Really rather upset by the shut down of Dramafever. I rarely use the service these days, but it was my entrance portal into the world of asian dramas. I easily recall the days I would check back in, again and again, throughout a day to see if a new episode was out, or just read the articles. It’s like the shutting down of the cafe where you used to meet your love when you first met…

Yet on a more positive note, I finally have the setting for the Korean drama version of Shop Around the Corner aka You’ve Got Mail aka She Loves Me that I’ve been working on.

The female lead is a pure lover of dramas who works as a writer and IT for Dramafever, the male lead for Warner Bro’s or Viki or Kocowa or some big business that wants a piece of the drama action. Boardroom and office shenanigans happen. They bond on Dramabeans (using anonymous usernames) over their shared of Healer and sageuks, bicker over whether Six Flying Dragons or Tree With Deep Roots is better, and try to arrange a Beanie meet up, only for the guy to show up and see that it is the woman from Dramafever (the company he is helping to shut down), who hates him, that he is meeting.

Ultimately, of course, he also rejects big business, and they become a tag team of full-time staff the caliber of @mary here at Dramabeans, where they can put both their professional talents and love of dramas to good use. *they might also start a rather legendary bootleg site only accessible to Beanies* *a girl can dream*