Sent these to my fiancé and he retorted that our love story isn’t a drama 😂


    😂 I relate rl with dramas a lot too that people have to remind me that’s not how it works in real life.
    But this dialogue is such a tired excuse. I’ll also have to say that there are faithful men too. And I’m not watching the show but the ones who do wrong use their instincts as an excuse so that they can just claim it isn’t in their control anyway, the whole boys will be boys thing which actually degrades men and gives them an excuse to not take any responsibility.


      I know. I think society already accepts the fact that men, by nature, is polygamous. Which is why more and more men think it’s okay to cheat.


    Such a boring excuse. It’s plainly lack of self discipline and lack of respect for your partner. Nothing more & nothing less.
    What’s very ironic is that women do cheat a lot – well, Nigerian women. Durex conducted a survey back in 2012, I think, and it was revealed that Nigerian women were the most unfaithful women. And I’m Nigerian myself but for the longest time, I thought Nigerian men were the scum of the scum. (I know it’s not all men but quite a large percentage of them share the above post’ sentiment 🙄). But then, I found out that quite a lot of men end up raising kids that they didn’t birth. No, not intentionally but because their wives cheated. I have way too many anecdotes involving paternity tests that reveal a kid or 2 out of 3 aren’t his kids. The craziest? All 4 kids! Yes, you heard right! All 4 kids aren’t his. And it’s not just one situation.
    I used to be so defending of Nigerian mothers and women but with that revelation (and other things), I realized that a lot of people in the dating/marriage pool in Nigeria are scum. It’s best to leave them to their devices! They understand their scuminess.


    I really dislike Korean logic on men & women. The idea that all men have this uncontrollable instinct is nonsense that sounds like it’s from the 1800s.
