The Island of Neutrality trying to make me see reason. *do not board any ship*
Ah bummer. I’m too far gone anyway. *duct tapes be damned*
*leaves safety of island on an abandoned boat* *nears the Ye Liner* *calls out to the Captain* *Is there room aboard for one lone passenger?*
*swears an oath to stay loyal to this crew despite the end game*
The heart has chosen. ❤


    Welcome to the Ye Side fellow Ye-Liner, or should I say Yedi ! 😂


    Welcome aboard, raven.


    The Ye Line welcomes you. Here is your chick shaped cotton candy. Be sure to check out the library as it is well stocked with poetry.

    Note: Don’t be intimidated by the cleaning ladies. They like to dispense their advice brusquely, but are just trying to do their job well.


      *takes the cotton candy* Thank you for the warm welcome:)
      Ooh excited for to check out the library- it’s at the top of my list!

      *noted* *will write down all the advice they give in my own Book of Ye-Advice.


    Welcoming aboard mate! We’ve got smiles, advices, cotton candies in any shape you want!


    Yes, we gave enough room. Don’t worry out it. You are welcome….


    Goodbye, Raven. It was lovely having you. May your ship sail true, and your battles be strong. I wish you the best of luck in all future endeavors. The island is always here should you ever need a rest.


      Goodbye, SnarkyJellyfish unni… *sheds tear* Thank you for offering me a place to stay while I struggled with my emotions. I will forever remember your kindness and will miss my chingus on the Island of Neutrality. Till the next time we meet (if ever on the island)… good bye.


    As a line cook on the Ye Liner, I have prepared a forearm sized kimbap to welcome you aboard!


      Aww you shouldn’t have! Thank you!! 🐥🐥 I’ve heard that the Ye Liners are very generous in their hospitality and it’s really true!!
      But I have a question.. where is the ship’s captain? (We do have one right..?) Just asking in case I can be of any help…


        Would you like to be our captain, @ravennightstar? Your name already suggests that you may be able to steer the ship toward the right direction competently!


          *stunned speechless*
          *whispers in case MinYoung crew hears* You mean you’ve been sailing without a captain? 😲 *calms down to think rationally*
          Ok… let me think… it is a huge responsibility… *mumbles to self* … I was (insert italics😆) a soldier back in the infamous azzo war… not sure if I can do it… um..
          The ship’s gotta sail somehow… and we need a captain for it. If ye all Ye Liners accept me as yeur captain, then I’ll be Ye(it).


    OMO, what is this blasphemy? I wake up scrolling through the beanie wall this morning and saw your post! I’ve had a few hours to let that sink in now….

    I can’t blame you though. This last episode did feel like a turning point for neutral beanies. I mean how can you resist cotton candy from the Advice Machine? Then he had to get a little petty and gave himself advice? Ok…need to stay neutral…no more Ye talk.

    Goodbye for now! ***Runs to grab the rest of the drinks Raven left***



      I’m sorry to let you down, Jenmole. I couldn’t help myself… the heart wants what it wants. The duct tapes didn’t help either…
      I may have chosen the wrong ship… but I can’t turn back now. There’s Dr Ye… but also Bo Young. She really loves him and I gotta stand behind our girl for now. I might consider the Island of Neutrlity if I ever feel down…
      As a Ye Liner, let me give you some Yedvice. Hold on tightly to the palm trees… don’t board the ships until you’re 90% certain your heart won’t get broken. ;D
      Good bye! Take Care!
