It has come to my attention that I tend to watch more dramas when I’m very busy. I’ve had 3 exams in a week and I have seen a movie, I’m caught up with Chocolate, Crash Landing on you, Stove league, Black Dog and Diary of a Prosecutor. This is more dramas than I watched throughout the semester.

I think it’s because I know I’m too busy to be watching so it comes off as a proper escape but when I’m more free, having all that time paralyzes my interest. I do have the most fun in hobbies when I‘m busy. Summers are a drag!!
Or, the content that airs during my exam period is the kind of content that speaks to me? Or it’s everything? 🤔


    Oh wow you’re a brave soul! I dared not watch during a semester or I was scrambling to get schoolwork done DX I read a lot of recaps though lol


    So i manage to stay away from dramas but I tend to visit dramabeans and watch YouTube videos a lot during exams! Like today I have my last exam but here I am replying to you 🤷‍♀️


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    Every now and then, I rewatch scenes from BTIOFL and I’m again reminded of how much I really love Se-Hee and Ji-Ho’s relationship. I especially love how Ji-Ho does somethings that are completely natural to her and Se-Hee is in the background having a moment of enlightenment followed by quiet contentment and awe of how compatible they are. It’s so beautiful to watch over and over again!