My Fellow Citizens: Episodes 3-4

A conman married to a detective isn’t a recipe for success, which is why there’s obvious tension between the once happy couple. The introduction of a deliciously wicked adversary may be just what this couple needs to jolt them out of their doldrums because it turns out that there’s more that one badass woman in the mix. It’s going to take a team effort to bring this bad girl down.


Park Hoo-ja gazes out of a hospital window and tells her comatose father that she understands why Al Pacino’s character in the Godfather sought revenge — he wanted to take over his father’s organization. Hoo-ja confesses, “That’s why I want to avenge you, Dad.”

When Hoo-ja confronts Con Hyung, she promises that she’ll stop at nothing to find the man who conned her father three years ago.

Meanwhile, Jung-gook frets at the fake real estate office because he can’t reach Con Hyung.

Mi-young and her team are en route to arrest the fraudulent real estate team when Charles arrives with a roomful of clients. Seung-yi texts Jung-gook that she’s on her way with her gambling client.

When Hoo-ja sees another incoming call from Joon-gook, she hands the phone to Con Hyung, “Answer it. So he doesn’t suspect anything.” Con Hyung manages to tell Jung-gook that his route is clogged with traffic but promises to see him soon.

Something about the call bothers Jung-gook so he questions Charles, who came by the same route. When Charles reports that there was no traffic, Jung-gook realizes, “We’ve been caught.”

Charles empties the room while Jung-gook shreds documents. Jung-gook warns Seung-yi and when she sees Charles’clients filing out of the office, she starts a fight with her client and drags her away by her hair.

Jung-gook and Charles wipe down the office as Mi-young and Hoo-ja close in. Seung-yi arrives at the office to help destroy evidence but in their rush, Charles falls and injures his back.

As Hoo-ja reaches the office, she orders her henchman, “Make sure to kill him. Don’t make any mistakes.” Hoo-ja and Mi-young enter the empty real estate office at the same time, through different doors. Hoo-ja sees the police IDs and lies, “We got the wrong address.”

Mi-young informs her, “This is a fake real estate agency. You were almost conned.” Mi-young hands Hoo-ja her card and adds, “Call me if anything happens. Don’t feel bad.”

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You almost got conned


When Hoo-ja gets back to her car, she tosses the card at Con Hyung and accuses him of working with the police. Con Hyung sees the name on the card and blurts out that it’s the same name as Jung-gook’s wife.

Con Hyung inquires about Jung-gook and Hoo-ja snaps that she didn’t catch him. She wants to know where he is and warns Con Hyung, “Don’t try to play tricks on me.”

It turns out that Jung-gook is visiting his family to celebrate his father’s birthday. A news report about the hunt for a serial killer is on the television when his sister brings out a dish. When Jung-gook’s sister returns to the kitchen where Mi-young is preparing dinner, she complains that the women have to cook while the men do nothing, even though Mi-young is the only one cooking.

Jung-gook’s sister goads Mi-young into agreeing with her and then tells everyone at dinner, “She says she hates that only women cook.” Mi-young tries to silence her sister-in-law but when she lightly touches her, Jing-gook’s sister cries out in pain. Jung-gook tries to console his wife but she angrily swats his hand away.

After a few bottles of soju, Jung-gook’s father talks about his time in the Viet Nam War. When Mi-young takes a bathroom break, he stops his elaborate charade to scold his son, “This is all your fault. I said not to get caught by the cops, so you get hitched to a cop.”

Jung-gook’s sister helpfully suggests, “Why don’t I get a gigolo friend to hit on her? Let’s make her cheat on you.” Jung-gook steals a look at his sleeping niece and warns, “Don’t bring in someone like Ha-roo’s dad.” Frustrated, Jung-gook promises that next time he’ll just send money.

Jung-gook steps outside for a cigarette and hears someone call his name. Con Hyung steps out of the shadows and Jung-gook can see that he’s been beaten. Con Hyung grabs Jung-gook in desperation as Hoo-ja’s thugs surround them and cries, “I refuse to die alone! It’s not fair!” Jung-gook argues, “What about Mi-young? I can’t die. There’s too much I couldn’t do for her.”

Jung-gook head butts Con Hyung and then runs away through the neighborhood streets. Thanks to help from his neighbors and the convenience store owner, Jung-gook almost gets away, until Hoo-ja’s car stops him.

Hoo-ja offers Jung-gook a lift and when asked, “Where to,” she matter-of factly explains, “You already know where.” Jung-gook sees a police car patrolling nearby and when a man with a baseball cap runs out from a side street, he gets an idea.

Jung-gook runs to the man and punches him in the face while yelling, “How could you? How could you do that?” Jung-gook punches the man again and again, “How could you do such a thing?”

Hoo-ja’s men try to drag Jung-gook away but they’re all forced to retreat when the police car approaches. Jung-gook tells the stranger, “Let’s go to the police station together.”

When a team of detectives appears, Jung-gook stands up and holds out his hands. Jung-gook is confused when his victim is the one that’s handcuffed while one of the detectives grasps his hands in gratitude.

A breaking news report details how Jung-gook caught the serial killer who had eluded the police for two years. Suddenly, Jung-gook is all over the news, described as an honest businessman married to a veteran detective.

Jung-gook is swarmed by admirers of all ages where ever he goes. His reputation soars even higher when the serial killer tells reporters, “He said, ‘How could you do such a thing’…what he said to me changed me. My fellow citizens, I’m sincerely sorry for what I did.”

Various awards and accolades are heaped upon Jung-gook. He’s even made an honorary police officer and Mi-young reluctantly presents flowers to her husband. During group photos, Mi-young can barely hide her discomfort.

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Brave Citizen Yang Jung-gook


In the hospital, Charles asks Jung-gook about the next job because he and Seung-yi need money. Jung-gook suggests taking a break but Charles explains that the only reason he’s that still in the hospital is because he can’t pay his bill, and wriggles his back to prove it.

Seung-yi reasons that Jung-gook can’t work now that he’s the ‘Brave Citizen’ and promises to look after herself as she walks away. Jung-gook tells Charles that he’ll take care of the hospital bill on his way out.

When Jung-gook exits the hospital, he’s surrounded by fans. Hoo-ja’s henchman reports that they won’t be able to go after Jung-gook for a while and Hoo-ja scolds, “You should’ve killed him back then.” After Jung-gook sees Hoo-ja’s man watching him, the thug is forced to drive away.

Hoo-ja’s younger sister barges into her office, “We’re in trouble.” Hoo-ja is soon on the move as Sis explains their crisis.

Judges file out of a courtroom while an assemblyman covers his face, and when he walks away, he leaves his assembly pin behind. The new vacancy means that a bill that Hoo-ja wants passed is now short by one vote. Hoo-ja asks her sister, “Where are all the old fogies gathered?”

At a fishery, Boss Park’s fellow mob bosses sit around a makeshift table while Hoo-ja proposes filling assembly positions with handpicked candidates. The old-timers suggest antiquated lobbying tactics — bribing candidates with cash or supplying them with liquor and girls.

Hoo-ja’s patience evaporates and she explodes, “…did you all get dementia together?” The old man at the head of the table bellows, “How dare you speak so rudely…,” but Hoo-ja doesn’t back down, “It’s because I’m young and rude that I’m here.”

Hoo-ja points out that if she wasn’t younger than them, the old men would be buried somewhere by now. Hoo-ja promises to take care the assembly herself and leaves with a cursory bow.

As Hoo-ja leaves the meeting, Sis reports that the Min-jin Party’s candidate, KANG SOO-IL, can’t be swayed because his son’s death was caused by a loan shark. The Nationalist Party is searching for someone new and Sis is tasked with finding out who they have in mind. Hoo-ja hands over Mi-young’s card and asks her sister to investigate her as well, “She’s chasing Yang Jung-gook, but I think she lives with him.”

A man in outdoor gear, HAN SANG-JIN (Tae In-ho), one of the candidates in the televised debate with Jung-gook, flies back from Germany. Soon, he’s enjoying a fish pastry in the lobby of a police station, until an officer asks him to leave.

Sang-jin realizes that the officer thinks that he’s homeless and argues for the rights of all citizens, even homeless ones. The police officer apologizes and Sang-jin is still in the lobby when Mi-young walks by on a phone call.

Unseen, Sang-jin moves closer to Mi-young and after she finishes her call with a persistent reporter, he overhears her complain, “Why did he have to become the Brave Citizen?” Mi-young is startled when Sang-jin asks her, “Who’s a brave citizen?”

Over coffee, Mi-young and Sang-jin catch up. She asks, “So? What did Mom say,” but Sang-jin hasn’t spoken to her yet. Mi-young advises, “Tell her when she’s in a good mood.”

Sang-jin apologizes for missing Mi-young’s wedding but she points out that after two years, she could already be divorced. She fails to reassure a worried Sang-jin when she tells him, “We’re doing well. Pretty much.”

Sang-jin hands Mi-young an envelope with wedding money and then announces that he’s expected somewhere else. Once outside, Sang-jin turns around for another glimpse of Mi-young.

Sang-jin meets a couple for dinner and asks them to define ‘pretty much’. The woman explains, “So-so. Not bad.” Sang-jin asks if that describes his friends but the woman confesses, “We live together, but we might as well be dead.”

The couple bickers in front of Sang-jin but eventually they kiss and make up. Everyone laughs lightheartedly until Hoo-ja’s sister interrupts.

Sis takes Sang-jin to a private room where Hoo-ja is waiting. Even though he’s ill at ease, Sang-jin sits down to hear what Hoo-ja has to say. She mentions his candidacy in the upcoming election but Sang-jin explains that hasn’t been determined yet. When Hoo-ja confirms, “It has been decided,” Sang-jin laughs, “I guess this is how I find out, from a stranger.”

Hoo-ja brings up the repeal of the Interest Rate Regulation Act and Sang-jin guesses that she’s a loan shark. Undeterred, Hoo-ja makes her pitch, “If you help us, we will support you for the rest of your life. You know loan sharks have nothing but money.”

Sang-jin explains that he became a candidate because he has no commitments or attachments. When Hoo-ja doesn’t understand, Sang-jin tries again, “If I owned a house, had loans, was married, and had kids…If I had that much to protect, I would probably take your side and do what you ask.”

Hoo-ja’s pleasant smile disappears when she realizes that Sang-jin can’t be bought. Hoo-ja leaves first and on her way out, she scoffs at a news report about Jung-gook’s latest act of bravery.

Min-young sees the same news report and barges into the bedroom to ask Jung-gook, “What did you do this time?” In flashback, we see that after Hoo-ja’s man drove away from the hospital, some women gasped when an old man collapsed in the busy street.

One of the students next to Jung-gook yelled out that the Brave Citizen was in their midst. When his admirers cheered him on, Jung-gook had no choice but to run to the old man’s side. As a truck with a texting driver headed straight for them, Jung-gook crouched over the unconscious man.

Jung-gook explains to a teary Mi-young that he didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to worry her and adds, “…luckily, the truck driver saw me in time.” Mi-young tells her husband, “You did good,” but then she starts to cry, and wonders, “Why is it so hard for me?”

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I’m sorry for being a hero


As Sis drives, she finishes a call with an assemblyman. A member of the Hansang Party, Kang Hyung-tae, knew Sang-jin in Germany and may prove to be helpful, “He likes money…and is just dirty enough.”

Weary of the never-ending cycle of bribery, Hoo-ja asks, “We always spend the money. So why are we the ones who bow down and ask the politician punks to help us?”

Back in her office, Hoo-ja watches a televised interview of a voter on the street, “If someone like Yang Jung-gook would run, I’d be first in line to vote because he pursues justice with his whole being…We the people need someone like him.” His comments prompt Hoo-ja to make a call.

At home, Mi-young gets into bed with her back to Jung-gook.

Hoo-ja tells someone, “let’s not put all our eggs into Han Sang-jin’s basket. Let’s bring in someone who listens well.”

Jung-gook glances at Mi-young and tells her, “I won’t do anything shocking anymore. I’m sorry.”

Hoo-ja stares into the camera as she tells the person on the other end of her call, “Let’s create an assemblyman.”


Not one, but two badass women are now in the picture and promise to make Jung-gook’s life even more challenging than it already is. Park Hoo-ja is one scary Boss because she’s not frightened of anyone, so there’s no one to stop her or even slow her down. Hoo-ja shows no loyalty or respect for anyone, not for her father or any of the old Bosses who knew her when she was growing up. No, it’s a new world and she sees herself as the only one capable of navigating what’s ahead. Hoo-ja is one terrifying, confident villain, hidden behind that fake, pleasant smile. There’s sure to be some serious fireworks when she and Mi-young face each other again.

Jung-gook has my pity because he’s going to find himself in the middle of those two strong women, his wife and his enemy. It promises to be not only funny, but intense as well. The threat from Hoo-ja means that Jung-gook will have to use his quick-wittedness again and again to stay just out of her reach. As his desperate encounter with the serial killer proved, Jung-gook has an uncanny ability to land on his feet. I can’t decide if he can’t do anything right, thanks to losing the money that he swindled from Boss Park and marrying a detective, or if he can’t do anything wrong, he ends up a national hero instead of a dead body. That was fantastic!

As a conman, Jung-gook can’t be recognizable, so his whole world has been turned upside down now that he’s known as the Brave Citizen and his face has been splashed everywhere. It’s about to get worse since it looks as if Hoo-ja plans to turn Jung-gook into an assemblyman so that he can promote her agenda. Where will his team fit in, because I can’t wait to see them in action. That Charles looks like a lovable character, but with a serious gambling problem, will that give Hoo-ja a way to turn his loyalties? Speaking of the team, what happened to Con Hyung?! The last time we saw him, he was lying in the street. Did he get away in all of the confusion, arrested by the detectives or rescued by one of Jung-gook’s neighbors? Or is he a goner?

In addition to his team, Jung-gook has one wacky family who has deep connections in the world of con artists. I about choked when his sister suggested hiring a gigolo to get Mi-young to cheat on Jung-gook. She’s already proven that she’s one sneaky sister-in-law, but that suggestion was crazy, even though Jung-gook seemed willing to consider it. A con artist team assisted by a con artist family, a kickass detective who’s been itching to get back into the field and a ruthless villain without a conscience sounds like the formula for a wild ride.


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A family of con artist married into a family of cops 😂 so looking forward to what’s gonna go down. I actually gasped when I saw a kid in the living room, They had a kid!!!! Then it hit me that it’s been only two years since the wedding and she’s a grade schooler 😂

Hoo Ja was the highlight of this episode for me (setting aside the hijinks that came with a con man becoming an accidental national hero). I love that we have a badass female antagonist. Can’t wait to see how Jung Gook goes bonkers between these two strong ladies.

I do wonder though how it would work with the people he conned, there’s no way they’ll forget a face that lost them $$$ 🤔


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A family of con artist married into a family of cops......hmm. Isn't that the plot of Enemies In-Law starring Jin Se-yeon and Hong Jong-hyun?


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I'm wondering the same thing too! Maybe he'll have to come up with creative ways to stop the people he conned from spilling the beans on him. Or, considering how wild this show seems to be, the conned may just become part of his posse.


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Loved the family dinner!


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The old-timers suggest antiquated lobbying tactics — bribing candidates with cash or supplying them with liquor and girls.

And we know where... Oh wait, is Burning Sun closed now?


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damn LOL


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Well, there's still Rising Moon!


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i dislike very much siwon but i rly enjoy this premise fsr. oh i think it was when i read in the recap she said sth like "im not good at housework" lol


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Best part was Hoo-ja's line when we was telling Henchman/Driver to make an urgent change "You kill people but you can't make an illegal u-turn?"
(Delivered of course in the manner familiar to those who watched Mr. Sunshine)


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I’m not watching this, but did see Mr. Sunshine, and can totally imagine it!


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I totally laughed when I heard her say that.


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That was my favourite part too, it was hilarious! And then her screeching voice "U-turn! U-turn!". Felt sorry for Mr Henchman for a moment.


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Ack, it's not like I've been waiting with bated breath for this recap or anything... thanks, @teriyaki!!


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Jung-gook running through the neighborhood and neighbors' homes ..... and nobody questions it, because you know, it's Jung-gook and apparently being chased is par for the course with him when he's home.



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Heh. I love that tidbit. All his neighbors are so chill about Jung-gook having to hide from whoever-it-is chasing him atm.


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I didn't know whether to laugh or cry that they made the serial killer have remorse after getting beat up by Jung Gook, but I did end up laughing because this drama is so absurd. I am enjoying it.


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I jumped directly into ep 2 without watching ep 1. I enjoyed it. The show is funny. And Siwon is better in this than his last drama. LYY and KMJ are awesome.


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I love how Kim Min-jung plays Hoo-ja. Great job !
The drama has a great ensemble cast and I love its sense of humor.

P.S. I don't know why, but Jung-gook being swept by ahjummas made me lol and rewind. That bit is gif-worthy.


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You weren't the only one rewinding that part. That had me rolling!


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This show is perfect to lighten up the mood!


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I loved the scene in their bedroom when Mi-Young said “Why is it so hard for me?”. Maybe seeing her husband do these outrageous thinks makes her sad because their married life seems so boring and passionless after she revealed she's a cop.

I think it's going to be really interesting to see how their relationship develops as Jung-gook gets pushed into the public eye


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I’m interested in the new guy. Is he a relative of Min Young? Or something more? Those two seem to have history together.

Love the hijinks Jung Gook finds himself in. 😂 don’t know if he’s lucky or just plain unfortunate. I hope he and Min Young work out their problems. I miss their love-filled moments!


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She's adopted so I think he's the biological son of the Police Chief or another adopted son.


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This episode was a hoot and pretty much guaranteed that I'm in it for the long haul if they keep up with the outrageous comedy. I'm liking the storyline and the characters are fun. I've been absent from dramabeans due to my classes and not finding a show I could really connect with that was being recapped, but I'm glad to be back and share this experience with you all!


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It seems to me that our hero is about to trod a path that we have seem before- a bad guy who is forced by circumstances beyond his control to become a good guy. It is the sort of story that O'Henry and Damon Runyan used to tell. We saw it in 'The Good Boss". The fact that we see two extremely strong women in this story adds a lot to the mix.


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Well I admit I like the confusion at the start when the con was going south.

The folks who were brought in I think were decoys to fill the lecture with nodding heads and to ask questions of the speaker to relax the mark into following their scheme.

But when it dropped in the pot they shuffled them off. And I think again what we saw being cleaned was a fake real estate agency a floor or two above or below the real one.

That would allow them an illusion of location.

"Yes it was the Majordomo building floor 5. I think that was what the girl pushed." Instead she hit 7 and then was to keep the mark distracted by talking to them and keep them from looking up to see the floor number and then getting them off before the they saw anything out of the ordinary.

And the mark walks in to a room that looks the same as the agency down below. So the mark tells the cops and the real agency gets tangled up in this mess. While never looking elsewhere in the building. And by then the crooks are gone and the place swells of cleaners.


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