Team Dramabeans: What we’re watching

When did it become spring? It feels like I blinked and winter went away, and now some of the shows I’m watching are more than halfway through! It seems like a good time of year to start something new—a new hobby, a new life skill, a new drama? The problem is, how to choose? –girlfriday



Tomorrow With You: I’m starting to lose interest in this, and I’m not entirely sure why, because I think the show does a good job of playing up the mystery of what went wrong in the couple’s future. But my main disconnect is with So-joon, who just feels insincere to me. I don’t feel the romantic connection, which even now feels forced rather than genuine, and it makes me vaguely uncomfortable because it still feels to me like he’s leading her on (with good intentions, but still). I don’t mean leading her on strictly romantically, either; I mean in every aspect of life, where he presents a skewed image as the truth and wants her to believe the misconception, which is tinged with a mildly paternalistic sense of “I know what’s best for you.” I’m definitely still in to watch how it plays out, but my attachment is cooling.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: Adorable. I love the weird, comic-book-y surrealism and am hoping the show doesn’t phase it out, because it keeps the show feeling fresh and interesting. I love that this heroine is maybe not such a “good” person (she’s snippy, judgy, and a little self-absorbed) but Park Bo-young makes her an absolute hoot. That’s the magic of a great actor.

Father, I’ll Take Care of You: I find everyone’s pearl-clutching over a potential relationship between Sung-joon and Dong-hee to pretty over-the-top (and about thirty episodes late), but I’m just watching to see them making moony eyes at each other now. Also, it’s a nice flip to have little bro knowing the truth of the birth secret and big bro being in the dark, since it’s now in Sung-joon’s hands to act upon the information.

Introverted Boss: It’s like Yeon Woo-jin is the awesome guy in your friend circle who’s dating a girl nobody likes (“…Her?”), but nobody has a good concrete reason for the dislike. But since she makes him happy and isn’t technically a terrible person, you just kind of put up with her and hope it all works out for your friend.

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: I love the wistful moodiness that this show sometimes captures in its slower moments, which somehow enhance the poetic notion of living and suffering being all part of one big zen circle of life. I sometimes feel like the plot is going rather slowly, but I think it’s actually that I enjoy the conflicts and hurdles so much that I’m just itching for all the good stuff to happen and resolve already, and for Gil-dong to find his lost siblings and win everything. (And we’re not even halfway through! How will I make it through the whole show?)

Three Colors of Fantasy: Romance Full of Life: I tried this out for Yoon Shi-yoon, and it took a moment to get used to the lower-key vibe (I don’t watch web dramas and shorter series that often, so when I do there’s a moment of settling into the different rhythm), but it’s a cute, everyday romance depicting realistic struggles of realistic young folks desperate to land jobs, with that one fantasy element where the hero gets superhuman powers from a clinical trial a la “Flowers for Algernon.” I wasn’t wowed, but it was a light fluffy watch. I was surprised that Yoon Shi-yoon would do a project this small, but I’m always glad to see him in more things.

Newlywed Diary: Na PD’s magic is alive and well: I know it’s a reality show and there’s a good amount of setup and planning that goes into it, but Na PD shows shine in finding the natural, spontaneous details of everyday life despite the construct—it’s not “real life,” per se, given that you plucked two people and put them in a new home with cameras, but the moments still feel real. Ahn Jae-hyun is the sweet, doting husband to the quirky and free-spirited Gu Hye-sun, and you can just see him always working to match her spirits and make her happy, which is adorable. She, on the other hand, has the interesting duality of sometimes seeming like her head’s in the clouds, but also being practical and resourceful. It’s not Na PD’s most addictive show, but I find it easy and pleasant.



Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: My new favorite thing. Park Bo-young just makes everything sparkle. How does she do that? Also, I know Park Hyung-shik was always cute and kind of puppyish, but in this drama he’s hot, and weird, and I totally love it. The more outlandish the show gets the more I like it, so I hope the tone stays zany.

Introverted Boss: I feel like at this point I’m just in it to finish the series because I’ve come this far. I don’t care about the best friend or the sister, so to me, the big outing of the secret has no emotional bearing on anything and just weighs down the otherwise funny hijinks. It’s cute whenever it’s a workplace comedy about a socially awkward boss. When it’s about what happened three years ago, zzzzzzzz.

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: It’s so fun to see Gil-dong assemble his merry band of thieves and become their leader. I got chills when Dad saw Gil-dong with his hands behind his back, leading his gang in his spitting image. But I have to trust that Gil-dong will do things differently and not go down the same dark path—he is our hero, after all. Right?

Tomorrow With You: The romance is on better footing now, but this whole future mystery is just getting murkier and murkier, and the scraps of information collected aren’t big enough for me to feel a big pull to solve the puzzle. Plus, now that So-joon has finally figured out how to be happy in the present, I get annoyed when he keeps mucking that up to go fix stuff in the future. Stop it.

Defendant: You call that a prison? Why is it so easy to break out of??! It was very exciting to spend the week focused on the jailbreak, and every time Ji Sung tested the plan by going a little further on the escape route each night, my heart was in my throat. That was great. But come on, more stuff should’ve gone wrong! It would’ve been a great opportunity to use up some of the extension time to introduce setbacks in the escape. I mean, haven’t you seen Prison Break? This is a season’s worth of material if you want it to be!



Currently recapping: Tomorrow With You

Defendant: O Ji Sung, how I’ve missed thee. I’ve barely scratched the surface with this show, but I fully intend on catching up… eventually. Eom Ki-joon plays a fantastic villain, and I find myself thoroughly immersed in the mystery that is Jung-woo’s memories.

Voice: I’m still a bit behind having finished Episode 10 this week. It had my full attention in its first few episodes, but I find myself spacing out whenever Jang Hyuk and Baek Seung-hyun aren’t on my screen. Don’t get me wrong, I love that Kim Jae-wook finally resurfaced in dramaland by showing up in the past few episodes, but is it too much to ask him to stick around for a full drama next time around?

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I love this show so much, it hurts. Park “Loveshik” Hyung-shik is so pretty onscreen, and I love the ongoing misunderstandings about his character’s sexuality. Ji Soo is so wonderfully earnest, and I swear I could carry Park Bo-young around in my pocket. I’m still creeped out by the guy running around in a skin mask, but aside from those darker moments, I’m loving how adorable everyone else is.



Currently recapping: Voice

Super Family 2017: Aw, I love knowing that “dad jokes” are universal. I also love that this show can make me laugh my head off over the stupidest things (the meta jokes are my favorite, such as Hoya pretending he can’t rap and Park Hyuk-kwon watching Six Flying Dragons), yet it still manages to pack a pretty powerful emotional punch that gets me all teary-eyed when I think about my own family.

New Journey to the West: I had no idea Mino was such a talented artist! I first marveled at his skill when he drew on Ahn Jae-hyun’s shirt, but then he blew me away during the picture guessing game. I also was so proud that he managed to redeem all of past his idiom failures in one fell swoop. This whole episode felt like the guys got off kind of easy, though. While I generally like it when they win against Na PD, I also know that he’ll eventually make them pay and I’m already anticipating the evil and impossible games he’ll concoct to make sure the guys suffer.

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: I had kinda high hopes for this one, just based on the cast and the premise. But I ended up being disappointed and confused by the first two episodes. The odd editing certainly didn’t help, although I think my main complaint is with the writing. I have a lot of quibbles, but I’m primarily puzzled by the fact that Bong-soon seems to have already violated the simple “do not use your strength for your own selfish gain” rule. Maybe the show will explain how she managed to circumvent it, but I don’t think I’ll be sticking around to find out. On the other hand, I would totally watch whatever mystery-thriller Ji-soo seems to think he’s starring in.



Currently Recapping: Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People

Introverted Boss: Mmmmmm *completely satisfied approval*. That’s the only way I can describe Yeon Woo-jin’s spectacularly expert kissing technique. I don’t know if I caught the rest of story in the episodes this week, because I can only remember those lips and those mesmerizing eyes…

Tomorrow With You: I wanted to wait until the entire series was complete to finish it all in one go, but of course the temptation of Lee Je-hoon’s perfect nose was too much for me to bear. So, I spent all of last Saturday marathoning this, and the entire time I had my pillow handy so I could squeal into it after spasming from cuteness overload. Lee Je-hoon’s character is a kind of a selfish turd at the beginning, but once he starts opening up to Shin Mina and actually begins caring for her, he becomes the most adorable boyfriend/hubbie ever. Those scenes where he thinks he’s being a great gentleman to Shin Mina by not overstepping the physical boundary while she’s nearly dying of sexual frustration—absolutely priceless. I don’t quite follow the logic of how Shin Mina’s father ended up teaching his future son-in-law about the magical subway or just the rules of time travel in general for this drama, but I think I’ll definitely stay to watch this romance bloom further.



Currently Recapping: Strong Woman Do Bong-soon

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People: I enjoy the present timeline and Yoon Kyun-sang, but I want more baby Gil-dong!! That little munchkin stole my cold, dead heart, and I just want to make it all better for him so he never has to cry again. When he comes back in flashbacks I find myself focusing intently on the screen hoping it’s a new scene, but it isn’t; it won’t ever be. He’s grown now. He’s an amnesiac Casanova who sleeps with gisaengs on the first date, and then calls them back a month later but doesn’t leave a message. I still love Gil-dong in all forms, but sometimes I have to give the adult one the side-eye.

Defendant: See, the thing about making last-minute extensions to shows is that every second I’m watching, I keep wondering if a scene is dragging in order to accommodate for those changes. Paradoxically, that prison break sequence seemed absurdly fast. I appreciate that Jung-woo was caught on a camera he didn’t know about, because everything else about that was rather farfetched. On another note, I mean I understand that everyone in this show thinks having Ha-yeon hiding out and being on the run is technically safer while the underlings are running around in their black turtlenecks, but wasn’t she at some orphanage for months while Sung-kyu was in prison? It seems to be that Sung-kyu is a lightning rod, since that main turtleneck man apparently can find him through a psychic connection, because I have no idea how he is always so closely on his trail (or recognizes Sung-kyu’s favorite snacks?). Is Sung-kyu protecting Ha-yeon or leading the baddies to her? Also, I don’t care how many carats of gold Sung-kyu’s heart is made of—he’s still the kidnapper! He didn’t admit that he abducted Ha-yeon until Jung-woo was about to kill himself. Let us not forget.



Currently Recapping: Defendant

Strong Woman Do Bong-soon: LOVE. It’s just as cute and weird as I had hoped! Both of our leads are delightful and their interplay even more so. I’m intrigued by the conflict presented by Bong-soon’s mysterious and seemingly capricious family curse. The thriller element is darker than I had anticipated, but it’s not unexpected to have some kind of danger threatening our characters when the premise is about a girl with superpowers that she can only use to protect people. (Is it out of the realm of possibility for Bong-soon to become a superhero? Roaming the alleyways of Dobong-dong in a mask and cape, bringing bullies and murderers to their knees? Maybe that’s a different drama.) Hyung-shik is the cutest I’ve ever seen him, and I’ve been following him since his awkward stint on The Romantic & Idol, that terrible dating reality show from a few years ago, in which he completely stole my heart. And Ji-soo is beautiful of course. Also a terrible detective, but here’s hoping it’s a lesson to his team to start watching more modern procedurals during their lunch break. And next week, Bong-soon had better send that three-way wrist grab to its rightful demise. I can’t wait!

Introverted Boss: It had a very rocky start, but I’ve finally fallen in love with this show. Even Ro-woon has won me over with her earnestness and her courage to be honest with the truth and her feelings. Despite their troubled history, I can see why Hwan-ki is totally gone for her at this point, when everyone close to him for his entire life has been lying to him or to themselves about reality. No wonder he’s so emotionally constipated—it must be torture for someone as considerate as him to constantly accommodate other people’s selfish, hypocritical flights of fancy. He’s decided to solve the problem by simply taking everything on himself, and I’m glad he now has someone in his life who recognizes that and is willing to support him unconditionally. I hope that he finds the courage to stop shielding Yi-soo and Woo-il from the consequences of their actions, because they’re both terrible, entitled jerks, and they don’t deserve his sacrifices. Hwan-ki’s gushy marshmallow of a heart would be much better used to care for Ro-woon and her sweet, silent father. And to have adorable bonding moments with his team. (Also that epilogue is everything. Kim Ji-suk & Yeh Ji-won 4 lyfe.)


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I'm trying to not watch too many dramas so decided on sticking with the Big 3 in my life:

Chief Kim doesn't seem to be on many peoples' radar, and I don't know why. It's good fun, not amazing, but really good. I continue to be impressed by Junho and Namgoong Min, and will be more than satisfied if Seo Yul changes with a friendly push/smack/crushing defeat from Chief Kim. The secondary characters are a delight, especially Chairman’s son.

Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People Still going strong. After the disappointment of Hwa- that drama that shall not be named - this is absolutely a magical cure. The music, the storytelling, the characters, I love all of it. We get enough story every week, but it leaves us curious to know more, and also gives us a lot to discuss and ponder. Like girlfriday, I'm nervous and hoping to see if Gil-Dong becomes a leader without not going down the dark path like his father...

Introverted Boss: For those of you hesitating to start it, binge-watching works for this show. Maybe just skip episode 1 and read recaps. In fact, it’s probably my ideal type of rom-com: cheeky, with an OTP who learn to support each other, and dialogue and situations used for comic effect, even in the midst of heartfelt moments. Most of all, the male lead is an introvert according to my own heart, so I can’t help but love his internal debates.

And on the side:

Vivid Romance : A web drama with Yoon Shi Yoon going from zero to hero because he took a mysterious experimental pill. He looks like Jung Il Woo, which is a plus. But it's not very interesting so far: He gets superpowers and becomes a snob. I would love to see him suddenly lose his powers hehe.


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I wanted to watch Introverted Boss, (because an introvert here!) but didn't because of bad reviews. However, I have seen a few clips oh Hwan Ki's monologues and they look hilarious. Is the show worth a good marathon?


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Yep, I agree with WishfulToki - it's probably better marathoned. To tell you the truth, some aspects (of the show) is more engaging than others, but on the whole, it's an enjoyable watch, with characters who you'd definitely want to root for.


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Maybe wait 2 weeks to marathon, just to make sure the ending is ok. Still 4 episodes to go and not much story left to tell, so yeah, stay tuned for final impressions.


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I watched it weekly since the first week and I like it, mainly cuz of Yeon Woo Jin and the rest of the cast are good too. I normally can't stand actresses who can't act (ahem, Shin Se Kyung and Jin Se Yeon, ahem) but I actually find myself finding the female lead watchable.


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the female actress for introverted boss is god awful tho


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Chief Kim: The secondary characters are a delight, especially Chairman’s son.

I luff him too! I've seen the actor, who now goes by the name Dong Ha, play a couple of other bit parts, but it was his stint as a second lead in the family drama Glorious Day that made me grow fond of him. He's really expressive and versatile, and he has a slow-burning intensity that sometimes reminds me of Yook Sung-jae. But I didn't realize until I saw him in Chief Kim just how talented he is at physical comedy. I hope it won't be too long before I see him as a lead in a comedy. He cracks me up!


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Am also watching Chief Kim and Rebel: Thief who Stole the People. The third show on my list is Strong Woman Do Bong Soon.

Defendant is on hold/I've fallen behind. It's too intense. I can maybe watch one episode every two weeks.


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Chief Kim wasn't even on my hit list (due to the summary and casting). However reaching the 8th episode, I knew I was going to complete the drama til the end - it's that good. One thing is for sure is that there are a lot of likeable supporting characters in this show. I haven't seen a lot of character development in a show for ages. It's like watching those classic and quirky Japanese underdog dramas like GTO.


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I was always more interested in Tomorrow with You than in SWDBS but I will have to say that TWY is somewhat losing me. It is dragging a little in the whole change the future mystery that even though I felt that the character's in this show seemed more real and I kept watching for them, now I no longer can because the story is losing its grip.

SWDBS : I agree with odilettante, ep 3 had a lot of fillers and I am still not sure what genre the show belongs to. I looks a little all over the place.

I am a little disappointed by shows of this batch but I have not necessarily tried each of them because some of them don't interest me or their genre doesn't. So I shifted towards web dramas and watched Go Ho's starry night which was surprisingly good though with an atypical kdrama setting, I don't know what kept me glued but at times you do need to watch a kdrama in all its typical glory.

Also tried Another parting which left me partly satisfied. I still don't get the ending fully but it lead me to think if directors and writers do need to tell everything to the viewers. The show was written and directed beautifully but shouldn't the viewers get proper satisfaction at the end of a show? I do like shows which make people think at every point and lets the viewers make their own theories over a plot point but I think we should get all answers by the end.


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Oh maan, I'm still trying to find my new drama crack.

Strong Woman - I checked out the first episode and quite liked how zany it was. I wasn't rushing for the second ep though, and will most likely tune into it after it's done airing. Perhaps it's a little too zany for my liking, I dunno, we'll see.

Rebel - I can't wait for this to finish airing so I can marathon it in one (or more) sitting(s).

Introverted Boss - Started this one from ep6, and don't regret it one bit. Admittedly, I'm in it more for the male lead (who's simply rocking it as Hwan-gi) than anyone else, but it's an easy watch, albeit a little dated in the writing department. And whilst the female lead isn't the best of actresses, in that she's still a little green for the role, I find her a lot more tolerable than some of the other female characters we've seen in recent dramaland. Although Yeon woo-jin is pulling most the weight, their chemistry in recent eps has been pretty palatable.


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?And whilst the female lead isn’t the best of actresses, in that she’s still a little green for the role, I find her a lot more tolerable than some of the other female characters we’ve seen in recent dramaland. "

Agree. She is not the best choice for the role, but she is not entirely bad. At least not stiff having same facial emotion or unnecessary yelling and she can emote.


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Yeh Ji-won and Kim Ji-suk made my wekk, they are the reason I stuck with Oh Hae-young Again after all the happiness in that show went south.


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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon is my new crack and the only one i'm watching live. so far nothing else currently playing is catching my interest (i know, the horrors of not having enough dramas to last you the week!). i'm having THE biggest crush on Hyungsik right now (the Hyungsikness syndrome is real) so i ended up rewatching his past dramas and varshows guestings lol

too bad the SWDBS recaps came out only like 2 days later because i always want to squee so bad everytime a new ep comes out lol


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oh, and gotta say, i would never be able to listen to whitney houston's "AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUU" again without cracking up XD


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OMG. I totally love how they turned a what could have been serious situation on its head and made it instantly hilarious. I cracked up so much.


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That was such a brilliant use of a really romantic song. Totally crack me up.


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Best joke on "The Bodyguard" ever. They used that in The Stranger Living in My House, also to comedic effect :P


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Recently I had to quit lot of dramas because of bad actors. I could never get into many of the ships. So really happy to have SWDBS. Kind of regret watching SWDBS while it's airing since it's so difficult to wait for weeks. Not weary of repeating it for umpteenth time, came here for PBY and Ji Soo but totally fell for PHS.( I was even disappointed that Ji Soo is not the lead. Not anymore! PHS nails it!!)

Have watched 100s of dramas but have never seen him in anything( well technically I came to know today that he was there in heirs but his character must have been as forgettable as the drama). His mannerisms, smile and way he delivers the dialogue , everything is enormously charming. Totally smitten! The best part is, I just got enchanted by him just by watching the trailer of SWDBS. It had a scene he arm wrestles with PBY and His expressions were priceless.. I was like who is this guy?! Then as some beanies pointed out, I found him in the list of top idol turned actors. It's a thing of joy always when I discover a new actor who can really act. The joy of watching Jo Jung Suk, Seo Hyun Jin, Park Eun Bin, Park BoYoung, Gong Hyo Jin.. Its priceless!

Want to watch high society because of him but I don't like sung joon as an actor so still contemplating. Don't feel like watching Hwarang because of average reviews st DB.

No words to describe PBY in this drama. The role is tailored for her. The girl never fails to amuse me. Forever in love with her ❤️


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Hi Newbee-
you need to watch the beginning of Hwarang for PHS because he's SO cool and funny and you will be thrilled with him. I'm thinking maybe the first four episodes, not sure, roughly until they start at Hwarang school. Then you could watch the last two for him, it's worth it. Then there are all the early Hwarang mvs, PHS is pretty prominent in those.


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Will check out Hwarang just for PHS?


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I suggest you watch the LAST episode of Hwarang to see PHS totally glorious in his kingly robes. Stunning, dignified and gorgeous beyond belief. Maybe because he was brought up elegantly in real life as a Chaebol's son, but he plays aristocrat VERY well. I would accept him as KING of MY nation!


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"It’s a thing of joy always when I discover a new actor who can really act" -THIS.

The actors you mentioned in this post are my favorites ad you are so right with this statement. There might be many actors in S.Korea but there are a few who actually act really well. For me maybe, PHS is not yet there, I mean he is good but I don't feel the same joy while watching him act as much as I do for the other actors you mentioned, JJS, GHJ ,PBY,SHJ. But he definitely has the potential and he is fairly new so I guess he will make it there.


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Yes definitely PHS is not there yet but the boy is definitely promising. He has improved drastically since heirs as I look back. And yes the sheer joy of watching the said actors is unexplainable. sometimes when I see them I even feel that I should work hard to be as much talented as them in my own craft. They instill a sense of positivity and confidence in me.


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I'm in exactly the same boat!! Hadn't seen him in any of the dramas I've watched, but I am totally impressed by him. There was one scene in today's ep when he was eating that I found so real and on point that I rewatched it twice.

I am so not into pretty guys usually, but I am finding him super hot in this drama. I love love how he is so into Bong-soon and everything about her.


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That's a cherry on top. He's hot and he can act too. The guy is a good singer too. Blessed to have him on our screens ? Especially in this drama, when he gives unpredictable responses! In Ep 1, outside the police station, when he says 'she's sexy' when other leads would have have said 'she's scary' or 'she's crazy', I found myself laughing out real loud! And his expressions towards Jisoo to mislead bong Soo.. priceless!


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PHS was the best part of Heirs. Totally meme-worthy.

Actually I have some of those memes lol


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You need to check out High Society! You can easily skip all the scenes except those of the second leads (alas PHS and his adorable love interest) without missing much.


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I second this. I only watched High Society for the second leads. In High Society, PHS's interaction with his mother is refreshingly funny too. When I rewatched High Society, I only watched parts with PHS! The main couple is pretty boring to be honest.


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Hi samurai
Will definitely check high society for the sake of PHS! The guy deserves my time.. totally ?


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Thank God for good actors in this drama.

Park Hyung-sik is delightful. He is so expressive and gis line delivery is so on point. He obviously still has rooms to grow and become a truly great actor. But I pike what I get from him so far.


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I should say there is certain warmth in his looks and sincerity in his delivery. I am liking every little expressions of him. He has so much potential to master the craft and prove himself to be a good actor.


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the FFw button is your friend when it comes to PHS' dramas lol. the boy is such a joy to watch but so far none of his dramas captured me as a whole (esp High Society). i do recommend watch What's Up With My Family if you're up for a 50eps show, the whole ensemble cast and the story was worth a watch. i wish PHS would get an offer from one of my fave writers like park hyeryun, because i know i will enjoy the whole drama and not just him

good thing for him though that his past works just highlights how much he's improved and how much potential he has in terms of acting chops. his stints in musicals and weekend dramas definitely helped him improve tremendously


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He's definitely improved. I am sure this drama will be his breakthrough and hope he gets good works from good writers in future!


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Is there really something called Hyungsickness? If so I am going through it!☹️


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Hey, yeah, gummi - Park "Loveshik" Hyung Shik? Do tell us more!


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I swear I watch that drama with the biggest smile on my face*, only the reason for the smile goes between PBY being so damn cute and PHS being so adorable and actually making the old bossy-chaebol trope feel fresh.

*(except when Voldemask shows up, which is when I turn on all the lights and whimper in fright)


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i love that minhyuk is more like a cranky, naggy ahjumma than the ordinary cold, ruthless chaebols of dramaland.. although there are recent snippets where we could see that he definitely has some ruthless streaks in him.. he's not a gangster's son AND a self-built businessman for nothing.


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Can someone please tell me where to watch Newlywed Diary with English subs? I've been looking everywhere ?


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Javabeans' thoughts on Tomorrow With You is interesting. I personally don't agree with her and I am wondering if she is basing on her thoughts on the show after watching Episode 8 and 9 because I feel So Joon is totally sincere, e.g., Do-Shik confrontation in Ep 8, telling Ma Rin essentially everything about his painful past with Happiness. Sure early on, he may have presented a skewed truth but he has improved over time and told her his secrets, a shift from the early mentality of partners not knowing everything about each other. Even when he tries to get Ma Rin to leave Happiness (to prevent her from seeing Se Young's dad die), he soon after reveals why and that he is a time traveler.

I think he is totally in love with her and he even mentions that to Future Ma Rin as well. If her comments were not based on from watching the latest episode, maybe you could think about putting a note that "watched Ep x" or something because my assumption is that you watched the latest episode at time of publication. If she did watch all the episodes, then I am hoping someone can explain more what she means by her statement because I don't see how So Joon is being insincere, especially post-Ep 9. I am always interested in an alternative POV since drama characters are not flawless by any means.


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I have watched all the episodes. I just don't feel sincerity from the hero and find all his actions regarding the future to be cavalier, which is odd given how occasionally desperate he is about it.


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Ah OK. Thank you for replying!


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I agree that So Joon's actions / expressions are inconsistent.. i try to read it as his being cocky (cavalier) about being able to know/change the future while wanting very hard to secure it..
His affections towards his wife is also inconsistent.. but they are so sweet especially the long shot scenes when they are having a conversation.. kia!


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@on tomorrow with you. This writers is really brilliant to write the subtle hint on why he is not sincere through this relationship how swoon worthy he is capable of showing. there is always of uncertainity of sincerity. after watching episode 9 I'm not so sure again about his sincerity.. i actually love this writers so far writing unconventional romance.


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"That’s the only way I can describe Yeon Woo-jin’s spectacularly expert kissing technique."

He's one actor I would LOVE to see more of on my screen!! And not only because he can kiss (though that's a large part of it), but because he's such a wonderfully nuanced actor, that I honestly think he'd do justice to a wide plethora of roles - seriously, writers need to give him more work! Same with actors like Jo Jung-seok - I'd watch him over Lee Min-ho any day!


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Tbh with both Lee Je Hoon and Yeon Woo Jin acting in currently airing dramas and the comment about kissing, I flashback to the little known indie movie they starred in where the two of them were lovers. Man the kissing and chemistry in that was insane. Considering how their romances in both dramas rn are kind of lacklustre I wish we could get an alternate ending where Sojoon ends up with Hwanki lol


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OMG, that mini movie of LJH and YWJ! ♥ Their kiss there is totally whoo! Btw, didn't watch the whole movie. Just that make-out scene. lol

I stumbled upon it after Signal cos I was searching anything related to LJH and saw his name associated with YWJ who I absolutey love cos of Marriage Not Dating. Pretty interesting stuff, and they looked so young and green! ^^


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Thank you odilettante for saying exactly how I feel about Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I can accept any alternate universe as long as they don't violate the rules. And one of the MAIN rules stated in the first episode was that she can't use her strength for her own benefit.
How in the heck can she accept a job (with benefits) using her power?

I like the cast. I like the quirky CGI. I want to like the drama, but the fact that it violated it's own universe's rule right off BUGS ME!


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her mother was a weightlifter, and she didn't get punished for it because she brought glory to her country. i think the same rule applies to BS- she works as a bodyguard not only to get salary but also to protect someone's life.

but she gets more and more careless with her strength as the show continues so i guess sooner or later the punishment will come


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Yes. I *think* they get some slack if they benefit from doing something good (or at least mostly harmless?) as long as they avoid evil.

But losing her powers somehow and then regaining them at the last possible moment offers so much dramatic possibility I doubt the writer would be able to resist.


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I may be wrong (watching a show in subtitles makes confusion a given.) But I thought she didn't want people to see her use her power/strength. She told the kids on the bus, "shh." She introduced herself (first episode) saying, "I have a secret." When they use their power for good. They keep it. When they get personal gain from it--ancestor lining her pockets with gold after helping her country in a battle--they lose it and get some curse. Since then, all the powerful women in her family are cursed if they use their power for personal gain.

Now, I understand she is helping her boss not get killed. But she is doing it--not for some altruistic reason, but to get GAIN--to get money and to get a good job so she can sell her video game. (All of these would cause her to lose her strength and get cursed, as far as I understand the "rules" in this drama world.)

Her mother brought glory to Korea through weight lifting. And seemed to bypass the curse even though it was beneficial to her financially. But she lost her power when she was a bully, or used her power incorrectly.

When Bong Soon agreed to chicken fight, wasn't she being a bully? She did it not to protect anyone--or for any good reason at all. It's little inconsistencies like this that frustrate me while watching a drama. Yeah, I'm picking at lint, but MAKE A RULE and STICK TO IT, Drama.


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In my understanding, it's all about the intention,
her mum get punished because she was a bully not because she was an athlete, using her power to intimated the weak for a personal gain that benefitted her directly and keeps doing that

bong soon get hired as a bodyguard because they want them and not she asked them, she didn't flaunt her power in purpose to get hired

the idea of a curse happens when "she initiated the violation" but "not in act of self-defence"

the chicken fight is not an act of fighting because she just stand there and protect herself while the secretary goes over her

that's how I view the rule of do bong soon,
that she can use her power unless it's for personal gain that related to negative thing, when you are greedy, lustful and living a bad life.

there's always a reason why super power exist like their great grandma who helps to fight the enemy and hers is coming too


It really bothers me, too. At least the show does address it occasionally (like when her brother warned her not to use her strength) but it feels like she's way too casual with her strength without even knowing the rules herself.


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Maybe it's just me but 'm confused on why some people think Strong Woman Do Bongsoon is disappointing and confusing. I think it's delightfully eccentric and adorable. The characters aren't those of your run-of-the-mill rom-com, the premise is fascinating and unheard-of in dramaland, and it's so chock-full of hilarious scenes and quirks that it keeps me laughing out loud in every episode. That equals a perfect rom-com for me. All the pretty faces don't hurt either.

I'm also watching Rebel, and love love love it. The plot, acting, music, characters, filming, and editing are all beautifully done and well thought-out.

Yoon Kyunsang is simultaneously adorable and kick-a**, Chae Soobin is adorable and so easy to root for, Honey Lee is beautiful and alluring, Kim Sangjoong exudes charisma just with his mere presence, and all of the antagonists and side characters are well-portrayed and well-drawn. I just love it!

It seriously disappoints me because in my opinion there's not enough hype about it just because it's a 30 episode sageuk.


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I am so into strong woman do bong soon!!!! Bong soon bong soon reminds me of bong soo from healer days hehe


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Good news for SWDBS fans. The show had passed 8% rating for its fourth episode. The actual rating is 8.301% and the show is actually beating Reply 1988 if we compare them based on the 4th episode rating. If SWDBS continues this exponential trajectory, it will definitely beat Reply 1988, be the 2017's sleeper hit, and rewrite cable channel history. That is a lot of accolades. 축하해 to Park Bo Young and team!


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Side note: Reply 1988 got 7.8% for its 4th episode rating. So there is a significant 0.501% gap in rating.


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This drama is definitely on roll. Despite the wacky premise and zany tone, seems like lots of people love it. Congrats for all actors and staff.


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WHOA. That is indeed good news! So happy for the SWDBS team!


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So happy for Park Bo Young!


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Maybe it’s just me but ‘m confused on why some people think Strong Woman Do Bongsoon is disappointing and confusing.

I'll be honest, I've not really given the show a proper shot yet - but I did enjoy the quirkiness of the first episode. Having said that, rather than being disappointed, I can see that this drama may not be to everyone's taste. Sometimes, "delightfully eccentric" is an acquired taste. Having said that, I'm glad the show is doing well, and is getting strong praise for that very reason - it means it's doing something right.

Will weigh in on it at a later date to see whether or not it is my cup of tea!


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Sorry, this was in response to Snowmobile.


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Am not confused or disappointed in the drama. But am starting to get bit disappointed in our lead character. Bong soon comes off as self absorbed and dumb sometimes. Its a flaw to give some dimension to the character, but her cute portrayal at those times as well is not going well with me. Especially episode 3 - she knows someone stabbed the police guy and he has actual danger to his life - yet her devil-may-care attitude to being his bodyguard is starting to annoy me a bit.


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Defendant - Sits by girlfriday. My friend who watches K-dramas thought the prison break was dragged out because of the extension, and I was like "What???" They could have easily gotten another episode out of it. I was expecting improvisations, freak outs, Ji Sung being thrown into solitary right before the escape and having to find a way out. Still, the show remains intense and addictive even if I have to shut my brain off sometimes.

Strong Woman - I wasn't crazy about the first two episodes, but I liked Park Hyung-shik and Park Bo-young enough to give it another chance. Park Bo-young is adorable, but I'm finding that Park Hyung-shik's character is the only one that really interests me, and I don't know if that's enough to keep me watching.


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Tomorrow with You - My love has cooled a little bit too; I love the parts with Marin and So Joon experiencing the growing pains of marriage and the conversations they have both misunderstanding and opening up to each other. Unfortunately, I'm just not caring about Ki-doong and Se-young, Doo Shik's agenda, the future mystery, or Director Kim's machinations. Actually, I feel like the Director and company stuff could have been somewhat interesting because I could emphasize with his position somewhat, but I hate the direction they took it.


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i just think the supporting cast is not that powerful to support the story in tomorrow with you. their acting is abit lacking. jo han cul is the only one for me that showing passion to his character. supporting cast is important too.


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Absolutely agree with you missjb... TWY are rely too much on its lead. Its lacking the development of the supporting character and the relationship of the lead with their surrounding. Ma Rin's mom could play more impact in her daughter's life. The writer could develop So Joon realtionship with his friends especially Ki Doong. They are friends for years. It will be nice if So Joon can share his problems with his friends and not putting a bet on your life to some random ahjusshi.


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I have to disagree with murasakimi about Rebel.

"He’s an amnesiac Casanova who sleeps with gisaengs on the first date, and then calls them back a month later but doesn’t leave a message".

He lost his memories for a short while after the traumatic experience of losing his sister, but he never went around sleeping with gisaengs! Right, maybe he didn't send any letters to his lover Gong-hwa, but that's just because he was busy looking for his family who he believes are all dead because of him.


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yeah, I mean he was pretty clear he was off to look for his little sister, it's not like he peaced out on their next date or something.


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Defendant, Rebel, Chief Kim, Saimdang and Voice have me fully on board, although the killer in Voice creeps me out so much I have to force myself to watch the scenes. Haven't really connected with Strong Woman yet, but will hang in because of Ji Soo! Will try out Father Is Strange tonight. How do ppl like Perfect Wife...it's on my list to get to but Viki was down last night and I got behind.


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Currently watching :
Introverted Boss
Ms. perfect
Rebel: thief who stole the people
Missing 9
Chief Kim
Strong woman do bong soon
Tomorrow with you
Vivid Romance
Everyone is getting married (Japanese)
Eternal Love (Chinese)
Princess of Lanling King (Chinese)
Behind your smile (Taiwanese)
Uprince series (Thai)
Running man
The Return of Superman
2 days 1 night
Weekly Idol
We got married
Law of the jungle


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Dang!!!! That's a lot hours right there.

I have only been watching less than 6 hours every week , recently.

Tomorrow With You

I tried Strong Woman last week. I also was watching Hwarang before I dropped it midway through the drama.

Other than that, I can't seem to find good dramas to watch.


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Whoa, sunbaenim. Tell me your ways!


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When do you eat? Sleep? Work and or school? Socialize? That's a lot of dramas and many hours. I am in awe, brava!


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Oooo! Finally someone who watches Everyone is getting married! What do you think of the drama?


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I'm currently watching four k-dramas and this hasn't happened for years. Nothing seems to interest me enough for more than a couple of episodes (if even that long), so I'm really enjoying this drama "season".

I'm currently watching Defendant, Chief Kim, Perfect Wife and Strong Woman Do Bong Soon. I'm also going to check You're Too Much because of fabulous Uhm Jung-hwa.


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Ooo me too. I'm hoping for great chemistry between the female leads in You are too much.


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Currently watching:

Tomorrow With You - All caught up! I tried to resist watching until it ended, but my curiosity got the best of me, and I love it now, especially after episodes 7, 8, and 9. I'm completely sold on the romance, and don't even care about the time traveling/mystery. The rules don't quite make sense to me, so I'm just enjoying Shin Minah and Lee Je Hoon's sizzling chemistry. I keep wondering what Woobin must be thinking watching them play married couple!

SWDBS - The first two episodes were fun and quirky, but I don't know... I'm not invested enough to HAVE to watch the next episode. I only watched part of Episode 3, got kind of bored, and went to bed. Park Bo Young is enough to keep me going though. I wish they didn't put in such an intense, dark plot though. That skin mask guy is scary!

Rebel - Just started this based on all the positive reviews, so only on Episode 2. Husband is watching with me - he loves epic historicals so I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint. I'm always impressed by these Korean child actors and how well they can emote! Looking forward to more.


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Ahh finally someone having same opinion with as regard SWDBS. I didnt watch epi 3 yet, seems I am not fully invested or interested with the show yet. I will watch when I feel to. I am glad rating is great, although so many other jTBC drama deserve same rating as well. I just dont find anything interesting about the drama aside from Park Bo Young as super strong woman. I wish story is focusing mostly on her and her growth (like what jTBC drama always do) instead of focusing on her romance life between those two guys and the mystery. This drama is like just following the cliche romcom.


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Just finished episode 3, and I also wish SWDBS would focus more on Bong Soon instead of having screen time taken by Min Hyuk's stalker storyline, the gangsters, the murders Gook Du has to solve. We've got this very intriguing heroine played by Park Bo Young (!!!) and the drama isn't letting us get to know her.

I'd love to know more about how Bong Soon felt like growing up with superstrength, how she felt like she had to hide her strength, more about how it affected her social, educational, romantic, and job prospects, etc. We got Min Hyuk commenting on how he thinks that strength is sexy, but what are her thoughts about the role her superstrength plays in how she looks at herself?


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Definitely. The show can balance the stories between male and female leads and dont have to make female leads' story becomes boring in order to make male leads' story shines more.


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I don't find his sincerity either. Seems like he doesn't know how love is since childhood. He will learn how to be sincere through this marriage.. too bad it will be too late. When he found out


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Park Bo Young is truly a whole new level of cuteness. Na Bong Sun & Do Bong Soon are too adorable to bear. She play annoying without being annoying. I watch and keep thinking if another actress play the role, I might even dont like DBS. But aside from three leads, I dont think its a great drama. Its really fun to watch but story are childish sometimes. However the story of main three leads are interesting enough to look over everything else. Its a drama for entertain.

We are having great female characters and great villains now: Honey Lee, Chae Soo Bin, Baek Jin Hee, Park Bo Young & Um Ki Joon, Nam goong Min, Choi Tae Joon, Kim Jae Wook

Three Color Fantasy, you should watch the first one The Universe's Star, its cuter and better than Romance Full of Life. Lee Kwang Soo the Sound of your Heart as well :)


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Both the dramas that caught my attention lately after a months-long dry spell, are about super-strong protagonists - Rebel and Do Bong-soon.

I also like the symmetry of one of them being a sageuk (Rebel) and the other a modern-day drama (Bong-soon). And one protagonist being a man and the other a woman.


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Oh me too. Lately, just Rebel and SWDBS really catch my attention:3


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I just caught up with Tomorrow with You and I am so sold with the romance. I don't even care about consistency (well I care a little bit) I JUST WANT OUR COUPLE TO BE HAPPY! Also the cinematography in this show is gorgeous and knows how to set the mood. I'm waiting for episode 10 to be subbed soon.

Strong Woman Do Bong Soo is also great but I'm definitely more invested in TWY (probably 'cause there's more episodes)


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@Odilettante aww you have convinced me to watch super family.
Hwaiting! I hope your family surprises you with a trip to your place or something equally awesome happens. Sending virtual cookies and kisses <3


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Aw, thanks saem! *hugs*


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I'm loving Super Family also, odilettante. Clearly ripped off from Modern Family, but just as funny.


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But Super Family has the super cute graphics, so it's totally different! :p Besides, it's actually 21st Century Family that ripped off Modern Family.


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"On the other hand, I would totally watch whatever mystery-thriller Ji-soo seems to think he’s starring in."


I didn't know this was a thing I wanted until now. I'm enjoying Strong Woman. But Jisoo does seem somewhere else.


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High Kick 3 - I'm on episode 115 now. Park Ha Sun is the Comedy Princess here. There are filler episodes, bad cameo episodes but you can get through all of this because of episodes length. 23 minutes are tolerable enough. Nae Sang is too annoying and Soo Jung has too short of a screen time. Then we have 1 dimensional Characters. Comedy is average but romance is better than those prime time mini-dramas

My favourite characters are - Park Ha Sun, Jung Seok, Seung Yoon, Ji Seok, Kim Ji Won,

I would like to see Mini-Series airing Monday to Saturday.

Chief Kim - Sticking to it because of Seo Yul VS. Seong Ryung petty fight.

Missing 9 - Having better humour than Chief Kim. Yeah, I consider Missing 9 a piece of absurd art.

Rest of the shows dropped for now.

Dots(Hindi) - watched random scenes. It finished airing.

2 Sitcoms @Yukari

Everyone Loves Raymond - Sumit Sambhal Lega

Sarabhai Vs. Sarabhai

Smile, You Korean Drama - has Hindi Remake named as Smile Please.

Story,Characters and their personality ,Plot and even Events can be same but Hindi Version even copied Characters Facial Expressions and Mannerisms. This is blatant Plagiarism. No creativity at all. I have heard that later on it has episodes which are very much India based content.

Watched random scene of Gilmore Girls - Party and PDA Kiss and 2 side characters watching all this. Reminded me of OC - The Orange County.


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Sarabhai v Sarbhai is my most favorite family comedy ever.. And it's been ten years..

Which channel was Smile, You remake? I've never heard about it. I would totally make my mom watch it since I like the original and she won't watch kdramas


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Sitcoms are easy watch.

Wikipedia says Life Ok channel.


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Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai is my favourite too and is always on repeat mode for me.


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Watching and enjoying Tomorrow with You and Strong Woman Do Bong-soon. Apparently both shows were busy doling out the cute and the sweet in the latest eps. Though I'm pretty sure it wouldn't last long. So-joon's confession will definitely shakes things up, as well as the introduction of Min-hyuk's super messy family.

Watching What's with this family (9/53) for extra dose of Hyung-sik. I love Seoul and Dalbong's relationship with Dad. It always made me tear up. And I definitely have had enough of Gang-jae's self-entitled attitude. Fortunately, Hyo-jin, his potential love interest, wasn't the usual haughty chaebol daughter. So far, she seemed sweet, caring, and somewhat innocent. And I like the contrast between her and her family.


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I just tune up for Do Bong Soon and I think this show pulls a good weight because it really relies on the acting for me.
When you break down the character, they all annoying, not sincere and weird but when you watch the delivery, you get the sense of what is playful, what is real and how they are endearing.

It's gonna be different for every people but it's like I don't get them when I think about the plot after some hours but when you watch it, you know that's totally what they gonna do.

So I applauded all the cast (jisoo tends to over-acting for some weird reason that idk) especially, bong soon, min hyuk, the mum and boong ki, etc.
It's delightful to see actors committed to the characters and bring it to life.


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I also think that these characters wouldn't be as endearing if they were played by a less capable actors. These people bring life to these somewhat annoying and weird characters and turn them relatable.


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haha, I agree, there's something in the way hyung shik and bo young said their line that feels like a normal conversation,

Idk if that's the dynamic but the line between them changing so fast and in some kind of rhythm which I found really engaging,


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Agreed, especially the character of Bong Soon and Min Hyuk, Bong Soon would feel like Cha Ro Woon in introverted Boss if they cast a less capable actress while Min Hyuk would feel like your typical annoying chaebol jerk, I'm thankful for the casting in this drama.


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yay! so glad someone mentioned "new journey to the west".
These guys slay me,especially when they go crazy and start sabotaging eachother or Na PD.
And how cute is Na PD !! That cheeky smartypants, i love him..to be honest if they offered me a choice to meeting So Ji Sub or Na PD i would have to think hard and long..then i would pick Na PD :) (sorry Ji Sub Shi)

Also.."i can see your voice"..those tonedeaf are hilarious (and brave) and the skilled singers OMG, so much talent in South Korea.


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I must be really different because Tomorrow With You is just my type of drama. Been thinking of it all week and one episode cured me if my week-long stress from work. I find it interesting and I have my concentration up the whole time.

On the other side, I still haven't finished watching SWDBS's EP2. I like it. It just feels like it can wait.

Defendant's latest episodes were awesome but I'm trying not to get hyped because of the extension. You never know when the white truck of doom would come or maybe a subway sandwich eating up Jungwoo's lawyer.


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I mentioned in the episode thread that I actually think Defendant has enough material for the extension. I don't want the final battle to seem too rushed or easy. I want the supporting characters to get resolution. Six episodes seem about right, but I won't trust that they keep focus until I see it.


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That actually makes sense. I keep on forgetting that we're already 12 episodes in. Like you said, I also want resolution for everyone. Looking at the bright side, the extension might be a good thing. Thank you. I think I'll be much at ease when watching now.


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In addition to the weak writing of SWDBS, the lighting and camera techniques used in that drama lacks creativity. The lighting is so bright that it doesn't create mood that pulls me in to their world. The camera angles are basic; I can just ignore what's happening most of the time.

Partly to blame for that is the bar that Tomorrow With You has set. When I'm watching TWY on a big TV in a dark room by myself, the moody lighting, camera angles, the long takes, and the natural dialogue, they all pull me in the world of Marin and Sojoon. I'm fully absorbed in that world after an hour. I am unable to watch anything else after, specially if the drama doesn't have the same quality as TWY.

I'm having the same problem as you with SWDBS, is what I'm saying.


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The effects were not high quality too. I guess I have a problem with it not being consistent. It's like I'm watching different things at once. It's crazy at one side then serious murder stuff. If there's one good thing I got from this drama though, it's realizing that I actually like Hyungshik. I avoided him for the longest time but finally warmed up to him because of this.

Ohhh. I want to watch TWY like that too. My laptop won't connect to my TV so I only watch it on my small screen.


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I feel the same about TWY. I am so so,d I'm the leads and their love story and the future that may not change at all. Every episode pulls me in with their cute and love and damn the tragedy. After the episodes I'm always left craving more and obsessing over character growth and such until new episodes are released.


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I'm the same! I listen to the OSTs the while day then go into fits because I don't have anyone to share my feels with. I always crave for more.


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I wish I handled suspense better.
When that plastic mask face came on screen in Strong Woman Do Bong Soon? I had to look away and just listen for a bit.
When Ga-ryung went on her bead and underwear stealing expedition I freaked out and couldn't watch until Gil Dong caught her when she fell off the wall.
Things I'm nervous/curious about:
How will So-joon NOT die in tomorrow with you?
How will Saimdang, the diary writer, save the drifters who help her make paper?
How will Rebel: Thief Who Stole the People's writer insert a subway sandwich PPL into the sageuk?

I am currently watching these dramas to learn the answers.


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I'm totally with you, I could hardly handle watching Ga-Ryung steal the beads in Rebel. Nope, I do not want to see plastic mask face so am avoiding SWDBS until I am convinced it's worth it.

Waiting for Subway ppl to appear in Rebel is my worst nightmare. Fortunately this is sageuk world.

(Chief Kim is doing well with their pizza ppl for a change, and Introverted Boss went anti-ppl with the latest sushi poisoning in dramaland).


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Strong Woman: I like the tone of it, but definitely the leads in this elevate this story. I am not so hooked on the mask dude which makes me feel like I've started watching the next drama on my list....

Voice: I would say overall this is a pretty solid show if you like a police show. I've figured out they are never going to slow down for much in the way of character development which is fine at this point.

Perfect Wife: I really liked the first two episodes. Quirky mixed genre shows like this are right up my alley.

Father, I'll Take Care of You: Somewhat disappointing with a lot of standard weekend drama fare.

Ten Mile Peach Orchard/Eternal Love: One of my favorite C-Dramas since I'm a sucker for fantasy romance.

Bromance: I couldn't get past the first episode when it came out, but I guess now I'm in the mood for a T-drama. Definitely the leads make this work (through around episode 12ish).

Wow, this is a lot. After its rough start, I was going to totally skip Introverted Boss, but I think I might wait until it finishes up and if the end isn't a train wreck, I might jump in. I'm just not sure where to jump in so I'm thinking around episode 5 or so.


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Hmm...so after watching episode 3 of SWDBS...all I can say is Park Hyungsik! For a character that is supposed to be the odd ball/weird guy... I think Minhyuk is the sanest in this show!
**may be spoilers for those who did not watch episode 3**

I am not warming up to Park Bo Young...maybe it's the writing, but I am just not into her cuteness, her little sweet voice, the adoring stares at Jisoo...maybe it is the editing too...I was disappointed after episode 2 that Bongsoo continues to be clueless about her job...yes, that's being a bodyguard and protecting your boss...not running home without a word...that was odd...I thought she would redeem herself after what happened to her bodyguard...

I did not enjoy episode 3...it reminded me of Psy's line: be funny not stupid. Her character is very close to stupidity...and the whole scene with the gangsters...not sure if it was supposed to be funny but I found it of bad taste...the whole missing teeth, being beaten up...ok maybe it is supposed to be funny.

I am hoping episode 4 will be better...but at this point I am just watching for Park Hyungsik! As always, he is the best thing in the drama! Hwarang was bad, but I still enjoyed watching it and looked forward to it every week. I am not finding the same urge with SWDBS, except just to see Hyungsik!


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I agree with you. I like the funny bits, and the plot's not full of holes, but the editing is a little odd.

Min-hyuk & Bong Soon: cute comedy and bantering
Voldemask and screaming victim
Concerned Gook Du
Annnd repeat with some variation.

Even the moments I had to facepalm at weren't enough to keep me away from Hwarang. I still got excited whenever I realized that it was Monday or Tuesday. SWDBS is more like something you watch when you have a free hour, rather than clearing your schedule for it. But we still have over half left, so let's see.


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Surprisingly, Min-hyuk is the one with more depth so far. And like what you said, the sanest one. He is intriguing and I have a feeling that so far, we only scratched the surface of who he actually is.


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yup. just like Hwarang, a lot of my interest in SWDBS lies in minhyuk's character. the drama and the other leads are cute enough but i'm more curious about what makes MH tick. i think that's the charm of PHS' acting. he's so compelling that even though you might dislike the character itself or find him annoying, you couldn't help but be drawn in.

The recent eps make it clear that the show is definitely trying to cast him in a suspicious light (eating only one meal a day?)


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Little surprise not many watching Chief Kim. Overall it is my first favourite show atm and followed by Rebel and Defendant. Im suffering Honey Lee's syndrom so badly that I am rewatching her parts in Shine or Go Crazy.

IB is still enjoyable to watch, and I am thinking to start on Voice after this one finished as well as re-pick up Saimdang.

Still behind the latest episodes of TWY and for SWDBS, will watch whenever I feel I want. Staying mostly because of Park Bo Young. If her character becomes boring later maybe I will stop watch. Hopefully not. But show, you wont waste her right?

As a weekender, two new drama have started this week. Cannot wait to watch Father is Strange.


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Hi Sera!

A bad case of Honey Lee syndrome too. Having previously watched only the last two episodes of Shine or Go Crazy, I'm now having the entire series downloaded for a proper marathon. Currently rewatching her scenes on Come Back Ajusshi. Frustrated though that I can't find English subs for Get It Beauty 2017. Real life Honey Lee is even more precious.

We're just 10/30 on Rebel. How can I survive this? Haha! The show's on track right now but I can't help worrying on how this could all go south any moment. It's like having my hands clutched over my heart. Or clasping and reclasping constantly. Lol.

Meanwhile, I just finished Another Oh Hae Young. It got draggy midway but I stayed for the mother/daughter antics and Kim Jisuk/Yeh Jiwon storyline. I'm not as invested but I haven't completely dropped Missing 9 - it's a trainwreck after all. Haha. Then I have my longer list of US shows to binge on.

About to check out SWDBS and Perfect Wife. On the waitlist are Chief Kim, Voice, Introverted Boss and Saimdang. Gonna wait for Defendant and TWY to finish before I go there. ^^


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Yesss Honey Lee's real life is more precious. I also checked you tube and also stalked her IG lol. Serious case syndrome. She is perfect beauty with brain and talent.

About Rebel, I have a hope on writer of King's Daughter SBH in order to ensure the story is on right track until the end. 30 episodes seem perfect.

Another OHY yes the main couple's story got me tired too. Fortunately the show also focus more on OHY's personal life and alos because the are side couple who are scene stealer.

Enjoy your drama watching!


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Watch Honey Lee in Modern Farmer. She is great there!


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4th episode of Do Bong Soon is 8.3%... wow the power of Park Bo Young... its rare to have the girl get the credit of successful drama.


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So happy for the show and jTBC.


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I am happy solely because of her.


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Chief Kim: The drama that makes me smile and guffaw with all the unexpected little things the characters do and how Chief Kim has influenced them and made them more proud of the work that they do. I love how for most of the episodes, we end on a positive sometimes comedic note .

Tomorrow With You: Such a feeling of longing when I watch this drama. I love this drama so much and seeing how Marin and So Joon navigate their relationship and their faults. And I like how love doesn't end up being some magical cure that leads to a perfect marriage. I'm glad that we're finally getting to hear from So Joon what his feelings are.

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: I'm disappointed that it hasn't ended up being a crack drama for me. I like it (except for the serial killer subplot), but don't feel engaged with it. I like watching our main characters, but don't feel emotionally invested in them. I do love the comic-book feel though and every time Bong Soon uses her superstrength. I think Min Hyuk's dungeon wins for best kdrama bachelor pad/office ever!

Introverted Boss: Growing fond of Ro-Woon, but I'm more than ready for Ji Hye's suicide to be resolved and for this drama to end. I can enjoy it when it's just the Silent Monster team and Yeon-jung, but everyone else just reminds me about the power of privileged people and how unfair it is that Ji Hye's death was so easily dismissed. Then I sort of wish vengeful Ro Woon was back.


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You are so right about the comedic endings of Chief Kim episodes, which is perhaps why the ending of episode 10 felt like a bitter pill.

Chief Kim latest guffaw: *cue epic battle music* Chief Kim contemplates revenge while furiously riding a toy horse, with Namgoong Min's killer face announcing murder ... 3 seconds later: 'let's just go to bed'.


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Yass, odilettante! I'm also so madly in love with New Journey to the West right now to the point that I start rewatching all of the previous seasons. This show deserves sooo much love!

And, yeah, Mino is a very good artist. You should watch Halfmoon Friends, his drawing skill is no joke. Plus, he's such a candy too see! ♡


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I feel what javabeans and some people said here,
I keep watching tomorrow with you and keep getting disappointed, I thnk the drama didn't do badly wrong ,
I am just grew tired of the drama,

people say it's mundane and all but all I see is people repeating mistake and false feeling all the time,
it's been weeks and marriage is not always based on love but truth and how you make it stick,
it's not about discovering flaw but more than that, to fix every thing,

I think the marriage is just plot device to fake intimacy so the audience would love the couple but the hero is not charming at all, the heroine also frustrating,
if we gonna watch the drama about how to not be a couple without substance or hope that they actually get what it means to be a couple, do any hope left?
I watch this because the review keep convincing me that it was "a masterpiece",
it just a "broken piece"
gosh I can't believe I typed this


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I don't think tomorrow with you is a masterpeice. It's lack a good acting all around like Uncontrollably fond had for me.

If some beanies find the romance lacking that's fine. The romance itself it's not depicted as strong romance since beginning since they rush it with purpose, IT's not cookie cutter or romance who rise your own fantasy (woman fantasy) about love like "love conquer all" card in dramaland. It's a romance with flaws and build with lack foundation that can break at any moment once something hit the fan.

Some people might just can't take the agony.


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I feel like I had to say that I don't want love conquer all plot and I like romance with flaw,
I just think every time it has no purpose other than make the couple seems generic when they don't suit each other since the second they make up, they'll get into argument,
not saying couple don't do this, but people grow from argument and change when they face the same problem,

the act of the character makes no sense especially throwing their age into equation,

I think the drama prolong the agony that it becomes less interesting, boring and not important


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"It’s lack a good acting all around like Uncontrollably fond had for me."

Interesting view. Obviously Shin Min Ah and Lee Je Hoon are much better actors than the leads in UF.


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I had dropped this drama around ep4, it just felt insincere, and more than that they just didn't feel suited to each other.


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Still watching and loving Tomorrow With You. These re is just something about the drama that has pulled me in and kept me there. Got me it's the little things that So Joon tries not to do but still does since the beginning (driving her around, the modeling, coming because she called at night, etc) that has me sold on his growing sincerity. Also I adore Ma Rin. Girl can be cringe and eye rolling sometimes but man does she always strength of character and sincerity (loved when she stood up for herself and her profession in ep 9). The romance us just a breath of fresh air for me. Je adore this drama.

I'm also watch all daily drama cause I'm trash for them. I'm watch Shininh Eunsoo, Love is Drop by Drop, and I'm Sorry Kang Nam Joon. Also will start the new weekend dramas that came out.

Strong Family: this drama is gold. I love it.

Strong Woman Bo Song: I wanted to like you drama. I really wanted to fall for the hype and you got my Hyung Shik but man it's just....silly and dumb and much too over the t for me. Mask dude also scares me and as much as I like Ji Soo, boy does he tend too overact and chew a scene (tasked it down 10 notches detective!). I'm going to stay because Park Bo Young is perfection, I love Hyung Shik and adore how in like and secret crushing his character is with Bo Song. Everything else (the berating and demeaning mom, Ji Soo, creepy stalker, the gangster, the strength rules they already threw out the window) the drama can keep it. The girl bff can stay cause she's too nice and supportive and cutie.


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I agree with Javabeans about the chemistry in Tomorrow With You, it just seems forced especially So Joon towards Marin, it doesn't feel natural at all :(

Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the antics in SWDBS lol, especially Kim Won Hae and the gang, they make me laugh so much I wish they keep them for the rest of the show, and the puppy couple is just so extra cute I feel like I'm melting by their cute interaction XD


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I just finished
Seoyoung my daughter cos I want to check out the lead chemistry. Story very predictable- poor girl marry into rich family, deny existence of family. But excellent cast- makes it one of the best family dramas. Now eagerly waiting for Whisper
General and I- was ok but not remarkable as most viewers think
Still watching
Voice- story very exciting, Jang hyuk still good, female lead a bit robotic, the way she speaks

Chief Kim- ngm and junho plus all the minor characters are hilarious esp the food fight

Saimdang- watching for LYA, still so beautiful and classy and her expressions plus beautiful cinematography, I fast forward the young actors though

Captain and I- storyline about flying

Tried rewatching Drinking Alone but gave up cos I don't like female lead, she overacts. The rest are ok esp the 3 guys

Three miles of peach blossoms- another Cdrama- more interesting, the male leads so handsome and female lead at least not stick thin and can act

Only watch variety
I live alone
Law of the jungle


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I went to bed without finishing ep 3 of SWDBS :( Good laughs were few and far between. If it's not for the cast, the drama will have flopped dismally. I found myself wondering if the writer had enough material because we are only at ep 3 and already the episode felt 'fillerish' My main grouse is the main character Dong Bong Soon. I really want to like her, love her and root for her but she's shallow. I don't mind if she a little dense, oblivious and self-centered but I just need something, anything to get me vested in the character.

I don't actually care about over the top, zany or slapstick humor. As long as it makes me laugh, I am game. But is it just me or is there anyone else who didn't find the hospital antics funny? Kim Won Hae, Kim Ki Moo and Lim Won Hee are always fantastic as funny side characters but as evidenced in ep 3, the writing couldn't bring out the comedic potential of these actors. I have another rant which I didn't voiced last week. Bong Soon's visit to Secretary Kong didn't go down well with me. The 'poop soup' had potential to be funny but I felt that Park Bo Young could have just been a little more sympathetic to the poor man instead of coming across as making fun of him. I don't know why, at times little things like this affect my enjoyment of the drama.

I hope ep 4 is better because I don't expect to drop this.


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as far as plot goes, there's not much advancing this week, but we're getting a lot of background stories so it's still ok for me. IA with you- i find myself skipping over the gangsters (both old and highschoolers) scenes- i don't find their OTT humor work for me. i do love the more subtle comedy tho such as in MH and BS' bickering sessions, there are a few scenes i really had a good laugh about, but none of them actually include the villains lol


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Yeah, I feel the drama needs to trim off a lot of fat. The gangster scenes are just unfunny and unnecessarily long. Jisoo looks very good but is a very stiff actor. And bong soo has not won me over, she seems quite hapless in actual danger situations. Also I can't take that aegyo tone she uses constantly, it totally kills the chemistry for me. The only chemistry I felt in ep3 was between jisoo's gf and the doctor.
I'm still watching cuz bongsoo's mom is hilarious and min hyuk looks interesting. But between the awful editing and lack of direction, im losing interest.


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I think the writer's credibility can be questioned. Her previous drama My Love Eun Dong was melodrama, although i loved it , but mostly because of main leads' acting, the story was dragged and unbalanced.

If this PD who directed Ms Temper & NJK works together with writer of Ms Temper , I have hope for the balanced and good writing.


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I'm kind of going with the flow with this one, but it is all over the place and definitely being helped by the caliber of actors they have.

With regard to Ji Soo, in Fantastic he played an earnest, by-the-book lawyer. It seems they took that character and made him a cop.


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ep4 of swdbs is so fricken hilarious. daebak wow.
can't wait for next week. i'm dying ;(


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Chief Kim - I'm glad I stayed, I was going to drop at episode 6 because I found the quirkiness in the drama strange. Now it's seriously the only drama I look forward to for the week, I love how the supporting characters have depth to them, and most importantly - purpose. It was what I wanted to see in Introverted Boss.

Introverted Boss - Dropped, as much as I like Hwan Ki's character everyone is 2D. I don't care for the past and am tired listening to recyclable music from OHY and Marriage not dating.

Voice - On Hold. Not because of the goriness but if I were to skip to the final episode I don't think I'll miss much. I loved the first 6 or so episodes what happened? I'm eagerly waiting for Tunnel to start, and hopefully it isn't such of disappointment.

Strong Woman DBS - As disjointed as this drama is it's got a few good moments here and there. I feel like it's squeezing three dramas into one, so I wonder how it will come together.


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After the 180 turn in genre from EP 1 to EP 2 of SWDBS, I found myself not itching to watch EP 3 right away. Like what others mentioned above, I just feel like it can wait. I actually started watching EP 3 on Saturday, but I stopped and still hadn't picked it up yet. I think at this point I will wait for it to finish and just marathon it if it ends well. In any case, I am happy for the cast and crew for breaking 8%! What an achievement!


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I gave up on all the dramas except Missing 9. The drama wasn't what I expected but to me the whole Missing 9 team is committed to this drama.
Tomorrow With You, I gave up on this since I just don't buy the romance. I don't believe him, and that he is sincere. I
only cared for Ma Rin, but it wasn't enough.


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Sigh.... "Tomorrow With You" should change its title to "The Series of Unfortunate Tomorrow"


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I'm watching a minimum right now.

Introverted Boss: I'm liking it a whole lot better now that they've pulled back on the more extreme elements. I loved the pretend fighting among the two women - it's clear that the old girlfriend knows he isn't interested, but she's still down for teasing him mercilessly.

I wish that there were more comedy elements (because Yeon Woo-Jin is hi-larious), but the family dysfunction is interesting.

Chief Kim: I am so sucked in that I can't stop watching the episodes before they're fully translated. They're funny, and ALL the women characters are competent & driven (even the cleaning woman, who is one of my fave background characters). I particularly love that the more serious plot is interwoven so deftly with the comedy that none of it seems out-of-place or clunky. Nice work, drama team!

Strong Woman Do Bong-Soon: I don't know. I started because it sounded funny, & I wanted to see the two male actors out of period costume. But 'quirky romantic comedy' has now taken a hard right turn into 'violent procedural drama', and unlike Chief Kim, they are not marrying the two anywhere near seamlessly.

I'm really looking forward to Tunnel, though. Sounds like a lot of fun. :)


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Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: Still crackling with quirkiness and I like the main leads a lot. There are always moments when I wanna rewind to rewatch or just totally LOL! I love BS and MH's personalities and whenever they bicker. GD being such a stickler for rules is also amusing. MH's basement is a dream bachelor's pad. The skin mask villain is still creepy and it's disconcerting that he's in such close proximity with BS all the time. I'm curious how he narrows down his targets and hope GD's team picks up some clues soon. I don't like how HJ is already showing interest in BK and lying to GD. Even though I know he's really busy to go on dates with her, if she doesn't like the current relationship, then at least break it off before moving on to BK. Love the high school BS-GD scenes. MH-GD imaginary scenes are hilarious! Will wait for recaps to comment more. I'm not really liking the choppy editing and I feel like some scenes are missing at times. But will keep watching since the cast is so endearing.

Miss In Kiss T-drama: Finally done with this season! I grew to like this cast and though the Ariel/Joe version is still the classic, I hope they will carry on with the storyline in season 2 with the same cast.


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currently watching:
chief kim
tomorrow with you
strong woman do bong-soon
father is strange


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