Small dramas stay afloat amongst blockbusters

Bae Soo-bin of Angel’s Temptation

This article attempts to explain the ratings situation of the two dramas it discusses (Angel’s Temptation, You’re Beautiful) and frames their modest ratings (in the vicinity of 10% to 14%) in a positive light. It’s a pretty short article that only touches on the basics, but I’ve just seen another more in-depth piece about the latter drama that I’ll post up next, which expands on the point raised here.

“Small dramas” survive along with popular Seon-deok, IRIS

Amidst the hot popularity of large-scale series like MBC’s Queen Seon-deok and KBS’s IRIS, there are “small dramas” that are drawing notice for their strategic survival. Whether it’s through slightly avoiding a competing timeslot against these large-scale dramas drawing in 30% to 40% ratings, or using a subject and stars to appeal to the teenage set who remain indifferent to epic saga or sageuk dramas, they are collecting a small but solid corner of the ratings.

SBS’s Monday-Tuesday Angel’s Temptation has established the provocative topic of using marriage as a step toward revenge, and is scheduled one hour ahead of Queen Seon-deok.

Using this strategy, the drama premiered with a 10.3% rating (TNS Media) on October 12, and since then its ratings have not dropped once. Coming in at a short 16 episodes for this miniseries, the fast plot development and provocative subject have the ratings remaining faithful.

Jang Geun-seok of You’re Beautiful

Airing in the same hour as IRIS is SBS’s Wednesday-Thursday drama You’re Beautiful, written by Hong Jung-eun and Hong Mi-ran of Fantasy Couple. The drama is drawing praise as its idol-group story unfolds in a comic way.

It has a topic sure to capture teenage interest, as well as Jang Geun-seok, who is the recipient of an outpouring of love from twenty- and thirtysomething noonas, and the Lee Hong-ki “card.” It is currently taking little bites out of IRIS‘s popularity.

The online forum is full of comments like “I like IRIS, but I’m captivated by the entertaining You’re Beautiful.” One viewer left the comment, “I changed the channel by accident and watched for a moment, but I couldn’t forget it so I saw the reruns from Episode 1. I’ve completely fallen for it. I’ve totally converted.”

Via Asiae


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That pic of JGS really makes me want to use whatever the alternate word is for *squee*, but I don't know what it is! :-D


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One viewer left the comment, “I changed the channel by accident and watched for a moment, but I couldn’t forget it so I saw the reruns from Episode 1. I’ve completely fallen for it. I’ve totally converted.”

Yay "You're Beautiful"!!!!!!!!!


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OMG, Jang Geun-seok is so cute in that picture. I want to see that kind of expression in TK. What would MN do when she sees her star smiling like that?


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Yes, I've read about viewers converting from IRIS, HTTG to You're Beautiful because they accidentally switch channels. Many of them end up 'accidentally' watching You're Beautiful that way, from what I read in Bestiz. (:

You're Beautiful might not be pulling in the 30+% ratings that BOF did, but it does have steady ratings, in the 9~10% range. And of course, many viewers end up watching it online, which wouldn't contribute to the recorded ratings at all.


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jang geun seok.. you indeed, are beautiful.


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That picture of Geun Seok is just adorable.

Geun Seok oppa, fighting! <3


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I love the way JGS's mouth is curling up at the corners when he smiles. It's amazing how he can look so different when he's scowling. He is really star material.


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That's great to hear. I hope the actors look at the ratings in this perspective.


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JGS is just toooo *cute* so much love is out pouring from me seeing him smile like that. Sigh! I hope he feels better knowing that there are so many of us who love "You're Beautiful" with a passion.

Can't stop listening to PSH's "Without words"


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The cutest pic ever! I am so glad that regardless of ratings many are seeing what a gem this show really is. Angel's Temptation is entertaining as well so its nice that they are still holding on.


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I think most people, unless they're really into the idol boyband concept and/or Jang Geun Seok/Lee Hong Ki, would have initially stayed faaarrrr away from You're Beautiful because of the sparkly ghei that was the posters and the styles (JGS's HAIR, good lord). Honestly, I took one look at that big blue poster of A.N.JELL as... well, angels, and decided I wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole. If JB hadn't recapped it and talked about how good it was, I don't think I would ever have tried it, but now that I've given it a chance, I love it. Bad marketing, I suppose?

But I'm glad other people are finding their own ways to slowly stream into the You're Beautiful fandom, even if it's just switching to the wrong channel and being drawn in by the prettiness XD


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Of the current crop of kdramas, I'm most excited about You're Beautiful. Queen Seon Duk has become dull and repetitive and while IRIS may be the most hyped kdrama of the year, You're Beautiful is the most endearing and cute.

It's the perfect role for JGS which totally showcases his talents.


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Well, it's good enough for YB to be drawing in a steady 10% (relative to some other dramas, but no negative meaning intended to those) when airing in the same timeslot as IRIS. I've got no interest in IRIS, such big works, for I would rather turn to HK for this genre. I hate ancient epics of any origin, and so......I guess YB is a fresh setting that distinguishes itself from the other dramas airing currently.

I'm looking forward to the other article you were mentioning, for an analysis of YB...I love such articles! Thanks for sharing!


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I agree, although BOF's poster was pretty crappy as well, it didn't look as bad as YB's poster. I think the poster should be taken down lol who ever thinks of the idea should be the one to blame. I know a lot of people didn't think the show would be this good, judging by the poster =D But I'm glad more people are taking interest in YB, YB deserves it. Now just hope people keep 'accidentally' switching to the wrong channel (I know I do it everyday).


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I totally agree that the poster is horrible, horrible! It is true if the poster and marketing had showed ANJell in a more "mature, hip way" instead of as JB mentioned before "sailormoon-like", it would have drawn more interest. And do you think they are really drawing on JGS's charm/cuteness/hotness...etc. now? TK's started emo-like, which could have turned away a lot of people, but now he's all Hotness--maybe that's the new marketing strategy, and it's definitely working!!! If he had looked like that from the start--there would definitely have been more interest! I too didn't care for it until I read JB's recaps--as I trust her opinions/input!
Thank you so much JB for opening so many eyes! I think you are our moon!


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yay! I'm watching both! They're fantastic!

I wasn't so sure about "You're beautiful"because oh gawd, JGS' hair is...yuck! But I HAD to watch it because I love him <3 and then I got really hooked, glad I watched it AND that he fixed his hair. LOL. Still wish he'd take it easy on the eyeliner though


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I don't see anything great about You're Beautiful. I watched it in early episode but gave up.
This drama is too comic-liked. It gives a feeling of Japanese drama.
Overall acting of leading actor and actress are not natural and over the top.
BOF was based on the comic, it's understandable that the storyline was liked that.
I think this drama deserves this kind of rating, around 8% is the most appropraited.


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I am glad to see that YAB is getting some good press. It is a very entertaining show and the actors are all very endearing.


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Agree that YB was poorly promoted. They should have played the Hong sisters card more, such as including, "From the writing team genius who brought you 'My Girl' and 'Delightful Girl Choonhyang..." in the trailer perhaps? (Not that I would personally call the Hong sisters geniuses.) And definitely drop all the "fluff" from the promotion poster.


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ratings don't mean anything in this case! personally i think you're beautiful is much better than bof. i skipped through the ending, it was so messy. not to mention a million hours worth of ji hoo and jandi and gjp nowhere to be found. YAB is already my fav kdrama as of now and on my top 5 list of all time :3 shining inheritance comes first ^^


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I thought the poster was a little shallow but knowing that the Hong Sisters are behind it and Jang Geun-seok is in it, no force on earth could've pulled me away from the drama.

I have always been a Jang Geun-seok fan and now that more people have discovered this gem of an actor. He is amazing.

And the other actors are doing really well, too. Even the newcomer Jung Young Hwa is doing his best. You're Beautiful may not be the most popular drama in South Korea right now but to us fans who have discovered its beauty, it is the most entertaining drama for 2009.


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YB is epic!!! even I like the most hated idol UEE. her acting is pretty good.. JGs chased by pig scene is pure GENIOUS!! (mi nam's imagination. rofl)


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Haha, I was biased to because of the poster. I didn't think it was good until I saw the recaps on dramabeans. I was like "Uhmmm...she likes it...I'll give it a try." After the first episode, lol, I was hooked. It was such a delightful one hour of laughter and non-stress. I didn't have a need to rush it or anything. I think that's why I love YB. It's sort of my laid back enjoyment whether that one hour is part of my only sleeping time. :D

I'm glad, too, I found it because if not I won't have anything to look forward to on Thursday or Friday hihi.


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@4 I agree that it is too bad online viewing isn't recorded. Looking at viikii stats YB will probably reach 1 million views before episode 9 comes out. Compared to Iris which only around 207,000...

At the end of the day, ratings are about advertising and commercials. The answer for companies...Product placement... as demonstrated by etude house i believe....

But to be honest, I use ratings for kdrama recommendations. YB has taught me not to judge a kdrama purely on ratings.

Side NOTE: i youtube searched UEE and saw her dancing on a variety show. She looked fierce and a bit stuck up.... I was like is that her for real. No wonder she plays her character so well... UEE fans, i apologize... it was just a first impression... didn't know anything about her til I saw YB


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I was too, kinda doubtful of You're Beautiful when I read your post on Jang Geun Seok's image for this drama, Javabeans! But when I tried Ep 1, haha, love it. This drama is so amazing that I totally forget about Boys Over Flowers. Lol.

IRIS was too... intense and in-depth for me. Would more prefer a lighthearted and comedy drama :)

Ganbare, You're Beautful !!


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love how the article point out the positives of these two dramas that are pitted against dramas with high ratings and how they are holding their own. I hope JGS reads this. and i love that pic of JGS! he has the cutest smile ever and it makes me want to smile whenever i see his smile


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If it wasn't for the fact that I've adored all the other Hong Sisters dramas, I wouldn't have watched YAB. Idols are just not my thing, and I've worked hard to avoid any and all idol-related activities. But, I watched the first episode and fell in love.

IRIS, on the other hand, has just bored me. I've seen through episode 4 now, and I just don't feel a thing towards it. None of the characters make me particularly happy or angry. It's all just meh.


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Ha, I came across this article when I was just about to catch up on IRIS. I've only watched the first 3 episodes of it. It is ok; I have to really CONVINCE myself I should continue to watch it since I've started it.....Meanwhile I've watched and re-watched each episode of "You're Beautiful" soooooo many times and still love every minute of it. IRIS just doesn't hold the same level of interests in me; it just a big--MEH. As supposed to YAB, I feel so excited and passionate about it!!!! I couldn't wait every week for the new episodes to come out! Way better than BOF in my opinion! Love the OST! LOVE JGS & PSH!!! Fighting!!!!!


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I love "You're Beautiful!" I faithfully tune in every Wednesday and Thursday for videos. Every episode leaves me wanting more.

"IRIS," on the other hand, is my filler. If I'm really bored, or if I need my quick drama fix, I'll download it. It gets a little too dramatic, but I love Lee Byung-hun so I manage to sit through the gun fire and explosions just to get a glimpse of his gorgeousness. =)


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'You're Beautiful' is indeed such a lovely gem. And that pic of JGS is tooooooooo adorable. It's making me all giggly inside :D


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Also, I was pretty excited about Iris's debut, but then YB came along and I was totally smitten with JGS and his character. And Park Shin Hye was just sooooo adorable. I haven't watched an episode of IRIS yet (sorry TOP!) because everything just seems to pale in comparison when it comes to 'You're Beautiful'. Although the show's ratings aren't very high, I'm glad it's receiving a lot of love. It's such a lovely show! I hope the cast and crew know how many people love it.


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I enjoy watching You're Beautiful. Each episode is fun, and the characters are just so adorable. Even the supporting cast is funny. Each episode is light to watch nothing too weepy but still so much fun helps that the cast are doing a good job even if there are no big name veterans (in the lead role) in this one (they are kind of young). The Hong sisters are just good writers, most of their works I enjoy! It's one of the good dramas to come this year for me!


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Yeah, BBF was kind of a freaky situation. I think you had East of Eden and BBF at one point both hitting 30s. To do that, the total Korean TV viewership during the primetime actually had to expand significantly to make that happen.

YB's ratings are pretty much on par with the other youth-driven shows SBS and MBC had been airing. Shining Inheritance got SBS's strongest performing time slot, so it's not completely fair to compare. The numbers are okay, and of course not reflectign the actual viewership, since a huge # are watching online, during reruns, or on their phone.

I think Angel's Temptation has proven that the time slot workaround CAN work. The show has steadily built an audience and its ratings reflect that. May not reflect the Temptation of Wife national numbers, but then again Temptation wasn't a 9:50-11 drama anyway.


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WOW love that picture of JGS. So cute....I'm just smiling away now...hehehehe


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After watching both, I completely understand why people would leave IRIS for You're beautiful, 20-30 years old or not. And here's why, I think: IRIS (excuse me if this could be offending, not intended however), is not original. After watching the 2 epi, I realized I was watched some of the scenes/knew some of the plots/ was familiar with some of the characters from some Americal movies/TV shows, namely: 24 (the fast phase presentation), Criminal Minds (the girl computer hacker), Bourne Series (all those clandestine operations/assasins/hero with past emotional baggage, etc). Don't get me wrong, though. IRIS looks expensive and is expensive and I like that it isn't done sloppy. Because it shouldn't with that kind of plot.

Now for You're Beautiful, it's how it's written and presented that makes it great. An of course, the actors delivering provide the needed justice to the characters that the writers so eloquently created. For instance, the Go Minam is so dense but is never irritating. AS GMN, the actor makes sure that she acts, looks, and carries the innocence and pureness to the T, therefore the denseness (is this a word??? :) ) is natural and makes sense. And oh, the new ideas! Like pressing the nose to control her emotions! Or drinking water! Have you seen than in any other Korean dramas? I haven't. And JGS, I just want to spank him when he's mean, hug him when he's hurt, or kiss him when he's good to GMN. All these emotions they are creating out of me! And what about the blond member? He is just hilarious! And the other member in love with GMN? He's beautiful as the actor acting the character and as himself, both. Then the manager, one of the greatest acting I've seen in the korean dramas. He's so subtly natural you don't even realize he's acting! And the president speaking random english? In many instances it's irritating but never in this drama. His chracter calls for it.

I know I'm practically gushing now, but one needs to appreciate the natural delivery of You're Beautiful. Nothing is forced, everything is done perfectly.


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As an overseas k-drama fan, JGS' news flashed many times in the last few years in various websites. But I never gave him a chance since he looked weird in those clothes in the photos. I did not like his look in YB as well.

Similar to others, I started watching this drama accidentally after finishing MFL and thought, wah, this is what I am looking for in a drama even though I don't like JGS's hairstyle and make up. But I start to like him as an actor. His performance is just great. He must have practised a lot in front of mirror for his smirk and staring face. I admire actors who gave their best in every film/drama. I can find his latest movie Itaewon Homicide only without subtitles and it is difficult to understand the story without subtitles..... but his English is actually quite good as compared to other Korean actors/actresses. At least, I can catch what he is saying.

Now, I am hooked and kept re-watching the last few episodes of YB and JB's website while waiting for the new episode. I think the rating is not too high because many people do not like idol topic but prefer "IRIS" action/spy type of drama. Moreover, the look and make up of the idols in YB just turned people off -same problem for YEH in MFL. I suspected MFL has a higher rating in the later episodes because YEH has less mak-up in these episodes lah...The make up and costume ars just horrible. Ajumma like me, did not admire this type of make up which only makes these beautiful artists ugly. Ajumma just cannot follow the trend.. ugly is ugly.

Anyway, I am glad that I gave YB a chance and discovered JGS. I hope that Korean Ajumma will also give YB a chance lor.... and you will fall in love with YB like I did.

I hope that TK and MN can begin their love line earlier since this is an 16- episode drama and is half-way through already. MFL has dragged too long to begin the real story.... But Hong sisters seemed like to drag on... like she did in My Girl. So I am a bit worried lor.. I hope the coming episodes of YB will still be as entertaining as the 1-8 episodes.

BOF is well-known story/drama which I watched all 3 versions, Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean. Korean one started out quite good but the plot just became boring when they gave Kim Hyung Joon (I guessed he is really popular in Korea) too much air tme. KHJ is more funny in "we got married". But he has no facial expression in BOF..... I still managed to finish BOF but with disappointment. Lee Min Ho is ok in BOF but it will be a challenge for him to breakthrough in the next drama as expectation will be high and I think his acting is just average. I cannot finish Kim Bun's "Dream" even though I like KB and Joo Jin Moo a lot..... The story is very boring and Kim Bum is too thin to be a boxer!

Small dramas/movies sometimes just gave us surprise since they focus on the story and the artists' performance instead of all those actions and special effects. And these tend to touch people and leave a fond memory after watching them. I also like watching "big" production drama/movies. But it is usually those small ones which I remember and would rewatch from time to time. I rewatch Coffee Prince many times when I cannot find an airing drama which fits my taste. I think I will rewatch YB in the future.... and will buy a DVD set to keep lah.

YB cast and production team - please keep up your good work! Many fans love you.

JB - I have been browsing websites on K-drama and news on Korean stars for many years. But I have never left a message. YB and JB's recap on this drama just broke my record lah!


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When SBS gave the OK for You're Beautiful, they did this as a counterprogramming strategy against the blockbuster. It isn't expected to do "great" against Iris; it's expected to find an a niche, which happens to be very profitable to its advertisers. Etude House must be VERY HAPPY that their two spokesmodels are the obsession of teens right now. And I'm sure UEE and CN Blue are enjoying the exposure as well.

Angel Temptation is the more interesting case, because that is also an experiment in counterscheduling. And Queen Seon Duk is a MUCH bigger juggernaut than Iris. The way I see it -- if one show is doing 40, and your show gets to about 15, you've succeeded in a big way. Meaning, the next time you got a true mania drama like Scales of Providence on your queue, maybe you can think outside the box to give it the best shot to succeed.

"I cannot finish Kim Bun’s “Dream” even though I like KB and Joo Jin Moo a lot….. The story is very boring and Kim Bum is too thin to be a boxer!"

I actually liked Dream. The fight stuff was not too convincing, but it was a sensitively done coming-of-age story with a unique bromance dynamic. Then again, I also like Style. That show was probably the most (unintentionally) unique show I've seen this year.

"I think the rating is not too high because many people do not like idol topic but prefer “IRIS” action/spy type of drama. "

It's whoever owns the remote, usually the mom in the household. Plus, shows start at 9:50PM. If you want high viewership ratings, gotta get the mom vote. That's the problem. If the kids watch online, on the phone, or during the reruns, then the stations have to go by different metrics to gauge popularity. Thus, "mania drama." Which they do and why YB ain't in trouble of getting shortened or canceled.


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When i read an article about YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, i want to give a try for this drama because i never watch any korean drama..(i more prefer to watch Japanese drama)
Damn,just preview..i totally addicted to this drama..until now TOTALLY ADDICTED..Why?Because this drama good written,good directing and the casts is good...
I do believe this drama will be successful and loveable among audience (outside korea)even the rating in korea is not so high....

Hahaha..some people switched from Iris to You're beautiful..looks like i'm converted from japanese drama to korean drama because of You're Beautiful...hehehe..
(actually,i still watched japanese drama,hehehehe)


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"Hahaha..some people switched from Iris to You’re beautiful..looks like i’m converted from japanese drama to korean drama because of You’re Beautiful…hehehe.."

YB is a good transition show for people coming from J-drama and especially TW-drama. If you liked Hana Kimi, you'll LOVE this. ;)


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I took a look at the poster during one of the JB's posting and was like yikes, weird hair. Then stumble upon the recap on 2nd Episode and half-way through the recap, I know it is good and went straight to download it.

They seriously have to relook at the marketing strategy - and fast. Of course, I am hoping that this drama will go on to 20 episodes or more. High hopes, I suppose.


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Not sure why everybody was weirded out from the poster. Looks like a poster you might see for a TW idol-drama. (actually if you ever transition from Korean to Taiwanese idol drama, you'll be shell-shocked how, erm, "sweet" TW-dramas are. Korean shows seem so . . . angry. Heh. :D )


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GOD! Whatta smile!


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the 2nd last para caught my attention

" ... Jang Geun-seok, who is the recipient of an outpouring of love from twenty- and thirtysomething noonas, and the Lee Hong-ki “card.” It is currently taking little bites out of IRIS’s popularity."

this noona never pay any attention to him in previous dramas (even HGD)/movies until now... thanks to the Hong sisters for making his character so interesting


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Jang Geun-seok has been popular with the noonas for awhile. He's been fitted into Jo in Sung's "Boyfriend for Noonas" mold since Nonstop 4.

Frankly, he's wasted on you teens. ;)


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JGS does look really different when he's smiling. Like, 180 different! He actively scowls, at least. Apparently my "neutral" expression is a scowl! :( Countless people have asked me what was the matter, who pissed me off, etc. When I smile, people say "oh! you should smile more often~~ also feelings of anger disappear!" Grrrr.

Anyway, I've never personally cared about the ratings until if affected the drama. I watch everything online, so my vote doesn't count. When a drama is cut short, or outlandish decisions are made by the writers to lure in more viewers, then I'm reminded of the ratings. I think kdramas illustrate well how popularity and quality aren't always found in the same place. BOF, anyone??

I'm more and more excited about YAB. I'd still casually watch IRIS, if they weren't being so calculating about their blockbuster product, but I literally have to watch the next episode of YAB as soon as it's possible. Refresh the page, refresh again, again! What, it's only Sunday? Foiled!


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I'm a TW-drama convert :D I've liked it since Meteor Garden, all those years ago...but as I got older, I found more and more flaws with the acting and storylines, and finally gave up on dramas. What I found funny at age 11 just did not cut it once I got to high school.

Like a lot of people, I didn't think I'd like YB because it seemed like such a cliche storyline, with the cross-dressing and the idols, and the horrible poster...but I gave it a try because I'm an F.T Island fan. First episode was good, but I was only truly hooked from the 2nd episode onwards :D

I found dramabeans because I googled this drama. Hah, obsession has set in. And of course the eyecandy!! I DID NOT consider JGS eyecandy at first because his whole clothes and things annoyed me no end, so I guess the fact that I've fallen in love with his character is a tribute to his awesome acting. Love him - actually, I love ALL the actors in this drama, yes, even the evil mum!

I hope their ratings improve and that somehow cast and crew will know how much love their drama's getting! And I can't wait for the next article and episode. I need my YB fix XD


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Oh, and YB definitely pwns BOF in my books.


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Hehe, thanks for the article ^^ Looking forward to read the other more in-depth version.

"You're Beautiful" had me from the beginning with the gender bender theme (oh, I just love that!), but I must admit stuff like that awful poster brought down my expectations quite a bit. The real trailer kinda saved it for me though (the second longer version) and boy I'm glad I didn't decide against giving it a chance! Really glad to hear that ppl are stumbling across it by all kinds of means, because as long as they're exposed any part of "You're Beautiful" they're bound to be hooked like the rest of us ^_______^ That drama really deserves some more attention!


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@ 44 Yep, as a noona I appreciate JGS a great deal! The other one - second lead (can't remember his name), who clearly is going to have his heart stomped on all over the place. Yeah he's pretty, yeah he's a great clothes horse and yeah at face value alone he's the best looking one of the lot.

But JGS sure floats my boat!!! I find his sexy as hell! I want more more more!

I really hope that more people catch on to You're Beautiful, is such a great funny and charming drama - in my opinion waaaaay better that boring, we’ve seen it before mess that is called "IRIS". Fingers crossed it will continue to take little bites and hopefully bigger bites out of the IRIS ratings....


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I can't really guess what went wrong with Yb's promotions because I don't live in Korean. But since I'm in the marketing/promotions field, I can guess on or two factors.

I understand why ratings are important to dramas because it becomes their leverage to get sponsors/ command higher rates for advertisements, etc.

(This is just my opinion, whether or not SBS/ the production company does these things I am not sure) Since people have always said that the market of the two dramas are different, the promotion style should have been different too. In terms of business, the prod company and even the broadcasting company should have gone a different route in terms of how the can get money out of the drama. Take the OST for example. I sure hope they covered a part of their initial spending because of that.

Since the target market is different, the promotion should have also been different. Ok I don't claim anything nor am I stating anything---this is what I just think based on what I saw and read from the reactions of people.


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