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Open Thread #11

Open Thread #11

by javabeans

Haha. Kiongna, good luck with the downloading. If my technically-challenged brain could finally figure it out (with a lot of help from soompi friends), than anyone can do it. Now, on to deciphering how to run the subs simultaneously...

Blake, thanks for the yahoo clip. I've always really liked Romola Garai and Vanessa Redgrave, but Saoirse Ronan gave an amazing performance as the young Briony. And she's only 13! I can't understand why they billed this movie in previews as an epic romance-lover's romance (well, actually I can), when it's really more about this young girl and how her mistake affected the lives of all three of these characters. I hope they win some Golden Globes.


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Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

by javabeans

This isn't available on the D-Addicts torrent tracker yet, huh?
I guess I've to dl from Clubbox this time.

Thanks for the episode summary. I can't wait to watch it.


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Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

by javabeans

I watched Ep 1 today and was surprised how much I enjoyed it. It's wild, wacky and very entertaining but not comic-bookish. KJH is perfect for the role; I can't imagine anyone else doing it. SYR's more than okay too. She's definitely improved after Thousand Years of Love where her acting was just a joke. I think she and KJH had good sparks in Ep 1 so things look very promising.


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I got so excited just by seeing KMM ! "Return" a recent moview by KMM was very suspenseful and he did not disappoint and I enjoyed it very much! Can't wait for this one!


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Loved 3-Iron - I was amazed that I could enjoy a movie where the leads didn't need to speak and yet said everything!


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by javabeans



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Open Thread #11

Open Thread #11

by javabeans

Happy New Year 2008 Everyone!

This year I'm STILL going to watch as many K-dramas/movies as I can but not at the expense of my family! LOL Wish I can rubberband the elasticity of time, only 24 hours in a day and after work, so little waking time left! So family or dramas? Family or dramas? *Shame faced* many times....dramas won! AND I'm going to learn how to download dramas/movies FINALLY (last year's resolution also U la la) chingus have been superb in providing them to me and DVD/CD shopkeepers love me LOL. Currently there's still a deadlock with my tech idiot brain and my lazy bones.. at the rate I'm going it could be resolution for 2010...aiyo wish me luck!


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Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

by javabeans

I like the 2 episodes aired so far. Its refreshing and its different from the usual K-dramas due to its fusion theme. Its also not too heavy and i really enjoy it. You are right, the bold character suits Sung Yuri here.


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Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

Hong Gil Dong: Episode 1

by javabeans

Just reading your summary I can tell KJW must be doing a marvelous job, sounds like just up his alley! Reminds me some of Capital City but this alla Saguek mode - luckily no matching hats/ribbon with suit LOL I can even feel him enjoying himself immensely in this role - bet all the NGs would have the whole crew laughing themselves silly and loads of camaraderie - how lovely....I'm looking forward to your following summaries! Thanks, Hugs E


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Open Thread #11

Open Thread #11

by javabeans

Actually this year has done nothing but made me feel older. My 18th birthday was yesterday. I don't know about anyone else, but that's a huge bucket of cold water to the face for me. It gives me the heebie jeebies.
Regarding New Years resolutions, my friend and I decided to just go by the motto, "be spontaneous" because it's nothing that will drag us down or make us feel like failures at the end of the year, rather just an excuse to go have fun. So far it's working.


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