KBS speaks about Myung-wol the Spy’s future at press conference

KBS held an emergency press conference on the 16th at their broadcast station, to address the issue of Han Ye-seul’s departure from Monday-Tuesday drama Myung-wol the Spy.

  • Presiding was KBS’s drama department chief, Go Young-tak, as well as other executives EP Lee Kang-hyun and CP Jung Sung-hyo.
  • Their official stance was that Han acted “irresponsibly” and independently, in such a way that they can’t tolerate the reason for her actions. Go stated that the station “cannot accept that she refused to shoot based on discord with producers.”
  • Go called Han’s reasons for leaving the drama — the killer schedule and the late, piecemeal script deliveries — “an excuse” because “Myung-wol the Spy‘s schedule is not more arduous than other dramas.”
  • He denied that the drama was behind schedule or putting out script pages late. The scripts were released in bound form, not loose pages (loose pages is what happens when they’re so behind that the writer churns out pages rather than full scripts at a time). (Note: There were previous rumors that the drama was already in loose-script mode.)
  • CP Jung confirmed that Han made the request early on for a five-day workweek and stated that they made concessions to reduce her schedule and let her out of shoots to film CFs, but also stated that the reality of live-shooting dramas requires the lead actress to shoot long hours.
  • CP Jung added that Han didn’t want to act with certain actors, and scripts were revised when she didn’t want to do physical gags. “We did everything she asked.”
  • CP Lee said that he spoke with Han on the phone on the 13th, who said that the producers were ostracizing her on set. Lee told her that it didn’t make sense for producers to alienate their leading actress, and that they were probably just upset that she was late.
  • Lee added that Han had a positive reaction prior to the broadcast. “However, after seeing Episodes 1 and 2, she seemed dissatisfied with the result, which didn’t live up to her expectations. She also had complaints about her character, such as the physical gags and the personality that was limited to cheerfulness.”
  • KBS stated their intention to see the drama through the end.
  • A new actress will be brought in to replace Han if necessary.
  • Go added, “Actually, KBS was waiting for Han Ye-seul to return through it all. If she returned by Sunday night, the Monday broadcast would have been possible, and if she returned Monday the Tuesday broadcast would have been possible. Even now, although we don’t expect that she’ll return to Korea, if she were able to film Episode 13 and the situation could continue as planned, we would consult with the production company. If that’s the best [Han could offer], we would choose it.”

Han Ye-seul upon arrival in LA

Other points:

  • As of the 15th, less than 50% of this week’s intended episodes had been filmed.
  • Monday’s episode was pre-empted for a (pointless) special, which was basically the drama’s first 10 episodes condensed into the hour in an extended highlight reel.
  • The drama resumed shoots on the 16th with the other cast members. Apparently they intend to air an episode as scheduled for Tuesday evening. (How they will manage that, I have no idea.)
  • Han’s early-morning arrival in LA on the 16th was confirmed, and she spoke with an SBS program, Entertainment Tonight upon her arrival to say, “I left everything behind. I hope that as a result [of my departure], the other actors will be able to film in a better environment.”
  • Production company Lee Kim Productions has stated its intent to go after Han for civil and possibly also penal suits.
  • Han’s own agency, Sidus HQ, also plans to sue for damages, in conjunction with the producers.
  • Advertisers are also likely litigants; some of the companies she has been contracted to endorse have also expressed the possibility of filing lawsuits.
  • The fate of Han’s next movie, Penny-Pinching Romance with Song Joong-ki, is unclear. The film completed shooting a few months ago and is currently scheduled for a fall release.
  • Rumors are therefore rampant that Han intends to retire. Chances are, that choice is out of her hands now.

Yeah, it looks pretty bad for Han. Keep in mind that we haven’t heard her side of the story, and perhaps we won’t. And I wish I didn’t have to say it again, but it never hurts to repeat: Keep comments civil and keep the mudslinging to a minimum, please. No, scratch that — a minimum isn’t good enough. Let’s go for zero, shall we?

Via Yonhap News, Star News, TV Report, Star News


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Sure you had all the scripts ready but only 40% of your shoots done the day before airing?


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Lol...their basis on being not behind is that the script is in bound form not in loose pages....so maybe the printing people was late?...so its not them?

It sounds to me the PDs didnt do their jobs on time to warrant the smooth schedule. Or wasnt quick to react to the changes that happened while filming... you know like plan B when A fails.... or no productive communication between them( which is very apparent).

The direction of the show's story was all over the place so I can see why she has a problem digesting that...and she's smart to question it...I would. She's probably told to just do it like the script says...lol.

I wonder what they mean when they said its not arduously scheduled drama like others.

Go added, “Actually, KBS was waiting for Han Ye-seul to return through it all. If she returned by Sunday night, the Monday broadcast would have been possible, and if she returned Monday the Tuesday broadcast would have been possible.

I guess this does not mean arduous enough.

Oh well, glad she is alive at least eh?
Hwaiting HYS! Standfast....a great storms brews ahead.


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It's official - she's on her way back to continue filming.
Awkwaaaaaaaaaard. And to add insult to injury she's forced to film an additional 2 episodes?
Hope they move the location shooting to Antarctica. It's gonna be that cold on the set.


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Really? She's coming back? Thanks God for that!

I don't want her to be replaced. I don't think we'll ever know what really happened. But Myung Wol the Spy won't be Myung Wol the Spy without her.

May the whole fiasco makes the industry learn something.


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Touche XD !


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The reason they only have 40% done is because she kept coming in late and leaving early and then called them a couple days ago and said she wasn't coming anymore at all. This has been going on for days, this didn't just happen over night. They can't film if she doesn't show up to act.


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Thank you, PD! How lovely of you to take time off from filming SMW to share insider info with us.

Come on. It's obvious they've been behind as early as episode 5. They've dropped storylines, the action is inconsistent, the plot is all over the place. This is a sign of not only bad writing, but terrible management.

Just say you hate the actress and take a nap or something. You must be tired from hating on her with such passion and determination for the past 48 hours.


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Aw, you had to block your name? lmao

How has it been off since ep 5, "PD"?


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I don't understand why other stupid people still praise and defend someone like this bitch. I was trying to convince myself that maybe she has a good reason for leaving, but hell, leaving everything behind in chaos is not a very educated way to correct a mistake. And yeah I'm not afraid to say she's being a diva. She should lead a good example to her co-actors since she said that they're her "hoobaes". What she did was really unprofessional and irrational. And it's a shame that the actors and the production team worked with someone like her.

i hope she just stay in her grave. She was the one who dug it anyway. Good luck, and RIP to your career HYS.


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hahaha.... If your definition of stupidity is NOT thrashing someone when they are already trampled.....then I'm the biggest stupid there is.

Sorry for not joining your witch hunt.

If she finished production then still complains would people listens? I bet not because they'll think ...why she didnt quit then....so I can see where she is coming from.
What she just did was make people look, listen, argue, debate.....to me thats sounds louder.
Heck, we are responding to it.

And you need to name call?...sheesh


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I'm with team Momo!
Despite never being able to finish one drama with HYS (this spy one included); i feel for her.
She is one lone woman; can't imagine what it would be like to have her drama production, her agency and some mad rabid antis after her.

Let her be. We all make mistakes...but ours aren't broadcasted to the world . Let's stay decent.


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I'm with you!
SENSE of a woman - maybe she got cancer and only has 6 month to live so she decided to skip the hard work and just run off. Wahaha. She's american and more free spirit anyway. I'm not sure how the work on series in in the US but as long as I follow the news the actors get at least time to sleep. Maybe coz HSY IS American the korean PDs don't take her for full and just have their way with her. You know like "well, schedule changed, we need to be flexible. If everyone is following the order, YOU do it, too!"


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I think in the US in the main broadcast stations they start 1-2 months earlier. An episode (45min) is done in 9 days. They divide it into groups e.g. making sets, acting, props ao that at any particular time a group is working on one episode then they move to the next.

For cable series I think its mainly 100% preproduced


PD sounds like a big bully to me.
fighting HYS!


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Did you not get the message? No mud slinging! We have no clue what the actual story is.


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Whoa, 'bitch' seems a little harsh considering we haven't heard a peep from her other than she hopes by her leaving it will make the atmosphere easier for her 'hoobaes' - which shows she put thought into this. The whole situation is still very unclear. Maybe she is leading by a good example by saying enough is enough and the cast and crew deserve to be treated better if that is the problem. I would like to hear her side, though I agree with javabeans when she says we may never.


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I expect these kinds of comments on soompi or allkpop because people there are generally ignorant, petty, and super jealous, but here?

HYS is all alone -- her agency stabbed her in the back and she's getting ALL the blame when she's obviously not the [only] one at fault. Try putting yourself in her shoes.

Congrats. It's people like you that contribute to Korea's high suicide rate.


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What do you MEAN BY???

'you expect these kinds of comments on SOOMPI or ALLKPOP because people there are generally ignorant, petty, and super jealous'



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Oanh... you just proved her point


well i am glad I'm not the only one who thinks like that!


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I would like to express my disappointment to Han Ye Seul. This drama captured my heart.Love the storyline, the soundtrack and background music especially the violin. Every week, I always wait for the new episodes of this drama.The last scene of episode 10 made more excited to watch this drama.Then when I heard about the news that she left the drama irreasonably while it’s not yet finished, I felt really disappointed to her and I was so sad for not seeing this drama ended well with both her and Eric Mun as the lead.I dont who spoke truth. WHat i can say here, if the change the actress i think i will quit dis drama:(


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Even if she'll be back. the feeling for me will be different knowing what has gone on but hey, it's only one of many dramas. I feel sorry for everyone involved in this drama including Han.


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this...is just blown out of proportion. I feel like she knows what she is doing so we should just let her be. Even though she is a public person she shouldn't feel pressured to keep up her image or something if she is not happy and healthy. I just feel bad for the rest of the drama actors and crew members. We shouldn't blame anyone. It's obvious both sides are at fault here. Let's just hope they make it through the drama without TOO much damage. Hopefully, everyone will learn a lesson. But SURELY, it's not our place to judge so we should just quit it. I hear so much arguments these days about this issue I'm so sick of it. I liked the drama and I'm a bit sad now. But LIFE GOES ON!


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completely agree! hope everything turns for the best. and that especially netizens try to understand the chaotic and exhausting schedule Korean actors have. nobody's health should be exposed so much for the sake of watching dramas...


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totally agree!!! hope the drama will continue and wish the new actress would be better :-)


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i really like the drama :( awww


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I totally agree!!! I'm not on team KBS or team han, I only on team Myung Wol the Spy!!!! I was really hoping that these rumors were not true and I'm so sad to see them confirmed. Hopefully, they can still work something out. Please please PLEASE!!!!


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I love this drama :(
Poor Eric~~~ First it was Poseidon & now Myung-wol the Spy ;_;

I hope all goes well & that he doesn't experience anymore drama grief in the future <3


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I agree :( Poor Eric...
I was soooo looking forward to his return to dramaland with Poseidon... now MWS...
There's definately a behind the scene story we are not getting and perhaps never will. I do enjoy Han as an actress. Hope all goes well for the drama and for Eric as well. *Fighting Eric*


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i have been so busy with super junior i forgot abut this drama but after reading everything, the entire time i was thinking, poor eric. first poseidon and now spy as his comeback. awww, i just want to give him a hug. but at least for him though, he will be reunited with shinhwa in march so he can have an epic comeback take 2 without this drama


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Yes i hope all goes well :D
He is a wonderful actor <3


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she want to drop everything..she said ...
maybe she pregnant
she should finish her work....


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C'mon! It is careless words like these that can ruin person's life. We have no reason to assume that she has any other problem than what she stated herself. Pregnancy? That's low, and utterly ill-founded.

Its a pity that "Myung-Wol the Spy" had to suffer the brunt of a screwed-up system. If there is anything/anyone to blame in all of this, it is simply, "Live-shooting". Writers should have enough confidence in themselves to churn up atleast 8 episodes before the show airs, and then work on the rest. I mean, what is the point of Live shoot, when there are ONLY 16-20 episodes to shoot in the first place. A show will be successful if it is good, or it wont. Simple.

I feel that this was bound to happen one day or the other. Its just a pity that a person's career and image has to be completely destroyed to draw attention to all that is WRONG in Kdrama-land, and yet I have little/no hope for this to cause much of a change since the entertainment industry in South Korea seems more like a Star Factory, churning up idols and actors after years of training and trimming and puffing up their egos with enough air to give them a false feel of influence, all the while controlling every aspect of their lives like puppet-masters. I love Korea, it's dramas, its music, but I cant agree with the limited space one gets in this fail-safe, business-oriented world that they have created. Granted, Art without profit is useless, but doesn't the present scenario seem to artificial to be called art in the first place?


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*nods, nods*
I really miss more reaction from actors/idols themselves too these hectic schedules and unrealistic body shapes.


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That's what happens when people run away without clarifying misunderstandings and problems, people speculate and careless and crazy theories are born.
Regardless of what happened, she should have spoken out, not run away. That's just childish.


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i totally agree with you:)


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Well. If she's pregnant that would explain a lot: why she wanted to keep action scenes to a minimum; why she didn't want to work excessive hours; and why she went back to LA - presumably to go back to the bosom of her family.

Then again these are just guesses, but nevertheless...


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interesting speculation! I've enjoyed MWS and feel sorry for the rest of the cast. I'm also bummed that her next movie with Soong Joong-Ki would be affected =(


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welp. she better get pregnant asap then.


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Yes, interesting speculation! Pregnancy never entered my mind but it would make sense. And it wouldn't be farfetched since yea...it would explain many of the requests she made to the schedule. It would explain many things! Not trying to spread malicious rumors but I wouldn't be surprised.


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I still do not believe that she is pregnant. Since signs of pregnancy does not show physically until atleast the 2nd trimester, and the drama is about to end in mere three weeks.

Anyways, I hear that she is coming back on the 17th, and she had not expected things to go so much out of hand. What she did was wrong, but I still DO NOT think we should speculate such absurdity like a pregnancy, when there are a world of other, more reasonable, causes for her lapse of judgement.

Well lets just hope I get to watch Myung Wol next week!!!!


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As ignorant as this may seem, I keep hoping this is just a bad nightmare and things will fix themselves naturally. A girl can dream, right?


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Also, thanks for keeping us updated, JB! I can always trust Dramabeans to have news pieces with more level-headed judgement that considers the sides of a serious situation without jumping to conclusions.


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Not ignorant at all, since I'm hoping that there's still a minute chance that all sides will find a solution to make everyone happy and Han Ye-seul will return to the set. I anticipate the resolution of this fiasco and hope we get to hear Han's side of things soon enough. Everyone hwaiting~


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AWh, I really liked this drama.


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i thought the drama was interesting...
far more interesting!!! LOL!


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'haven't been up to date with MWS but I do love the comedy plus the gorgeous cast. sad to hear this happened. but as i read your reply of 'drama behind the drama'... i totally agree it's far more interesting which in turn makes for greater viewing. now, i want to watch the show more than ever. :-D


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Man, I was looking forward to catching up on this one! It seemed so awesome. I just wish we could get the truth. I would hope it was a pretty damn good reason that she didn't show up. She definitely acted unprofessionally, but if they straight up lied to her, I am not sure I blame her.


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Ah, so sad.


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wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... not good at all


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I hope they find a solution. And I really liked Han Ye Seul as myung-wol


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But then she digged her own grave.


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This reminds me of Gu Ae Jung from the Greatest Love ahah


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omg lol. it really does!! I wonder who will be HYS' Dokko Jin.... and DING DONG!


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LOL! who's her Mi Na?


She's going to have a ton of lawsuits coming her way, Poor Girl :(


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I know right? When I read the article I was like "O__O; dayum thats lots of lawsuits!"


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Apparently she is going to get married to a rich businessman. Maybe he's the one who will hv to pay all the law suits.


For the love of GOD!!!!!!!!!!Aghhhhhhhhhhh

Can we all just let this issue die out and move on!!!!!!

I think no matter what happen at this moment her reputation has already been destroy, even if she is in the right, it will take years for her to recover. she is just one person fighting the System, and in Korea that means "professional suicide,"

Han Ye-seul!!! Love you girl.... Fighting!!!!!!


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Can we all just let this issue die out and move on!!

I think people want to know the "why" of it all. Why would someone who's rising in popularity and/or already pretty popular just walk out? What is her real reason? And I don't mean assumptions from us, I mean as told straight from the horses mouth, in this case, poor Han Ye-seul. Is it anyone's business? Well, Han deserves her privacy yes, but her fans, supporters, and fans of the show need closure before she retires. And I think she'll need this as much as anyone out there because if she never gets it off her chest, it will literally eat away at her. She'll regret not giving herself the chance to explain her reasons, and she'll feel guilty about the people she had let down without so much as a word. I think everyone just wants closure, and I think everyone needs it, Han included.

Han Ye-seul fighting. Myung-wol the Spy fighting. Everyone fighting.


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This incident remains me of the "Dave Chappelle," blow out, I do hope I am right in believing that as in the case of Dave Chappelle, there is a clear and justifiable reason why he walk away from 50 Million dollars, and I want to believe that in her case there is a justifiable reason why she walk of the set.

At the end of the day is her life, and I do not want to start another fight but she was born in America to Korean parents, which makes her an even easier target for mainland Koreans to go after her, since she at the end of the day seen as not fully Korean....But that's just my opinion I can be wrong...


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*Edit* "She is seen."


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Nah. You won't find me fighting with you. At least not today - there has been enough of that all around already. Or ever. Unless, you know, I'm provoked.

But yeah. I await Han's statement and just hope we see and end to this soon. Hwaiting~


Could also be her US frame of reference re expectations of how she & other workers & actors should generally be treated. Also, suspect that a US born & raised woman, whatever her age or ethnicity, is less able to tolerate the way male chauvinism may manifest itself in SK.


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That's a good point.
And before anyone gets their knickers in a twist: no one is saying that SK has more male chauvinism that anywhere else but the particular way in which it is expressed can be even more daunting for a non-native Korean.

Granted, the U.S.'s Entertainment industry is also brutal to its female stars.


It's interesting that since HYS is "American" that people find the system in "KOREA" to be wrong and that it's KOREA's fault that they're not this, that, and the other thing and everything about the American system is so fantastic and Korea is just a backward, fartsy, unstable, and downright stupid - all because HYS walked away from a job? All of a sudden, it's Korea's fault for HYS walking away?

Yes, HYS has the right to complain, protest and to fight for what she considers injustice. BUT, it's NOT right just to walk away without any explanations, other than "I've let everything go." What does this even mean? Does this absolve her from her unprofessionalism? I don't doubt that there are faults in the Korean entertainment industry. But walking away without explaining oneself is NOT a good way to do it. And why blame all of KOREA for one Korean-American's mishaps? It's interesting that she complained about the long hours but never complained about how much she was being paid.

Yes, I get it that she felt overworked, especially if it's true that she had a fiancee and wanted to spend more time with him. Then why sign up to do another drama? If she didn't want to do it, she shouldn't have done it. But if you DO sign up, then you should be professional to see it through and then quit after that. It's like I'm seeing her walk off her job as some kind of act of justice, but I'm sorry, I just can't see it that way. There are other justifiable ways to protest what she perceived were breaches of contract, unreasonable working hours, or whatever. Or for God sakes, call a media conference and complain about it. But to simply walk off without a word? I don't know that I can actually blame Korea for that one.


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@spark67.....The only reason why we are scrutinizing the Korean Entertainment Industry, is because that's where this problem started.

I have had the chance to live in the USA, Mexico, England, Ireland, Gran Canaria, and all I can say is that when it comes to workers rights, the USA is the fairest of them all, there is a reason why people from all over the world want to move to the USA, unlike other country's including South Korea, the US still is the land of opportunity, here in the US the actors, writers, and industry people have their Unions that protect them from unjust and inhumane conditions, like the ones found in Korea, and all over Asia.

Han Ye-seul even is she is in the right, the witch-hunt and the character assassination, done to her by the industry, will be almost impossible here in the USA, without any real facts that can stand in a court of law, in Korea the Law man, the politicians, and the big corporations, are in cahoots, it does not matter what she does at this point she will never win her case in Korea I can almost guarantee you that, with out any legal recourse how can she protect herself? It is clear that the TV station where in breech of contract, but still there is nothing that she can do about it, since that's just the Korean way of doing things!!!!


Seriously... just rewrite her out, put a new actress in. I'm all for it. I'm starting to get sick and tired of hearing about this and that. The show must go on so let it!!


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uhm... but wouldn't it be funny if they completely write her out? her character holds the title role... so should they change the title as well??

i think whatever action KBS takes would be iffy... just saying. =)


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i really hope those rumors of her planning to get married to her mega rich businessman boyfriend are true because her financial future is looking mighty bleak and dang...her own agency is suing her...was whatever reason she had really worth it? i get that she had a problem with the pd but kbs essentially hired another pd solely to keep her happy...maybe she should have tried harder to reach a compromise instead of leaving everything and landing herself in such hot water


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Noooooo I loved her in this drama can't think of some other actress take her role can't she Dinah the drama before she do any action in her life plaza Han we want to see what will happen after ep 10 We've been waiting for a week....


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haha, only in Korea.

Oh so salacious.


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like (there should be a like button somewhere)


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agree haha


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wow, I'm a little sad not being able to watch this week episode T__T but to be honest, she should have finished the filming for this week episode before leaving. This way, the current situation would not have been this bad...from a bystander, I'm really indifferent about this whole thing. What bothers me is the fear of the drama not completing with the same casts and the original plot, cause I really really enjoy watching SPY MYUNG-WOL as the way it is.


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Well I would say this is like a tsunami for Han's career! I didn't follow the drama but I'm following this whole situation right now... And in my point of view I would say that Han just panicked and as a result fled to LA, which is the stupidest thing she could possibly do. *sigh* But also the saddest thing... But I would say it's better than committing suicide what other actors and actresses did.


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Let's hope if she keeps a level head and doesn't fall into depression and, you know, tries to find solace on the other side. I think, whatever happens, whoever turns out to be in the wrong (if anyone really is in the wrong considering everyone could be in the right.... grabbing at straws here) no one ends up, uh, mortally wounded.

Gorrammit! I think everyone needs to listen to this right now. Le sigh. It's not much, but I think we just need some "happiness" to mellow things out.


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what han ye seul did was extremely unprofessional and selfish but was a smear campaign really necessary?
girl is in deep shit now


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— the killer schedule and the late, piecemeal script deliveries — “an excuse” because “Myung-wol the Spy‘s schedule is not more arduous than other dramas.”
definitely this is not an excuse... it is all wrong... a good reason for her to make a stand..
but to leave the drama half-way through , i think her boycott has gone over the line.
if she has the intention to make such stand, she should have lashed it out through social media or refuse to attend any further interviews/social outings... or wat ever way.
well production company also has it's fault, they should have just changed the PD if she has made such a drastic move ( refuse to shoot, not leaving korea)

kbs is a government-funded broadcast.. good luck to HYS for the lawsuits barging into her way.


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She knows what shes doing & she's prepared for it probably. So goodluck to her & the rest of the cast. I hope they will change the crazy work hours like hys said.


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this is huge damage for her career. i think it will be hard for her if she wants to comeback someday...


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oppppss that's 3 lawsuits right there. Wow, she could beat Bi/Rain for this.
and yeah, if they had all the scripts ready, then why the hell did you only film 40% and your filming what? overtime? but only that much was done. no kidding.


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Because she didn't show up to work. They can't film the rest of her scene without her being there.


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Yeah, the it was the PD's fault for letting the production get to the point where her decision to be a no show one weekend would completely derail the drama. That's the point of repeatedly pointing out the 40%.

It's like my students telling me that they couldn't do X assignment or prep for X test because something happened the night before, nevermind that the assignment/test had been announced way in advance.


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Yeah, they've been on live shoots since long before this started.


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isn't she the main lead? so even if they plan it better, if she wasn't there, the drama would be derailed regardless.

In this situation, I'd say she's partly to blame. If after one or two episode and the shooting schedule wasn't what she wanted, she should've opted out then. To quit in the middle when everyone else has also put in so much effort is irresponsible and unprofessional.

I don't think she will have a great career with this kind of move. To just up and leave everything she signed up for and having to be responsible for really makes me dislike her as an actress.


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The problem with the current system is that it does not build in contingencies. With a better planned drama, the leads wouldn't have been worked to exhaustion and, were something to happen temporarily to the leads (accidents, injuries, etc.), built-in slack in the schedule would allow for the production schedule to be shifted around.

By no means am I suggestion HYS is not culpable (and, I definitely hold the production team culpable). But what I'm trying to point out is that individual culpability merely sidesteps the larger systemic problem.

You say that she should have opted out after 1st or 2nd week. At that point, most people still operate in good faith. They are still holding out faith that the other side will deliver on promises made or telling themselves that they can persevere. Very few people have the ability to recognize early on which situations merit cutting one's losses.

As for her career, I'm sort of surprised that people think she has any left. This was career suicide. I'm just glad it didn't end up an actual suicide. If she still has a career left after this, I will chalk it up to the fickleness of the public.


surely they can do other scenes without HYS from Tuesday-Friday, no? how can they expect to finish 60% of the shots over a weekend?

HYS IS unprofessional on this, but the crazy live-shoot is, crazy. just watch Worlds Within and we can get a look at how crazy it can be.


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oh no, i didn't really do the math but now I see the schedule is quite tight. I usually expect the filming to be done one week in advance then they will do the editting of the scenes for one week.


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there is one drama I remember which only completed filming hours before the broadcast of the finale and completely ruined the viewing pleasure of the audience because the version was badly edited... at some parts, sounds and images were missing?... had the pd adhered to the conditions of the contract, they would have completed more of the filming and not only 40%...


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I think that was Sign? whatever drama it was javabeans had a post about it, lol.


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Ugh, this situation is really terrible, isn't it? And this drama is one of the good zany ones too. If Han doesn't come back, then is it too much to ask that they'll replace the actress, but keep the character, and everyone can just pretend that Myung-Wol had a random face change or still looks the same or something? Han has captivated quite the image, but I would totally go for random, doesn't make sense plot line. At this point, fan service is my solution!


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She could fake her death and then come back with a new face in order to protect her identity. That would be an easy fix...


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Maybe the new actress plays a second agent sent from the North after they decide Myung Wol has failed her mission?

If you've claimed the Scheduler, does this mean I can have Han Kang? :)


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No, you can't have Kang aaaaaah!!!


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Been a lurker for like 3 weeks now but I have to de-lurk because of you claiming MY HAN KANG. KANG AH IS MINE, MINE, MINE!!!!

KANG AH, I heard you are in China right now, charming the socks off the Chinese. Take care and come back soon to kdramas - I miss you, MY KANG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


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The love of Kang-ah can bring people out of lurking! He would be a lovely distraction from this Myung Wol Mess, that's for sure.


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Hmm, fine. He's all yours. :)


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I like this arrangement very much. :P


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I really feel bad for her. She must've had good reasons to put her career in jeopardy like this. She'll probably never recover from the blow.

Still, I hope she proves me wrong, defends herself and stands strong once again


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So weird! Either she has prepared to pay the lawsuits or she has grabbed their contract breaches and thus does not give a crap. Either way, I am admire her bravery! HANDS UP!


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I can't believe she fled. Wonder what her next career choice will be because I don't think anyone in the entertainment industry (US or internationally) will be able to say good things about her professionalism due to this incident.


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I feel bad for the cast and crew. How are they going to make it for tonight's episode?


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"Bravery" or not, it will all come out in trial. I find it hard to believe that EVERYONE would turn their backs on someone who is "doing the right thing".

If she's fighting the system, this is not the way to do it, it just makes actors look worse. She could have held a press conference or, I dunno, not signed up for a drama at all if she is really wanting to retire.


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saying is much easier than doing, right?


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lmao! PWN'D!


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its like saying to a famous celebrity who have (assuming) suffering from depression/anxiety disorder..

" if your feeling sick why dont you go to hospital?" as if that sound so easy without even considering the Social stigma in it.like Omo,she must be crazy or suicidal thats why shes gone to hospital..

people are so idealistic when reality is the reality -_-

i guess im not making any sense,.-_-


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I get you...and I agree.
In real world its much more complicated and you constantly question yourself if you're doing the right thing.
Everything is not black or white...


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Wow...guess bullying doesnt exist either.


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If she is in fact "fighting the system" and "being brave" I don't think she has a very good way of doing it. And her statement of "I hope this makes a better work environment for my future colleagues" is, I'm sorry to say, just illogical.

How is her doing this making a positive impact for future actors? How do you make an impact on future actors when the PRESENT actors and co-stars are suffering from your actions and have clearly stated so?

I won't even begin to talk about all the writers, viewers, staff, etc. who are suffering because of her choices. If she did really need to "escape" that badly for health or mental health reasons I would completely understand. That would be okay.

But I believe that it would be her responsibility as a main functioning unit of this large drama production to provide a bit more information as to why the other workers should be enduring the tempest. Of course she doesn't have to reveal "everything" - privacy is OKAY - but when you are holding the time and effort of people in your actions then they should be informed, even a bit, as to why you are doing your actions - if you don't do so, it *does* make you look like someone who just doesn't care.

The way I think she should have gone about it, if "protesting" and "taking a stance for better work environments" is really what she wanted to do, is wait till the drama was finished and then focus a lot of time and effort on promoting and speaking for such things. Or, while the production is going, keep people informed of the working conditions she had to endure. Netizens, I hear, are a powerful force, if they hear a beloved actress is suffering they will show concern.

Truthfully speaking, I'm disappointed with how she handled things. Please feel free to disagree with me, I really do love to be proven wrong. I will listen openly and with sensitivity if you have a varying opinion that you are passionate about.


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true...but what can she do?..as human as we are... in times like this we could only "FLEE"...no one is backing up her right now. HYS fighting!


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I definitely see that. I also stated in my post above that if her health (mental or physical) really was, to her perspective, in danger, then she made the right choice. There is absolutely no need to feel in danger like that. If she felt "fleeing" was the only solution for those kind of problems at the time, that would be quite alright if not perfectly justifiable.


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I am way sooooo disappointed with her action, I THINK there are many options to get through this, you know.

I can say that "she should do this not that and bla bla bla"

But STILL, this is me who THINKS like that and that is you who has THAT THOUGHT not HER who really has to face this problem and finds the solutions for herself.

well, I hope this 'drama' will end soon so there's no one who'd get hurt. :)


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How about this....

If she waited..I wonder if people will still listens...its finished and it fared poorly in ratings. Would they care?

If she informed people while in production that she's already physically and mentally exhausted... they tell her to take a number there's people ahead of you, (since her request to lighter schedules got ignored repeatedly).

Can you see the dilemma she is in?

Not saying this to be argumentative but contemplative.

so choices are kill herself to exhaustion, fight or flee.

I wont kill myself for that so choice one is out....two: fight? you serious with my lone self?...or flee...which she did.


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If she was in a serious condition mentally or physically - I have already mentioned - that I would be all for her "fleeing" - a 100 approval, not that mine needs to be given, but nonetheless, I see that as a perfectly justifiable thing to do if her health was, in her perspective, in danger.

And as far as "people not listening" ....do you think they are listening now? I think more people see her not as standing up for rights....but as running away from problems and leaving things, and people, in a time of chaos. If you look at some of the more mainstream "entertainment news" forums people are giving her quite some hatin'. I don't approve of that level of criticism before a completed court case but....so it is.

I believe the level of response she would have gotten if she truly protested the working conditions verbally, textually, or otherwise, might have been not as "spicy" as this news....but....blowing up a building would make a pretty big point too....people who protest things don't go to extremes to make their point. Yes it might take longer. But it's a large system and it will take time to change things...one actresses acting in such a manner doesn't promote getting rid of stressful work environments...it merely is "hot news" as to an actress leaving her work, staff, and co-workers to a large problem they have to face.


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But didn't she grow up in the states? I don't know how things are in Korea, but I imagine that they're much different than they are here in North America. I think she's trying to fight the system, but she's doing it in a way that doesn't fit together well with the culture she's in now. After all, I'm pretty sure that if you were an actor in the states, you wouldn't have to go through such grueling film schedules. I remember people telling me that the entertainment industry in Korea is full of virtual slave drivers, and this, in combination with her North American upbringing kind of explains her actions to me.

Even if they are completely unprofessional...


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ok! no negative comments:) one sentence: maybe she just doesn't suit the industry, then.

it seems to me that she handled the situation the way she thought would be most ideal. sigh, i was really starting to like her dramas, then now she's retiring... pity, she had the potential.

well, can't wait to see the next new actress!! who will they bring in? hm... maybe a rookie actress? Somehow Kim Haneul keeps popping into my head. she would be great for all the quirky fun. hehe.


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For her to do something like this, it could be that conditions are really bad or its just her own irresponsibility.
Im going to wait until there are official reports on the actual situation and story why she left and then make a judgement..


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I really like this drama,HYS ,whatever happens I hope as many of us are expecting you in this drama..
please come back because I really liked your role so myung wool.
I have become crazy because of this drama,at all times to check the news about the continuation of this drama.I thought I'd be more mad if you do not continue this drama because I'm already in love with your role.
thank you all the news about SMY,I'll wait for the latest news updates..
For HYS fighting.....^^


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If I were Han Ye Seul right now, I don't know what I'd do with myself.

Personally, I'm an actress myself, and I can understand being overworked so much that it reaches a breaking point. I've quit one show in-progress because of mental and physical exhaustion. I hated doing it and dread to see the director ever again, but for my personal sanity, I had to drop the show. Han Ye Seul probably faced even more difficulty with her role in "Spy Myung Wol." The problem is that the Korean film industry is so small that she can't just drop one show and expect to have her reputation still be in tact. I hope her film comes out as planned - better not to have yet ANOTHER company suing you for charges.

I would just really hate to be her right now, honestly. Poor girl, really. It's not like she can salvage any parts of her career at this point. She might have to go out in hiding in LA for several years before anyone's willing to give her another change in Korea :/


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Even in LA, she'll need to hide out. There will be rabid Korean Americans here too.


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This is very weird.
Anything bad has happened to her?
Is she a big star in Korea? (Sorry, I am a newbie in kdrama land).

Then again, the producers probably have to change attitude of live drama shoots. I pitied those actors who don deeper and deeper black eyes as the episodes go by and thus too tired to give their best. Even Gong Hyo Jin, one of the most acknowledge actresses, said she was kind of disappointed with her own acting at the later part of Best Love.

It should be shot at least half of the episodes before airing. If they do good writing and shoot, audience certainly will receive it well. Why do they need to do live shoot?


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I don't think she is that big a star in Korea. But I'm pretty sure this drama would have made her a big star:)


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She is quite "big" one of her nicknames is "CF Queen" and it's not her first time being a leading lady. Just information, not judgement.

You are right that this drama would have made her a "biggER" star though - naturally.


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How? The ratings are abysmal.


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Even so it's better then stagnating at home right? It won't make her "less big" to appear in a drama that even 7-10 perfect are watching.


actually, she sorta is a CF queen. she's pretty famous.


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She is a pretty big star, yes.

It's hard to measure popularity objectively, but let's just say I've seen her face all over Seoul numerous times, and every Korean knows who she is.

(In Korea, because of the size of both the industry and the country, it's not as much a measure of fame to say that everyone knows her as it would be if we were talking about an American actress, but it still means she's more famous than a good chunk of other actresses. She's not at the level of Kim Tae Hee or Choi Ji-Woo, but she's still A-list).


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if this is a drama, the only way to turn the tide around on her side is for the script writer plots a pregnancy and miscarriage due to harsh working condition.


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I could very well be possible that she is pregnant. If she has a boyfriend.


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I was thinking the same.
Miscarriage (or beginning of miscarriage) is really possible. That would explain why she put restrictions on her contract, and why she did talk much about her condition.
Although she would probably never talk about it even after it happened, so we would never know it.


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So what's gonna happen to the drama after this Poseidon?

Seeing Han Ye Seul have to leave the country is sad and unfortunate but the drama being left behind both in real life and on screen is crazy..

And I don't think I got anything out of that press conference ...
Thanks for such fast news DramaBeans!


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do not know why, if there should be my successor wantid kim tae hee, because I really like his role in my princess..
but what would his kim tae hee and the parties want him sbs...


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All I can and have to do is pray the best for everyone there, since I haven't known the truly truth there.

GBU Han Ye Seul.



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On second thought, maybe Kim Seo-Yeon can take her place? She'll be the ultimate replacement for Han Myeong-Wol who killed herself. Ha ha ha! ^^

Now that would make things interesting!


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Kim so yeon can be kyung kyung-wols estranged cousin, a lil nod to Iris, won't hurt huh KBS huhh! But seriously KSY ftw she does NK spy sooo well..


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I really enjoyed this drama too. I feel bad for all the other actors and people working on the set. It's a big blow, but I hope things all work out. :(


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She F'd up a lot of peoples lives
including Eric and her costars/staff
here is a full translation of the statement

I was actually surprised about the extent people went to defend her
God knows if this was Lee Da Hae there would be a witchhunt from Day 1.



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There are two sides of a coin. This statement is just one side. We still need to hear her side of things. When she finally does share her side, I think then would be a good time to decide who we want to stand by. At this point it seems a lot of the blame falls on Han's shoulders, but that doesn't mean it's the truth (need I remind anyone about how the Nazi's rewrote German history in favor of their teachings on race and German pride???), but neither does it mean it's false. Patience has it's rewards I guess. How long people are willing to be patient is a whole different matter.

P.S. Uh, as for Lee Da Hae? *shrugs* I never really followed her career so I don't really know to what extent people like/hate her. I only know via DB that she needs help in the PR department.


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Everyone rewrites history books to their own favor - "Winners write history" eh? What I am more curious about is how Natzis seem to find their way into every single metaphor and conversation IN history....

I'm saying this out of amusement and lightheartedness, Ani. Really not out of angry spite or anything.

I think why most people are not jumping to her defense, at this point, is because she is providing very little information IN her defense...I mean...even her mother is trying to fix things for her back in S. Korea....

Now I'm not saying there could be a very good reason for her departure...there could be. I am saying that so many slave away for dramas that when one person does something that effects SO many others....and then doesn't provide a sufficient answer as to "why?" people naturally get upset...I would if I was on the staff to be perfectly honest.


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Truthfully? I think using the Nazis is just easy to grab off the top of anyone's head (although, I was surprised to learn in college that not everyone knows about Nazis rewriting their history books in their favor). But, if you need another example, how about the Cheyenne Government rewriting American History? (What? On a forum/blog site that revolves around make believe worlds, I think an answer based on a fictional character/entity is valid enough and should be accepted. HAHAHA. *cough* Sorry, it's pretty late where I am.)

I think I'd be mad too. And don't get me wrong, I feel bad for the other cast members and staff too. This is their bread and butter here afterall, but.... I just can't help but feel sorry for everyone involved (cast, staff, crew, and Han Ye-seul and her family). And maybe it's just my upbringing, but, I was taught to get my facts straight before I make any final decisions. I don't want to hastily condemn her without at least hearing her out. Something about being innocent until proven otherwise just stuck with me throughout the years. Heh.


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Oh! Oh! *raises hands and waves them crazily* Can we include William Wallace too? Or at least, ya know, the movie narration?

Narrator: I shall tell you of William Wallace. Historians from England will say I am a liar, but history is written by those who have hanged heroes.


I see your point about "innocent till proven guilty" I am usually all for that - just perhaps....with a bit less casualties such as are present in this scenario.

Heh, maybe it's the place I live (Russian family etc.) but Natzis seem to be one of those things constantly at ones disposal to "make a pt." and then in the States it seems every other politician is being called "Hitler" every other week - in the end...it get's a bit much, eh?

As far as history....the only way to get subjective is to study a lot of it, from a lot of countries, and perhaps even in a lot of languages (if the translations prove incapable of sufficiency or variety). Being from a country with it's own frequent attempts to write history I have little faith in using one source or one countries depiction of their own history.

Moving away from ignorance is the only solution.

And yes, that William Wallace quote is quite nice!


Want a non-Nazi example of rewriting or hiding history? I don't know about now, but when I was in school American History Text books normally skimmed over the plight of the Native American after the arrival of the pilgrims. We used to have ongoing debates about how in one thick text books, they'd only have just a paragraph or two about the Trail of Tears or just a small section in a small chapter about how the pilgrims intentionally gave blankets to the Natives filled with Chicken Pox, small pox, and other illnesses the Natives were not immune to. It's not completely hiding it, but it sure as heck makes light of it. Teachers go all out to correct this by discussing it more in class, but the books and those who write these textbooks sure try to hide it - in some ways, trying to decrease any written proof in classrooms that some/most of the pilgrims were assholes.


Geez, how did you make a connection to Nazi Germany in a thread which is about an actress quitting a drama? I get it, Germans are the sole evil in this world. Stone us. Ostracize us. Do whatever you want, but please stop throwing our past back into our faces every time something bad (and totally unrelated) happens in the present.


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Whoa, I never said Germans were the sole evil of the Earth. What does that make great-grandparents? Especially since my Great-granddad was an Admiral in the German Navy (Okay, I forget which branch and what rank, but he was some kind of officer) before he was based(?) in the South Pacific. People forget that the first countries the Nazi's took over was their own (oooh, another movie line). I was only using the example of Nazis rewriting their history as a way to show how truth is relative and you need to hear all sides, NOT just one side since that one side could be bending the truth to cater to their cause.


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*my great-grandparents


I have nothing against people defending HYS. In fact, it warms my heart a bit to see that people are being at least a bit rational, and not so ready to join a witchhunt.

But it breaks my heart a little to say I agree with you that if this was LDH, the reaction would be much different, much more harsh, including the attitude in all the articles posted so far on the matter here on dramabeans. I find it so sad, I hope people, including javabeans, realize now how biased they were back then. What happened with LDH, regardless of backlash, was at least handled professionally, and had no ill affects, immediate or otherwise, on cast and crew. If anything it is preferrable to the current happenings with HYS and SMW.


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yeah but there has to be someone to take the bandwagon hate
and here it seems to be LDH
even though if HYS is an example of standing upto the system isnt LDH too? and she did it with less chaos

i just wanted HYS to come out and say something

since she went back i'm assuming the 9.5 million is too hefty of a sum
they gave into her demands
PD is getting fired?

but the production has not agreed to take her back yet..

I wonder what will happen'


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She probably felt harrassed in the workplace or something, which is why she just upped and left. I hope she weighed the pros and cons well before she left so she won't have any regrets.

I will miss her wide-eyed look in SMW and I think that plastic surgery is the way to go for the continuing drama. Maybe she busted her face when she shot blanks at her head or something and she comes back with a new face!


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If she was really planning on ending her career, why was she so insisted in doing her CFs? Jeez woman, I used to like you so why don't you come back and film this amazing drama instead of making everyone disappointed. I'm begging you. Who lives in LA? Someone, just kidnap her and force her to film, please?


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also, why would she want to make her very last drama, a very problematic one? shouldn't she try her very best and please others? at-least finish your last drama. ending your career in a very bad note isn't a very smart thing to do.


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She F'd up a lot of peoples lives
including Eric and her costars/staff
here is a full translation of the statement

I was actually surprised about the extent people went to defend her
God knows if this was Lee Da Hae there would be a witchhunt from Day 1.


oh well
it will all come out eventually


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Dang, man, and I was enjoying the show - it's one of those rare over-the-top crack addictions in the drama landscape...

Whatever happened that led to this, we're only hearing one side of the story, so I'm not going to pass judgement. Nor do I think it's my place. At the end of the day, it was just a TV show; it's not the end of the world for me.

I do gotta say though, as JB has pointed out several times before, the live shoot system Korea has definitely has major dangers for everyone involved. They really should look into changing that (but I doubt they will).


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Whoops, that was not meant to be in reply to this post.


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Hmmm, ok.

That's for posting more on this, JB. I'm glad to hear more about this. Because, damn, I'm CURIOUS.

Things are looking bad for her. I don't know about the work situation she was laboring under, but this is extreme. Either it was quite bad, or....well. Well.

She could have handled this better. In a multitude of ways, she could have.

When / if she explains more, I'm turning my attention to the others involved in this and how they're going to handle the rest of the on-screen drama.


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running away is better than committing suicide. If those were the options hys considered, then i support her decision. Law suits be damned.


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true..money can be found..but not life...


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after the ruckus & 10bil won lawsuit heading her way, she's going to return and finish off the series any way.

She was acting very irrationally and her management Sidus really not doing their job to guide her at all when she was the irrational or may be they didn't know she took off for LA either.



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But.. but.. I love her so in this drama T_T

Please do not replace her with new actress with ridikulus line of story of amnesia, plastic surgery or .. MyungWol is not the real Myungwol (ugh!)


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I am so glad lee dae hae still triumph with her decision.
I remembered so much hate comments for her
with east of eden.

bravo ! lee dae hae, cheers !!


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From what she said at the LA airport that" she hopes her other friend actors can work in a better environment"means she really fight what she wants. I watched last time Moon Geun Young voice her complaints to KBS during Award presentation somewhere during new year eve, that the welfare of them to be taken care more better in future. I dont know how much has improved.

Maybe bcoz the polite voice is unheard , HYS has to use the rule of the junggle then....I know the way she did is very unprofessional. But everybody must learn from this fiasco.


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I hope we can hear her side of story soon.


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