Age of Youth: Episode 7

There’s not a dull moment in sight for our five housemates, especially with romance blossoming, secrets being revealed, and roommate bonding happening at all hours of the night. This episode offers fewer laugh-out-loud moments compared to the last two, but there’s a lot to digest as the story zips right along for most of our heroines (except for Ji-won, as usual.) My favorite moments continue to be the deepening friendships between our girls, though of course, it never hurts to add a dash of swoon-worthy boys into the mix.

EPISODE 7: “I’m someone who shouldn’t be happy #sleep paralysis”

Ji-won stares at the shoe cabinet, the high-pitched ring in her ear still going strong, and tells her roommates that the ghost is the soul of someone who was murdered.

At those words, Yi-na, Eun-jae, and Jin-myung each think about who the ghost could be. For Yi-na, it’s a person she was struggling with underwater. Eun-jae first thinks of her brother who died of a peanut allergy, and then of her dad. Jin-myung thinks about her brother, not quite dead, lying in the hospital bed.

The next morning, Jin-myung wakes up from a nightmare. As she’s leaving the house, the two loan sharks intercept her about her mother’s debt. They have an uncomfortable amount of information on Jin-myung, from her work schedule to her bank account balance. She looks at them in alarm, but walks off without a word.

At the hospital with Ji-won’s words about the murdered ghost running through her mind, Jin-myung slowly reaches for her brother’s breathing tube. But she stops herself, and then is startled to see her mother behind her. Jin-myung stoically reminds her mom that she won’t be paying back her debts again. Her mom just wants to know why Jin-myung doesn’t ask after her brother, to which she replies, “Do I have to ask after a dead person?”

Back at the house, Eun-jae’s having a very good morning, as all she can think about is Jong-yeol. She sees him everywhere, from the bathroom to the bus, and each time, he simply tells her, “I like you,” causing her to giggle and smile to herself.

She sees Jong-yeol in class and makes a beeline for the empty seat next to him, but he says the seat is taken… by another girl, ouch. But thankfully, this is just her imagination — in reality, Eun-jae’s hovering outside the doorway of the classroom, now doubting Jong-yeol’s feelings for her.

She looks into the classroom again, and Jong-yeol waves. She sits next to him and they exchange smiles, but then Jong-yeol starts laughing, and his laugh gets louder. Suddenly, Eun-jae finds herself surrounded by the whole class, all laughing, and Jong-yeol announces that she’s been pranked.

Alas, this too is part of Eun-jae’s very vivid imagination — she’s still outside the classroom. The real Jong-yeol isn’t even in class yet, and he greets her as he walks up behind her.

They’re interrupted by another female student who waves some keys at Jong-yeol, telling him not ask for a favor like this ever again. Jong-yeol eagerly grabs the keys and jokingly tells her that he loves her. But all Eun-jae hears is Jong-yeol saying “I love you,” on repeat, as if he were really saying those words to the girl.

That night, Eun-jae imagines Jong-yeol all over her place again, telling her he likes her. But now, she scoffs at him, complaining that he’ll say those words to anyone. Ji-won busts her for talking to herself in the kitchen, but Eun-jae just asks after Ye-eun — she has a question for her on something that Ji-won wouldn’t know much about.

When Ye-eun pops out of her room, Eun-jae asks her how her relationship with Doo-young first got started. Though Eun-jae clearly wasn’t looking for input from Ji-won, she jumps into the conversation anyway, and the two older girls have some fun teasing Eun-jae about her budding romance.

Their chatter is interrupted when Eun-jae’s mom calls in a panic over being in a car accident. Eun-jae tells her to head to the hospital.

Eun-jae arrives at the hospital soon after and is relieved to find her mom lying in a bed, looking okay. Just then, an ajusshi in hospital clothes and a bandage on his head walks in, greeting Eun-jae warmly — this must be Eun-jae’s stepfather. Eun-jae’s confused to see that he’s the one who got hurt instead of her mom, but Ajusshi just chuckles that her mother must have overreacted on her phone call.

Eun-jae’s mom gets up and smiles to see Eun-jae; Eun-jae, on the other hand, does not look pleased. Her mom picks up on Eun-jae’s mood and starts laying it on thick about how traumatized she was from the accident, and how it really looked much worse than it turned out to be. Ajusshi appeases her mom by saying it was his fault, and hands her the ice cream cone that he picked up for her. Eun-jae just watches the two enjoy their cones.

Elsewhere, Yi-na’s dentist boyfriend breaks up with her over dinner. Yi-na takes it in stride, telling him she understands.

She later meets with her confidant/stalker Jong-gyu at the bar, and suggests they take turns asking each other questions. Yi-na starts it off, asking Jong-gyu if he has a girlfriend or a wife, to which he shakes his head no. Jong-gyu is next, and asks Yi-na why she lives her life like she does — it’s not that he’s disapproving, but he’s curious if there’s a specific reason. Yi-na answers that since there are no guarantees in life, it’s best to live recklessly.

Yi-na’s next question: Why did Jong-gyu cry during the shadow puppet show at her party? Embarrassed, Jong-gyu stammers that he was thinking about his daughter, who’s now dead. Jong-gyu then goes back to Yi-na’s last answer and asks what happened to her that she has that kind of attitude about life. She replies that she had a near-death experience on a trip in high school. As Jong-gyu gets shifty-eyed at the mention of the accident, Yi-na continues that the experience didn’t make her think life was precious — it made everything in her life not seem real, including the future.

Yi-na next asks Jong-gyu what kind of women he likes. He says girls with bobbed hair were popular in his day, and then it’s his turn again. He goes back to Yi-na’s accident, asking her how she survived. She says it was just good luck, but as she thinks back to that moment underwater, with her and the other person struggling against each other, she hears Ji-won’s words about the murdered ghost being angry. She ends the question-and-answer session there, and Jong-gyu looks relieved.

Eun-jae is in bed in her old room when her mom enters, wanting to sleep with her. Her mom snuggles close to Eun-jae, then asks her if she’s heard from her aunt, who’s short on cash and angling for some of the life insurance money left by Eun-jae’s dad. Eun-jae firmly tells her mom it’s not her money to spend, and her mom backs down.

That night, Eun-jae has a nightmare featuring an extended scene of her dad rescuing her younger self from a barking dog.

The next morning, while hanging out in the yard, Eun-jae asks her mom if she ever thinks about her dad. She says she does, especially when she sees things that remind her of him, like peaches. She tells Eun-jae that her dad’s probably eating them in heaven, but the word “heaven” doesn’t seem to sit well with Eun-jae. She stares after her mom as she heads back in the house and says out loud with a trace of anger in her voice: “Mom, you should be thankful to me. Really thankful.”

Jin-myung answers a call on her way out of school, and ugh, it’s the restaurant manager. He takes her to a nice restaurant, and Jin-myung seems more uncomfortable than usual being at a fancy restaurant as a customer.

As they eat, the manager tells Jin-myung that the owner of their restaurant is looking to expand the business, and he thinks he’ll get put in charge of managing the chain restaurants. He mentions that he’ll need someone with relevant work experience and education, then says: “I’ve watched you for a long time, and I know the kind of person you are. But I don’t know if you’re loyal to me or not.”

Jin-myung’s about to answer when someone greets the manager — eek, it’s another chef from their restaurant… and Jae-wan. Jae-wan stands back as his colleague talks with the manager, avoiding Jin-myung’s eyes. He and the other chef settle into a nearby table, while Jin-myung watches. When his colleague asks how the food is, Jae-wan replies that it’s crappy, and he’s clearly not talking about the food.

Jin-myung washes up in the restroom, looking totally spaced out. As she’s leaving, she nearly runs into Jae-wan, who just lets her pass without a word.

Back home, Yi-na cleans her room and sees that her fluorescent bracelet is missing. She searches her room, then the rest of the house, but it doesn’t turn up.

Eun-jae heads out to the fields at school, this time stopping to watch Jong-yeol from the sidelines. She’s not there long when all of a sudden she looks back, as if she thinks someone is behind her. Now in a hurry to leave, she trips over a rock and falls. Jong-yeol sees her on the ground, and rushes over to her in concern.

He checks out her ankle in the stands, scolding her for not being careful. Looking at him crouched down over her injured ankle, Eun-jae slowly reaches out and touches his hair for a brief moment before pulling her hand away, embarrassed. But Jong-yeol’s nonchalant about it, telling her that he’s hers completely, so she can touch his hair all she wants. They smile at each other, and Eun-jae asks him to buy her some ice cream.

Jong-yeol buys Eun-jae an ice cream cone, and she unwraps it and stares at the top — it’s dotted with peanuts. She thinks back to her mom and Ajusshi eating the very same kind of ice cream the night before, then thinks again that her mom should be thankful to her.

Her thoughts are interrupted when Jong-yeol grabs her cone and takes a bite off the top, taking off all the peanuts. Gah, could he get any cuter? She smiles in gratitude and takes a bite; Jong-yeol grins in return and puts his arm around her. But Eun-jae still looks like she’s somewhere else, her smile fading as she looks down at her cone. Abruptly, she turns to look behind her again.

The manager gives Jin-myung a ride and tells her she won’t need her part-time jobs anymore once the business plans he told her about come into play. After telling her to undo her ponytail, he reaches over and does it himself. He says she should switch up her looks more often, and that she should be more confident — that would make her more attractive.

They pull into the driveway of a house in the middle of nowhere, and Jin-myung gets out slowly. She says she thought they were going to a café, but he tells her he wants to talk to her in a quiet place. All Jin-myung can do is follow him inside.

She pauses in the entryway, where she notices some kids’ slippers. She says she used to have some slippers just like those; the manager says they’re common, and she agrees. She continues: “It is common. It’s nothing. If you think about it, they’re not that different from me. But for some reason they scared me, and made things hard for me. As if they had a lot of power over me. As if I had sleep paralysis.”

The manager looks over at her, realizing that she’s not talking about the slippers anymore. Jin-myung clarifies that it’s the manager who makes her feel as if she has sleep paralysis, then tells him she’s not coming in — if he has something to say to her, she’ll listen from the entryway.

Annoyed, he reminds her that he needs to confirm whether or not she’s loyal to him. But Jin-myung holds firm, saying that if loyalty means having to drink alone with him in his house, she has no intention of being loyal to him. She says she’s hit rock bottom, allowing herself to come this far with him. He has nothing more to say, so she leaves.

Jin-myung walks cautiously down a dark street and finally finds a bus shelter. A van stops near her; the driver tells Jin-myung there aren’t any more buses for the night, and that he’ll give her a ride. She declines, as she should; when the van pulls away, she sighs and starts to walk.

Back at the Belle Epoque, Eun-jae does the dishes, then burns herself by dropping a hot lid on her arm. She’s okay, but Ye-eun notes that she sure has been getting hurt a lot these days.

Ji-won attacks Eun-jae playfully, saying it’s because Eun-jae’s been too distracted by a certain oppa lately. Yi-na joins them in the kitchen, and asks Eun-jae why she changed her mind about the other sunbae she liked first. Eun-jae says it’s because Jong-yeol said he liked her at their party — that’s how she came to like him, too.

Appalled, Ji-won says it’s unacceptable to like him just because he likes her, and tells Eun-jae to break it off with him immediately. Yi-na chimes in with her own dating advice: Eun-jae just needs to like Jong-yeol less than he likes her. If she comes to like him more, she has to hide it. But Ye-eun’s advice is the complete opposite, as she tells Eun-jae to just like him as much as she wants — it’s a blessing to like someone, and a miracle if that person likes you back.

Meanwhile, Jin-myung arrives at a bus terminal, but the last window is closing up — there are no more buses to Seoul.

Back at the house, Yi-na and Ye-eun marvel that Eun-jae hasn’t seen “that” yet. Ji-won saunters out with a laptop and tells her she has no choice but to show off her “special folder” of porn, and Ye-un and Yi-na excitedly drag Eun-jae over to the couch. Before Ji-won can show off her folder though, she gets a call from Jin-myung. Jin-myung apologizes, then asks Ji-won for a favor.

Cut to the four roommates at the convenience store, getting some quick training on how to work the register from the current part-timer on duty. Haha, they’re all going to take over Jin-myung’s shift?

Eun-jae takes the register, Ye-eun restocks drinks, Yi-na cleans up the tables outside, and Ji-won takes out the trash. When a group of scary-looking high school girls come in, Ye-eun, Yi-na, and Ji-won join Eun-jae behind the counter and huddle together in fear.

They practice cursing with hand and head gestures to match, and Ye-eun jokes that she should try it out on her boyfriend. At that, Yi-na recalls when Doo-young tried to hit on her at the bar, then shakes off the memory and changes the subject.

Outside the store, Jae-wan pulls to a stop on his motorcycle and sees the four roommates instead of Jin-myung behind the register. He pulls out his phone and contemplates contacting Jin-myung, but ends up riding away.

As for Jin-myung, she sits alone at the bus terminal, looking at Jae-wan’s name on her phone. But she doesn’t call him, and instead falls asleep, waking in the early morning when the buses start running again.

The girls finish out Jin-myung’s shift at the store. When Jin-myung finally arrives, she’s surprised to see Yi-na manning the register, but Yi-na says it wasn’t just her working — the other three are sleeping in the back. They head home on the bus, the five of them sitting in the last row, and Jin-myung looks gratefully at her roommates. They’re all exhausted from the long night, but they walk back to the house with a spring in their step, looking happy to be together.

Later, Ye-eun is out on a date with Doo-young and sneaks a peek at his phone. She sees a text chain with someone he’s dubbed “Her,” and clicks on an image of red fingernails before hurriedly putting the phone down when Doo-young reappears. She smiles at him brightly, despite what she’s just seen.

Jin-myung and Jae-wan carefully avoid each other at the restaurant. As she heads into the locker area to change, Jin-myung pauses when she hears Jae-wan insisting to a fellow chef that he doesn’t have a knife sharpener — he’s lost his.

Once in her uniform, Jin-myung heads over to the register, only to find it occupied by someone else. “Your fingernail’s all healed, right?” asks her scumbag manager from behind her. “Then return to your original position.”

Doo-young drops Ye-eun off and she waves happily at him, only to have her smile fade as soon as he disappears from view. Meanwhile, on his way back, Doo-young thinks back to earlier at the café — he’d actually seen Ye-eun looking through his phone as he was coming out of the bathroom. He sighs in annoyance, then throws his phone on the passenger seat.

Yi-na’s on her way out when Ye-eun trudges into the house. Yi-na asks Ye-eun for help with her bracelet, then asks her if she’s borrowed it. Ye-eun’s clearly pissed off at Yi-na; she tells her she didn’t borrow the bracelet, then says, “It’s you that needs to keep your hands off my things. Otherwise, I’ll kill you.” She stalks off, leaving Yi-na staring after her in shock. As Yi-na gets into a cab later, Ye-eun watches from upstairs.

Yi-na returns to the bar to air her complaints about Ye-eun to Jong-gyu, but he focuses on her missing bracelet, asking if it’s important to her. Yi-na says it’s cheap, but it’s kind of a talisman to her — a “souvenir” from her near-death experience. At that, Jong-gyu balls his hand into a fist, and his eyes fill with rage. Ack.

Back home, Ye-eun sits on the couch, staring at the ghost cabinet. Her eyes hard, she tells Ji-won that the murdered ghost could be a person who’s yet to be murdered.

Jin-myung returns to waiting tables at the restaurant, while her co-workers exchange smirks about her fall from grace. After bussing plates back into the kitchen where Jae-wan is working, she lingers for a moment, but Jae-wan doesn’t give her a second glance.

Jong-gyu examines Yi-na’s bracelet in the bathroom, then returns to join her at the bar. She’s glad to see him, and tells him that he’s different from the others — he’s the only one who doesn’t look at her with lust. She reaches out to touch him, but he flinches, making her laugh.

Yi-na asks Jong-gyu if he wants to date her — he doesn’t even have to give her spending money. After all, he’s poor and old, while she’s trashy and a murderer to boot. At that, Jong-gyu shuts his eyes tightly, then asks Yi-na to go somewhere with him.

He drives her to a remote field looking over the water. Yi-na’s all smiles at first, wondering where they are, but then her smile fades as she seems to recognize the place. Horrified, she turns to Jong-gyu, who pulls out her missing bracelet from his pocket. His voice urgent, he asks her, “What do you mean, this is a talisman? What do you mean that you killed someone?”

Yi-na stares back at him, then asks him who he is. Jong-gyu: “I’m the father of the girl who owned this bracelet!”

Yi-na starts to back away, then breaks out into a run as he chases after her. She doesn’t get far before she trips and falls, and Jong-gyu descends on her, demanding to know why Yi-na has his daughter’s bracelet. He grabs Yi-na’s throat and starts to choke her, shouting and wanting to know if she killed his daughter, while Yi-na screams and struggles against him.

Just then, someone passing by calls out to them, causing Jong-gyu to lose focus. Yi-na uses the moment to push him away and run off. Jong-gyu returns to his truck and goes after Yi-na, who runs away screaming. The last flashback to her accident shows the face of a young girl underwater, eyes open as she sinks.


Oh, Yi-na. I know she has experience hooking up with men she doesn’t know well, or having them take her to new or unfamiliar places, but damn if I wasn’t screaming at her to NOT get in that car, and then to get OUT of that car as he drove them out to the field. I’ve been getting creepy vibes from Jong-gyu since day one, but clearly, it’s different for Yi-na — she seems to feel some kind of connection or pull towards him, so much so that she offers to date him. I wonder if the connection she feels is really something that was being reciprocated by Jong-gyu over their multiple conversations, or if it’s simply the fact that he’s the only man who seems to listen to her, doesn’t judge her, and doesn’t want to sleep with her (although to be fair, her friend Dong-joo fits that bill too.)

What’s interesting to me is the parallel between her and Jin-myung, who found herself in a similar position this episode by following her manager out to his house and not really asking questions until later. Of course, the motivations between the two girls are different — Yi-na’s craving human connection and she’s drawn to Jong-gyu for that, while Jin-myung’s driven solely by the potential of easing her burdens at work, and perhaps a future job. At the same time, I think both girls have self-esteem/self-worth issues that drive this kind of behavior, along with obvious baggage from their past, so I get why both girls are acting the way they are. But, I’m really glad that Jin-myung had her moment of clarity before she did something she’d truly regret with her manager, even if that meant she was left stranded by herself in the middle of nowhere late at night.

Though it would have made more sense if Jin-myung swallowed her pride and either (a) borrowed money from her roommates to take a cab home, or (b) called Jae-wan to come pick her up, I’m glad that she at least called Ji-won to ask for help in covering her shift at the store. Because let’s face it, the four girls working at the store all night, and then the following scenes of Jin-myung realizing how her housemates stepped in for her — that was priceless. You can really see the bonds developing between them in those moments, and the happiness and love you see in the faces of our girls as they’re walking home really says everything about friendship.

So it really annoyed me that after all that, Ye-eun still chose to unleash her doubts and anger about her dumbass boyfriend onto Yi-na, instead of confronting Doo-young outright. Maybe it’s because she feels more grounded and comfortable in her friendship with Yi-na at this point, but man, what will it take for Ye-eun to just be honest with Doo-young for once, and let him really have it?

On a brighter note, we got more movement in Eun-jae and Jong-yeol’s burgeoning relationship, and I’m officially a puddle of goo when it comes the two of them. I love her awkwardness and uncertainty as she tries to navigate her way through her first relationship, and Jong-yeol’s just the right combination of sweet, dorky, and self-assured. We do know that there’s darkness looming within Eun-jae — at this point, her ghost is the only one whose identity and story we’ve yet to uncover. I’m curious to find out what the deal is with her family, but I hope that as details emerge, she’s able to fully be herself with her roommates and with Jong-yeol, instead of hiding or shutting down. I suppose I can say the same to all our other housemates as they’re faced with ugly pasts (or present-day issues) — just let it all out.

One final thing: Park Eun-bin continues to rock my world, but I’m getting concerned at the lack of movement with her story. She’s amazing at offering comic relief, but Ji-won’s arc can’t just be about her just pining after men, right? I demand more!


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we need to discuss ep 8 epilogue asap, beanies. I will wait sweetly and patiently for the recap to come out.

but, really. jongyeol needs to stop so adorably adoring eunjae every damn time because instead I'm the one whose heart crushed with the over sweetness :(


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achievement unlocked :"


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I was actually wondering whether anyone else saw the episode 7 epilogue? It doesn't seem like it was aired with the episode, but they released it. [KINDA SPOILERY]

The reason I'm wondering is because the interviewer asks Jong-yeol why he picked Song Ji-won in episode 6 and I really want to know if someone can understand his answer. There are no subs for this :(



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If it wasn't aired with this episode and was released separately... *cut cut spoilers*


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Ah yes, sorry! I was wondering whether it would be okay to discuss it here or not. It's confusing for me because I watched it before ep 8. I'll just wait until the next recap to discuss it :)


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The comment policy says spoilers are anything that happens beyond what's discussed in the recap.

This one is a bit of a weird case. It's more like a BTS/extra video released between episode 7 and 8. I think it would've fallen under "cool extras you should watch, beanies" except comments are revealing that it's related to episode 8. So it became a spoiler.


it wasn't aired in this episode, but JTBC posted it on youtube with 7th ep epilogue as its title so I think it's kind of like bonus video? you can watch it again on ep 8 though, but the content is a bit different


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From what I understand, the reason why Jung Yeol picked Ji Won because he thinks people who hide something can have 2 kinds of attitude: being so quiet or do everything hyperbolicly/excessively. And Ji Won is classified as someone who's so hyperbolic and excessive. He said something else after that but I don't really understand it. I think he said something about when he talked to Ji Won, he noticed that Ji Won actually wanted to respond normally, but... (gets cut off because he's complaining how people/interviewer seemed to not believe his statement, and said that he's a Psychology major after all). Note that I'm not really sure about this part.

It's only a really rough translation from my part though. Feel free to correct me.


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What you said is right. And YJ said the reason Ji won says naughty stuff is maybe because she wants to suppress something hard and her saying is some kind of reverse reaction.

Anyway best in this clip is on the question if secret can be kept who they would date among five? Both said Yi-na heh


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So I guess they included some of ep 7 epilogue to ep 8 epilogue (I was wondering why we didn't get any ep 7 epilogue). Men are all same? (wanting to date Yi-na) heh


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Epilogues are awesome but the Episode 8's is the cutest. Awww..Except Ye Eun'sbf. I love all the boys here.


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I loved the two episodes but I'm screaming because of that epilogue! :D


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No hate or anything but, am I the only one that doesn't see what's so special about episode's 8 epilogue? I was reading the comments before and everyone kept mentioning it so I decided to catch up early because I though it was going to be a big revelation or something. Yeah it's cute but we just get things that were obvious. Maybe I was just disappointed because I got my hopes up and thought it was going to be something huge, oh well XD.


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I also have some comments about it but saving it for episode 8 recap. :(


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Maybe it's because I never got the creepy vibe from Jong Gyu (I don't know why lol) but I actually understood his point of view really well. I mean, he obviously shouldn't have stalked and later threatened a woman but in his perspective his daughter suddenly died and the newspaper showed a survivor with his daughter's bracelet, claiming that it was a good luck charm. And later that woman flippantly calls it a souvenir. His precious daughter's bracelet. I don't justify anything he's done but man do I feel sorry for him. His life must have been hell, trying to figure out why this girl who lived has something that belongs to his daughter who died. Why didn't his daughter live? That bracelet should have been her lucky charm.


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The fact that he was in jail scares me a little and what did it have to do with Yi-na?


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While I do think Jong-gyu is obviously a very seriously messed up individual, I actually didn't always interpret him this way. And that's precisely because that isn't all he is as a character so I can understand why Yi-na connected with him. His life has clearly been a very sad & lonely one. I also get how the particular circumstances surrounding his daughter's accident could drive him crazy. This doesn't justify what he's done, but it does make me feel for him and understand why Yi-na has felt drawn to him up until this point.

Still, that ending tho...


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I really don't understand what pushes his buttons!

He spent all that time sitting talking to her at the bar about her life details. He went to the party and played drinking games.

But he's got her photos plastered all over his wall and he's clearly given up on any normal home or job or family, and is only focused on hunting Yi Na. So why was he so passively waiting around? Did he intend to hurt her or kill her from the start? Indeed, could she have said anything to stop him?


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Yes, when she said that word "souvenir", I was like, "oh nooooes, don't say that!"

Everything else she told him up to that point was fine. I was almost expecting him to be 80% sympathetic to her, and to understand where she's coming from (survivor's guilt and such). But I guess he was only listening out for what he wanted to hear and confirm: that she killed his daughter.


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AHHHH THE MAKNAE COUPLE. I heart Jong Yeol and Eunjae so muchhhhhh I haven't felt this way about a pairing in so long hihihihi they're my cuddly adorable happy pill these days aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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YEs same they're my favourite ship from this drama (though i am enjoying the others) I shipped them from the moment they met and ahhh how far we've come


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This episode! So many feels! I'm highly intrigued by Eun jae's back story as I really want to find out what went on with her father, her brother and herself. Beneath that shy, soft spoken miss, there's a core of steel. So, it won't surprise me in the least when she and Jong Yeol start dating for real if she ends up wearing the pants in the relationship.

I was amazed at how authoritative she was on the phone with her mother, and when she later forbade her mother from helping her aunt with the life insurance money. It seemed that she spent most of her young life looking out for her mom. And the way she stared at her mom eating ice cream with her step dad. Was she surprised that her mom didn't have any issues eating ice cream with nuts on it when her older brother clearly died of a nut allergy?


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My guess is the mother is a secret drama queen/munchausen by proxy who creates situations to attract attention. The son and possiblely the father may have died as result. The mother seemed unbalaced and her fluttery helplessness an act.


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I noticed that, too--she was very firm with her mother, and I do agree that she'd be wearing the pants in her relationship with Jong-yeol, so to speak. Based on their interactions in ep 7 and 8, she's this way with him because it's a new relationship and she has no experience, but once she's comfortable and the relationship is stable, I'd predict she'd have the upper hand. And he adores her so much (although he doesn't really let her see it) that I think he'll let her get away with anything. Basically I think she's an example of not all quiet people are spineless, and I love those kinds of characters. ?


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Eun Jae's mum is a denial expert, for sure.

Eun Jae's unfussy, plain fashion style may be a deliberate attempt to distance herself from what her mum symbolises (the cutesy, flirty, clinging to men mannerisms remind me of Ye Eun, but while Eun Jae may not mind that in a friend, it may not be cute in your own mother).

Eun Jae has confidence issues, but she is stronger than her mum in many ways, and perhaps in some ways, she feels a mild exasperated contempt for her mum?


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Yes it seems like she had to mature/grow up quickly to make up for her mom being too childish. That's why she missed out on the other "teenager" stuff like having friends and flirting and dancing crazily. (Though I enjoy how she continuously stumps Jong-yeol with her cluelessness so I like that part about her hehe) I think she wants to let go a little though. She refused to join her mom and stepdad's ice cream party but admitted to Jong-yeol that she's been wanting to eat ice cream with someone special.


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Eun Jae's a natural femme fatale, hehe!

... and now here I am sitting here eating Maxibon icecream. And it's not even summer here. Dammit, kdramas always end up making me hungry or thirsty.

Except bean curd. When characters get out of jail, they always have to eat tofu. But isn't that rather tasteless?


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About Ji-won - maybe she doesnt have a specific arc because she doesn't have a tragic/hidden past to tell and she doesn't have anything going on in her life right now. I think it's unfair to assume that all 5 girls need to be (for a lack of a better term) "interesting". In fact I think I relate with Ji-won the most because she really is just an ordinary girl, and there's nothing wrong with being ordinary, she has a great personality and great friends and is living life to the fullest. I do wish that they would show more of her everyday life but honestly it could just be her going to school and hanging with friends (maybe I'm projecting myself onto her lol).

Also Jin-myung and Chef....aughh why do you do this to me show?!


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I think Ji-Won might have her backstory, her dads description was different from her current self (he says she was shy and not so talkative), so maybe something happened?


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It's funny cos I totally see myself and a lot of friends in her. It's not so uncommon to have "the crazy pervy girl" in a dorm who turns really nice and behaved when the parents come to visit.

Based on her rapport with her dad, I think it really is just a nice girl from outside the city who's having too much fun once she gets to college.

But we'll see. There are 5 more episodes. :)


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Yes! I'm also like that, I'm different when I'm with my family, when I'm with my close friends, or with people I don't know. Seriously, the change is drastic. I go crazy with my friends then turn very quiet with other people, haha.


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Ji Won does have something she hides. Perhaps the biggest than the other girls. It's been hinted at when they had this game when Jung Yeol asked 'who do you think has the biggest secret to hide' and he pointed at Ji Won. And Ji Won did reminisced about how she's pointed at, so she definitely has. Second is the epilogue of ep 7 where Jung Yeol talked about why he picked Ji Won during that time. Jung Yeol proceed to explain that people who have something to hide can have 2 kinds of attitude: being so quiet or being so hyperbolic, and Ji Won is classified as the hyperbolic one. Jung Yeol insisted on this statement then proceeding to claim that he's a Psychology major after all


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I think the show is saving her story for last? I'm hoping. Maybe all the other girls stories are distractions from hers. She's quite the drama queen so I'm wondering if she's making up the whole thing about the ghost in the cupboard. Maybe its her way of finding out more about her roommates. And maybe the ringing in her ears thing is a medical condition? So many questions and theories. I love this show!!


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Ooh I love your theory!


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No. I don't want her to be sick. :((((


Omg! I'm totally buying this theory!
I always found it odd that she has these "visions" or zoned out where she's sees an endless street before her (kinda hard to explain except that the camera lens is zooming into the streets and all the streets are endlessly connected).
Also in one of the interviews (maybe 2-3 episodes ago) she vowed she would lose her virginity this year because she didn't want to be a virgin ghost! Maybe she's terminally ill.


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The "visions" and the ringing in the ear could be hinting at a cerebral problem.



I've been thinking about this a lot after reading the comments on Dramabeans and reminiscing a lot on my past experiences. When I was growing up, I once knew a girl, she was a country girl, shy, sweet, quiet and unsophisticated. After a while, she changed. Started dressing different, acting different. But the biggest and most drastic change was that she couldn't bear the silence. She had to fill the silence with conversation and she talked all the time!

I was only sixteen at the time, but even I wondered what was wrong with her. Her behavior was a lot like Ji won's, hyperbole and excessive. It partly explains why I find Jiwon's behavior to be a bit over the top, excessive and often, off putting. Lol. Especially in ep. 8 but I'll talk more about that when it's recapped.

I later found out that the girl I knew was having an affair with a married man, who was her boss. She couldn't deal with the guilt of her thoughts and kept talking as a way to distract herself. So there is merit in Jung Yeol's observations.


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I keep wondering whether there was a specific reason she was absent in the first episode, like maybe something serious happened, but she doesn't know how to share it.


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Imaginary Jong Yeol running after the bus made me LOL because, think about it. It's just Shin Hyun-soo the actor running after a bus and trying to shoot arm-hearts at Eun-jae while trying not to fall flat on his face. XD (or is that just CG?)


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I was worried that a tree or a street sign might run into him lol. (My brother's excuse when he got into an accident).


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Me too! It's one of the Laws of Kdrama! I was sitting cringing and waiting ... thankfully, we stayed in the romcom genre and nothing bad happened to Puppy's face!


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he really ran for the scene! he posted a picture on his Instagram while pointing at eunjae who is sitting inside the bus. [SPOILER?]


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I usually roll my eyes at kdrama tropes but I want Jin-myung and Jae-wan to have one of those accidental hugs or kisses because enough of the longing glances, you two better start talking again. ?

And I totally missed the reason Eun-jae was staring at her ice cream because of the peanuts. Thought it was only because she was reminded of mom and ajussi's lovey dovey act, so I was like huh? when she smiled after Jong-yeol took a big bite of it. ☺️


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Ryu Hwayoung, Han Ye ri, Han Seung Yeon and Park Hye soo are really rocking their roles so I don't agree that Park Eunbi is doing most of the heavy lifting in this drama. This is an ensemble drama, if I ever saw one, where each actress brings in her own special flavors to the mix.

So glad Jinmyung finally ended whatever was brewing between her and that sleazy manager! I too, wished that she called Jae wan to give her a ride, but that would have been so against her personality, seeing how hard she rebuffed him. Damn, I really, really want them to get together as a couple! At least she was smart enough not to accept a ride from a strange man in the dead of the night.

I really feel so bad for Jinmyung as her mother has turned her into a cash cow using her as collateral for loans, not caring about the impact on Jinmyung's life. I've yet to see her mother display any concern for Jinmyung at all. Though I expect it must be so hard caring for a comatose son all these years. Which begs the question, how did her brother get into a coma? Was she responsible in any way? Clearly her mother blames her and she blames herself. What a sad and sorry situation!

I think Yi Na's flippancy about the bracelet hides her survivor's guilt as, by her own admission, she changed after that experience. She no longer wanted to study or have a career or even a family but live only for the moment. Still I wish she didn't get in the man's truck, she put herself completely at his mercy.

I admired Ye eun's advice to Eun jae to love wholeheartedly and not in a calculated manner. I'm glad that even though she has a a skunk as a boyfriend, she's not jaded with love. Here's hoping she learns to value herself, and gets a boyfriend more deserving of her.


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I agree. They are all carrying their own roles well. Park Eun-bin makes Ji-won fun, exciting and hitting all the right notes with the rest of the girls.
Who would've thought that the serious heroine of sageuks could be this funny.


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Yeah, none of them ever slip out of character, and they clearly get where their characters are coming from. All the girls have great chemistry, too. I mean, I think it's fair to say that Park Eun-bin and Han Ye-ri are a cut above everyone else, but they make the other girls better too imo, and no one is doing a bad job.

Yeah, I agree about Yi-na's survivor's guilt. I think she came away from a life-or-death struggle and thought, is this it? It seems like the effort it takes to do "well" at life (school, dating, maintaining relationships) just held no meaning for her anymore. What's interesting is that she clearly values/sympathizes with people who still put stock in society's idea of success and try too hard to do things the "right" way (Jin-myung's integrity and insane work ethic, the work Ye-eun puts into being a "good girl" and "good" girlfriend, even if she takes it out on Yi-na), and seems to wish she still had it in herself to care that much. (sorry about all the quotation marks lol. Just trying to present values without necessarily buying into them :P)


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I wonder if the manager wanted her to skim from the till. He knew she was financially vulnerable and socially isolated at the restaurant. She would have made a convenient scapegoat if discovered.


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I have only one issue on HSY's acting, and agree all others are rocking their roles. She is doing OK, not really bad, but I have a thought if her role is given to better actress who is on par at least with Hwa young and Park Hye Soo maybe I can like her better and have interest on her. Maybe someone like Kim Seul-Gi. Just saying, ;)

In anyway, this drama is really my favorite right now because I love the plot and the writer managed to balance the stories between the five ladies..


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Totally agree w/ that.

While totally aware that the writer is making it so that the viewer has a certain emotional response to Ye-eun (who has been stirring the pot by blaming the wrong person for her hurt feelings) and we do see the more sympathetic side to Ye-eun as the hurt and somewhat insecure girl, think another actress (like KSG) would have made her a bit more endearing.


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I know , her character should be sympathetic with, like others she also has her own scars. Her insecurities made her feel inferior. We all know and understand that, but the way the actress playing the role for me quite unbelievable. She did not managed to convince the viewers about her hurt feeling.

Actresses like Kim Seul Gi, Kim So Eun, or Lee Yubi (just name few) will probably managed to make the character a bit more endearing.

For me she is saved because she has a team of good actresses around her so her poor acting goes a little bit unnoticed. It is quite surprising that Hwa Young and Park Hye Soo did a better job than her as they are still green.

Oh yeah, I'm waiting if there will be an ost by these three Hwa Young , HSH and PHS since they are ex idols and singer. It will be a bonus if they can sing an ost for this drama.


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Like the title of this episode says, the girls carry secrets that sometimes make them feel that they aren't entitled to happiness, and there's a shadow in their past or themselves that "normal" people would be repelled by.

I found Yi Na's story really poignant this episode. Given the Sewol ferry tragedy, it's a topic that undoubtedly still hits close to home for many, and maybe not just in Korea. Yi Na's situation is complex and real. Just because she survived, does that mean she's happy? Does it mean she should feel like she should work doubly hard and enjoy every moment of life?

Some part of her surely knows that she's done nothing unforgivably wrong in doing what she had to do to survive, but she hasn't been able to move on. She's living like she's not entitled to her life, like she's the one who's dead, and it's heartbreaking, even though she puts up such a strong, sassy front.


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Really really enjoying how the small details at the party are the catalyst for so much of the drama in the second half so far. This show is deceptively well-structured--the micro level stuff still feels spontaneous and organic, even discombobulating at times, but there is a lot more going on on the macro level than first meets the eye. Park Yeon-seon never disappoints <3

The mysterious, supernatural edge things take sometimes and the life-and-death undertones in an otherwise mellow show remind me a lot of Twin Peaks for some reason. When they suddenly break to the surface (like the end of this episode), it has this weird effect of making everyday life seem epic and desperate...which, I mean, why not? idk, living is a struggle, even if it's just to find meaning in the midst of banal concerns and petty conflicts, to fight personal demons, or to learn to accept and love yourself.


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Tbh i want to skip all jin-myung scenes because she's breaking my heart and i was hurting along with her.her boss is a trash.
i just want to adopt her or something.
also wants to skip ye eun for another reason and her a** of a boyfriend.shouldn't she ask yi-na first before anything? specially knowing what an a** her bf is?ugh

Can i have 30 minutes screentime of Jongyeol and eunjae being cute with each other??like,i'm internally screaming at how cute this two are<3

I'm sure jiwon will have her turn of backstory next time.but even tho she dont have it yet,i'm okay because she's such an awesome person that it's such a joy watching her?dispensing happiness to peasants like me,this queen.

And then there's yi-na.i really like her because she's badass but she's living recklessly going with a guy she barely know.he could be an ax murderer or something*shivers*

This show gave me so many feels*sigh*


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Oh, the cuteness overload this ep, especially when Jung Yeol told Eun Jae she could stroke his hair - for the first time, I saw the Yoon Si Yoon similarity.

This oppa needs to join the flower boys group stat, along with Nam Joo Hyuk, etc!


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Can we please vote the manager as the Ickiest Drama Character for the end-of-the-year awards? He makes my skin crawl.


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Was really scared for Jin-myung when she went to the manager's house; Wouldn't have put it past him to rape her.
Glad she woke up and got the hell out of there!


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The scariest of all is that he's so real, too many of us have encountered such a vile creep.


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The ending scene sent shivers through my spine..


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You know why this show is great? Because when Eun-jae burns herself they respond immediately and run it under cold water - not stand around dumbfounded or put ice on it as in near every other drama i've seen.

Ok that might be the least of reasons why it's so great. But it was just an extra touch that made me say "yes!", to compliment every other instance of sweetness, strength and real and understandable weakness this show offers.

Could do without the jarring capital "D" Dramatic back stories but whatever.


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I love this drama too much that I'm forgetting it's midterms week and I have a thesis paper to finish.


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I was practically screaming at Yi-na and Jin-myung not to go to a secluded place with a man you either barely know or don't really feel comfortable around. I wished Jin-myung had put a stop to it sooner, but I'm glad she put a stop to it, period. I would have swallowed my pride and called Jae-wan just for the sake of my own safety. And I'm rapidly losing patience with Ye-eun and her blindness to the real problem in her relationship which is her dirt-bag boyfriend. If there is one thing I think Ye-eun (and Jin-myung and Eun-jae) needs to develop, it would be a spine, a backbone, so she can stand up for herself. But their growing friendship is the highlight of the show and I love it. These girls are often frustrating but maybe that's what makes them so relatable: they're flawed, just like us.


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I was so touched that they ALL chipped in to help Jin-Myung with her job. Love stories with womance!


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I was waiting for the latest AoY recap to make my first comment... And you mentioned it, Sweet&Sour, the music. I really love the soundtrack to this show. The two songs that really get me are Jordan Klassen's 'On Your Collarbone' which is used in the happy love scenes a lot and The Temperature of Saying "Hi"'s 'The Night To Live For Winter' which is used for Jin Myung and Jaewan a lot during their struggles of loving at a distance. I like to believe the music coordinator of the show is Dong Wook from Soul Mate. As I've done for Soul Mate and Coffee Prince, I've begun to collect the songs of this drama into a playlist.

I too am enamored with W. And can I say, Kdramas bring relatives closer together. Today my cousins in the Philippines posted W profile pics on the FB profiles and I told them I'm watching it too, to their surprise and delight.


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It's a classic... But by kdrama standards not your ordinary show, which I found refreshing. As for the ending, it depends on your perspective. I will say that of its time it's definitely one of my faves that has an indie feel to it.


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There had to be a reason why I'm liking the music (the music in CP was great).


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Right? My favorite from CP is Low-End-Project's offerings, because they sound a bit like the Kings of Convenience.


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Glad that you picked this drama! And we both have same favorite drama at the moment. ;)


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I think we should cut some slack for Ye-eun. Her way to react is perfectly normal. Yes, one should hold the cheater responsible but very, very few of us are mature and clear-headed enough to do so immediately after finding out about things. When you're emotional you do not think clearly and it is so much more easy to blame the other woman/man, because you do not love them. It is simply a way to cope when the ground grumbles under you. Besides, Ye-eun is very young and this seems to be her first relationship. Give her time.


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My problem with Ye-eun (all throughout the show) is her meanness. Like, she seems to take extra delight in the suffering of others? I know it's probably a defense mechanism, but she likes to backstab the other roommates and accuse them of things she does herself (the boxers episode). Also when she talks about Eun-jae's lack of makeup like it's a hateful habit to have. I'm like "Girl, where did all this hate come from???"

For this episode, I can totally see why her character is doing that. I've had lots of friends whose guys did something bad and yes, sadly, their default is to confront the other girl who may or may not be innocent and pin all the blame on her instead of confronting the douche that's their bf. Well, I know this is what some girls do in real life, but it doesn't mean I approve of it. Heh~ I feel sorry for hating her character but I think it just shows how realistic she is that she gets such a reaction from us.


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It's her pettiness that makes her acting stand out to me.

Sure, Ye Eun's overly conscious of looks, she's weirdly prudish and self-righteous and takes out her anger on her poor roommates, especially Yi Na. She's frivolous and frustrating to all around her (including us) and yes, that's exactly why she feels like a real person to me, rather than a drama character.

It's a show about secrets, but also about growth/change, and Ye Eun's certainly got a lot of changing to do, so I look forward to her story arc a lot (no doubt punctuated by frequent yelling and invisible punches at the screen).


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"Besides, Ye-eun is very young and this seems to be her first relationship." - I totally agree. She's the one I related to the most because she has a lot of insecurities with her relationships that translate to her spiteful attitude to make herself feel better. I definitely had moments like that when I was her age, and I so regret the things I said to people back then. It took me a while to acknowledge my own imperfections and change my perspective. I still check myself when I start to feel inadequate but have a lot more confidence and serious IDGAF attitude these days.

In a normal Kdrama, Ye-eun and Yi-na would probably be the second lead evil/bish stock trope character. While Ji-won, Jin-myung and Eun-jae would be the Candy, next door goody two shoes lead character. This show is definitely a refreshing change from all that and I love how each of them has a story to tell. (but still patiently awaiting Ji-won's big moment).


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Thank goodness for Age of Youth! Made my weekend catching up on this show. Loving the Jin-myung and Jae-wan story line. They have great chemistry and it feels like it could be a mature relationship if things can work out. If not, sad for the characters.

Yoon Park is so cute and this is my first time seeing Han Ye-ri act. She's awesome! Has the same subtly of Kim Go Eun.... they don't have to raise their voices or try too hard to get their point across. Can't wait to see more. :)


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Wow, I thought the same exact thing! Han Ye Ri's impressive acting skills are quite similar to Kim Go Eun in Cheese in the Trap, my favorite kdrama of all time. They play the struggling, hardworking girl role very well, So much that she is now one of my favorite actresses! Not even Park Shin Hye has impressed me as much as her!
And yes, I agree, Age of Youth has turned out to be such an amazing and refreshing weekend drama. This drama has landed in my favorites list. Except that, unlike Seol from Cheese in the Trap, I really hope that this time our actress gets a happy ending with her man.


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This is the drama that got me commenting after FTLY because I just really needed to mention how realistic it is that Jin Myung only has an iPhone4 compared to just about everyone in the drama with iPhone 6's. I can relate because I still use one because of my family's budget lol. She's a realistic adult who works in a lot of part time jobs and can only afford a cheaper phone unlike the numerous Candy characters in dramaland who have all the latest gadgets.

I just got into this show and it's such a refreshing slice of life drama. Everyone's stories are really fascinating and sometimes it seems like a mystery thriller with some of the girls' secrets and the following BGM that I get almost whiplash when I see the romantic moments.

And I cant believe this is the first time I've ever seen Han Ye Ri... Whenever she's on screen I can't help but focus in on her. I get so depressed watching her scenes and it just goes to show how she's really embodied her character.

And Ye Eun just really need to dump her douche of a boyfriend. She really deserves better than him.


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The phone, yes! Thank you for pointing this out. It does lend a sense of realism, and it just shows the kind of thoughtfulness put into age of youth, even in the tiny details of just a simple phone. And it's effective, given that it resonated with us!

(Ah, slice of life, how much do I love you.)


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I am finally caught up and I maintain that I love this show. I love every single one of the girls, I love their personality and how they are always there for each other. I do love SJW, but I got to say that my favorite characters are KYN and YJM. I love that KYN is always trying to protect her friends and that she simply doesn't give a cr*p what people think of her. She knows who she really is and that is good enough for her. I like YJM because she has a backbone and I am absolutely invested in her love story. She has been through a lot and I just simply want to see her happy.

Now on respect of YEJ I am now more curious about her past. The fact that she said that her mother should be thankful towards her for the fact that her father is not there anymore has me intrigued. If I had to guess I feel like her brother didn't really die of a peanut allergy. From the glimpse of scenes the one that stods


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I pressed summit by accident -_-, anyway as a was writing

From the glimpse of scenes the one that *stood out the most was the scene of the stove being turn on. At first I though that maybe it had been an accident but now I feel like the dad was trying to kill all of them and YEJ acted in self defense and killed the father. From the blood on his head she probably beat him or hit him with something and was able to escape, maybe a vase or a small fish aquarium since we see a fish on the floor. YEJ probably didn't say anything and it was just reported as an accident, there was an explosion in those scenes right? Now on to her brother. I want to fix what I said before maybe he did die from a peanut allergy but maybe it wasn't accidental. Either the father did it and YEJ witnessed it or he was a witness to the fact that YEJ killed their father couldn't take it and committed suicide but made it look like an accident?
I am wrong most of the time when I speculate but it makes it fun to share my thoughts with you guys and to read feedback. Thanks for the recap chocolatte :).


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I my perspective it was probably a car accident.


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Huh, I had to see the scene again to notice a car, you are probably right. Is just that the stove image is more clearer and less muted it was more noticeable. Now that I think about it why do I feel like the fish represents her brother? When a person has an allergy attack it is hard for them to breath, like a fish out of water.


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OH. I didn't make that connection. Great observation!


This show is so stressful, I just want my girls to live happily ever after. Ji Won and Jin Myung especially (at least right now - but really all of them). Yi na - she's so awesome I really hope she chooses to give up the prostitution. Ya Eun - so insecure, she deserves better.


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Loving this show so far. It reminds me a lot of Mixed Up Investigation Society, with its focus on friendship and the mix of comic, serious and surreal elements (plus it also has the delightful epilogues at the end of each episode!).


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(I'm late to the party!! ?)

Anyone saw Ji-won's face fall when she heard Eun-jae's question to Ye-eun? That's when I thought that there might be something more to the reason why she wants a boyfriend--perhaps because it's also an experience that she also wanted to genuinely relate to/talk about with her friends. I don't think it's about being boy crazy or losing her virginity, I think there's more to it. ?

And that manager is just all kinds of *insert bad words* I don't know if he even recognizes that what he's doing is harassment, and abusing his ascendancy over Jin-myung? Then of course he's taking it out on her when she had the 'gall' to refuse him. Guh I hate this situation. And this is something that also happens in real life so I'm just feeling very punch-y right now.

Last: home girl Ji-won, when are you getting your story?


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Hehe poor Ji-won sunbae who wants to know the answer to everything. She looked like an abandoned puppy when she realized she couldn't advise Eun-jae about her BF problems. But she did perk up pretty quickly to team up with Ye-eun and tease Eun-jae.

I like your idea that she's chasing an experience so she can relate to other girls.


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I don't know why, but I just felt super sad when she looked sad, haha.


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I felt super sad also. Kinda broke my heart a little, with that one look.


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Hahaha Eun-jae was so cold to her in that part. "Sorry Sunbae, no NBSBs allowed"


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Did no one here remember anything about Yeeun saying something about Jiwon being a liar? I think it's after Jiwon said the house is haunted by an angry spirit. Yeeun thinks that she shouldn't believe anything Jiwon says because she lies a lot. That should be a hint about her character's backstory.

But I guess anything can happen since there are still 4 episodes left^^


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You got me thinking about that liar part.


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Was waiting for the recap, thanks chocolatte! ?

This show is almost a bitter sweet watch for me. It has made me feel very nostalgic for a time I had once with my girlfriends at school, before life got in the way and we all moved in different directions.

I feel their friendship is even more precious because of how ephemeral I feel it is. It started reluctantly after being thrown together in the same house and if not they are so different that I doubt they would have been friends if they had just met outside. And these last episodes have shown how they have grown to be so much more than just housemates to each other.

I may be alone in this but my closest girl friends were all made in school/college, and I find it hard to find that same kind of connection with people at work, even if I see them every day. Because like AoY, the girls in school grew up with me, watched me make mistakes, seen me sans makeup, at my worst and also my best. Not to mention all the inside jokes thanks to the moments we shared. And now being a continent away, I miss them all the more.

This show captures that lightning in a bottle feeling from that period of my life and makes me wistful for it again because it's true you only realise how special something is when it's over.


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Michy, it seems we are watching the same dramas ;)

Agree with you, my current best friends are all from my college years. None of my co-workers I consider as best friend. While we are close in work, but we do not really keep in touch during the non working hours. Same goes if I changed to different place.

I heard a saying, if you want to get a boyfriend, get it during your college days. But I think what is more important, get best friends during our college days. Because I dont think our colleague at works can be our best friend, ;)

And now I am missing them more and more.


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Yay for Beanies with the same tastes! :)

Yeah Im the same- at work I can chat with my colleagues well but after work is over we all have our separate lives.... I miss the times where I would hangout at school with my friends, then after school, weekends, school hols... haha. Like I said, good times!


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Good old days will remain as good memories. ❤ See ya at next episode recap. Being addicted to this drama OST and keep playing it over and over again❤


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This is my first comment here.
i am totally hooked by age of youth!
Finally i can move on from Reply 1988 haha

I just wanna share my thought about this drama.
I guess you guys still remember their former housemate?the ballerina from the pilot episode?
Did Eun Jae question about why did the girl quit living with them in Belle Epoque has been answered?
If i think about it, i've been distracted so much by those five girls' arcs, but i'm sure that plot is still matter somehow.


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They answered it with a vague "she got pregnant and had to go back to her family". But now you bring it up, I'm not sure if that's 100% true or if it's going to come back in the later eps.


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I had forgotten about her actually. What if the "ghost" belongs to her? She left her ballet slippers there right? What if the ghost is attached to them for some reason?


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I've been reading good reviews about this drama, so I've decided to pushed back watching uncontrollably, doctors and even let's fight ghost, so I can catched up with the previous episodes. I marathoned the 8 episodes over the weekend. And I love it! Glad that I gave it a go.
But where is Jiwon's POV? I love her! ? I like her spunky attitude. I don't know, but I am reminded her of Park Min Young's Chae Young Shin character in Healer. Maybe because of the hair? ?

Can't wait for the next episodes, when all their secrets will be revealed.


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Heehee my friend said that Ji-won's character is like Chae Young-shin... when drunk. So she's like an extra hyper version of CYS? It's also something about how they talk. Like "tsk tsk tsk, look here, you innocent lambs, let me show you how the world goes" attitude.


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Our maknea couple..so sweet so sweet sooo sweet. I just melt in to a puddle when these two are on screen.They literally redefine the word cuteness :D

I'm quite forgiving towards Han Seung-yeon's acting though. I think the character of Ye-eun is of a college girl-self absorbed, selfish,irritating and frustrating most of the times, but still essentially with a good heart and a conscience.I think HSY manages to show that to us so I am happy with that.....

But of course the best out of the lot (to me) is Han Ye-ri. What a performance! My heart hurts every time I see fluttering romance between the sous chef and Jin-Myung. So beautiful, so fragile..and then Jordan Classen kicks in with his classic song to capture the beautiful beautiful moments .......I die and go to heaven..

Why oh why couldn't the big three give a chance for this little gem?With such a well crafted story and absolutely heart grabbing acting from all actors?So that more people would see and appreciate this...why oh why.??? :(


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loved it.


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Glad you did. :)


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I have only just started this drama over my current vacation in the UK. Thank goodness for wifi at where I am staying and speedy one at that and the available sites to watch this drama still. So thankful they are still available after a year.

I really like this drama, and feel regret that only now I am getting into it. Always love shows about a good tight group of friends and when they are girls like me, I totally am gooey for such stories. Girl friends are the best.


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♥ I'm glad you're watching this gem!


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