Descended From the Sun: Episode 8

The soldiers and medical team are still hard at work, trying to save the last of the workers missing in the aftermath of the earthquake. Tensions run high and it becomes increasingly clear just how dangerous Shi-jin’s job can be. Mo-yeon can’t ignore it anymore, and she’ll have to decide if her feelings for him are worth the risk of losing him.


As Mo-yeon stitches up the gash on Shi-jin’s shoulder, he tells her that he tried everything he knew how to do, but he couldn’t stop thinking about her and missing her. He asks her to think about what he said, because this time, he’s serious about his feelings.

He doesn’t pressure her for any answer, but just wishes her a good night. He can’t give her a ride back to base because he’s going to Corps Command to make a report, but Mo-yeon asks to go with him so that she can use the phone.

At Corps Command, Mo-yeon overhears that there are now twenty confirmed dead, and still over one hundred workers missing. She’s given a phone to make her call but she hesitates, which Shi-jin notices. When she finally calls, it’s Manager Go’s family that she speaks with, and she tells them of his death and that he asked her to pass them a message.

We see Manager Go, surrounded by rescue workers, and he smiles that at least he can see a bit of the sky. He chokes up when he mentions his wife, but manages to find his smile again. Mo-yeon tells his wife about his pension, that Manager Go said that he didn’t want to live alone for too long.

Ja-ae finds Sang-hyun and brings him a drink, and he shows her a ring. It belongs to a patient who just had surgery, but Sang-hyun sighs that he can’t give it back, and we see that the man lost one arm and the other is in a cast. Ja-ae takes a suture kit and fashions a necklace, so that the man can wear his wedding ring around his neck.

Ye-hwa was forced to promise the American reporter an interview in return for donating blood, but Daniel flat refuses to do it. She prods him, saying that he should use his good looks for something at least, and he teases that he’ll just use them to marry her.

The medical team are curious about Daniel, since they know he used one of their operating rooms, and Chi-hoon suddenly realizes that he’s heard of him before. He’s apparently the son of a wealthy Canadian businessman, and he chooses to travel and do good works in secret.

Mo-yeon is weepy again when she finishes her call, and asks Shi-jin if there’s a quiet place she can go. He jokes that that’s something a man would say, but turns serious and tells her that she did well today. That makes Mo-yeon cry even more, so Shi-jin points her gaze up to the stars, which are bright and beautiful.

Mo-yeon is dazzled, but pouts that the stars are really rude to shine so brazenly, as if they don’t know what’s happening down here. Shi-jin says that he thought they would be comforting, but Mo-yeon says that she’s already been comforted. “By you.”

Shi-jin looks a little stunned at her admission, and she goes on: “Thank you for coming back to me.” She says that if not for him, she might have run away today, and Shi-jin quips that if she wants to run away, to just take him with her. They can run away together.

When Argus hears that his diamonds are going to be late, he’s not inclined to accept any excuses. He literally steps on Young-soo’s neck and gives him one day to produce the diamonds.

It’s not going to be easy to retrieve them, as underneath Young-soo’s office is one still-trapped survivor. It’s the kid that Manager Go gave his hard hat to, and he whines weakly that he wore his hat, so can someone come save him now?

The search does finally move to the office area, and Young-soo actually has the nerve to complain when they go in to look for survivors and not his “papers.” He has to be removed from the area again, and Dae-young leads the search to find the final three missing workers, with Chi-hoon there for medical support.

Chi-hoon is actually the first to find a survivor, the boy we saw earlier, who’s a level below where they’re searching. An aftershock hits, and actually opens up a space allowing Chi-hoon to begin to pull the boy up, but a chunk of rubble falls directly onto Chi-hoon’s hand, injuring him and making him drop the boy.

As the aftershock continues, Chi-hoon realizes that he has to get out, and cries an apology before escaping out of the building. But as soon as he’s outside, though he’s practically in shock himself, he tells a soldier that he found someone and that he’s still inside. The boy is still alive when the aftershock calms down, and Dae-young is able to locate him.

Shi-jin and Mo-yeon both arrive on the scene to help with the rescue, but this time Shi-jin doesn’t let Mo-yeon inside the building, as it’s too unstable. He prepares to take a first aid kit down to Dae-young’s location, and gets a little testy when Mo-yeon labels the medicine vials in Hangul. He went to freaking West Point, he argues, he can read English!

A concrete slab fell during the aftershock and trapped the boy’s leg, and Dae-young deadpans that he must be fine, since he’s whining so much about being hungry. Mo-yeon tells Shi-jin through the walkie-talkie to give the kid an IV, asking if he knows how to do it, and Shi-jin gets indignant when the kid now questions his abilities. He’s so cute when he’s offended.

While Dae-young goes up to the surface to get another hydraulic pump, the boy asks Shi-jin how long he’s been down here and how many have died. Shi-jin tells him that many died, but many were saved — like him.

The kid starts to itch and have trouble breathing, and it turns out that he’s allergic to the pain medicine in his IV. Shi-jin doesn’t have the correct medication to counteract the effects, so Dae-young gets what they need while he’s on the surface.

Something starts to shake the building, but it’s not another aftershock. It’s Young-soo, who’s decided to take matters into his own hands and is using the heavy equipment to try to drill into the building. While there are people inside. It causes a cave-in at Shi-jin’s location, and he uses his body to shield the boy from the falling debris.

Dae-young sends a soldier to stop Young-soo, and it takes physical force to get him off of the equipment. This time Dae-young orders him held, so that he can’t cause any more trouble.

Myung-joo stops Dae-young to tell him that there’s danger of a secondary collapse, but she stops when she realizes that he’s going in anyway. He just snaps her a salute, and heads back underground.

The boy is okay, but Shi-jin’s been knocked unconscious by the falling rubble. He finally wakes, taking offense to the kid calling him “ajusshi,” heh. The good news is that the shake-up freed the boy’s trapped leg — the bad news is that it blocked the access to the surface.

They’ve also lost radio contact, and seeing that the kid is giving up, Shi-jin tries to talk to him. He asks if the kid has a girlfriend, and gets asked the same question in return. He tells the kid that the lady doctor who’s voice he heard on the radio is someone he likes a lot, but he’s been rejected three times.

That lady doctor is currently worried sick, and she ties her shoelaces tight, ready to run when she needs to. She remembers Shi-jin tying her shoes for her, and underground, Shi-jin instinctively knows that she’s thinking about him. He jokes with the kid that she’s probably regretting turning him down, now.

We finally learn the kid’s name, Min-jae, when Shi-jin writes it on his arm along with some first aid instructions. Oh no you don’t, Shi-jin, you’re getting out of there too! Min-jae’s throat starts to swell from his allergic reaction to the meds, and he tells Shi-jin that he’s going to die anyway.

But Dae-young breaks through the blocked entrance just in time, and Min-jae and Shi-jin are rescued. Chi-hoon is on the surface when Min-jae is brought up, and he turns away, ashamed that he ran and left the kid during the aftershock.

Shi-jin takes a long look at Mo-yeon before calling for a stretcher for himself, and he whines to Mo-yeon that his injured arm reeeally hurts. Awww, poor guy, she doesn’t respond like he wants, and he sighs that she’s too calm.

Young-soo breaks away from his captors and starts yelling, asking what’s the big deal, when the survivors got out after all. Dae-young is totally over his bullshit, and runs over to punch him hard in the face. The other soldiers break them up (ha, Dae-young fights to get another swing at Young-soo), and Shi-jin gives his buddy the thumbs-up.

Mo-yeon takes Shi-jin back to the Medicube to fix him up, but she’s stone-faced and refuses to speak to him. She finally asks Shi-jin how he can joke when he nearly died today, admitting that she was terrified, and he says that he went in the building because he believed in her. She wouldn’t let him die. He says that anyway, it’s in his job description not to die.

Shi-jin tries to jump up when Lieutenant Park arrives, but Mo-yeon forbids him to move until his IV is finished. Ha, his face is priceless, especially when she tells Ki-bum to have the commander come here. Shi-jin is aghast, but he obeys Mo-yeon.

Lieutenant Park informs them that Haesung Hospital is sending a flight of the doctor volunteers home in two days. Young-soo interrupts to complain about Dae-young attacking him, and they all but roll their eyes when he threatens to have them all fired. Lieutenant Park has heard all about Young-soo’s behavior at the disaster site, and is fully prepared to find out what the court thinks of his dangerous behavior.

He does yell at his men for letting Young-soo run amok and put lives in danger, and orders them to run one hundred laps. Except for Shi-jin, who’s injured — he can run two hundred laps when his IV is finished. At that Shi-jin jumps up from his wheelchair and says that he’ll run a hundred now, sir.

Ha, he makes the third soldier run with his gear, and complains the whole time that he’s being punished when it was them who didn’t control Young-soo. Dae-young is still fuming and growls that if he’d been in better condition he’d have finished that jerk, and Myung-joo calls out as they pass her that he should have beat the guy to death.

Dae-young asks how many laps they’ve run and the soldier tells him seven, and Shi-jin’s all Oh great, twenty-seven laps already! The soldier corrects him, but Dae-young says that if Big Boss says it’s twenty-seven, it’s twenty-seven. HAHA.

Shi-jin bails when they run past Mo-yeon (“I have to see my doctor, I might die if I keep running!” ~pfft~). She what he did to be punished for and he says nothing, but defends the Army’s methods anyway. She hands over some medicine, and he gets serious long enough to thank her sincerely for saving his life.

He stops her when she starts to go, asking if her name is on that list of people who are leaving in two days. She just says that this is her chance to abandon him, and his face goes blank again, like it does whenever she rejects him.

The medical team meet to decide who wants to return home, and Mo-yeon makes it clear that whether they go or stay is their decision. But if they stay, they don’t know when another flight will be available. She asks those who want to stay to raise their hands.

Nobody moves. After a long pause, nurse Ja-ae says that a certain patient needs an MRI, so she tells Mo-yeon to give her seat to that patient. Min-ji next offers her seat to a patient, and one by one, but the rest of the team hesitate. Mo-yeon says again that nobody will think badly of them if they want to go home, and all but Sang-hyun raise their hands.

Mo-yeon only now realizes that Chi-hoon isn’t here — he’s in the Medicube, guiltily watching Min-jae from a distance. He tries to escape when Min-jae sees him, but the kid recognizes him and stops him. He confronts Chi-hoon, saying that he’s no doctor, because he abandoned a patient.

It plays right into Chi-hoon’s worst fear, and he’s frozen until Mo-yeon finds him to ask why he wasn’t at the meeting. She tells him that she put his name on the return flight home, since his fiancee is about to give birth, and finally sees his injured hand.

Min-jae asks another coworker where Manager Go is, and he’s pointed to the list of the deceased. He breaks down when he realizes that Go is dead, asking why he didn’t have a hard hat on when he made Min-jae wear one. He breaks down sobbing, while Chi-hoon watches from the next room, and cries his own guilty tears.

We learn that Min-jae was the last survivor to be found alive — the final two missing workers were found dead. All of the workers have now been accounted for, and the rescue effort is over. Young-soo interrupts the little ceremony to announce that he’s now in charge of the site again, and that he doesn’t want to see any more doctors or soldiers here.

They hear a siren, and Shi-jin tells everyone that this is about the time four days ago when the earthquake happened. From now on, there will be a siren every day at this time. When they hear it, they’re to stop and send up a prayer for the dead. The soldiers salute the memorial for the lost, and everyone else bows their heads.

At dinner, the doctors talk about how different this situation is from working in a hospital. Sung-hyun decides that he’s going to live better, and buy a car when he gets home. When he asks Ja-ae what kind of car he should get, everyone whooooos at them, teasing them to just date, already.

Ki-bum comes running in to tell everyone that the phone netweork is up again, only to get ignored because they’re already checking their messages. Aww, sweet disappointed puppy.

Mo-yeon takes a call from her friend Dr. Jang, and tells her that they’ll be sending a few patients home instead of doctors. Dr. Jang obviously misses her, and tells her to stop saving the world and come home on the next plane. She also tells Mo-yeon that Chi-hoon isn’t picking up his phone, and we see him crying alone as he ignores his ringtone over and over.

The nurses swoon when they run across Daniel, fixing a piece of equipment. Sang-hyun sees Ja-ae fawning over Daniel and runs over to break up the fun. Ha, he doesn’t even pretend he has a real reason to interrupt.

Shi-jin teases Dae-young for saving money on his phone bill — the person he’d want to call is already here. Dae-young jokes that it took an earthquake to get him and Myung-joo working on the same site again, and Myung-joo walks in right on cue.

She’s got her father on the phone, and he wants to talk to Shi-jin. Only she says “his son-in-law,” which is their private joke, and Shi-jin gives her his most disgusted look while Dae-young tries to become invisible.

She quickly hangs up (Shi-jin: “did you just hang up on the commander?!” Myung-joo: “No, I hung up on my dad.”), and Dae-young complains that he can’t trust anyone anymore. Myung-joo grins at his jealousy, and Shi-jin pretends to be seriously hurt before he escapes the room.

Once he’s gone, Myung-joo teases Dae-young for being jealous, and he asks what she’d do if he was. “Reward you with all my heart.”

It turns out that Daniel was fixing a sound board, and Mo-yeon gives him her phone so that he can play the music on it for the soldiers and patients. The slow song creates a romantic mood, and the patients smile and relax. Sang-hyun brings Ja-ae a drink, and she shakes when he places it in her hand, gazing into her eyes.

Myung-joo and Dae-young are still alone, and Myung-joo points out that there’s romantic music playing. She asks Dae-young how he can just stand there… doesn’t the think he should do something? He said that he does, so Myung-joo steps close and dares him to do it.

Dae-young takes a step back, salutes, and goes to do evening role call. Damn.

Shi-jin finds Daniel and asks what the next song is, but Daniel tells him that it’s Mo-yeon’s phone so he doesn’t know. They’re both surprised to hear Mo-yeon’s frantic voice next, and OH NO, it’s the recording she made for her mother when she was hanging off the cliff in Daniel’s car. This time we hear the entire recording, after she begged Shi-jin to come save her.

The entire base listens as Mo-yeon cries that if she’d knows she would die like this, she would have honestly confessed her feelings to Shi-jin. Shi-jin starts to grin at, “I was kissed by an awesome man — my heart was fluttering the whole time!”

From across the base, Mo-yeon hears her voice blaring through the speakers, and comes running.


I LOVE IT. That’s the most hilarious, wonderful, fantastic cliffhanger ever. Now everyone knows how Mo-yeon feels about Shi-jin, including Shi-jin himself, which has got to feel amazing for him after being rejected four times now. It’s no secret how he feels about her — I mean, he tells anyone who’ll listen — so it makes me happy for Shi-jin that now he knows that Mo-yeon does care for him.

Because at this point, it’s obvious that Mo-yeon is just trying very hard to hide what she’s feeling for Shi-jin, and failing miserably. She spent most of this episode attempting to be emotionless and distant, which is understandable, because never has it been so blatantly obvious that he literally could die at any moment. It’s one thing to hear him say that his job is dangerous, but quite another to see him working right in front of her eyes, and face losing him while she watches. I don’t blame her one bit for wanting to avoid the heartbreak she could face if she lets herself love him. The problem is, it appears to be too late, and she’s already falling in love with Shi-jin. Denying it is only delaying the time they could be together. So I loved the ending of this episode simply because she can’t deny it anymore — her feelings for Shi-jin were just broadcast to the entire base, and she’s going to have to address them now, one way or the other.

I really love how all the secondary characters are getting their own stories, and even their own love lines. Sang-hyun’s crush on Ja-ae has been obvious from early-on, but it seems as though he’s also seeing how short and tenuous life is and deciding to do something about it. It’s cute how rattled she was at the end of the episode when he turned on the charm. I’ve even noticed some appreciative glances between Private Ki-bum and nurse Min-ji, who would make an absolutely adorable couple.

I’m especially enjoying watching Chi-hoon’s emotional arc play out. He started out as a happy-go-lucky kid from a rich family, who probably thought that becoming a doctor would be glamorous and allow him to continue the life he was used to. He’s a good kid, but he seemed to treat things lightly before. Now he’s realizing that the world isn’t as sterile as a hospital operating room, and that he can make mistakes that literally cost lives. He already misdiagnosed one patient, leading to his death, and he probably feels as though he abandoned Min-jae to die. That’s one way to look at it, but another way is to remember what Shi-jin said to Mo-yeon when he forbid her to enter the building — there’s no sense creating more victims. By saving his own life when he could, Chi-hoon will live to save others. Yes that choice might have cost a life, but stacked up next to the possibility of saving hundreds of lives during his future career, it really was the best choice Chi-hoon could have made if he’d had time to think about it. He’s broken now, but if he can find a way to rebuild himself and his confidence, this experisence will make him a truly excellent doctor. (And by the way, Onew is absolutely thriving in this role, in my opinion. I just had to mention that again.)

I’m also happy that Myung-joo and Dae-young are communicating again, even if he’s still going frustratingly stony whenever she talks about personal matters. That hug was an admission that he still cares for her, though he’s still trying so hard to stay away from her. But he’s losing that battle, little by little, and you can see it in his face whenever he looks at her. He’s so stoic, but that stoicism gives him away too, because the tiniest little eye movement or twitch of the mouth says so much. Myung-joo knows that he still loves her, and it seems foolhardy to go up against her stubbornness when she’s got her heart set on Dae-young — he may as well just admit defeat.


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I like the episode. I love the ending.


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I did as well. Thank you for the recap, once again. This ep. was lovely as well. I love how SJ keeps watching over MY, and yet he also restrains himself from touching her, or hugging her. He just talks to her, and says comforting things. I felt for him, when he asked MY if her name would be on that list. His eyes were pleading with her not to go (yet).Interesting that MY decided not to leave, but didn’t tell SJ. Was she hoping to surprise him? I wonder... And I started crying again as soon as I saw Manager Go, and when MY was talking to his wife. SHK was excellent during that scene. Btw, what does “Sangmonim” mean? I think that was how MY addressed Manager Go’s wife.

And I also loved that they took a moment to show respect for those who had died. I really loved how solemn all of them wear, including SJ. The way he turned around, I really loved it. I also loved seeing the medical team standing next to the soldiers, they had been in it together. So does that mean that from then on, EVERY DAY at the same time, the bell will go off, as a reminder for them to observe a minute of silence? I also thought it was neat when some of the medical staff decided to give their seats to some of the injured patients.

I am curious as to why CH is still not picking up the calls from his fiancée. He must be really having a hard time with all that has happened. I also thought it was nice of MY to give a musical selection of songs to be played, though that backfired for her, in a HUGE way, Ha ha ha… I am looking forward to ep.9, though SJ’s face was just priceless at the end of the ep. I feel 2nd hand embarrassment for MY b/c it is not only SJ who heard her confession, but EVERYONE else who might have been listening. She is SOOOOO busted.

I wish Daniel would give an interview though, his wife should be able to keep her word to those journalists. So cute how the two nurses were fangirling over Daniel, and how Dr. Song ran to break that up, he can be so petty.

I asked this yesterday, and I didn’t get a response. I thought I would try again today, and see if I get a response this time. “I also wanted to mention this: in the past episodes’ recaps, I noticed that LollyPip would refer to Lt. Col. Park, as Lt. Col. “Kwak.” The 1st time I read that, I was very surprised, and so I checked on AsianWiki.com to see if his family name was Park or “Kwak” (b/c when I read it in the recap, I really thought it was “Kwak.”) I noticed that no one brought it up, and LollyPip (if I may ask), I was wondering if you were just being funny or facetious for writing that, or whether there was another reason why for a few recaps, you called him Lt. Col. “Kwak,” which you didn’t do here (in ep.7 recap). I was just curious about that. I hope that you will read or see my post, and that we will get an answer. Thank you!”


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@Ivoirre, "Samonim" is a respectful word for a married woman, addressing the lady as a wife of someone.


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I might be wrong, but it doesn't have to refer to a married woman. It can simply mean something like "madam".


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Actually, "samonim" is a respectful term for a married woman. There are two terms that are used in Korean language to show respect for females: "yeosa" and "samonim". "Yeosa" is used for a female figure who has achieved a great status on her own or has done something that is respected. Example would be 육영수여사 and 이방자여사 who were not only woman of high position but were philanthropists. "Samonim" is usually used to refer to wives of important or respected people such as wives of CEOs or pastors. Also "mo" in "samonim" is actually Sino-Korean word for "mother."


man, shijin's face at the end of the episode, the amount of hopefulness and happiness contained.... i almost died of feeling too giddy myself. i suppose everything has a reason (referring to the car incident) so it makes sense in retrospect... the result is a funny, cute, and good transition, but the car scene itself was really jarring, so im not sure if it offsets it in any way-- like i guess what im trying to say is that i understand it had to happen for this scene to happen, but i wish it was executed better? somehow? idkkk. anyway we're halfway through!! yay :D


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So Michelle,
How would you have executed the car crash scene? Sometimes trying to come up with ideas, we realize how difficult or challenging some things can be, to try and do.


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Ivoire, honestly, I don't have a conclusive answer for you. There's just a few things about that scene that don't work as seamlessly as I (and many others) would have liked it to, so although I can acknowledge that it was necessary for this ending scene to happen, perhaps if the build up was better (and the crash wasn't so sudden, like maybe if it was the gangs being reckless or something?? I don't know actually and also how did her phone survive the plunge into the ocean?), maybe people wouldn't have such a big issue with it?


@michelle, supposed to be samsung s7 edge is water proof but according to reviews it can't withstand more 5m water submerssion, i think their just using artistic license there :)


@channel, since it's preproduced, aren't those phones s6 edges?


@wendy, thanks for this, I searched the internet, an article says its samsung s6 edge+, reviews about it say it can withstand being under water for 22 mins, 5meters deep. More than that, the phone dies but its still reparable.


Yes! the restraint. It made me think back on what he told her before about the kiss, how he's been thinking of doing it a thousand times before. I'm sure even as she was crying after the call to Manager Go's wife, he would have wanted to wipe her tears or hug and comfort her, but had to restrain himself.

Now I really can't wait to see them just fully express all this love and emotion in the next episodes. Let's move on from the does she like-doesn't she like him- moments. Now we're at the "both of them like each other" moment. I need interaction, people! :D


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This episode is legendary. I loved how everything I was dissatisfied with last episode got addressed here. Like how manager Go didn't get a big dramatic goodbye scene and we got it here together with a lovely glimpse to Moyeon's loveliness. We all know how lovable Shi Jin is but we rarely get to fall properly in love with Moyeon for her beautiful heart and right here we did. We saw how sad and upset she was about Manager Go. I loved that she used the phone not for her own use (like calling her family) but to personally speak to Manager Go's family. That is great bedside manner and also a testimony of her character. You can totally tell that Shi Jin wants to comfort her but respects that she is not some weak k-drama girl and probably would rather no one witness her crying than being comforted to. When she burst out in tears when he said she did well, it seemed to me that apart from needing to hear that she didn't just take away someone's father and husband by mistake, there was a tinge of lingering regrets and helplessness that it was, unfortunately, the best she could have do. Song Hye Kyo was such a queen in this episode.

Plus, I really love how they could be honest to each other about their feelings and respect the other's person feelings too. They don't force their feelings on each other unlike most characters in the kdramaland. I love how they know each other well enough to know what comforts them the most. It is so cute when she asks for him to make a joke to lighten the mood, knowing that it was his defense mechanism. Shi Jin was a bit off but he unknowingly said the right things too. It is nice that they know each other well enough to know just how to deal with them.

Later on when he nearly died and she was there to witness it, I totally loved how instead of whining, she got herself ready to run to him if he needed her medical help. Later when he emerged, she was so cold that I was slightly confused but when she called him out for making light of the situation, I found myself applauding her. Their relationship is one where one can be brutally honest with each other and call each other out for being silly. Right here, she calls him out for making light of it. Even though it is how he best deal with situations like this, she wanted him to be serious that right there, he could have died and she could have lost him. I think that last conversation with Manager Go struck a chord in her. He mentioned about working away from his family to earn enough money for the kids and therefore spending more time staring at the photo of his wife than being with her - this felt very much like a potential future of Moyeon and Shi Jin. While we wish against that, it seemed to be the most probable, given how often he runs off. I genuinely find no solution to their relationship except one would either have to sacrifice their career to follow the other around or just be contented with the little time they have with each other. I think being so...


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(oops too long!)
I think being so close to losing him and watching it happened, have her rethinking. She pointed out that he tend to run straight into danger, even if his life is at stake. As a doctor, that just seemed like a waste of life and recklessness. For him, it is being dedicated to his job. Here, they divert again on their beliefs. When she said coldly that now she can abandon him to get back at him for all the time he abandoned her, I was genuinely surprise that she was still hurt over the incident. But I realized that her hurt was accumulative and that he deserved it. To her, running away was akin to telling her that he doesn't want anything to do with her now, that she was not worth staying and putting in the effort to fight it out. It confused her because she had thought he liked her more than that. Since he was never around long enough for them to establish anything ( all those dates that he left abruptly), it felt like it would always be like this with him. That he would disappear when they hit a roadblock. That is a lot to deal with on top of him already disappearing when there is a national crisis.

And that voice memo being played...ohmegosh. I thought she had meant for it but I was thinking how incredibly out of character that would be then she comes running to her phone and I was like NOOOOOOOOO...THAT IS SO FREAKING EMBARRASSING. Moyeon is totally going to die of embarrassment and not live this down...well, Shi Jin won't let her. HAHHA He will probably remind her of this public confession for year and years to come. "I may have been reject 3/4 times but hey, you confessed to me in public." Super amusing and since we all know Moyeon, she is not going to take this reveal well and judging by her face... :D Hilarity ensues!

Chihoon! Poor thing! That doctor who can't catch a break. Last week he took 3 steps to become a better doctor and this week he took 2 steps backwards - or so he thought. He really need to give himself some slack. It was the right decision to run. If he got hurt, they would be a doctor down. They can't have that. His life is equally important. But he went in with bravado without really realizing what it entails. The only mistake he made here was apologizing and making it seemed like he was abandoning the guy. He should have said I'll be back with help, hang in there. Then really be there to help him the moment he is out rather than avoiding. But running when the concrete were falling was totally a good call. He needs to give himself a break and not fault himself for self-preservation. Not everyone is cut out to be a soldier the way Shi Jin is in throwing self-preservation to the wind. It doesn't make him less of a good person for wanting to be alive. His death now no longer affect only him but also a child and a wife. Even if he doesn't have a kid, he should not feel guilty for wanting to save himself. He wanted to stay but that is not a valid move for either a soldier or a doctor. The guilt...


(still too long!)
The guilt would be with him but I wish someone would help him out of it. It is not wrong to feel guilt either but he should know that as a doctor, you are not a superhero. I hope he gets help! This could be something that is potentially traumatic for him forever.

YAY that time-traveller couple are finally on the same timeline and interacting. I love that Daeyoung doesn't just give in to Myung Joo's charm. HA. Who tell you to joke about being married to his best friend. Hahah. Very good of you to punish her rather than give in to her womanly charms.

To be honest, I don't care about Danny much but I agree that he exists to flutter the hearts of women. This guy here is definitely McSteamy.

greenteaicecream below is totally right. I really appreciate the lack of stereotypical characters in this show. Good thing that this is the show that is being distributed widely and have a huge international fans because the characters are much more flattering than other dramas. Unless it has something to do with a major plot later. These two episodes have me thinking that we are going for more of a situational drama than major plotline, which is fine. It feels like an american drama series. Not common in kdrama but I can work with that.


To add on my really long exposition, I just want to say kudos to Shi Jin's dad for looking reluctant and hesitant about Myung Joo's dad hinting about wanting Myung Joo and Shi Jin to be together. Phew, his dad has some sense to know matchmaking might not be a good idea. I wonder if it was because he really loved his wife and want Shi Jin to be with someone he really loves.

I like how this show portrays love. That it does not have to only exists through happiness, skinship and proximity but is a deeper connection than that. Even lovers who are apart, still love and they do so in their own way. Love that is in limbo (Shi Jin and Moyeon) is still love. Love doesn't automatically mean that two people have to be together.

Man, I love this show so much with their great characters, actors, cinematography and funny moments.



Really, really enjoyed your (long) exposition ??
All are very well said and I just couldn't agree more...

One of the scenes that touches my heart is when MY talked to Mrs. Go about his last words, of his wish for Mrs Go to move on and not being alone for long after he was gone. And all through that phone conversation SJ was listening, taking it all in.
It sounded like a message someone would have said to MY one day too, if the two of them would be together, that is.
Imagining all these unsaid words between the line, interpreting the longing look etc, and DISCUSSING AND DISECTING it with all the beanies at DB, is what makes my sleep-deprived nights worth it.
Thank you all, GBU

Ps: totally can't wait for Wednesday! Arrrgh..

Pps: anyone notice the sloppy editing in last episode when SJ tied MY shoelace? Looks like the director can't decide whether to put the bright light on the left or right of the couple. BUT HEY... I still love this drama, love the casts, they are paired perfectly. Enjoyed the chemistry!


Thanks Flin! It is really nice to know that someone read all that ((: Even more awesome when they respond with their own thoughts. Because I totally did not realize that! You are totally right!!!! It could totally be her on the other hand listening to all that.

As I was re-watching the series, I realized that there are easter eggs all over!!!!! It is not the situational drama I thought, if my guess is right, the writer is planting things here and there that would lead up to the main plotline (gold card, walkie talkie, all that focus on job differences and moral differences, him believing that she would be there to save him medically and her ready to run to him...). If I am right, this writer needs to be given a thousand awards.


I read your very long comment and I concur.
It's so refreshing to see a guy who is honest about his feelings, upfront about it but still respects the girl. SJ character really balance it will. He tries to resist but that 1kiss can't be helped but still tries to be not too pushy and gives MY room to think about his confession each time.

Previously I was thinking the cliff scene seems to random and dramatic. I thought it was just to squeeze in a man rescue lady in distress scene combo by a mouth to mouth resuscitation (I did notice joongki was very cautious where he puts his hands on her chest so it was a tad awkward). But now that cliff scene leads to that voice recording and then aired out her confession.. Really Daebak..

I appreciate that SJ's intial love at first side was more on physical attraction and then they establish a connection through light hearted banters. Then throw them both in a foreign land with imminent danger and natural disasters only fuels that attraction to something deep. MY isn't in denial she knows she cares but she didn't want to sign up for the heartbreak.. But time and 8episodes down has revealed she's too invested. Don't get me wrong I don't mind the pacing of their romance plot line and I appreciate screen time for us to appreciate humanity, efforts and lives on the line by soldiers and the medical team at scene of disasters. I also appreciate all the other characters and their own love lines. But I'm also ready for SJ and MY to fully embrace their feelings and make the most of their time together seeing as 1)life is vulnerable and can be taken away from you any moment and 2)his job as a soldier really pulls him away anytime at no notice. I also think viewers are ready for a second kiss :)

Lastly yay it's Wednesday today


I thought it was just a typo that Lollypip referred to Lt. Col. as "Kwak." When I was watching the drama, I saw that uniform name tag read "Park" in Korean. It could very well be a mistake since Park and Kwak sound quite similar when said out loud. But this is just my reasoning.


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sangmomim means Mrs in korean :)


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SJ's satisfied and happy look on his face seem to make my ovaries explode. lol. And yeah, he may have been rejected 4 times but hey, the woman has just confessed in public. HAHAHA. I'm glad that MY has finally become real with her feelings for SJ. On the other hand, that scene when Manager Jin threatens to sue the soldiers is just so hilarious and for the first time, I am amazed at Lieutenant Colonel Park for standing up for his men and threatening Manager Jin in return. HAHAHA that's so damn ridiculous


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Wow! Just Wow!!


...and the GIRL did it. That is bad ass!!

and don't even get me started on that very last close up of SJK.

*takes a moment to calm down*

When it was shown, I thought the cliff scene was totally random and rushed but now I see what it was REALLY intended for. Man, the writers must've been totally giddy when they came up with this confession. I bet public confessions will be a thing from now on. haha.

Speaking of writers, they both must've taken it their mission to flip whatever KDrama leads stereotype in existence:
- a direct and honest lead guy. NOT aggressive (there is a big difference). he is also respectful of the girl's feelings.
- a lead girl who doesn't get swoon easily, talks back and drinks wine straight from the bottle.
- the second lead girl who is not a scheming b*tch against the lead girl, has zero interest in the lead guy and does the wrist grabing.
- the second lead guy who is playing hard to get (this is the best, imo)...and gives serious competition to the lead girl for the lead guys affections. haha.

Dae Yong just kiss her already!!! And make a baby while your at it (SJ's idea really)

Argus is very good and effective in his...err...villainy ways. I actually look forward to his scenes.

Also, wasn't that Junsu song just beautiful? I like that it was actually heard and not just background music. His singing voice is very distinctive. You don't mistake it for someone else, you would know it is him singing. DotS has one of the best KDrama OST compilations i have ever heard. the only on missing from the line up is Baek Ji Young

Anyway, this is a good episode all in all. I'm still on a high that I don't know what else to say.


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omg yes, i was waiting for baek ji young to make a surprise ost or something, anything?? but it turns out she did an ost for another drama, i cant remember, but it's currently airing also...

and yes, this episode really does just leave you feeling uplifted and giddy... this is so cute and such a feel-good ending/transition... and even though dots might be disappointing for lack of plot or other common gripes, it's exceeded the expectations i have had for it so far. love the cast, love the ost.


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They said the ost will be 10 songs. 6 are out already and I'm looking forward to the rest but the current roster is impressive enough as it is.

On second thought, any BJY OST would have a hard time to live up to the after the hauntingly beautiful "That Woman" from Secret Garden. I have goosebumps whenever I hear that song.

Hmm, maybe Dramabeans should do an OST special or something. That hasn't been done here right?


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oh damn yes, "that woman" is iconic. i played it 24/7 when sg first came out, and then when hyun-bin sang the male version i played that a bajillion times also. i love it. and omg great idea? and we can also rank the most hated osts as well, i feel like the db community has a lot to weigh in on those too haha


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ALMOST PAAAARAADIIISEE (i'm so sorry, i couldn't help myself)


This is the best comment on the show ever on dramabrans


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+1000 daebak! exactly why the show is killing me... lmao!!!


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she did an OST for goodbye mr black... really wishing she did an OST for DOTS!!!!


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Yes I also would have loved to hear Baek Ji Young's version of DOTS ost, currently the DOTS ost's have been dominating the charts in Korea, in Melon the most relevant chart in Korea all top 5 songs are DOTS ost's, i'm just amazed how much buzz this drama has able to garnet, really loving the drama and the songs too.


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I'm waiting for the ost by Junsu ft. song joong ki!! I know i've read it somewhere..


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totally agree with every word you said
all characters rock
I have finally found my crack


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Tell me that I am off base here but there is a loophole in THE confession. MY said her heart fluttered when being kissed by the awesome man, presumably here means SJ. The confession was made in ep 2. But the first kiss wasn't until ep 6 - the wine kiss. Unless I missed a kiss somewhere in ep 1 and 2.


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Am I too cold to understand why Chihoon had to abandon that worker. He's about to become a father and in the emergency state they're in he is needed much much more.
That cliff hanger though I was cringing the whole time I heard the confession. Poor woman I would cry at the humiliation ????


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I found myself thinking, what else could he have done? Should he have stayed? Wouldn't the rocks have fallen on him and killed him/injured him? Or even if they didn't, could he manage to get the working out alive first if he didn't abandon him? I suppose the worker feels resentment because in his eyes CH just abandoned him to safe himself, but he got rescued in the end so? I feel like I'm being too unsympathetic to the worker if I think about it in terms of that, but man do I feel bad for CH. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Also, I find it fitting for him to be going through these things actually, bc he's a first-year resident, a chaebol son?, a soon to be father, and probably needs experience with these things to develop more than anything/anyone.


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sorry, i meant worker not working in the third line


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In my opinion as a viewer, CH made the best decision. It doesn't mean that he wanted to abandon the worker. It's just that he had no other choice. It seemed impossible to stay there and be safe. One victim is better than two.


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It might be fitting for the young doctor to be struggling with this disaster situation but it makes no sense for the construction worker to blame him in the first place. What was he supposed to do stand around while a big rock fell on his head and nobody was rescued. Sometimes Kdrama really aggravates me with ridiculous plot devices like this.


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I think the worker's attitude toward ChiHoon is for him to learn how guilt feels as immediately, he learns Manager Cho is dead and he probably thinks it's because he (the worker) had Manager Cho's hard hat.

I hope we get to see either Shin jin or Daeyong explain to ChiHoon that he fid exactly what he was supposed to do in that situation (like SJ told MY "the rule is not to make more victims".

I would so swoon to see out two male leads counsel CH that "it's not your fault so now you can man up!"


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The way they've written the younger construction worker, of course he blames the doctor. He's demanding and lazy. Napping all over the place, demanding food during his rescue even though he's been told he can't eat because he needs to be examined first, et al.

He's a selfish child-man trope, which leads up to the dramatic potential for him to grow up when he realized Manager Go had passed away. What the writers decide to do with that character after or not (typically this will be the pivotal moment for him to grow up and learn responsibility and related), we'll see. I'm not sure if the crew will stay or be replaced entirely due to the accident, depending on the scale of their injuries.

I think we'll see more of him, though, because either he stole the diamonds, will steal them, or will report them to whomever when the time comes.


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Considering the situation there was no right or wrong thing to do. You can only determine the optimal solution once the incident is over and not before as there are too many variables. There were only two things CH could have done: escape or try to get that worker out.

In our situation there was simply not enough time to help the worker out in time, so leaving was logical thing to do, especially since it's his first time in this kind of situations. In contrast YSJ would probably try to help the worker and when it seemed like it might not be possible, he might have accompanied the worker instead of escaping.

Some people say that the worker survived and has no reason to complain; however, he could have easily died there and the rescue team would have found his dead body. That is exactly what he feels bitter about. It might be a bit selfish but a lot of people would feel that way, even if they would have done the same thing if the situation was opposite.

Luckily the worker survived otherwise CH’s survivor guilt would have been even worse especially if YSJ died too. That would have been similar to MJ if the patien she decided to save had died.


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The first thing you have to do when you try to save another is to evaluate the danger,and to save yourself first.. So I don't think chi hoon is wrong, and he doesn't have to feel guilty about it.. And a first year resident should know about it,,one of the requirements to have ATLS certificate.. I didn't like the way they make chi hoon character ( not about how onew playing it).. Maybe they're going somewhere with it.. For now it just seems he is too clueless, maybe they want to tell how different it is the real life situation compared to training or big hospital?


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Is anyone else worried that Chi Hoon will let his guilt drive him to suicide?


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There was no reason for him to stay. He found the guy and should have left and told others that he did. He did the right thing and shouldn't feel bad about it. A doctor has to live another day to save other people. What point is there to die there (which could have happened) when it wouldn't have saved the patient anyway.


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@lemondoofle. Exactly! There is probably no way Chi-hoon could have straight-arm lifted the worker out in the position he was lying in trying to pull (it would take a Swartzenegger body type) and with the building grid iron surrounding the hole even if there had been no aftershock and no debris falling. He should hsve been going to get qualified help (or at least a tope) in the first place.


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You're not cold, and even though Chi Hoon apparently doesn't know it, he did exactly the right thing: he got out and reported on a survivor.

I'm really worried about that kid. I want someone to buddy up with him and realize he's probably got PTSD with a chaser of suicidal ideation.


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LollyPip said it in her ending words and I agree: Onew's decision to flee when the aftershocks hit was instinctive and rational. If he would have stayed, he would have been injured or possibly even died on scene. This would mean more casualties, one less doctor in a disaster zone and a fatherless child and a widow. The main objective of a disaster relief mission is to not create any more casualties and Onew did as such. The boy whom he left behind (and was later rescued) shouldn't have talked to Chi Hoon like that; I can understand he could have died but it was because of Chi Hoon that the soldiers even knew there was a victim inside. That confrontation and poor Chi Hoon's mental struggle over the situation was the only blemish on this otherwise beautiful episode.


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@ vee

Yes, I was thinking that it was a pity that immature young man/boy continued in his behavior as his character has been shown us. More self-absorbed, having a somewhat entitled attitude and rather thoughtless. He does not seem the usual type of 'person' to come out to work in construction away from the comforts of home. However we may see him playing an important part in how the diamonds are recovered and who gets them.

Poor Chi Hun has got his self-esteem battered again. He can grow stronger as long as he learns from the regret/remorse and keeps moving forward.


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i totally agree with you on that. naturally that's wat most persons will do in situations as such, save urself first...


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The scene was totally clear that CH could hv badly injured and has he not gone out nobody could probably find the worker in time. But i was hoping there will be a scene to clear the situation between them, CH did save him, he snapped in reality to inform about the whereabout of the worker and that he is still alive.


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The ending was epic . And I don't know how many times I rewatch it


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I usually glaze over in this show unless it's one of the four leads (plot? What?) but I heard MY's voice and INSTANTLY knew what had happened. Which one of us hasn't experienced this, when your playlist suddenly queues up randomness?

I laughed so, so hard I had to rewind and watch again to actually hear what they were saying.


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The ending was seriously wonderful. Just brilliant and such a surprise. I'm both mortified for MY and so happy for SJ. He's really holding back out of respect for her and her choice, but now I foresee him going all in to win her over. It's too late Mo-yeon, you might as well give in. If she can barely stay away when he's not trying that hard, how can she resist him when he's using his full charm? lol

I did totally expect her to be upset and sad and regret her choice to reject him, but I really kind of love that she didn't. When I watched it the first time I though Mo-yeon was being really distant and cold because she was rejecting him, but on second thought..she was mad at him. She was much more open (even agreeing to run away with him) before he got trapped and then made a joke out of it/wanted to be coddled. After that she was in disapproving wife/gf mode who didn't want to hear him downplaying what had happened. Even while being cold, she very honestly said she was worried about him too. I liked that.

I don't really think that she rejected him again this episode when she said she'd leave him (like he leaves her), but she was just giving him a little payback to feel how she feels. He hasn't had to wonder if she'll leave and never return or if she'll die either, it's not a worry he has right now. So I can see why this is such a huge issue for her.

This was like her last ditch effort to stop herself from falling totally for his charm, but it's waaay too late. She might as well have fun and love him while she can, because she's right he could really die at any time (please don't though!).

I'm less positive about DY, since I don't think he's nearly on his way to giving in as MY is. His case is a lot more complicated for all involved.

This was really a perfect transition into the second half of the drama. SO looking forward to all that is to come.


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Yeah, I was actually surprised when Daeyoung didn't at least hug MJ or anything... I guess it really takes a lot more to crack him open (or his heart open) enough to ignore the weight of her father's opposition? I was thinking, he already hugged her twice, why didn't he hug her again? Was it because there was no immediate danger anymore, so he didn't feel as worried?


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The first and second hugs seem to me like an act of comforting. I think this time, if he did it, it would feel like he is caving into Myeong Ju's temptation. So he didn't. "Need vs want" thing, i guess.


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I'm not too too surprised he didn't. The son in law thing is a very sore subject for DY, and not something he probably would like to joke about. MJ was just happy he was "jealous", but the reason for the jealously might have brought up some bigger emotions for DY. Maybe I'm looking too deep into a light hearted scene, but seriously that MUST sting to hear her joke like that about something that is basically ruining his love life.

He did hug her, but on the other than that was a hug of comfort. Nothing much has changed with them otherwise.


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Oh damn, I didn't even begin to think about it that way. Maybe I've been viewing everything from Shijin's perspective too often, but yeah, I suppose it would be a downer/sore subject if you think about how the son-in-law thing affects him. I just assumed because he got jealous in a normal way with Shijin, like listening to their brotherly banter, that he wasn't really down about it?


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I don't think DY was terribly hurt by the banter, but the way SJ reacted was interesting - he jokes, but he's clearly a little panicky about the whole thing. Not because there's anything with MJ, but because he knows this is a minefield for DY and doesn't want to screw anything up.

That entire scene is hilarious, watching SJ talking a mile a minute and trying every trick in the book to downplay "son-in-law". He clearly cares an enormous amount for DY and will do almost anything to protect their bond. Meanwhile MJ has her own bond to worry about and is going to play jealousy to the hilt, which doesn't help SJ at all. Ha! They both adore DY too much, and he's so nonverbal they both end up chattering, it's hilarious.


Love your comment! Especially the part about Mo-yeon :)


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After a heavy episode, we finally get a not so light one but the jokes are on again and I completely enjoyed this episode.

That love triangle Among Shi Jin, Dae Young and Myung Joo is the most hilarious and enjoyable triangle in kdramaland. Ahahahah, I like how they could all take a pinch of salt whenever this kind of situation comes-up, pulling jokes with serious faces, these three are making-up my night.

Onew is slaying his role! I didn't know he can act but kudos to him, his stepping it up.

The confession at the end is priceless and so is the preview for next week, "Since we already wrecked two cars, why don't we wreck some lipstick too?"


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Next week will be so fun! Can't wait xD


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Onew is unexpectedly very, very good. Had no idea who he was before now, and the scripting of the misdiagnosis meltdown was pretty bad, but this episode's aftershock escape and guilt-wracked crumbling were extremely impressive.

A lot of the idol-actors are good at externally expressing and acting, but don't nail the internal-conflicts bit that you can only see through tiny gestures and expressions. Onew seems to be a natural at those, which is fantastic.


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ONEW! I will admit I only came to this as a Shinee fan, & one who hardly ever watches dramas. I want to objective assessing his performance in his first drama, so I'm reading the comments to see what other people think. And honestly, other Shinee members have not exactly performed wonderfully in dramas (sorry Minho...) But as his fan for seven years now, it's not surprising to me at all that he would do well at this. For one thing Jinki is incredibly smart, and he's shown he's a natural actor throughout his idol career. And for another he doesn't take on any task unless he plans to throw his whole heart at it. I'm glad other people can see what I see of his talent as well! (Wow that sounded like such a hopeless fangirl... & I really tried to suppress it ...)


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Yep, I'm totally agree with you. I always hold my breath every time an idol shows up on a drama, but not with Onew. He can handle this :)


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I am loving that line about wrecking cars and lipstick. And totally looking forwarding to Shi Jin trying to accelerate things between them.


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Thanks for the recap. Such a great episode and a great ending. I love how SHK and SJK acted in that scence.


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After all the melo and sadness and tragedy.. I'm so glad we got those small moments of fun and laughter in the last 10-ish minutes :D


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guys guys guys. oh my god. "since we already wrecked two cars, should we wreck some lipstick too?" this so so cheesy yet i fall for it way harder than i should. gODDD this drama makes me so giddy in the best way........

one of the scenes i absolutely enjoyed was the lt. park? shijin's superior totally playing along with youngsoo until he turns the tables on him like "ok but u attempted murder so...." and also when he tells shijin he can finish his iv and then run 200 laps instead. best.

also when moyeon makes him call the lt. park to his bed instead LOL, i kinda was annoyed like "lady this is the military??" but the reactions were priceless, with park's stoic face, asking if he was hurt and shijin denying it at first but then emphatically agreeing when moyeon says "yes this patient is really hurt". so many cute lols moments today.


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This was such a solid episode (and you can tell DotS is really hitting its stride) and it'd be a shame to focus on the ending only. But at the same time, it was such an epic ending, you need to get it out of the way before you can talk about everything else. One of the things I love about it is that it's the kind of watercooler scenes that everyone relishes revisiting. I was watching with some other fans and we just screamed and howled through the last 2 minutes. And even after it was over, we couldn't stop talking about it and laughing because someone would make a remark that would set us off and we'd start cackling like hyenas with tears streaming down our faces. That's the appeal of DotS in a nutshell imo.


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I cannot agree more


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I have to say I saw the ending coming when she handed her phone over for its playlist. I do audio-recordings on my phone too and it gets automatically added to iTunes, so once at a party, a similar thing happened, only thank god- it was just an interview. Still it'd be funny to see the fallout from it.

I'm noticing the drama has a way of laying out a plot point, then picking it up later. That thing about labelling the medication in Hangul is gonna come back - maybe when SJK is unconscious and someone else has to administer it?

I thought the actor playing Chi Hoon did a really good job in this episode. When he cried along Min Jae crying - it was heartbreaking. I think there in part there, guilt because he left Min Jae, but also a kind of empathy. They're both youngish guys, and both are overwhelmed by this situation that is larger than them.

Currently, I'm trying to work out what kind of "hero" SJK is being modelled on - I like that he's daily soft-spoken but means business. His calm delivery of lines and lightness of tone really work to underplay some of the script's rather OTT cheesiness. And he's showing a kind of graceful athleticism with a bit of cockiness. I guess he's playing a milder version of young Tom Cruise and a bit of Matt Damon thrown in? Very straight-up alpha type? I wish his character wouldn't say things like "Don't think too much, just do what's in front of you". It totally fits his role but still...

One other thing that is starting to grate a bit - is this relentless reference to prettiness. SJK keeps saying MY is pretty - like dude, yes she is, but it's getting creepy how often you say it - don't you see anything else about her? Or references to how pretty he is. Or how pretty Daniel is.

And why isn't that manager already arrested by now?


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When SJ says she's pretty I don't think he just means physically. He means both inside and out. Her heart as well as her face is equally beautiful to him. Or at least that's how I take it. I also appreciate that a beautiful woman is treated as such in a kdrama, and I like that her man can say it without feeling embarrassed. How often do women get called ugly because their love interest is tsundere or can't admit the girl is pretty...or just because the audience is supposed to believe the girl isn't attractive.

And she says he's handsome too, and he says he's handsome. They are both very pretty so I can see why it's pointed out haha


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I hadn't notice, but now that you point it out, I agree with you. She is super-pretty so indeed it's a thing that an interested guy would tell her. If they were real people going around, there would be remarks on their beauty, so it makes it realistic that it is recognized by everyone there...


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It's just pointed out SO MUCH like one keeps saying, something smells bad...


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It's a Korean drama about Korean people. A person's prettiness is a huge issue. Why do you think even the common populace is obsessed with plastic surgery? I've seen very attractive young Korean women being interviewed and asked "If we offered to pay for the surgery, would you have something done?" And they invariably say "yes".

Looks are commented on in Korean. I used to be amazed when watching Korean variety shows how a host might tease a celebrity about something sensitive or unattractive about them. That's just how it is.


Well, these days it's more accurate to describe it as a Korean drama about Korean people, featuring some guest-starring Europeans, but marketed widely to Southeast Asian and internationally via online portals.

Hence, as a non-Korean viewer, it definitely rubs up against my sensibility where it's deemed annoying and somewhat classless to keep saying "you're good-looking" to someone.


Definitely a cultural thing then, I find it perfectly normal, hehe! I had no idea that this could be considered annoying or impolite...
In the south of Europe where I come from, a pretty girl will hear it a lot, and also handsome guys are hearing it too.
Certainly the guy you are dating will say it a lot, and even strangers will say it as well, but as long as they are kind and respectful with their words and your space, usually it is not a big deal. Certainly the way Shi Jin is saying it would be interpreted as part of the courtship, I cannot find anything weird there :)


"Or how pretty Daniel is" LOL . I actually don't find him that pretty, but the girls fawning over him fixing things was hilarious.

also about the manager, well, aren't the local authorities also doing business with agus? basically bribed and bought, so i don't think there's anyone that could fire him/get him (bc youngsoo also works with agus) into trouble unless there's an intervention from some other higher form of authority.


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I thought the military would have placed him under some kind of arrest. Well, I guess they would turn him over to local authorities and we saw how that panned out.


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I am thrilled to say I didn't see it coming at all, possibly because there had already been a phone-as-therapy-music moment with the pregnant lady.

And I have ALSO had a work interview pop up in a party playlist! Other offenders: the songs I download for my 1 year old niece in the car, Korean dialogues, Icelandic music that only I ever listen to.


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LOL... yes, I made sure I cleaned out my audio tracks after that.....


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In this case, it's fine to me he says how pretty she is because she IS pretty. In "Full House", Rain kept harping on how ugly she was on and on and on, and it became annoying after a while because she was beautiful!!


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Hahaha! Agree!


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Wouldn't it be annoying if someone kept going on and on about how pretty you are, even if you are pretty? Unless it feeds the vanity or something.


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@Dramapanda. Hehe!

I'm sure it would be annoying if it became constant and repetitive... But in my culture, people like to comment on people's appearance... And it's sorta to have nice things said about it than negative things... People will actually be decorous if there's something negative about your appearance and not say anything at all...

But if it's positive, like you're a gorgeous person, your clothes are beautiful, your eyes are lovely... People don't mind telling you up front...

MY is the pretty object of SJ's affection so I would consider it par for the course and borderline obligatory for him to openly admire her looks...

And yes, it was annoying when Rain downplayed those looks in Full House, which I binge-watched very recently, cos SHK is definitely pretty universally.

I took Rain's barbs to be more about her clothing choices in that show tho, cos the wardrobe then was pretty much atrocious...visible bras everywhere.... Teehee!


I seriously hate it when male leads do that. Instant turn off. Even if she was ugly, there's no reason to say it.


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But this is a Korean cultural thing. They comment - good or bad


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In Indonesia it's also the culture to make comment about whether you look like you've gained or lost weight when you just met someone you've known for a while. Still, it doesn't make it a nice thing to hear when you've just met someone again after a while and the first thing they say is, "Have you gained weight?" Instant turn off no matter what.


A love interest shouldn't. Especially when they insult the woman as a way to hide their feelings. It's a personal turn off for me. Who would be interested in someone who constantly calls you names. Though judging by kdramas, a lot of women seem to be!


Yes Korean culture puts alot of emphasis on beauty and appearance. Hence most high school kids graduation gift from their parents...is a nose job and I'm not kidding.

So far I did notice he praise MY being pretty many times either serious or as a joke or d walkie talkie. It didn't seem creepy. In one part he said she's pretty when she smiles and personally I like that. I also agree she's prettier when she smiles.


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I am not that experienced when it comes to K Dramas. I've really only watched about 150 of them. My favorites to date have been Healer & City Hunter. This fantastic drama is beyond great. It may very well be a watershed event for how Korean dramas are produced in the future. I think the audience has become more sophisticated and the success of this drama reflects that.


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where did u find 150 kdramas to sit through. i prob around 50. that number is even smaller when you take away the ones i gave up on.


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@pttt, I love how you say you are not experienced in k-dramas and then go on to say you have only watched about '150' of them...

Hahaha! Ah well... I genuinely like the modesty.


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I really like your post. Interesting that yes, it was an epic confession, though not b/c of MY wanting it to come out in the way it did, which makes it that much more funny. I also love that MY was not only confessing, but she was doing it while crying, which makes her sound that much more desperate. I am thinking that SJ might have a field day with her in the next ep., I personally hope that he will.
I'm also hoping that the second half of the drama will be as good as the first half. Also, I not only love the OST so far, but also the instrumental pieces as well.


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Sorry, this was in response to greenteaicecream.


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I for one am glad that we had a few cutesy moments in this episode! Personally, I've always disliked medical dramas/dramas involving the military/disaster/warzone because I'm an absolute scaredycat and I can't bring myself to watch gory scenes or scenes where people get hurt. (I almost died trying to watch the episodes with all the earthquake victims T_T). In fact, hearing the sound of bones crunch when Argus stepped on Youngsoo's shoulder almost made me want to puke. Then I remembered how money-minded and selfish Youngsoo is. (But also, I really can't blame him either, how do you get out of a deal you made with the evil neighbourhood mob?)

Things I noted about this episode:
- I really love YeHwa's accent, it's the cutest.

- The patient's shudder of "oh god I would die of embarrassment if someone rejected me 3 times" and him calling SJ "ahjusshi" when they look just a few years apart, LOL. (Though that could really be JK's magical ability to look 10 years younger).

- Poor, poor Chi Hoon! The patient was really harsh on him, probably because he didn't know the full story of what happened? I mean, Chi Hoon's hand was cut quite badly from the falling debris, and he must have been in utter shock when all the rubble started falling on them, given that he's always been a rich city boy. If we look at it the way MY did, it's a darned good thing that CH got out when he did, because otherwise both of them could have died in there, and nobody would have known where they were. So kudos to CH, and I hope he does get closure in the next episode. My heart broke whenever I saw him silently sobbing in grief.

- And, oh man, the spite in that comment when MY said it was her chance to abandon him. I like MY and how realistic her reactions and responses are, and I'm not saying that her spiteful comment wasn't realistic, but I feel like it was... too spiteful? Am I the only one who feels this way? Si Jin didn't really have a choice as to whether he could or couldn't leave, and to be fair, he did ask her what she wanted him to do about the kiss. Her response was that she wanted him to apologize aka she didn't want to accept him. So in any case, she shouldn't have really expected him to stay behind to say farewell or anything. Or maybe I'm just biased toward SJK, because those hurt blank looks whenever she rejects him just tear apart my heart. If you don't want him, woman, give him to me!

- Thank goodness for cute scenes between MyungJoo and DaeYoung. And for goodness's sake, WHY did he have to miss that amazing music-filled moment by stepping back and leaving the room? HAH. I sort of expected that he would do that though. But I did love the scene where MJ just casually saunters into SJ's room saying that the commander wanted to speak to his "son in law". Then both SJ and MJ were like "oops."

- That ending scene!! How embarrassing for MY, LOL. Though now I'm pretty sure that she's got to do something about it, and...


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Oops did the last part get cut off because I typed an essay again?

- That ending scene!! How embarrassing for MY, LOL. Though now I'm pretty sure that she's got to do something about it, and I can't wait. It'd better not be another rejection or brushing it off again, that's all I'm sayin'.

- Now that the earthquake scene had its closure, I'm sure Argus's story will come into play. Though to be honest it kind of faded into something at the back of my mind during the earthquake scene because that kind of scene strikes a lot more into my heart than some greedy guy. Maybe we will get more insight into Argus's character, but I don't think it will make me like him more. We'll see about that. I'm a little tired of violence already though, LOL.

- More of SJK's smiles, please. Like the one SJ gave at the end of the episode. More of those would be much appreciated.


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+1000000 especially your last point. smiley joongki makes me happy


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"because those hurt blank looks whenever she rejects him just tear apart my heart. If you don’t want him, woman, give him to me!"

Hahahahah! ROFLMAO ... let's see how she wiggles her way out of this one now! After FOUR (private) rejections - maybe it's her karma comeuppance now it's been publicly broadcasted to all and sundry.

It would be delish looking forward to grinning boy smirking and milking his way through this next episode! YAY!


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The comment about her leaving was spiteful, but she also had no intention of actually leaving, and he got what she meant too. It's also something he never has felt since she's never the one leaving. So for him to have to worry about if she's staying or going.

And the last time he left was not an emergency. He could have told her before he left. She found out from other people. She just gave him a taste of his own medicine. Though the universe of course paid her back for her coldness this episode at the end, so all is well.


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The last time he left (for his dad's retirement), he did try to tell her first, but she ran away before he could say anything. So she found out at the goodbye party for him.


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I know, but still..he could have tried harder I guess? And she was happy he came back and thanked him for it. But after he got hurt and made light of it she was mad at him.


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You mean, Ye Hwa's English accent right? Omg! Yesss it was really cute! Lol


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I am weirdly loving the immature construction site worker. Say what you will, but he's got a set personality and it's consistently showing up in every single scene. I think I'd be kind of disappointed if he suddenly changed, actually.

He's a narcissistic little twerp who just has the most hilarious ways of expressing himself. I love that he keeps calling SJ old, and that he was venomous to CH, and I'm sure he'll keep being terminally self-absorbed and tone-deaf in entertaining ways.


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I enjoyed his character a lot. He is immature, brash and a little insolent. But he felt solidly real as a person - you can imagine him working sullenly and mouthing off any chance he had, but also having a bit of a cheeky wicked sense of humour. And he also clearly had some kind of father figure connection with his Manager.

Actually, I don't blame him at all for his outburst at Chi Hoon. Though Chi Hoon's actions were totally understandable and arguably, also the right ones - it's a completely normal post-traumatic stress kind of outburst. It's like how sometimes relatives of patients go ballistic at doctors after the patient dies in a high-stress situation, it's not "fair" but it is human.

And I think Chi Hoon's crying after that - is also part of that. When two people in effect had a "connection" in immense stress and it all went a bit wrong - of course, it all comes pouring out afterwards!


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This drama is everything to me right now. Song Joong Ki is killing it in this role. He embodies Shi Jin so much. I really want my own Captain ♥

The ending got me replaying the scene over and over again. I love how happy and surprised Shi Jin got when he heard the confession. Since we are at the halfway point of the drama, I am waiting to see their relationship pan out.

Throughout this episode, it shows how dangerous Shi Jin's job is and because he is so darn honorable, he is always and literally throwing himself into dangerous situations.

I completely understand where Mo Yeon is coming from. It is conflicting to like someone where you fear their life everyday. It takes certain resilience, patient and heart to love someone who's life is in danger like cops, firemen, and soldiers.

I cannot wait for episode 9!


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that ending was FLAWLESS.


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Am so dead!! SJK is like a unicorn! So rare and pure and hot and charming!!!

Mostly, makes my heart stop!! *takes deep breaths*


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Hi Divyrus, I'm with you with that FACEEEEEEE lol.


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Hi @Divyrus!!! Your comment made me laugh out loud! Here we are again, fan-girling a year after Healer. So many of us HealerBeanies chiming in again. This drama is charming. I'M LOVING every minute of it.


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and @GrowingBeautifully - Hello!!!!


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Hello dear @ lunatic4kd

Read you on Spill the Beans!


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@GB and Lunatic4KD

Hello you both!! *waves madly*

IKR ! This drama is making me so giddy and its utterly cuz of SJK!!
I mean I last saw that guy in SKKS and even though I loved his character and was so memorable (its probably the first gay couple I shipped in my life,lol) I never followed his dramas ! So never got his army comeback hype..

But man! He is so hot and acts good! Plus that army uniform! His character beat changes from being charming, to resolute to taking decisions to being funny - its all so good!

And it helps that, the character is not a aggressive as***** . I totally hated secret garden and heirs!

And I love that they show him tanned ! He looks 100 times more hotter like that! ???


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Let me join with you, girls in this never-ending SJK syndrome


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That face: PERFECT. Song joong ki is love!


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You got me LOL-ing nonstop for one minute there.

But he's sorta magical in my eyes, with those little smiles and glistening gazes.

DoTS is seriously the end of me.


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Yes, he does look magical and electric and glowy on the screen, but somehow I don't feel that from the screencaps, only watching him live. Weird.


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am also in for SJK swooning.... that face>>>>> *butterflies in my tummy*


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the ending is comic relief...again Brilliant...


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Half-way point! T_T And still only glimpses of the main conflict? Assuming there is one. A story and setting like this one deserves some epic conflict, but so far this guy Argus doesn't look like much more than a local smuggler...Boring! Please be more than just bad guy hurts/kidnaps/etc girl, boy to the rescue.

Really hoping/wishing for more insight into Argus. The leap from trusted comrade to evil, sadistic, arms-dealer is rather wide to chalk up to "I get to do the same thing but make more money" as he said a few episodes ago (#6ish?). I'm guessing we'll get to it, but at this point every time he shows up I'm a little like, what's this guy's deal? Especially since his manager-minion's character is so much easier to understand. 100% self-centered (self-important, self-serving, etc) fueled by a healthy dose of cowardice. It makes him deliciously fun to hate. If I were that other soldier I woulda let Dae-Yong take another swing.


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I'm liking this much more than I thought I would, which is surprising. I didn't expect to like Shi-jin, since most males in the writer's dramas are straight-up arses, but Soong Jong-ki is changing the game with his portrayal of Shi-jin who, with a less experienced actor, could very well become a character who's creepy, annoying, and irrational.


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SJK's line readings in this drama are so pitch-perfect it's insane. If you took a handful of his lines and had other actors deliver them, I'd bet most of those deliveries would make you go "...ech" and feel a little like MY shouldn't be alone with SJ.

The sheer variety of ways SJ interacts with MY (in what is essentially the same heightened-sexual-tension conversation) is crazy. The repentant-but-assertive wine kiss, the somehow completely perfect affronted "don't do weird things to me" during the blackout, and now the stoic and honest stitching scene. SJK is certainly playing SJ in all three scenes, but it's really fascinating how different SJ's moods are while still definitely being facets of the same guy.

And how SJK almost always manages to do this without a leering, sexually-aggressive undertone. Which is hard with lines like "your shirt is transparent and I already saw everything", but he's managing it. It's a small miracle.


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Tell me about it !
Those last two lines you mentioned were so bad. I got really pissed but after a minute when the scene is done. When I thought about it later.

When he delivered it, it did not sound as bad it should have ! Its indeed a miracle !


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His line in the previews too... let's mess up lip stick , and it's early to sleep, lets go have some ramen (which is basically korean for netflix and chill...) lol. But then he says stuff like I need your answer so I can wipe your tears (meaning I won't touch you without permission), which is just so thoughtful and respectful.

The character really swings to one extreme to another. But not many people could pull of those lines without coming across as a creep.


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That's exactly it - physically he's being very respectful. If his teasing lines were paired with the same sort of teasing in touch or posture, they'd combine into a red flag. But his teasing is words-only; he's extremely precise about drawing a line so she won't be too uncomfortable and knows what to expect. In fact he is extremely mannered about not just touching her, but the way he stands and even the angle of his body when he's with her.

I also really like his soldier-mode. I love that he doesn't seem to tailor soldier-mode much for her, and there's no emotional punch behind it (good or bad) - he just says what needs to be said, explains the situation, and lays out what he expects from her.

Again, if this weren't SJK, this role could have been a nightmare of crossed boundaries.


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Omg! Hahahahahahahahaha!

Let's go have some ramen is the Korean 'Netflix and chill'...? Wowwww! Omg! I doubled over with laughter at the 'wrecking lipstick' line! Shi Jin is the Ultimate fantasy!


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Haha yes


@Miranda Yep, that's he's so respectful in his actions (maybe not so much his words) is what makes the character really interesting to me. Well, and SJK's performance of course.

I also like that he doesn't tone down his words when things need to be said. He's treating her as an equal. He did apologize later, but she didn't take it personally. The two are professionals.



Thanks for the link!

Gosh...which other priceless and cheesy Shi Jin lines are in store for us???

I spent a couple of hours thinking of all the double entendre jokes I could...haha.

But it's the delivery that counts in the end obvs... That thin line between genuine admiration and lasciviousness...

SJK has got the balance down pat...


He is perfect. And I do like him so very much as an actor.

But for that, I'm almost a bit annoyed now, because he's instrumentalised in the production to portray a nicer than nice, hero type character who represents and spouts out the ideals of patriotism and heroism.

Newbie posted an interesting article where the military junta PM of Thailand actually said Descendants was such a good production that teaches people to be good citizens and obey and be dutiful, so much so he wants to bankroll a similar production.

Seriously, if the murderous military junta is on your side about keeping the populace in line, I'm deeply troubled. Would be interesting to see if any Thai money ends up funding any Korean drama in the future.


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It seems like everybody forgets he DISOBEYED A DIRECT ORDER!

His patriotism is outstanding in that, despite the possible harm to his career, he puts Korea's citizens before himself.

The lesson being taught here is absolute loyalty but not blind loyalty nor letting anyone else define or command your principles of what you believe is right

I think the show is striking a great balance in this character because soldiers need to unquestioningly follow orders IN MOST CASES but not use it as an excuse to butcher innocents, etc.


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You can see how the demands and rigid nature of the military are also being questioned, and SJ has disobeyed orders before (and will do it again). It's not promoting for people to blindly obey anything or anyone.


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I know he disobeyed a direct order. I mentioned that in another post somewhere but of course, I don't expect you to have read that. My point is that though he disobeyed a direct order, the story of it being because he wanted to save the diplomat and his love interest from being blamed, still places him as an idealised character that is to us, still flawless - because he is the personification of the heroic soldier that is entirely self-less and cares about humanity.

However, the story doesn't then tell us more about the deeply embedded corruption within the military and politics, or hasn't so far yet. So the takeaway still is a poster boy for the shiny ideal alpha military man - it'd be interesting to see if he actually comes up against harder questions like - would you press this button to shoot this bomb, knowing it will kill women and children? That is question of today's reality that is completely opposite to his more romantic idea of saving women, children and elderly.


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I do see your point there, but I'm not sure this drama is the type to do that. People still want their romantic heroes and this is an escape from reality, not be faced with the reality of some choices sometimes.

I'm not saying you are wrong, but your expectations are probably too high for what is basically a romance drama. You could also say MY deal with the same issue in reality, denying people treatment because their insurance says no, or they don't have money... so it's goes both ways and it won't be brought up. To KES and the audience, the two are heroes who try to save everyone.


I guess that's why i have problems with these idealised productions and it doesn't pertain to just the romance genre. But included films like Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan.

Yes, my expectations are high - but I just want fair due. If a production seeks to utilise war, peace corp, UN, Doctors Without Borders etc to contrive circumstances for romance development, and manipulate the viewer's emotions - then it's fair due to give back some integrity to those aspects. Otherwise it feels cheap...we might as well have a set piece of poor dirt-faced orphans listening to MY teach hygiene and SJK joking alpha style - oh wait, we do.

It's not that I'm not enjoying the fluff for what it is, just pure confectionary, but it's also crazy as I'm reading responses that try to depict this as something profound - it really isn't, or believing that the simplistic polemics here are what's real in the world.

"I think the show is striking a great balance in this character because soldiers need to unquestioningly follow orders IN MOST CASES but not use it as an excuse to butcher innocents, etc."

That statement probably pertains to like, no military, in reality.


This is something I agree with. He is in all aspect a perfect guy. I have mentioned many times that he is very very charming and dreamy. Apart from the inappropriate timing and intensity of his jokes (that have now become acceptable and liked by the protagonist), he is pretty much perfect. The joking thing doesn't even really qualify as a flaw. If we must point out a flaw, it would be his lack of social dating tact. He is a bit lacking on that front but even then, he is like what dramapanda mentioned. It would be interesting when he is faced with real and more complex dilemma. Compared to Moyeon, his character is actually very straightforward.


You write in a post below: "Yes, my expectations are high – but I just want fair due. If a production seeks to utilise war, peace corp, UN, Doctors Without Borders etc to contrive circumstances for romance development, and manipulate the viewer’s emotions – then it’s fair due to give back some integrity to those aspects. Otherwise it feels cheap…we might as well have a set piece of poor dirt-faced orphans listening to MY teach hygiene and SJK joking alpha style – oh wait, we do.

It’s not that I’m not enjoying the fluff for what it is, just pure confectionary, but it’s also crazy as I’m reading responses that try to depict this as something profound – it really isn’t, or believing that the simplistic polemics here are what’s real in the world."

ITA with what you wrote. Until Eps 7 and 8, I must say while I am entertained by the show, I was quite meh about it. Until those eps, it felt like it was mostly about the lead couple's romance, all the back & forth-ing which was wearing on me after a while. I kept wondering why on earth did they go through all the effort and expense with overseas shooting, creating 'exciting' contexts e.g. the military, overseas peacekeeping and humanitarian missions just for a romance drama? Until the recent eps, this drama almost felt like Secret Garden but with different characters and in a different place (the overplayed OSTs do not help). I was getting quite annoyed but kept watching because I guess I had faith in the cast.

Personally, I know it's weird... but I feel like I'm being forced to care about the lead characters when I truly feel the other characters look more interesting to me. The second lead couple's romance look more intriguing and even the bromance between SJ-DY seem more interesting to me (and I'm reminded of Secret Garden's Joo Won-Oskar bromance too).


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To add on, (I just saw the original post and realized the main point of this discussion XD) it is great that this is brought up. There were some rather amusing posts about the effect of Korean drama, particularly this on others. And given the influence and popularity of Korean dramas, beyond what they portray of the Korean society, the messages sent out by drama is something we should think about.

This drama is very light for the setting it is in. No one is asking for a serious deep and accurate drama, regardless, I think dramapanda is getting at an important point that the show does, in fact, glorify and romanticize the military which might not be the best sort of message you want to send out. The drama do justify killing/warfare in the name of protecting one's country or another live. Yes you shoot the "bad dudes" for kidnapping UN employees, but who is to say these "bad dudes" were not forced or misguided? Also, is shooting/killing/waring really the only option?

Like what dramapanda said, we do need to be careful that given the sort of important and heavy themes revolving warfare, doctors without borders, military, peacecorp and so on that the drama is set in, not dealing with the themes appropriately could send out inappropriate messages and have unintentional consequences.


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OM that's so true, if you think about his lines, its too perverted but SJK pulls it off smoothly with comic timing and respectful space.

Those were the moments when I believe more than SJK's acting, the writer is good with her timings and the director is great at executing the script. I mean with the wrong blocking and wrong placement of sequence it could easily turn into sexually charged scene worthy of r-18.


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Even when SJK played the gigolo in Nice Guy, his true decent character underneath the bad guy exterior could be seen due to SJK's acting. He was also great in Werewolf Boy. I love his acting and his looks!


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Thanks LollyPip!

Best ending ever Hahaha! I just loved the different expressions on their faces... the horror before the embarrassment for Mo Yeon and the finally aware and delighted, smile of Shi Jin. So good!


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Yeah, the ending was great! I'm hoping for a lot of action from his side next week...waiting for the fun and swoony scenes ahead :D


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Thinking about the ending scene again, ... don't you just love the fact that Doc Daniel and Shi Jin just sat there surprised that it wasn't another song but MY's desperate voice, and that they still did nothing to take the recording offline after the surprise faded? Heheheh! Wicked, they were!!!

And it was a fitting bookend to this episode that began with Shi Jin's serious confession and her silence in response. He asked, "Was this something you never thought you'd hear?"

And the episode ends with something he probably really thought he'd never hear - her desperate confession. LOLOL!


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yes my thoughts exactly... why why why did they not putt it off when they realize its a voice recording and not a song? bad yoo shi jin ssi... lol


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MY & DY - Just kiss already ??? and make baby there ???

I like Daniel - YeHwa too. auwww. I like YeHwa accent.

The last scene tho ? I feel embarrassed on behalf of MY. hahahaha. about time.for the first couple to make a development.??


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am I the only one fangirling over Jin goo? Nevermind. Anyway, he looks so fine in soldier uniform???

His jealousy face was cute ??? and I love the trio - SJ, DY & MJ ❤


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Nope, you're definitely not the only one.

They all look so fine in this show! *insert heart eyes*

Doctor Daniel too... this show keeps me ridiculously happy with its ridiculously good looking cast.


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definitely not!!! d way he look at his MJ his killing... wat a good actor. i love the cast, such a brilliant choice...


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@Sera. Omg Jin Gu is so bae! Hooooooooo!

I replayed the scene where he hit YoungSoo like 5 times! Tricking hilarious! I wouldn't get enough of it! Haha! That was my second fave scene after the ending!


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I replayed that punch scene because I thought he looked so cool... ?? Agree with Sera above on how fine he looks in uniform. And also when he's in action.

I also replayed the scene where he was jealous because that whole scene was so funny.

Personally at this point, I care more about SDY-YMJ's romance than SJ-MY's.

I think I'm weird, haha.


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That ending was epic. Samsung really needs to change that feature. I hate how any recording besides the phone sounds automatically go into your music playlist.

I hope the actual plot gets going tho. I'm actually curious about the english speaking bad guy's story.

Please let the indirect confession mean that the love line will finally get have some progress. It's cute now, but if this "playing hard to get then regret it at the last second" thing keeps going, it will eventually become annoying.


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This drama sets a new standard for drama. Now when I watch other dramas, I can't help but compare them to Descendants of the Sun.


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Loved the end!!! And I loved it because it was a "accidental" confession from the girl to the guy, who she adores but at the same time has some reservations about- ie her heart fighting what her head is saying. And it tells him what her heart says while her words to him are still reflecting what her head is telling her to do.
And his super sweet and teasing smirk at the end when he realizes he is right and she does like him a lot is Perfect! *i faint*
Oh man, this episode and the Feels!!
It should be illegal to smirk with such charisma and hotness!!


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This was such an amazing episode with so many feels!!! I was left wanting to squeal with delight and happy thoughts about all the moments. :))

One tinsy thing I want to nitpick on in the recap was my interpretation when Myung Ju walk in calling Shi Jin son-in-law. I thought SJ more gulped and thinking uh oh, Dae Young is right there, we're in trouble more than having a disgusted look as described? I know it's a small detail but I loved that scene and I love the odd brotherly sister relationship SJ and MJ have and fighting over DY's affections. Plus it brought to my attention how great joong ki's acting abilities are to be express such a silent emotion through a gulp. Lol


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I agree! I don't think he was disgusted either. It was more like, "Uh-oh, let's not joke around cause DY is here!" atmosphere.


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I read it as a disgusted "you MORON!" look, very much a sibling thing. You know - when your sibling has managed to chime in with something that is going make everything worse, and your immediate reaction is to think "oh you WOULD say something like that". But fond, not actual disgust.

I loved that entire scene. They all play against each other so well, and SJ's very theatrical reactions that flow straight through to a dramatic exit remind me of SJK's Sungkyunkwan Scandal role.


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The first time I had ever seen SJK in a drama was in sungkyunkwan scandal and his character was so fun. Here, I love the little reaction shots he gives even when he is just in the background or not speaking.


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You're absolutely not the only one loving that scene. I think it's one of my favourites and I really hope we get to see more of the trio. They're just so much fun together :P


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They really can carry off the dry wit in these lines very well and SJK has very good comic timing. :)


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SJK is truly a brilliant actor. If you've seen A Werewolf Boy, you will see how he can express emotions without words. So much respect for this handsome and talented actor! :D


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This episode!!!! Loved it!!! What am I saying though... I have loved each and every episode! The ending reminded me of a show called Felicity, which I loved btw. But anyway, guess it's time to start all over with episode 1 while I wait for 9 :)


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I loved, loved this episode. Best ending ever. In addition to all the complimentary comments that I totally agree with:
- MY stitched up YSJ several times. Why did he keep his shirt on? Wouldn't it make sense to be shirtless while he sits close to her and she tends to his wounds?
- Totally epic ending. Best editing/screenwriting ever
- So hilarious that YSJ is more and more desperate and transparent about his feelings (his fake injury and stretcher, LOL) even in front of his soldiers and the army doctor
- Love the sundae doctor and jae ee nurse storyline
- DY getting stoic and stiff from jealousy is hilarious
- YSJ teasing MJ on the stretcher and in the office was great
- YSJ brazenly sassing back the Lt. Col. with a dead pan face was funny, glad the Lt. Col. stood up for his men (somewhat)
- MY standing up to all the military guys
- MY was fed up with YSJ's crazy death defying antics and emotionally frozen/trying not to break down
- I guess now that the earthquake mess is over, it's back to bullets (they have the right to bear arms in Urk)
- it's going to be such an interesting dynamic with only 4 Hamsun medical personnel and the army doctor
- it looks like the Haesung Chairman is in love with MY, if he was worried about their safety and they will cover any cost
- I agree that Chi Hoo probably daydreamed the worker accusing him
- I hope Chi Hoo snaps out of it soon. His pregnant wife and chaebol mama need him
- How did the phone survive the ocean?
- I can't watch any other drama until this DOTS is done. It's destroying my kdrama habits. Everything else seems so boring.


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I was wondering how the phone survived the ocean too! Kdrama magic? Haha, I guess they were just hoping we would overlook the plot hole because the outcome was a great confession scene


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"How did the phone survive the ocean?"

omg good question haha! I didn't think of it before now but it's such a valid question. xD


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Perhaps Doctor Daniel fixed it. lol.


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Lol! That is possible, though


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If she was using a waterproof phone then it's feasible. But then again it also depends on the depth of the ocean they fell into. Oh well, it's a Kdrama so anything is possible :)


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“How did the phone survive the ocean?”

GOD, i never thought about it before! Smart question!


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Waterproof phone


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It's so obvious - the answer lies in the boxers. SJ's wearing a pair of waterproof boxers. He tucked the phone in there all safe and dry as the car was plunging down the cliff. And in case you're interested, he's got another pair of special bulletproof boxers that he dons on his dangerous secret missions.


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Having a phone tucked in his boxers. Nose bleed or ewww...?


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@Blue Sky
I was thinking the same thing about the shirt bandaging. It looked ridiculous! Like how they bandage cartoon characters through their clothes. I've seen this on other kdramas as well and... I have a theory:

Ever notice how the first and second episodes always give us shirtless or shower scene fan service? But the next 14-24 episodes everybody's buttoned up TIGHT! I can't prove it but I swear there must be something in the Korean censorship policies that says "we will allow partial nudity in the first two episodes so as to allow each show the opportunity to capture it's potential viewership. After said two episodes, no more than 2" by 3" square of the neck nor 15" by 30" for any given portion of the extremities (discounting mini skirts, of course) with no viewing of any portion of the torso at any time henceforth for future episodes ".

How else fo you explain it? We've already seen SJK shirtless do... Heck, in The Man Who Cannot Marry - we were given a FULL BARE-NAKED BOTTOM FULL VIEW in ep 1 or 2 when he's lying on the doctor's table waiting for a shot (which ended up going in his arm) lol. So my theory is all I have to go on.


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I think the budget didn't include a topless scene for now


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I think it's more likely the guys work out hard for their shirtless scenes early in the drama and over the course of the drama lose that great body. And some of those scenes were filmed later...and SJK said his bod wasn't as good anymore, so maybe that's why he's more covered lol

I think being constantly shirtless is kinda cheesy and over the top even if he could be shirtless for practical reasons. So, yeah I don't see a problem with him being covered.


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damn that was one fine episode n the ending literally blew me off my feet. SJK is freaking hot n those closeups we insane. I love love love SHK. The "songs" are nailing it.
ps.. till now I only marathoned these recaps but it's impossible with DotS.
Hmmm..... can't wait for next Wednesday.


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Ahhaha.. Thats the best really! I just cant imagine if im the one who confessed like that ,gonna be so embarassing.. But since i want shi jin and mo yeon to be together..its really great ! As usual, i love this show! :) sarangheyo joong ki oppa! <3


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everyone has said most of what's on my mind.

LOVE this episode. Cannot say it enough. Like everyone else, I woke up early to watch AND I just LAUGHED SO HARD at that ending. Embarrassed for MY and also feeling victorious for handsome captain. Oh, Si Jin will most definitely not let this go. :D

Things I also loved in this episode:

1. MY on the phone with Manager Go's wife, and YSJ listening intently. He now has seen the grief and sorrow she faces, and will possible face if and when he dies. That statement from Manager Go was hitting all the reality buttons for both of them.

2. DY and YSJ - any interaction between them always is comical. Even when he instructs him to go get the hydraulic pump, and the way he begrudgingly obeyed with a simple yes I will get it, was funny.

3. MJ sure is the alpha woman in this relationship. I think she knows she has him in his hands, but ever the obedient soldier that he is, DY still remains stony as ever. I hope in the next episode, he will declare his true feelings before the general and not leave her hanging. We both know they love each other.

4. The confession. I mean, come on! This has got to be ONE OF THE MOST epic confessions ever, albeit accidental. Everyone was so caught by surprise! I love it! The writers and directors sure made such a strategic move. It's like they show the trailer, no sign of that whatsover, then BAM. You're definitely going to be hooked for the next episode. What a cliffhanger, what a great surprise!

5. Props to Song Hye Kyo. Thanks also to some of the comments that pointed out why her response was like that in this episode. She was really keeping it together. She hasn't even recovered from the shock of telling Manager Go's wife about his death, and now right to her face she sees the same risk happening to YSJ, yet he could be so cavalier about it? Doesn't he see how this is truly affecting her? I know his jokes are his ways to lighten up the mood, or his way of coping up, being so accustomed to danger and many life-and-death situations, but everyone's right. If it were me (as the gf) and my boyfriend talks about death like its his business but not mine, I'd be mad. I like how she remains cold and distant to protect her heart BUT as already pointed out, too late girl. He had you at hello at the hospital. The attraction just keeps building and building, and now it's not just attraction. Over the course of time of them getting to know each other in Urk, they've formed really feelings towards each other. Cat's out of the bag. I can't wait to see how this all plays out on episode 9.

DoTS is really owning it. The other series that have come out aren't as "finesse" and as "polished" as this one, so i don't know if it's just me, but since the standard has been raised, i have much higher expectations now and the not-so-polished cinematography and directing and acting from other series are boring me out. They suddenly seem all too lack-luster and...


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and if the first episode doesn't wow me at the getgo, i just turn it aside. DOTS is setting such a high bar and all that investment sure is paying off.


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Love all your points above!


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I love that YSJ will tell anyone who'll listen about how much he likes MY. Especially since one of those people was a worker who had been trapped for 3 days underground. And is now having an allergic reaction to the medication given during a rescue. Only to get even more trapped. And now the ahjusshi soldier he is trapped with wants to talk about his love life...as the OTP theme song plays in the background. It's all too good. It's a bit meta and self-parodying without too much winking and nudging.


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just imagine how much yoo si jin is gonna tease mo yeon. hahaha


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I know right!!! He won't miss the opportunity, for sure :D


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hahaha... waiting for his reactions too! this show is killing me


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Im like, living for MY to get teased by Shi Jin... so baaaaaaad!

I didn't want her to fight her love for man sooo mucchhhh... I really wanted her to give in cos...helloooo...YOLO!

I was beyond satisfied and utterly estatic with the ending! Lol!


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I honestly don't see him making her feel embarrassed or uncomfortable (well not in THAT way), but he'll just use this chance to further his dating goals lol


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I was thinking to drop Dots while watching ep 7 yesterday but after watching ep 8 today, it seems that I need to stay tune for some other episodes. It got me smiling, and being sympathetic, and... Laughing (my father even had to make a voice (shuuuuush) just to stop me from laughing loudly, lol).
And... This' not really important but I have a few of SJK snapshots while watching it on my phone (yeah, I know... The syndrome is getting more chronic)


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yeah me too, but I was dropping it because I'm trying to stop the addiction. I was thinking that since ep 7 is too heavy, maybe I could stop and resume watching after the whole series is done but ep 8 threw my resolve out of the window.

I usually wait for the whole series to wrap before I start watching so there would be no cliff hangers and I can watch it at my own time, but this series got me hooked from the first time I saw the teaser. Now I can't watch other kdrama series while watching and waiting for this series. I just can't start another series without seeing this through the end. HUHU, I tried watching Sunkyungkwan Scandal again and Innocent Man just to see Song Joong ki, but his Shi Jin is too far from Kang Maru and Yeo-rim.

But the advantage is, I can join the fandom with its discussion.


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I LOL'd. Hard. Probably the best episode of the show yet, but damn if I wish the music director would stop screwing scenes up. There's a constant mismatch of choice of music or tempo or volume that gets in the way of the scenes and really throws me out of the story. It's happening 2-3 times per episode right now.


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Oh boy, as much as I LOVED the ending, I actually couldn't sit through it the first time round, and had it playing on mute!! My word, the second hand embarrassment and mortification I felt on MY's behalf was just... muahahahaha. The second time I watched it was to capture YSJ's reaction - maan, the look of giddiness and the "ha, I've got you now" was just brilliant. He's so not going to let her live that one down, and will most likely up his teasing to the max - I can't wait!!

For me, this show was meant to be all about the cheese and giddy romance, which I'm always happy to embrace so long as it keeps me entertained, but I wasn't expecting it to be full of heart too. It's a win win. I'm only happy to give credit where it's deserved, and this show definitely deserves it. Well done, DotS.

Thanks for the lively re-cap Lollypip - It's nice to read a take on a drama which isn't so focussed on the negatives or dull criticisms, which takes away the entertainment factor. Kudos


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I feel soooooo happy when DY punched Young-soo hard on the face. If I were DY, I would do the same. That guy just deserved it. Sorry, it may sound rude :). And it's cool SJ gave him a thumb up. Sweet.


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SJK daebak.
Great actor. Always feel like patting him on the head lol. So cute


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This was a great episode save one thing, the "Onew angst sub plot". Granted this time it didn't seem quite so random even though it was just as ridiculous and makjang. The writer and pd at least spent a minute setting up the ridiculous plot devise. I really don't care if they're trying to give little Onew a shot at showing his acting skills but they needed to be less obvious and frankly cringeworthy going about it.

I know this opinion is not going to be popular but this is the only sub plot in the drama I find forced. Not because I find anything wrong with Onew. He's a cutie and he cries very nicely. It's just the "reasons" they've written for him are so canned and overused in kdrama. The KDrama Blame Me Game I call it. Here's how it always goes....woe is me I'm so terrible I inadvertently by accident might have caused this person's death, injury, downfall....cry, cry, mope around, reveal and get it off my chest, cry some more and come to terms....

Not to be confused with "The Kdrama Blame You Game" where someone else inadvertently on purpose might have caused me or (insert loved one here) harm, injury, downfall or death. Cry, scream, plot, cry some more, reveal and come to terms.

Both are overused obviously which is why when you pull them out you should try not to make them seem trite and forced.


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this really shows what great scripts can be!
never have i seen such great looking cast combined with great acting. what makes it even better is the multi-layered story line that is set up and conveyed through every character in this drama.

every episode is replay on repeat worthy!


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Yes. I watch each episode for at least three times.


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Me too!


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Such an epic episode and epic ending. I love the way SHK runs and her face. It is just beyond words.


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Best ending ever! I love love love this drama. It's so good that for the first time ever, my husband is watching a Korean drama with me! :-)


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Whew! daebak! <3

What I really love about the DOTS aside from the actors, the acting and deliberation, the script, it was the production company, the team behind the directing, camera rolling, those effects during the shoot and lastly the editing. Everything was so great on this drama. No wonder, it was a really good idea to shoot earlier before the release. No abrupt changes so far, only the best surprises <3


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tanx for the recap lollipip... but why is girlfriday or gummimochi not doing DOTS recaps? are they not watching the drama? i really like their recaps and comments too...


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all of actors actresses are good

they look more natural ,
able to have facial expressions properly not as most of K
actresses with heavy cosmetic interventions which make them look as dolly


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Dae to the Bak! This ep!

Just. Everything.

But especially the ending!



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OMG - this episode amd that ending! ??????

I love how our main leads are given the opportunity to step into each other's shoes for a minute. Earlier in the show, when they decided maybe it wasn't going to work for them, it was because MY didn't understand how SJ had to sometimes choose one life to save others and SJ didn't understand how MY felt about him leaving because he had to. Now we've seen MY have to chose to take a life to save another and SJ gets to experience how it feels to get left (at least for just a minute).

I loved how SJ didn't make the decision for MY regarding choosing who to save and how MY took the responsibility to call and speak with Manager Go's wife after it was done. I honestly don't know that I could have done either - pretty sure I would have run away or dissolved into a pile of quivering goo...


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will shi jin die at the end of the show like describe by the chineese media????


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Dont think so. I dont trust those chinese media. Descendants of the sun production team signed an agreement to keep all plot developments etc confidential and they locked up all their scripts. Also, in the press conference, song hye kyo described the drama, kind of, like a happy one. So no, i dont think so. Haha and the drama developments so far got me leaning towards a happy ending as well..


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oh and during the press conference, she compared this drama to full house, which was a rom com. hahaha *cross fingers*


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She said MY was a lively character or something as well that she hadn't played in awhile, and after episode 8 it's lighter with more romance... so yeah, I expect good things.

KES isn't dumb. She wouldn't kill SJ off after making him the perfect Prince Charming, and this drama is romantic escape, not something related to real life. That would just prove MY right that she shouldn't have dated him in the first place.


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