“Don’t touch my woman” was a great moment and all but I kind of wish that she werent defined as “property” in that particular moment, you know? Here this creeper has broken into her house because he’s A) insane and B) a creeper and C) a criminal and D) entitled and I’ll stop there because I will double my way on through the alphabet but here he is screaming that YS is his and Mr. Lawyer is fighting him off but he’s also saying that YS belongs to him. And I’m like….actually, she may be your girlfriend/soulmate/love of your life but she still belongs to herself.
Also, its kind of….squirmy?….watching this with the powerful man drugging the woman in light of recent events.
Oh, and also number 2. Its kind of late in the game for this drama to be introducing a plot. Like…we’re almost through the cake and suddenly your like…DINNER TIME. I’m full on fluff. I don’t need steak. Thats just an example. I always need steak.


    On point, as always, @isthatacorner. I raised my eyebrow at that line too and wonder if there’s an issue of cultural translation. Both The Crowned Clown and Fluttering Alert used the phrases “she’s your person” and “she’s my person” to great effect. It wasn’t stated as ownership but acknowledgement of a relationship.


    I hated it and thought it was a awful way to end it. And the googly eyes she made when he did it…..no.


    I just caught up to ep. 11 and full on expecting to see that moment at some point as soon as the creeper psycho shows up. I agreed. It’s so cringy and gross, considering the current events. Why show, you’re really using all of the rom-com tropes indiscriminately. 🙁
