I have just started ep 10 and I am irritated.
Ep 9 ends with Appledog/The Greatest Female Geek in the Land being herded by a gang–a literal group–of men pulling and dragging her away. She’s screaming Han! Save me! NO NO NO at the top of her lungs and crying. He comes and does just that. He saves her. He knocks the ones holding her aside and picks up a weapon as they are clearly out numbered.
Excuse me. Whaaaaaaaaaaaat? One of her CTF players appears out of nowhere and instead of standing between her and her would be rapists he stands between her and Old Han and they give him a lecture about his violent tendencies?
Maybe they just wanted to talk to me!
Then maybe you shouldn’t have been screaming like your pants were half down and you were being held down like a train was about to come through. Except that’s not what you really thought. You really thought you were in danger and this whole thing is dumb.


    Seriously can we stop with Old Hans old team because everyone on Team Solo is so problematic. No wonder Old Han doesn’t want to be friends with these douche canoes anymore. Go be friends with Little Squid. Sure she’s a little stalker and wears a lot of make up but she seems to actually like you. Screw those dudes.


      I had a big issue with this scene too. Some of the plot holes in the story actually gets explained later down the road, but this own never was.



    That was the most ridiculous thing ever.


    This drama is terrible for a myriad of reasons, this scene being one of them.


    I quickly learned as many have to just fastforward Solo flashbacks, and I dont regret it a bit. Han with Tong nian is pretty much what I care about.


      This is what I’ve started doing. Although I did watch Little Mi meeting her friend. As much as I think that Team Solo is garbage I do like Little Mi. It’s a recent development. He has a really pretty mouth.


        I first noticed Little Mi because I like his voice. I usually am skip resistant because I always have a niggling feeling I am going to miss something, but in this case it’s a case of self preservation.


        Yaya and little Mi are definitely one of the bright spots in this show.
        After I responded to your Go Go Squid I read about your living situation and I am so sorry you’re going through so much hardship. Its awesome that you have people helping you but I know you are anxious and ready to be settled. I really admire your ability to look at the good things and retain your sense of humor. “HWAITING”


    that scene with him getting berated for Saving her was what finally pushed me to skip I mean I dont care about her a bit but now my bloodpressure is through the roof, not worth it.
