One month has passed.

And I am still an errand boy…

I guess…this is my fate…


    Hey, come visit me at my rooftop and practice your cameo roles! I’ve been here for 1 year and 1 month.


    Errand boy-ing is a lengthy experience (they want you to really appreciate that rooftop when you get there) 🙁


      If I keep making snarky comments, it’d probably do the trick, like @cloggie…we used to work the same streets running errands, then she got teleported just like that in the middle of our whining about rooftops, and she’s up there now, while I’m still down here.


    Ngawww..where have you been YY? Long time no see~ how’s your pet cat? Huhuhu


      Hi, katak. I was in the UK, I was in Scotland, then I came back, and went off to Manchester after 3 weeks. That’s why I’ve been MIA. Lost touch with all the dramas, finished Perfume two weeks after it ended, and still haven’t caught up with Mother of Mine. Watched the first episode of A Moment at 18, and loved it…so deep, and so angsty, watched the first episode of Rookie Historian, loved the visuals, but I don’t know, I don’t feel the chemistry…A Moment at 18 has lots of that so delicious, the actor is so amazing…and I started to write a new fanfic, so I’ve been pretty busy, I guess. How did you like Perfume? I found the ending nice, but the show doesn’t leave me breathless, not like TLE. I cried so much at the ending of TLE, and was walking around in a glum daze for days and weeks after.


        Ohhh…you have been so busy~ I only watched Perfume in June-July. When it ended I started to rewatch TLE, I’m at ep 3. Heh

        I like Perfume a lot and I miss waiting for it weekly. It’s not as exciting as TLE, TLE was makjang galore with so many things happening!! Lol. But I did shed some tears for Yi Do. He’s so lonely and sad. I think SSR has mastered the art of crying in this role, he looks so sad every time he cries. And I think he cried so many tears as Yi Do than all his other characters combined lol.

        I’m glad Yi Do found his way to his family along the way. Also I was rooting for Jae Hee to be happy as herself and Jae Hee – Yi Do to happen and it did! The ending was satisfying and beautiful for JH-YD’s journey~ Also might be because I watched it as it aired, so I was anticipating what will happen next and waited each week for a new ep, just like how I watched TLE.

        Anyways..Yi Do is my favourite fantasy romcom male lead character, as much as Hyuk is my favourite kdrama modern Emperor (despite their flaws). Hahahaha
