief Detective 1958: Episodes 9-10 (Final)

    The prequel to the decades-long series comes to a boisterous finale filled with nostalgic callbacks and a strong sense of justice. From beginning to end, the show maintained its zippy...

  • 6

    The 8 Show: Episode 1 (First Impressions)

    Eccentric and artsy, Netflix's latest offering whisks a motley crew of eight distinctive personalities into a vibrant stage set, where nothing is quite as it seems. The promise of easy...



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