Open Thread #132



The Love Language – “Heart to Tell.” Having a crappy day? Listen to this song and dance — if not in body, then in spirit. [ Download ]

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ok ..so I am watching new wise mother,good wife....and man! oh man! my blood is heating up! the main male character is such a (&*^*^^&%^^*&*&*^%&%^%&^*&!
and the chick he wants to be with is his equal...I am SO waiting for the lead actress to show some cajones! ok ok what is really eating gilbert grape!? is that this
is too real..too too real...ok going back in....sure wish vikii wasnt such a lil &**&&^&^#* about stuff or I would watch ep 7 of personal choice...sigh..sigh sigh..

sorry all...its Friday ..everyone have a great weekend....Cheers!
lol lol lol


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personal taste is FINALLY shaping up!
Episode 7 was the best for me so far. Episode 8 wasn't too bad either.
The twist of events.. Ahahah. confessions, "coming out". and the slap on the face! whoa so satisfying.
I'm so loving sangjoon's character. his fake gayness is quite endearing


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oh oops and as for Cinderella's Sister.
I've been reading (灰姑娘的姐姐吧! 百度) Chinese forums and a lot of people who have watched episode 7 and 8 wanna kill Kim Kyu Wan (the scrreenwriter) for the angst they're giving them. some say that he certainly knows how to hit the right notes for the familial ties but the romance part is sort of disappointing.

although seo woo is a really decent actress, there are a lot of people who couldn't stand the amount of crying scenes Hyo Sun has had. she's like a water faucet... and many are frustrated with how the character for Kihoon is developing. i agree with this. i wish that the screenwriter would give us more reason to empathise with kihoon. at least show some of his p.o.v or something. 'cause right now we may be able to understand why he has become what he is today, but it's really difficult to like him for what he's become. c'mon let the audience root for the male and female leads! pretty puh-lease.

oh and on taiwanese PTT boards are quite hilarious. I love reading their comments on the LIVE thread 'cause they'll be watching the show (both this and prosecutor princess only. don't know why there are no LIVE threads for PT) and describing the scenes as they air. Anyways, the taiwan fans have been speculating when Daesung will be collecting his bento* (kicking the bucket) ever since episode 5 and 6. and they're pretty torn up about it because he's practically a living saint! man, i really hope he doesn't die so soon, but he's already had a heart attack so it may be soon.

*领便当 A comical Chinese internet lingo
For a character which has been killed off.
Originated because the cast collects their meals after the filming. Hence, someone who has had collected the last meal no longer appears in the show anymore.


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"there are a lot of people who couldn’t stand the amount of crying scenes Hyo Sun has had. she’s like a water faucet"

Yes, that's right. I forgot about that. I feel exactly the same way. Constantly leaking,dripping tap is so annoying. Whoa, this drama is turning me into somebody else, lol!


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Raise your hand if you think CU ep 7 & 8 is a bit of a stinker.

Man I dreaded this potentially happening when watching ep 5 & 6 when there was a discernible uneveness in the quality and when the angst dial got turned up but I thought 7 & 8 were just plain bad. The angst is just exhausting, the story doesn't make much logical sense and scenes are starting to feel choppy and a bit random. Also where the hell is the story/character development and movement? All I see is HyoSun's character developing but acted in her regressed child like way. Why does she still talk and act like when she was 16? I should drink every time there is an arm grab, eye glare and stomping across the gravel courtyard. Some scenes like when Eunjo tries to drag the uncle would empty two bottle of wine: 5 way arm grab [drink, drink, drink, drink, drink], 4 way eye glare [drink, drink, drink, drink] and walking/dragging on the gravel [don't bother counting, just drink the whole bottle] .

Do the CU writers/directors know what they are doing? How do they go from the first 4 episodes to this? I can't help but feel sorry for the actors. They are too good for this and I wouldn't be surprised if they were just as confused as I am. To the writer/director: please, please don't make me regret investing my feelings on these characters.


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@nycgrl, o we r having a 'toast the CU writer/PD BBQ tailgate feeding doggies' party. I'll bring hello kitty marshmallows to make smores. I'm sure half of OT will be there.

mookie's CU8.2

[scene at hospital, daddy post-op:]
*lets place our barbies and kens shall we?!*
KH will be there angsty all concerned eyeing EJ at an angle, 5 ft fr her, farthest fr bed (crucial plot) so he can still see her pretty eyelashes and sync their angst and concern w/o her noticing, HS will be at same distance apart eyeing KH eyeing EJ, EJ/KH/HS will stand in a perfect triangle config (an EKH). This will happen repeatedly in my ep. (I <3 eye beams)
HS:*wailwailwailmememe* (this time beating her own chest instead of fresh off operating table daddy's *phew*...so nobody blinks an eyelash at that backgd noise. Mom still grabs daddy under the sheets. EJ sees that and panicks internally, quickly peeks to see if Daddy still has his arm. KH's eye beam follows her every twitch, protecting her almost fr all evil.
Mommy did not let go of Daddy's hand even as they walk back home, EJ is very concerned and emo. HS saw EJ's fixation on daddy's hand and quickly grabs the other free one before EJ. w/ HS there, mommy does not overreact to daddy's wish to enjoy the fresh air longer and avoid scaring the bejewels out of a recuperating heart patient.

[at Korean Patagonia]
Daddy needs more protection fr mom. EJ plans to get him an avalanche safe outfit w/ gloves. While she's at it, she saw a familiar flannel # identical to KH's when he showed her his treasure trove so very long ago, speaking to her. 'Eun Joo-ah' it calls her. She buys the flannel shirt, sniffing it that night while bubbletalking to herself:' I wish I can quit u'


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SLTSMTW! (so little time, so much to watch)

What Happened in Bali (finished) — Infuriating, exhilarating, shocking ending. What a ride! Inversion, subversion, misdirection, ... and a new set of actors for me to love. My only complaint is that it is BEGGING for a re-watch, and where is a girl to find the time?

Cinderella’s Unni (ep 5&6) — Yup, the magic, it is gone. Still, got to love the PIE and the woofie!

Chuno (last 3 ep) — SUPER final scenes. Totally heart-stopping, even though I knew roughly how it would end (I haven't been living in a cave, y'know). Basically, in these last few episodes, every second of every single scene Jang Hyuk is in is RIVETING. But otherwise, I reckon this is the world's most boring exciting drama. When the only thing I find interesting in the penultimate episode is a side character (Legolas), and the main thing getting me through the first half of the last episode is my silly fantasising about a burgeoning DG-TH bromance, I reckon the drama is not having its intended effect on me. Still, wouldn't have missed it for anything!

Still Marry Me (last 2 ep) — The drama was more of a slog for me than it should have been. For all it's feted to speak to career-minded more-mature-in-years women... well, it didn't say anything to me. Also, I'm in trouble when I'm unmoved by the male lead (the raison d'etre of the ICOMYM Club, at that) but am considering switching teams just so that I can date the female lead. (Actually, I think Shin Young should just make out with her sunbae, the glares they give each other are incandescent.) Finally, while I appreciated the spirit of the last episode, I felt that the plot devices to get us to the end were toe-curlingly facile, and not worthy of the quality of the drama up to that point.

So, what did YOU watch this past week?

Off to check out Prosecutor Princess. Opinion seems to be favourable, and I've always dug Park Shi Hoo's look (tho' not so much his acting). I'll have to get over my allergy to legal dramas, somehow. Maybe I'll pretend it's all about philatelists, or something.


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im totally confused and intrigued about who the heck is Lawyer Seo...did he come back for revenge? Does he truly love Hye ri? What is his relation to the lady whom he calls sister? Who is He???!?!?


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@ nycgrl

Hey! Nice to see you here!

Yup - hands up. CU 7&8 hurt my brain so much, I don't have anything near Mookie's patience and energy for figuring out WHY my brain hurts. You put it well - glaring, crying and stomping around do NOT of themselves a good melo make.


"collecting his bento" for actors killed off -- I love it!


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Oh ! Wait!

serendipity!!! You are here! Sorry to bother...

Do you by any chance know how I can change the twitter user account name from celestialorigin to archangel444333? on iPhone? I'm so confused and don't know where to go to change it. It's so wired, there's no access point....

nycgirl(it's late for you, right?),

mookie are up as well? LMAO! Thank you so much for the good laughter I've been having throughout the day. It feels like it's not too bad staying up working when I can come here and be shamelessly amused. You've been my savior this couple of days!


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I'm just re-reading your stuff again. Mwahahahaha!!!!!
I'm definitely getting you some Green tea kitkat! It's been a long day and I'm really cherishing this moment of ???? hysterical laughter :)


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@ celestialorigin

Are you just accessing Twitter from the Safari app on your iPhone, or are you using an App like echofon? In either case, have you tried logging out on the iPhone, and then logging back in as archangel444333? If you are having trouble figuring out how to log out and log back in, let me know what App you're using and I'll try to walk you through it...


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Greetings from Seoul everyone!!! Totally dancing away to that song Javabeans:)

Man, this has been a tiring week. I'm a little sad, because all the Dream Concert 2010 tickets are gone. Damn those teenage fangirls...lol. It's Saturday afternoon my time...relaxing at home. I finished Pasta yesterday, and it is definitely one of my favorite dramas. The leads were so captivating with their chemistry.

I'm reading all the recaps, and watching Cinderella Unni, and waiting on Personal Taste. There is so much to say about Cindrella Unni, everyone blows me away with their acting. I haven't been this interesting in a drama since Dal Ja's Spring. There is just something about it that keeps me coming back for more. I really relate to EJ's character in a lot of ways, and Moon is doing an AMAZING job portraying her. If I ever get the chance to meet here in Seoul, I will give her a thumbs up for being so awesome on and off the screen.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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Aww! Thank you! It's called simplytweet lite. and somehow, There's no log out function, or so it seems like. What I mean is that whenever I turn the phone on, it's already! on.

Anyhow, I've finally finished my PP presentation thingy. So, I'm off to bed. and tomorrow night, I'll be off to Washington-Dulls for over night. My 2nd time actually showing up at day job this month. Then, I'll be off Mon, Tues. and be off to Japan, again. OMG! I just now realized that's Wed. I'll be missing CU... OH, no! Once I'm there, I don't think I'll have any time.... Wha, What am I going to do?


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Um. I can only find "simplytweet 3" on the version of iTunes I can access (not US), and I have to pay to download it! 'fraid my desire to help you out doesn't extend to buying an App I don't need! I use Echofon, and it's free and seems quite intuitive for logging in and out. A wee suggestion: try Echofon? If it works better for you, you could just delete simplytweet lite, which I hope you didn't pay for...


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Happy weekend everybody!

Been reading the comments on this thread every friday but haven't come across any on kim so-eun's new daily drama on kbsw. Is it a hit series i wonder ...


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oh. my. The japanese drama, from this season, Mother is out of this world amazing. How can a 5 year old act so well?! It has amazing writing and is shot beautifully (almost like a movie at times). A must watch for 2010! (It's a tearjerker; think Eun-Jos life before Episode 1 of Cinderella Unni..)

I need more time in the day so I can catch up on Prosecutor Princess...!


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The latest trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender is out (trailer #3), its to be seen before Iron Man 2.


It looks even better than the previous trailer, but I have very low expectations still, and acting crew (except for Dev Patel), look terrible, stiff and awkward. Sigh, but we get a glimpse of Appa in this trailer. APPA!! My fave Air Bison. Oh wait, he's the only Air Bison. Whatever. I. Want. One. Now.


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I have so many things to say...

1. I need to catch up on CS. I'm waiting for English subs, but unfortunately, heavy traffic is keeping me away from watching Episodes 7 and 8

2. Based on what I've been reading about the story, KI-HOON YOU STUPID FOOL! EUN-JO WAITED FOR YOU! Then again, just like all other K-dramas, it just so happens that such set-up builds up the conflict...

3. PT...I want to watch that, too...I'm dying to know what's going on with Kae-in and Jin-ho...waaaah...

4. Now that my DVD player is working again, I should catch up on "The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry"...


6. Javabeans, I hope you're OK :) I know a lot of people are demanding for subs and all, but I am so proud of you. You're keeping up with a lot of dramas, so it must be difficult for you! Fighting!!!


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Oh, OK Echofon. so you can just do that? Thank you, thank you for telling me. That's what I'll do. No, simplytweet lite was free, so no problem.


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Jang Geun Seok is in Singapore! :D I endured through storms and floods (and i mean that literally) to see him at his fansigning event on Friday, and omo, the boy is so gorgeous. Very friendly and sweet to the media and (especially) all his fans as well. I'm a happy girl. :D


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What did I watch last wk?! CU, 2 movies, a bit of PT, rewatched 1 ep of Goodbye Solo

Into the White Nite (SYJ and GS): it was alright for me. I think they did a decent acting job, but nth blew my mind away. I'm not sure I can be a fangirl of GS, frankly, he's the same angsty overemoting eyes in every role. Very good to look at I admit. Since I've watched the dorama, and everything is presented w/o much suspense... it was a bit bland and connect the dots in storytelling. But I do think it's better than the dorama. (I cant really watch YamaPi w/o complaining about 1 thing or the other)

Paju (Voice and SW): I'm a bit lost on this 1...
It wasnt as amazing as I expected, but it's not bad. Pace was tedious at spots even for an arthouse fare. the SW walking thro the collapsing bldgs was effective but a bit pretentious (I can understand a lvl of the raves...but I was not affected at all...) Maybe I should read up on Paju and the whole political/historical milieu?! The movie didnt impress me enough for the effort. SW brought her acting chops, quite a scene stealer. The voice...um.. imo overshadowed by the females though he had the most screen time.

I'm up to ep 5 of PT last nite, it was brainless, kinda funny...watching it w/ hubs (he's a bigger fan) He caught the 2046 OST Adagio in a scene w/ the jerk and that lousy gf of KaeIn and that scene cracked him up.. (o_0)

Now he's been playing that song whole morning.... hmm


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Hi , for those of you on twitter, I'm sending you requests from celestialorigin, again!!! Sorry, I'm getting the two passwords and account names mixed up and, can't get them right and don't know anymore.


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@24 celestialorigin

I'm smiling because when I was with Twitter I had a terrible time figuring out if I was coming or going. Besides...I didn't like the kind of "stuff" I got from strange people. So I dropped and stayed with facebook where I've been connecting with relatives and friends....some of whom I would never hear from at all.

Good luck with Twitter!


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Hi,hope everyone is having a great Saturday....
@ AMG1
Thanks for posting PT epi 8 raw. I have yet to watch this drama,but since it involves guest appearance of YEH,I decided to watch such clip.
LOL...the part where the 3 of them in the cafe,at the end,YEH turns her mug around....shameless plug...it's a mug from Coffee Prince Shop #1....(I actually freezed that part and double checked,hehe). I'm one of those CP nuts,so of course I would notice such inane stuff ;)

didn't know if it was you or not,but I declined somebody the other day...sorry if it was you :(

I think I'm ready to watch CU...have to remind myself to reread your posts...finding out what kind of "funny" stuff you've been posting :)


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@ cingdoc

No, you sure didn't. I think...LOL, not sure myself anymore. I'm just staying as archangel444333 for now. so thanks for being my friend there.

And welcome to CU madness! Yes! mookie is the best! Also, if you have time!? PT is recommended as well. It really gets better around ep7 like JB says. I really like the charactor MH is playing.


I got it and it seems to be working thank you.


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Yoon Eun Hye is by far my favorite Korean Actress, Sohn Ye-jin my second, and Kim Ha-neul my third favorite ones.
The first Korean movie that I saw was "The Classic" with Sohn Ye-jin and I was hook from that point on on Korean films.
But the one who got me hook on K-Dramas was Yoon Eun Hye, the first drama that I saw of hers was "The Vineyard Man", at this point I had no idea of her background as a singer, but her ability as a comedic actress is what got me sold, by the way I have not finish watching
"Princess Hours" but I will I promised! I believe that that "Coffee Prince" in 50 years from know will still be regarded as on of Korea's most endearing Romantic Comedy's.
Kim Ha Neul's "Stained Glass", Sohn Ye-jin " Summer Scent", and
Yoon Eun-hye
"Coffe Prince" are some of my all time favorite K-Dramas, I will admit that the acting range of Yoon Eun-hye is different from Ye-jin and Ha-neul, this two lady's are "season" train actresses with many Film/Drama credits to their names, who can forget "A Time To Remember" or "Ditto", I must admit that Eun Hye may have a limited acting skills, but at the end of the day her portrayal of "Go Eun Chan" will be one of the most celebrated heroine characters in K-Drama history books.
My favorite scene in Coffee Prince is when Go Eun Chan is walking at night with Choi Han Seong and he ask her why she did not confess to Choi Han Kyul that she indeed is a girl and not a boy, and she starts crying that she is afraid if she did that she will loss him as a friend and lover, she almost collapses and starts to sob with so much pain, that was the scene that sold me 100% not only to Coffee Prince as a Drama but also on her acting, I must admit that the story line in 'My Fair Lady' was not the best and the drama had a lot a flaws, but the scene that made it all worth for me was when Hae-na calls Dong-chan at the hostess bar were he used to work and confronts him about being a 'GIGOLO' and Dong-chan is trying to take her out of the bar and he pushes her against the wall and Dong-chan ask her why she is being so cruel, and moves on to kiss her, the pain and tears that she shows in those few seconds for me made the whole drama worth watching.
She still is the kind of actress that produces a lot of hate and adulation as for me Yoon Eun Hye cannot do any wrong, from a faithful Fan!!!! : O }


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what does CU mean? It's Cinderella's Sister right? So, shouldn't it be CS?


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@29 Jessica
The Korean title is Cinderella Unni, Unni being Korean for sister, you can use either title.
Sigh! I had pinned my hopes too high for this drama but eventually not even the yummy KH could keep me watching the big rot. Someone should seriously parody this show -- it's taking itself WAY to seriously.

''aaah.. yay!!'' *nods* (Dr Ahn/Song Joong-ki style) that was a hilarious epi. Dr Lee was such a lul for falling asleep on her like that and I loved the Ahn & Wang reaction. I was in absolute hysterics when Ahn and the other 2nd yr Tae-jun mocked the hug with the guykiss! (I still can't believe my Song Joong-ki kissed another guy -- on the lips! So passionately! OMG!) Ok, so they had a slice of bread between their teeth and the kiss was 'manly enough' but so funny, I'll be darned. Then they resumed it by flying around hugging each other in the corridors - demonstrating the hug to the rest of the staff. Clowns!
All the while Wang's crestfallen face reading: ''that's not even funny y'all.''

I think that episode was also the one where I fell in love with Wang for real, prior to that I thought he was a womanising, smoooth b-----rd! The kind of guy I usually hate. That episode was quite pivotal as he gets beat up by the infant's dad yet still proceeded to kneel before him. I was like Seo too, felt like yelling out: ''stand up you fool! Get UP! It's not your fault''. But his explanation for kneeling just broke my heart -- what a beautiful man! I'd totally put my life in this doctor's hands.


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I agree, Yoon Se-joon all the way!
As much as episode 7 and 8 (I melted!) have suddenly ignited an appreciation of Seo In-woo's mindblowing hotness - his continual deception is unforgiveable.
And General Choi, ahem, Prosecutor Yoon is no less handsome a man. Even though he acts like a jerk at times, it's understandable (he's not a ''machiavellian jerk'' at all! Come on In-woo shippers, who are we kidding?).
I had no idea who I was going to like more from the two at the start, but soon as ep1 rolled, and Hye-ri tackled Yoon the first time they met, I felt that jolt - it was going to be ALL about him.

You want me to DIIIIE?!?
OMG! Even when Yoon so much as lets his gaze linger on her face for more than a tenth of a nanosecond I'm in euphoric bliss, nvm a kiss!
If they ever do, I doubt it'll be able to top the sexiness of In-woo's sardonic smirk x (best) kiss (in kdrama history, everrr), but I'm sure it'll be equally as epic.

With that thought I shall sleep blissfully. *squeals*


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I lied, I'm not asleep yet, and this is going to sound even more frustrating but BOTH of them are the main leads. May the best man win.

Also, I feel bad after that comment I made about CU.
CU fans: don't be hatin' on a girl now.


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^ lol then y did u pour haterade on CU in the first place, then?! ;)

'it’s taking itself WAY to seriously. '
On the contrary, it's surprising whimsical and many ppl used 'magical' to describe its first 4 eps. Many of the themes it's dealing w/ r not to be laughed at in the first place, and still the acting is just a notch above every other show on air right now.


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I think it's pretty nifty to be able to back track and check on certain episodes of the dramas we really enjoyed! How boring if I only had TV to depend on my drama addictiveness!

Right now I've been reviewing DW from beginning and I'm picking up on quite a few things that makes sense in the later episodes. Talk about writers putting together what they refer to as "fate" and it starts off right at the beginning. And now, in the later episodes (30's).....they bring back flash backs and that darn lead actor "remembers" that incident that happened a few years back....like 5 years ago.

Anyway.....lucky me I can squeal once again over Lee and Wang....I'll probably get a good laugh when they do that karaoke set! Talk about competition and when Seo confirmed Lee's good singing in the car.....I think Lee and Wang thought she wasn't paying attention! hehehehe....man....talk about the male daggers going full blast! It always cracks me up when the camera pans on the "fist"....a clenched fist can speak a million words! :-)

Hey....go to sleep! Buenos Nochoes....Oyasuminasai...Aloha Ahiahi.....good night....sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite! It's too early for me here at 6 p.m!


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@33 mookie

About CS/CU:
"Many of the themes it’s dealing w/ r not to be laughed at in the first place, and still the acting is just a notch above every other show on air right now."

Agree with you wholeheartedly about that. I find ALL the characters exciting. Now, when watching, I just observed and not judged them because their characters are all evolving.

Take for example EJ's mom. I really hate it if her character just stayed as a mother who expect EJ to pay her debt to her for not abandoning EJ all these years. But come ep 8, I see the side of her character that I find so much different than other characters that I've seen before and the actress playing it is awesome. The way the character love is so twisted. I don't want to be like her in real life. But for a character to watch, she is interesting.

DS...where do I begin. He is so awesome. His scenes with KH, EJ, HS, EJ's mom always brings out different side of him. And it's always some of the best scene. He is fundamental in binding all the characters together. I really hope he will be there until the end. Or at least 3/4 of the series. Now, he is comfortable enough with EJ to joke with her. Gotta watch his eyes. He notices the triangle. And I think he knows EJ loves him.

EJ and KH...I know lots of people hate KH now. I am going to trust KH, just like when KH asked DS to trust him, I'll trust him. He is stuck, between a rock and a hard place. You can't expect him to abandon his father, no matter how evil he is. He is his father after all. He also cares for DS. In his situation, the best thing to do is he(someone who cares) took over DS winery. They are smaller than the Hong's. The Hong's have all the resources to take over DS winery. It can be a hostile takeover (which will mean the DS name will be forgotten) or DS can be the subsidary of Hong's. DS is in a bad shape now. It's easy for hostile takeover.

The chemistry between EJ and KH... I don't know how both actors did it. Even when they said mean things to each other you still know that do really love each other. They never said it out loud to each other, but we know. Just like DS. We noticed that they do love/hate each other. Ah... such mastery. In lesser actors it will fall flat. JW wasn't enough to make me jump ship. He is sweet, good looking and everything but he's just a sweet brother to her. Now if it's KH's eldest brother (the Kennedy like GF said), I might jump ship. Given a few character development in his side at first :)

I decided to just watch the drama unfolding and it's just so interesting.


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^ I'm totally w/ u Sam. I have nth but praises to all the actors. And these are very very interesting complicated real characters to get to know (and I'm beyond invested in even if they have lobotomies and personality transplants *sigh*)... but I still wanna burn the writer for ep 8! we know u r capable of sooo much better just couple eps ago writer-sshi!! did u drink to much makgulli+soju?!?!

and I'll keep making fun and dreaming up my silly CU8 all I want! (hope u'll like it, celestialorigin-san! Have a nice trip even if it's for business. :) )

I dont think what I wrote was ever safe for children or your sign others. What's below is no diff
So while our EJ-ya is busy sniffing and quitting KH, putting herself to bed, KH is back at his dorm rm after the long day. While he's taking off the beige number he's been wearing, he rem that koala hug on his thigh by EJ... his killer angsty eyes linger there for a moment before taking off his slacks *CHEERSSSS! :)* (we prefer a flashback of that hug scene while we drinks).. he doesnt know how to quit her either.

(very long and angsty plotty hot steamy shower scene... think along the CSW CH one where he's leaning at an angle, water raining down KH's choco-ribs while he's majorly angsting w/ a knotted frown. storyboard is This: http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/6884/319232101.jpg )
*lets hold the liquor at this moment, we need full concentration...on plot*

[Next morning, at hospital]
(I'll keep the same DS/KH convo just because they r so very hot and yummy in it, they can do no wrong w/ normal ppl chats)
(EJ dashes out...falls...)
KH palipalipali in 1/10th s does a sliding manly maneuver to catch her and cushion her fall, thus spraining his hand, his jacket and shirt r also ruined. *drinkdrinkdrink*
EJ tries mightiest to hide her concern, but she no longer rem what yeast is. She drives KH back to change into another smashing suit (I'll allocate 5 min for said costume change on tape) and off they goes to the J meeting.
(nix the meeting, we know these 2 smartypants can nail it, it's when HS is involved that we need to make certain things dont go awry)

(Drive back) **PG17**
EJ is driving. KH is VERY drunk, every pour the J ajusshis got into EJ's glass, he downed. Now he's pulling off his clothes saying he's too hot! (yes, we know dear)
He drunktalks too. He starts asking his Mommy 'y? y? y? y me? y daddy?' EJ is beyond vexed. KH tries to pull off his safety belt w/ his sprained hand while he's stripping, EJ takes her eyes off the rd to stop him and they crash!!!

(Some glass, a bit of blood)
KH uses his body to shield it all fr EJ. o his shirt is opened by now fr his drunk striptease, there is also a shard of glass in his sprained hand.
(we'll have the exact same scene, just replace HS w/ EJ)
EJ notices the glass shard, she pulled it out by brute force, KH winces like a girl at that drop of blood that follows. EJ tries to suck the booboo to which KH quickly recoils his hand. A look of extreme angst/disgust is on his face. EJ sees that, and she cries her usual tears inside.


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@ Mookie

"but I still wanna burn the writer for ep 8! we know u r capable of sooo much better just couple eps ago writer-sshi!! did u drink to much makgulli+soju?!?!"

You and me both :)
While other Wed series romances did go somewhere (esp end of ep 7 PP scene ... die! :)), CU romance seems to be left far behind. The family dynamics got the most attention. Just wish that there's more interaction between the OTP. Fight, body-slam like the first episode (that was a surprise for me...wow a wrestling move. @ 98 mookie. your alternate story line using that scene was hilarious ) anything other than this cold treatment, blue steeled stare. sigh!

But to stop watching it? Never.


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I've just finished it with Mister X's excellent subs. And as I have been thinking and talking about Howl's Moving Castle and Diana Wynne Jones, it suddenly dawned on me. Chuno is Fantasy! That's right! Chuno is Korean historical Harry Potter!

With this epiphany, suddenly everything makes sense. Commander Hwang is, of course, the Dark Lord, his particular magical powers (besides commanding minions) being the ability to read General Song's tactical mind. He shares with a handful of selected men a magical power to recover from fatal sword wounds. STH has in addition to the wizardly power to defeat swathes of fighting men with a single swing of his falling-to-bits blade, a special spell for his hair - gorgeous in all circumstances and miraculously layered after DG cut his top-knot off. LDH of course has her dirt-repelling spell working overtime (unfortunately the price for this spell seems to be offscreen flak-attraction). And DG has drunk a potion that makes everyone love him (and I mean EVERYONE, on screen and off), except that the steep price for this extremely potent potion is the stinkiest of luck (onscreen and in award shows), as well as cursing DG a fate of... well, you know...

Magic is also used in this drama to distort the time-space continuum. Hence, the ability of various people to deliver whole (tear-soaked) monologues while swords / arrows / lethal swordsmen are flying towards them. Also enables one lone rifleman to penetrate the best-guarded premises in the country, his time-and-space wizardry enabling him to take out a whole battalion and several powerful men with fussy-to-reload rifles, as time stands still for him.

DG & UN's near misses for years were the result of a curse (probably cast by UN's brother), broken only when one draws the blood of the other.

Seo Hwal is a pixie who didn't pay attention during love-spell-casting class (though she aced her "magic make-up" class and the "bewitching songs" class). The painter is a leprechaun. And we have of course an Evil Elf. The young crown prince is in fact a living (mute) talisman, which is why everyone is so keen to protect him, to the point of death, and why they believe that he is the salvation of the nation.

See, it all makes sense after all!


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@mookie! You did it! again. A crack! And even gave it a self rating as I was wondering what it was going to be scrolling down...PG17? OK, for now I'll take that...

Thanks for the good laugh for my bed time.


Your loyal fan H.


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Hi dramabeans, hearing about Jay Park's involvement in Hype Nation caught my attention a couple weeks back, and I was wondering what you think about this? You wrote something about it a few years ago when Son Dam Bi was going to be in it, and now that the main cast and filming dates has been confirmed, I'd really like to know what you make of all this? Thanks!


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@ serendipity

You are a genius. And I think I love you.



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@ serendipity

Brilliant! And to take it just one step further, the only way to destroy Commander Hwang, who has split his soul into seven horcruxes, is to find each horcrux and destroy it. But the Chuno-kuns don't know it, and they are simply amazing at how evil HCW is with no clue how to destroy him, and inadvertantly they are carrying some of the horcruxes around, when they should have destroyed it years ago:

1. Choco - let it go, UN, let it go.
2. Rubyrose (the shoes) - DG, instead of turning it around, just shove a giant stick in it, will ya?
3. Jagger (the falling apart sword) - TH, me knows you have great loyalty and ambition, but upgrade to a whole sword.
4. Artist Bang - yeah, he's a flea that just won't die.
5. UN's white robes - there is a reason dirt doesn't cling to it, dirt can sense the evilllllll.
6. UN's portrait - yeah, it looked dulcet and lovely, but inside hides DG's 10 years of pain and longing, if he'd but slash it, he may have married some nice wench years ago and had a mini-DG by the time UN popped back up.
7. Jakgwi's ear - yup, only half off, should have lobbed it all off, DG!

At the end, I just flat out wanted DG out of this flying circus and into a saner existence. Reminds me of how I felt for Binnie after Ireland as well.

Chuno is best experienced and less analyzed. I'm still having a hoot of a time with AMCG, we now have the existence of an actual picture of Peter Pan (you know, teenage boy, wears green), slow-mo matrix fighting, Face-Off face changing, Dick Tracy acrobatics, music from a techno-western, all in ep. 15! Yeah, that drama is Da Bomb, like really. So crazy you have to be missing a link to take it seriously and complain about anything related to it. Imagine if I watched Superman and spent hours investigating gravity and how its impossible for a man to fly.


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@42 ockoala

Just watched AMCG 16 - MWAHAHHAH! Anyway. You have to be in the mood for comics, but it really is the bomb.

@serendipity - genius, you are!
BTW, you forgot the magic traveling spells -
for instance the one that allows HCW to kill the faithful nanny and then a magic bubble falls over them so that she spends 5 minutes dying dramatically while HCW is frozen in place.

Really, Chuno has plot gaps you can drive a bus (an ox cart?) through, but man it was a fun ride just for DG. (and Samsooki, I still love Seol Hwa - I hope she followed the two boys to their new home and annoyed them for the rest of their born days. And I still want General Choi for Xmas)


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@ serendipity

LOL! If only I'd had that same epiphany, Chuno may not have driven me as crazy as it did. That drama drove me crazy! One minute everything was moving along great, the next you got to spend a big chunk of time with characters that were annoying at best. I don't know how many times I yelled at the screen "who cares?"
To the writer, director and editor: "way to kill the momentum guys!" Oy! :)

@ ockoala & momosan

Seriously,anyone who spends time overanalyzing AMCG is missing the whole point. If you just sit back and enjoy the ride this drama is an absolute hoot! :)


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@38 serendipity

I forgot that I started calling HCW's boys the Joseon cross-country team. As DG said, by the end there, they toured the entire peninsula.

Oh and 42 ockoala, clearly HCW's hat has some sort of magic, because he rocked that hat.


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oooookaaayyy In-woo. .....seriously. Now I know why everyone here says "what is your deal?!" He's just all shades of weird. Here's a tip dude: If you're fishing for Ma Hye-Ris you should have lowered a bucket full of shoes. :D


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Glad you liked it, fellow-Chuno love-haters! It's so fun to love and/or snark about our favourite kdramas with you all. And trust you all to take it to the next level. Rubyrose! How could I forget? In fact it was the reappearance of the pink shoes that made me go how-the-hell? *Headdesk* and started me wondering whether there was a fundamental problem of me inhabiting a different planet from Chuno's. Come to think of it, many of DG's utterances, intended to show how the rascal puts on such an act of being cynical, we the viewer might as well address to the entire show in all earnestness. Like, "Enough with the prattling!" and "What's with the prancing about" and "Isn't this life just the shitz".


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@ Serendipity and Ockloala,

Wow ! both of you - amazing words and pull your punches writing!. I laughed a lot!
Will you also review for Cinderella step sister?.

Hey samsooki where are you?. Do add in to S and O punches. Like to know your humour side for Chuno !. Thanks.


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I haven't watched Chuno but it doesn't stop me from laughing at your hysterical post. I have to remember to turn on this filter when I watch Chuno but I've seen EotS already so I'm still hoping the "suspend your belief" part of my brain is still operational.

@Mookie and other CU lovers

I've calmed down a little about Ep 7 &8, oh only after a mere two days. I posted that right after watching them back to back and I was kind of pissed and wanting to rant. Unlike most drama's I usually watch, I'm really invested in this one which is why it rankles. I still love all the actors (seriously when are you going to get an ensemble like this again?) and I'm hoping the magic of the storytelling will come back. The last two were just really really sloppy.

@ Atsirk


If you replace this with "I want to eat oysters until I barf" that would encapsulate one of my life's goals. Sadly I've only gotten up to 35. Those suckers with champagne get expensive


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@serendipity, ockoalatwin

OMG that is sooo hilarious and brilliant!! ok I think I can cont my Chuno watch now w/ this totally new and genius spin!!!!!! :) YAY!!


' I posted that right after watching them back to back and I was kind of pissed and wanting to rant. Unlike most drama’s I usually watch, I’m really invested in this one which is why it rankles. I still love all the actors (seriously when are you going to get an ensemble like this again?) and I’m hoping the magic of the storytelling will come back. The last two were just really really sloppy.'

WORD.. I dont think I've calm down, I still wanna burn the writer, and I'll keep saying that till she get her act tog. I've read 9, 10 very brief, doubtful credibility spoilers, but seems like at least our OTP have sth to work on. I've already tried to control myself but I did swear in front of my laptop while watching 8 at work....and lol I did stink up the OT (again mianeh/sorry fellow OTers)

and Dahee mentioned C!J!M! got flak for his acting job in CU. I was soo beyond pissed I either need anger management or hound for silly super cute PIE clips to learn to breathe normal. These 2 r very cute:

(For the serious CJM fangirls)

BTS of the scolding scene btn KH/HS
I have no idea what he the exact words he's saying, but his rise in intonation @ 2:30 mark totally turn me to mush. I want a gif of that exact line w/ his voice embedded.

An Xman compilation clip. I had a serious crush on him in Xman, I dun even care for his look then, but I <3 a guy being so competitive even in butt bumping! <3


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CJM vilification?

I so can't understand that. He's doing a fabulous job. As well as every other CU cast member, actually, not often that a drama can boast so much acting talent and commitment across the board. The WRITER should be strung up. Can't people think clearly? Separate the actor from the writer!

I also don't understand the complaints about Personal Taste OTP lack of chemistry. Ok the show is not ground-breaking, but provided expectations are firmly managed it's enjoyable enough. I'm only up to ep 4 and I hear things get better. As it is, I'm enjoying their enforced proximity and their bickering. I'm really impressed with Lee Min Ho - it doesn't feel like he's an over-young or over-hyped actor; he's convincingly in command.


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