Name That Drama: Thwarted death and rock band buddies

It’s Name That Drama again! As always, feel free to email us your questions and requests for future Name That Drama installments.

  1. Battle at sea:

    There was an amazing Korean drama or movie but I cannot remember its name, and only one scene is stuck in my mind: There was this huge uneven fight with ships, with some amazing maneuvers, a whirlpool and a woman waving from the rocks to warn about a sudden attack from behind! Please help me if anyone can think of the name!


  2. Fusion K-pop:

    The drama I can’t think of is fairly recent. It’s either a sageuk or fusion sageuk, or modern drama with sageuk scenes. Which I understand doesn’t really help narrow it down lol. All I remember is that it featured covers of modern K-pop songs played with traditional Korean instruments. Thanks!


  3. Jealous noblebrat:

    I saw the beginning of this sageuk like four years ago. I remember a scene where a young girl (the heroine I think) was the daughter of a servant in a nobleman’s household. The young girl was smart and the master of the household recognized her potential so he gave her paper. The girl was happy about it but his spoiled daughter, who was around the same age as her, got mad about it and ruined the paper. I hope that is descriptive enough.


  4. Outsmarted death trap:


    I know I’ve seen this drama not too long ago… a year or two maybe? Anyways all I remember is that this guy woke up tied to a chair suspended from a rooftop and he was going to die for sure but then he used momentum to swing back around and landed safely back on the roof. This was some kind of revenge plot for someone who had been killed the same way? Anyways the guy who outsmarted the death trap was the hero I’m pretty sure.

    Thanks for the help!


  5. Childhood sweethearts:

    A few years ago, I caught a glimpse of a drama my mom was watching and it seemed pretty interesting, but she does not remember the title of it. I’ve been trying to look for it to no avail. I only saw a few scenes when they were kids, so I would appreciate some help! I remember the main girl always wore her hair in pigtails and the boy was much shorter than her—I think he also had a country-ish accent. He always did this funny dance when he saw her. I think the girl even got beat by her father in one scene and the boy tried to help her. I also remember the step-brother or half-brother was really mean to the main boy because he was jealous of him. I think there was also a chasing scene and the mom of the main boy ends off falling off a cliff. That’s all I can remember. Please help if you have any idea what this drama is. Would love to watch it! Thanks!


  6. Not a druggie!

    I can’t for the love of god recall this drama I watched recently. The protagonist (I think) has needle marks so he always wears long sleeve shirts to prevent people from thinking he’s a drug addict, which he’s not.

    Don’t remember the reason why he has needle marks but if I did I probably would remember the drama in the first place…


  7. Allergies and rock bands:

    There’s this drama I saw on TV recently it was definitely Korean because I recognized three of the leads but I couldn’t remember their names.
    >.< It's a recent drama; probably aired around 2011 I think. The story was something like this: Heroine works with her grandfather at a gym or something. Her grandfather goes somewhere and she decides to start making clothes because that is her dream (or something like that). And the hero is allergic to fur. And the hero and second lead guy are in a band or something. The song they performed was very catchy. And something about the hero wanting his house back? And the second lead — who is blond — has some eye problems or something. I can't remember that well. I KNOW who these leads are but UGH can't remember their names. Please help me find this drama, I'd like to see it completely. Thanks!


Thanks for playing, everyone — till next time!




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#2 The Three Musketeers
#4 Liar Game
#7 Full House 2


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#6 movie Man on High Heels with cha seung won


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+1 That's it! It kept bugging me. Thx.


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Could it be? I have seen it in the theatre. Great movie. CSW was transgender, how can you forget that.


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holy shit! i'm the one who asked it. this is the one, god bless you and sorry for the late reply lol


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I don't think #3 is dong yi. She wasn't a servant to anyone as a young child and she had no childhood enemies. I mean she was a gang leader, but no evil girl. The only reason I know this is bc that was my very first drama ever and I rewatched it so much.


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number 4 is Liar Game that I'm pretty sure. ^__^


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