My Secret Terrius: Episodes 23-24

A slow episode takes our female protagonist back to basics, but maybe that’s exactly what she needed after the turbulent times she has been through lately. It’s a wonder what simple living, family time, and a surprise guest can do for your mood—but beware the return to your “normal” life because it can be a bumpy one.


Rocked by watching Bon’s van explode, knowing there was no way he could have escaped, Ji-yeon blames herself for agreeing to the plan knowing it was so dangerous. Ji-yeon isn’t comforted by Director Shim’s words, as she remembers Chief Kwon’s suspicious text, and swears to make her pay.

At the same time, the Joon-Joon twins are upset by the fish “Uncle’s” death. After they go to sleep, Ae-rin frets about Bon’s fate. The next day, the three bury Uncle and the Joon-Joon twins sweetly leave their mark on the grave—a sticker and a gummy bear.

Ji-yeon breaks the news of Bon’s death to a horrified Yong-tae. He doesn’t seem totally reassured by Ji-yeon’s insistence that Director Shim is trustworthy, or her vow to bring down Cornerstone in Bon’s honor, but Bon’s words that he must choose what kind of man to be play through his head.

Ae-rin thanks the neighborhood trio for all their hard work with a homemade meal, and tells them that Bon will be coming back soon, so they won’t need to help her so much any more. They all agree to go get their kids vaccinated with the Cors vaccine, and Sang-ryul laments not buying any stocks, since their shares are now skyrocketing.

Which The Voice gleefully crows over, as he watches his plan came to fruition. He takes a call, and is delighted to hear that Terrius has been taken care of.

At work, Ji-yeon gently tells Ae-rin that Bon has died. In shock, Ae-rin returns to Bon’s apartment, where happy memories of Bon with the Joon-Joon twins haunt her. To make matters even worse, Ji-yeon was thankful to Ae-rin for her work—but regretfully told her that Director Shim didn’t want a civilian on the team. Dignified, Ae-rin offered to quit.

But the tears fall that night, as an overwhelmed Ae-rin whispers to herself, “This is so hard. I pushed myself every day to get here. In the end, it turned out like this again.” Ae-rin thanks Bon for making her happy for a while.

Ae-rin puts a brave face on the next day, and jovially asks the Joon-Joon twins if they want to go live on Jeju Island with Grandma and Grandpa for a while. When the twins ask what that means for school and their friends, Ae-rin admits that she misses her mom very much, and a tear escapes down her face. Joon-hee wipes it away, but Ae-rin fibs that it’s just her eyes sweating.

Some time later

Ae-rin looks happier as she gets ready for the day at her parents house. Her mom and dad have been helping out with the Joon-Joon twins, and Ae-rin rushes outside to say goodbye before going to work. Mom fondly wonders how she’s the same as she was in middle school, and Dad cheerily herds the twins to kindergarten.

Ae-rin has gotten a job at a cafe, where business seems slow, and she is eager to think of ways to get more customers for her boss. The boss isn’t interested though because the cafe is just a hobby for her, and Ae-rin visibly deflates.

Director Shim is aghast to learn that Yong-tae has done a runner, and without him or his bags as evidence, he orders Ji-yeon to abort the King’s Bag operation. Ji-yeon objects, but Director Shim questions whether Yong-tae was ever even telling the truth since he used to be a famous con-man, and Ji-yeon has to admit that all the proof has disappeared with him.

On Jeju, a customer comes in to the coffee shop, who orders and then dashes out with the instruction that someone asked for the two coffees to be delivered to the bench outside. Peeved, Ae-rin nevertheless carries the coffees outside… and sees a person that looks a lot like Bon waiting for her.

Ae-rin stops dead, unable to believe what she’s seeing. Bon turns to face her, and her eyes well up to see him alive and well. Tears fall fast as he wraps her in his arms. A small smile on his face, Bon asks how she has been and notes that she moved further than he thought.

Inside, Ae-rin makes sure that Bon really hasn’t hurt himself before she asks what happened. In flashback, we see that all of the agents had exited the van apart from one, who threw a pair of handcuff keys at Bon and ordered him to find a way to survive. Bon made it out of the van in time, and although he could see Ji-yeon’s grief, he couldn’t do anything to console her and ran away.

Ae-rin warmly thanks Bon for being alive, and asks if he’s seen Ji-yeon yet. Bon answers not yet, and continues, “Actually, I came to see you before anyone else. I wanted to let you know I was alive first.”


Ae-rin and Bon happily drive along the coast of Jeju Island. Bon jokingly asks if she’s gotten any better at driving yet, and wonders when she’s going back to Seoul. Ae-rin still isn’t sure, because it has been a long time since she has seen her parents, and her parents love having the twins around.

Which is clear, as the twins have fun with bubbles while Ae-rin’s Mom and Dad bicker familiarly. Into the midst of this family scene walks Bon (looking handsome again in a suit) surprising Mom and Dad and delighting Joon-hee and Joon-soo.

The twins run over to hug Bon, and he smiles to hear that they have been well. When Ae-rin explains to Mom and Dad that Bon used to be their sitter in Seoul, the two almost can’t believe it (and I don’t blame them) but Dad recovers enough to tell Bon he reminds him of himself when he was younger, ha.

Over Bon’s protests, Mom plans a feast for dinner that night, and heads off to catch the octopus with Ae-rin. Ae-rin tells Mom that Bon actually has a different, very important job that isn’t childcare. Mom smiles knowingly when Ae-rin tells her that Bon is a very good man.

Dad teaches the Joon-Joon twins and Bon how to shell snails—which Bon throws himself into with typical perfectionism and effusive compliments for the children.

Back in Seoul, The Voice meets with the Health Minister and Chief Kwon for dinner to congratulate them on thwarting the bomb and reassuring the country against the health scare… and in the next room Director Shim is hidden by a curtain, listening to the exchange.

At a very different dinner, Ae-rin’s family gather round to enjoy the delicious feast laid out by Ae-rin and her family—which Bon enjoys a bit too much, as he wolfs it down. Dad laughs that he must have been starving, and encourages him to eat up.

After dinner, Mom tells Bon that she will make seaweed soup for him in the morning. Bon tries to politely decline staying the night, but the Joon-Joon twins jump in and plead with him to stay. Making Bon feel even worse, Dad agrees that their place is probably too shabby for Bon. Bon quickly agrees to stay over, and whispers to Ae-rin that he can just remain awake all night since he’s used to doing so during stakeouts.

Except that night, Bon’s raucous snoring keeps everyone but the Joon-Joon twins awake (and Joon-soo is adorably cuddled up against Bon). Dad admits that Bon might be so tired because he worked hard all day playing with the twins—and because an unending stream of their neighbors wanted him to help out with work.

Dad happily let Bon go off to help (in increasingly outlandish ahjumma clothes, ha) while he stayed behind snoozing. Dad is unrepentant even though Ae-rin and Mom are horrified that he put their guest to so much trouble, and Dad adds that Bon is really good at everything. Mom proudly says that he works for the government—but with no wage, and Dad exclaims he must be jobless since he doesn’t get paid.

A nervous Yong-tae waits for someone, but The Voice’s henchman who shows up isn’t who he was expecting. The man tells him that The Voice isn’t ready to meet Yong-tae yet, even after the information he passed on, until he has proved himself more. Yong-tae vows that he will really do things properly from now.

Bon and the twins get ready for their day at the beach, and Ae-rin grins at Bon when he says that he didn’t sleep much last night, knowing full well that he did. In another thoughtful move, Bon pulls out a pair of warm coats for Joon-hee and Joon-soo and zips them up.

While the twins frolic in the sand, Ae-rin tells Bon that her dad wasn’t from Jeju, but he fell in love with her mother at first sight and married her. Mom was happy, because she wanted to move to the mainland, but they had to move back around the time Ae-rin was born due to Dad’s failing health.

Ae-rin explains that’s why her mom was more excited than she was when she got into a Seoul university, because Ae-rin would get to live a different life. Reflective, Ae-rin admits that she’s not sad she returned to Jeju now, but would have liked to do so after succeeding.

Bon corrects her—that she has succeeded, because she came back with Joon-hee and Joon-soo. Grateful, Ae-rin confesses that she has been living a hard life until now, but she couldn’t show it because she needed to stay strong for the twins. She continues, “There was no time for me to be sad. I just gave it my everything.”

Bon nods in understanding and tells Ae-rin that he saw her struggling. He adds that he used to hide from people, which was tiring and lonely—but then Ae-rin shared her energy with him. Bon thanks her for making him feel better. Bon tells Ae-rin that he really will catch the bad guys this time, but while he’s doing that, she should stay on Jeju with her parents and focus on healing.

Back in Seoul, the neighborhood trio worry about how Ae-rin is doing, and finally Sang-ryul can’t keep his mouth shut any longer. He spills the “secret” that Bon was dating THREE women—his baby’s mother, Ji-yeon, and Ae-rin- all at once.

Eun-ha and Sun-mi are quick to point out that someone who looks like Bon would be able to date three women. Poor Sang-ryul goes fishing for a compliment but Sun-mi just tells him he looks like a preying mantis, ha.

Walking down the street, Do-woo feels eyes on his back and ducks into a shop to lose his tail… and comes out face-to-face with Bon. Ji-yeon is even more overjoyed to see Bon, and she wraps him in a teary hug after she confirms this isn’t a dream.

Ji-yeon cries that everything was a mess since he died and Yong-tae disappeared, while Do-woo watches her reaction with faint regret. Bon tells Ji-yeon that someone helped him, but he doesn’t know who—and promises that he’s going to find out who tried to kill him, and who wanted him alive.

At the news that her apartment has sold, Ae-rin heads back to Seoul to arrange its transfer. Meanwhile, Eun-ha finds the last, missing listening device in her house, the one that the assassin K gave to Joon-hee.

Unsuspecting, Eun-ha pulls it out of the fridge and puts it on the table, before she goes in to her son’s bedroom… and finds the USB from Yong-tae’s hourglass on the floor. She curiously plays the videos, and isn’t prepared for what she finds—footage of K killing a man. Horrified, Eun-ha recognizes him as the man in the photos who tried to take Joon-hee and Joon-soo.

Frightened, Eun-ha immediately rings Ae-rin and tells her what she has found. She asks why Joon-hee would even have something so horrible, but she’s too shaken to really question it. Even worse, Eun-ha continues—there are files on Ae-rin’s dead husband and her whole family on there.

Chilled to the bone, Ae-rin tells Eun-ha she is close by and asks Eun-ha to come over to her house to talk in person. Ae-rin calls off the sale of the house.

Unfortunately, they weren’t the only two people on the call, as the killer K was listening to everything Eun-ha just said. He snaps a picture of her personal details, including where she lives.

Bon makes his way back to his underground storage, and gets a fright when he finds his car missing—but breathes a huge sigh of relief when he discovers his weapons are all still inside the locked garage. Bon mutters, “Yong-tae, that jerk.”

As he is preparing a gun, Bon hears the sound of feet advancing inside the storage unit. He quietly moves into a defensive position and readies his gun to shoot at whoever it is—but as the person rounds the corner, Bon’s eyes widen in shock.

Her mind in tumult, Ae-rin wonders why her husband’s information was on the USB, and how Joon-hee got hold of it. Head spinning, Ae-rin realizes that the USB must have been inside the hourglass Joon-hee was playing with, from Yong-tae’s office—and the pieces all start to click together.

Ae-rin figures out that her husband must not have died because of a heart attack. Instead, he witnessed Chief Moon’s assassination—and was murdered because of it.

Eun-ha nervously hurries along to meet with Ae-rin, while the killer K stalks the streets to find her. Filled with purpose and blind to the danger, Ae-rin makes her way up to her apartment.


I’m so glad that Ae-rin finally knows that her husband was murdered. It’s the last major secret that Bon has been hiding, and the most important one. Bon might not want to tell Ae-rin because it would be too dangerous for her to know—but at this point, she’s so involved anyway that it doesn’t make much difference. And Ae-rin has already proven herself more than capable, so I wish Bon had been the one to trust her with the information. Especially because I’ve had the odd misgiving about this wedge between them as the pair have grown closer together. Ae-rin’s feelings for Bon have grown so slowly that it was only a small inkling, but now was the right time for her to find out.

I’ll admit that I was a bit disappointed by Bon’s “death” and reappearance. We all knew Bon hadn’t really died, but his escape from the van was super anticlimactic—he literally just ran out! I suspect that the helpful driver was actually the one that Chief Kwon texted, but it felt like a twist on a twist that we didn’t need, or at least wasn’t as smart as it wanted to be.

Even knowing all that though, I was still gushing when Bon showed up on the beach and gave Ae-rin a big hug. These two really make my heart melt, and their later conversation on the beach was the perfect example of why. Bon might be the most hilariously stoic hero, but he does open up to Ae-rin and recognizes the good she has done for him, which is so gratifying. And in turn, he’s been there as a sexy, steady rock for Ae-rin in her time of need. It’s clear that their relationship comes from a place of maturity and mutual understanding, not just a heady rush of lust (though I never thought I’d find a nose kiss sexy, so they have that too). Their little family feels very natural, but at the same time, Bon understands that Ae-rin needs to take time away for herself to work on the grief she has been suppressing. Now that’s what’s really attractive in a man—someone who sees what you need and wants to give it to you, even if that means hard work or separating.

On the other hand, one of the major criticisms I have of this show (and it starkly stands out in this episode) is how quickly it has dealt with Ae-rin and the twins’ loss. To address some of the comments first: I believe that the Joon-Joon twins do know their father has died, from a comment Joon-hee made about him going to heaven, but I don’t think they know how to process death yet. This isn’t as big an issue for me, but Ae-rin’s non-reaction is. We got the lovely moment between Bon and Ae-rin on the beach, but it just wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to actually see Ae-rin grieve for her husband, for the loss of her dreams, and even for the loss of Bon. Instead, she bounced back very quickly and time was spent on seeing her thwarted professionally again. As a running joke, I do enjoy that Ae-rin somehow finds the worst, unreal jobs—but not at the expense of actual character insight!

At this point, I’m choosing to believe that Ae-rin and her husband’s marriage was only for the sake of the twins, but the show hasn’t given me much to go on. And it doesn’t look like Ae-rin will have any more time to deal with her emotions, with the killer K on the hunt for her now that she knows the truth. On that note, I hope the show knows that it wouldn’t be the right move to kill off Eun-ha—so she had better survive the elite assassin! Thankfully, he doesn’t actually seem all that good at his job.

Honestly, this episode mostly felt like filler, even though a few important things did happen right at the end. Yes, it was fun filler, and we even got to see Mom and Dad on Jeju, but there wasn’t much heft to it. This may have been inevitable when all the action is back in Seoul, but I don’t think it had to be. All the characters we have come to love—the neighborhood trio, Yong-tae (he’s definitely faking being a bad guy again, right?), and even the King’s Bag team—were largely disconnected from the plot and didn’t bring any of the humor or whimsy this show needs. Instead, we were given a weighty dose of the spy side, which has always been Terrius’ weak point. The Voice has been introduced far too late for me to care about him, and they have strung out the mystery of the mole past its breaking point. Signs are pointing to Director Shim, but the show hasn’t put in the work to make it a shocking revelation. In fact, the only thing that would shock me right now is if Ji-yeon was the mole all along, and there hasn’t been enough (or any?) reason for that to make sense.


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Everything is so predictable in this show lol, except as you said if JY was the mole or the blonde guy (forgot his name). I also think that Kwon Shil texted those guys in the truck i think she’s trying to protect Terius by capturing him maybe she knows that the mole is the director.

I wish the show showed that AR and her husband wasn’t in a good terms or he wasn’t a good husband so that would explain how she isn’t grieving over his death and doesn’t even mention him anymore.

On a side note I got really distracted with The NorthFace PPL at the beach i kept staring at their jackets, I might liked those jackets a lot lol.


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Speaking of the jackets, isn't it clear that Bon didn't just buy them for the twins, he bought one for himself and one for Ae-rin too? They all had the same logo. I think that's one of the strengths of this show: instead of lots of dialogue about their relationship, they show it more subtly through gestures like this. He bought them jackets and they're wearing them like a family.


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The PPL in this show is so out of control that it's gone past terrible to hilarious. Half the fun is waiting to see what they're going to try to sell me in the next scene. I've seen shows with gratuitous PPL before but this is on a whole new level.


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I thought they eluded to the fact that things might not be all that smooth between AR and her husband in the beginning when he was laying on the couch and she was yelling at him for not helping her more. Or maybe I'm getting Teirus mixed up with, Go Back Couple and Familiar Wife.


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that NorthFace PPL killed it for me. I HATED it.SO.MUCH.
yes, I will go check out their jackets now (Winters in Canada are NO JOKE! ha ha ha) but that completely took me out of the scene.

I mean, Bon didn't have time to eat while he was hiding and making his way to Ae Rin -- and thus, stuffed his face in front of everyone at dinner -- but had time to go shopping for not just 1 but 4 winter jackets!?!? What did he do, FEDEX it?? Go to a mall and buy it, at the risk of his identity being unveiled (AGAIN!!!)???



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Bon's escape was poorly written. There were about four cars with the van, how did no one see four men jumping out of the van?! Sloppy writing. Though this episode was worth it for the visual of So Ji-sub in ahjumma clothes. Hee. The family moments were on point and Bon just fit right in. Him snoring with Joon-soo nestled right next to him - classic father-son scene.
I really hope Yong-tae's turn back to the dark side is just a ploy and not real. I think the person coming into Bon's storage unit at the end is Yong-tae. I hope he chose to be good and not evil.
The show should have shown Ae-rin grieving more, but at the same time I can understand that she really didn't have the luxury of breaking down, whether it was with her husband's death or Bon's. She's got two kids and she had to bounce back for the sake of the twins. If she curled up in a ball, her children would have nothing.
Jung In-sun is really good at making us feel more than we would normally. For instance, we didn't really know her husband but I felt the loss when she was crying over him. And we all knew Bon wouldn't die but when she was on the couch, I could feel her loss and her feeling of "where do I go from here?" This show is by no means perfect but I enjoy it a lot just the same.


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I know, I was overly disappointed. Like... seriously? THAT'S IT? That's all you got? Did a 5-year-old kid write the script for that? How is it that no one even noticed people climbing out of that van? If I was Ji Yeon, I'd be smart enough to realize that with the absence of a body, there's no way he's dead. Sloppy. Very sloppy.


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The mechanics of the escape were sloppy and didn't coordinate at all with the view from Ji-yeon's side. But the questions are important: Was Dir. Kwon the one who alerted them? Where did the car come from that stopped right in front of him? And who was in it, allowing him to get away? If Dir. Kwon wanted him back, she would only have to track down Ae-rin again. Not a big deal.

Yes, I am sure Yong-tae has chosen to risk his life to avenge Bon and take down the Voice. I won't be surprised if he dies in the effort -- the ultimate redemption. But I won't be surprised if he lives either.


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The best part for me on this episode was the conversation at the beach. Somehow, it has enlightened me as to (maybe) why Aerin didnt grieve much on her husband's death is because, "i have no time to be sad." I think it was just the same with Bon when she found out that he died during operation. I'll just say that she does her best to move on as quickly as possible.

And now that Aerin's dead husband is being brought up again because of the minister's murder case, are we going to expect flashbacks? Is there something that is still waiting to be revealed that will satisfy our questions? I hope so.

Btw, i like how the Bon-Aerin "love story" is being told and developed. Slowly and surely. I agree that it does come from a place of maturity. Understanding and caring for each other without any expectations. I like how they appreciate and understand each other's strengths and struggles.

Anyhow, i am still looking forward on how all things will turn out... Honestly, those product placements can sometimes be distracting haha 😁


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Lovely episode as usual, yeah ... there are big plot holes and silly shenanigans, but then this drama has never pretended to be smart or deep, so no complaints from me here.

I really like this short interlude to Jeju island, I kinda expected the next piece action to continue at Jeju, especially when the cafe owner proclaims the business is just a hobby ( I love this running joke). But it does make more sense to make it back to Seoul pronto, because that is where the awesome KIS (and that darn forgotten USB) is.


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Thanks for your recap, @helcat! That's a great screencap of Sang-ryul's "mantis hands" posture. LOL!

I enjoyed the Jeju interlude, brief as it was. Bon's stunning ahjumma wardrobe changes are enough to make Se-hee eat his heart out in BECAUSE THIS LIFE IS OUR FIRST. I just realized that Bon's secret agent scuba gear is back in his weapons locker. Good thing, or he would have had some 'plaining to do about the spear gun and underwater demolition tools. LOL!

R.I.P., Uncle. Off to sleep with the fishes. :-(

I'm creeped out by the realization that Killer K has been eavesdropping on the side dishes in Eun-ha's refrigerator all this time without even having to hack its smart home electronics. Can remote-controlled curdling of milk be far behind? O the humanity.

KIS has obviously not been watching BAD PAPA, or they wouldn't have rushed out and gotten their kiddies pumped full of vaccine whose PPL was launched by a pair of ruthless assassins. Yikes.

While I'm concerned that Show ran out of plot a while back, I'm still happy to watch its cute moments. I have a feeling that Yong-tae has hidden the Handbags of Doom in ridiculously plain sight.


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'Can remote-controlled curdling of milk be far behind? O the humanity.' & 'Handbags of Doom' Loool!
Your comments always leave me in stitches, @pakalanapikake


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Thank you, @dramafan12 RevSparklyAndroid (are you a fan of Bender?!). I'm pleased to have contributed to your minimum daily intake of Kdrama humor. ;-)


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Not even, @pakalanapikake. Is my moniker a reference to something intriguing? It originated from a 'pick your drama watcher name' generator on some website or t'other.


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Bender Bending Rodríguez (designated in-universe as Bending Unit 22, unit number 1,729, serial number 2716057) is the cigar-smoking, morally-challenged robot in the cartoon FUTURAMA. There is actually a robot reverend in the series, too.

He's a lot of fun in a morally-bankrupt kind of way. ;-)


Yup, me too was icked out by the vaccine part.
I mean, even if there was no PPL done by assassins(LOL at that, ms.PP!😂), I was shocked at how the parents were so nonchalant about loading JUST INTRODUCED bio-chemical stuff into kids' bodies.
In my country, parents become SUPER anxious and uneasy and stuff during the school vaccination season!


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Must keep up with the Joneses Kims and Wangs. Heaven forfend that KIS would not be the first on their block to avail their offspring of the very latest in medical technology. I personally make it a point to let others serve as paying guinea pigs before jumping on the latest bandwagon. I'm not into being a beta tester. I've lived long enough to have witnessed numerous revered breakthoughs turn out to have nasty long-term side effects.

Maybe I should cut KIS a break and consider it satire. ;-)


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"Must keep up with the Kims and Wangs" lol. I may store that phrase for later use.😝
Can I ask why did you use "Wangs"? I mean, Kim &Wangs sure sounds good but Wang isn't a common surname I guess? Are you relating to something sageuk-y? (Because with you, sageuk-y is always possible😜)

BTW, I personally make it a point to let others serve as paying guinea pigs before jumping on the latest bandwagon. I'm not into being a beta tester.
Haha, I guess nearly everybody here think the same. Except you were brave with stating that aloud!


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I simply had to use Wang even if it's not a common surname because of the social status (top of the heap), the name of the apartment complex, Operation King's Bag -- and my sageuk-y tendencies. You really have my number. ;-) Look at how many meta-references I was able to cram in by using that surname. (Omo, I think I'm having a Yong-tae moment... I'm going to dislocate my shoulder if I keep patting myself on the back for that scintillating word play.)

I've been a skeptic most of my life, and now that I'm a "woman of a certain age," I can be pretty opinionated. Tough noogies. ;-)

Plus, all hell has been breaking loose in the clinical trial in BAD PAPA. Kdrama characters are always being shown watching Kdramas on TV, but no one's paying attention to the mayhem in BAD PAPA. What are these people thinking?! LOL.



Ooo, witty.
(I admit I wanted to childishly retort something like; "Then what about Hwangs? Or "Lees and Wangs would've been better". But THEN I realized I'm just gonna sound super lame and silly compared to you,lol. It was like Elephant vs Elephant ! Well anyway now I went and exposed myself anyway.😝😂☺)
When I too become a "woman of certain age" I want to become an effortless English speaker and non-cringeworthy witty person like you are.

P.s.- Well in Kdramaland, present-day viewers always seem to watch older dramas I guess? They don't seem to watch their sister-dramas, as if that's an unspoken rule?


@peony November 5, 2018 at 5:38 AM

To-MAY-to, to-MAH-to...

Um, just as a friendly heads-up, you're seeing me on a good day. I am not presently engaging in punning at the moment. Your opinion of my non-cringeworthiness will go out the window as soon as I loose a broadside of groaners. Sadly, accumulating a certain number of free annual trips around Sol does not automagically prevent one's jokes from going over like lead balloons. English is my mother tongue, so I have an unfair advantage over non-native speakers. ;-)

PS: Within the past few days I saw someone watching a scene from TERIUS on TV. I think it was in THE BEAUTY INSIDE. Show has also aired clips of Seo Hyun-jin's "currently airing sageuk." In another drama, there was also a scene from another show, which I did not recognize.

In SHOULD WE KISS FIRST, the OTP went to a cinema for a 20-25th anniversary screening of the Japanese film LOVE LETTER, which was referenced later in the show. ;-)


I guess my fangirling might make you awkward right? Hehe. So I'll stop right here. You might be right about your punning abilities, but from since the MIRROR OF THE WITCH period I remember being awed with your nonchalant use of heavy words and phrasing. OK period. ;-)

Thanks for enlightening me on drama-watching within dramas!



Holy cow! I have a fangirl?! Color me stunned. In a good way. I've replied on my fan wall. See you over there. ;-)



Thanks @Helcat.
I've read what the other Beanie commenters have said have bothered them about this episode, and add one more thing (sort of included but not quite explicitly stated in the other comments) ie, leaving Yong Tae in that hideout without any supervision!!! With all the equipment and info unguarded! NIS certainly has the most naive trust in the wrong people.

Of course we want Yong Tae to be not the 'wrong people' by now. Who else is thinking that he'd like to help smoke out the baddie boss and deliver him on a plate to NIS? Or do we still have the feeling that he's going to look out for Number 1 when push turns to shove?

That bug in the sticker - This got to me too ... in the normal run of things, I'd have let the kid take the sticker when he wanted it. Why on earth would I, the mum, want to leave it on my dining table? It had of course to be right there next to Eun Has as she spoke about the video and USB thumbdrive to Ae Rin.

The other thing that struck me as so ridiculous was Killer K walking openly in the carpark with a gun, past all those cars with cameras.

However the number of scenes to like outweigh the face-palm scenes. Mostly Bon scenes. Bon with each and every character who has regard for him. The 'family' scene on the beach. The array of ahjumma fashion on Jeju Island and the snoring Bon.

I'm still looking forward to know who surprised Bon in his hideout and what Yong Tae is up to. Will Killer K really try to shoot Eun Ha and will Ae Rin get there in time to stop him... or willl she inform Ji Yeon in time so that JY can execute another great flying kick? 😜


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IIRC Eun Ha's son grabbed the usb, not the sticker. Because he wanted to give it back to Joon Hee.


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@thatstp Yes, you're correct! I just re-watched it. I know why I thought it was the sticker that Eun Ha's son wanted ... the camera focused on the sticker and then on the boy who said "That's Joon Hee's"... he grabbed the USB but my mind was still on the sticker.


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I'm going to re-watch this episode myself because as I was reading the recap I noticed I missed more than a few things. HA! I was preoccupied with this game I just downloaded.


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My bet is on YT taking baton from Bon as a single man againt organized evil and using Boncave for his secret missions to smoke out bad guys, it's his road to redemption ;)


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That's what I thought too. I think he'll turn himself in at the end if he isn't killed off.


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Add me in the column of Ae Rin's grief being realistic. Everyone grieves differently and when you have kids, you have to soldier on. For some that helps with acceptance. For example, my brother passed away and my mom didn't want to celebrate Mother's Day for a couple of years. During that time I was so busy with helping with the funeral, visiting relatives, raising my kids and trying to help my mom move on I hadn't realized that I hadn't cried or anything myself. It wasn't until 5 years later I found a picture of my brother and I as kids that I finally broke down.

The spy parts are over the top but that's ok to me. This is more fantasy spy than realistic spy genre. lol.

My real question is, how is So Ji Sub getting more handsome as he ages? That man is fine!!!!


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There.. You got it in a more specific term... Fantasy spy it is... So i dont expect NIS to be like some Mission Impossible thingy... Overall, i'm still enjoying the show.

SJS turns (40?) today and hell yeah! He is more hotter today than the first time i saw him in Memories of Bali. :-D


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The funniest thing to me is that K isn't necessarily bad at his assassination job. He's just no match for KIS. 😂😂


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"My real question is, how is So Ji Sub getting more handsome as he ages? That man is fine!!!!"

Pssst, @thatstp. The verb you're looking for is "matures." -- And I agree. ;-)


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@pakalanapikake, so true. My mistake!😉


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I agree, grief is very different for everyone. It's just interesting that NO ONE mentions her dead husband any more, even though it seems to have been only a few months. Not even her own parents!!! Not even when she breaks down on her couch! The only reason we remember the poor sod is because of the video.


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How adorable was seeing manly Bon in that flower patterned outfit! :) And the reunion with AR and the twins.
AR's parents obviously like Bon. The Jeju scenes were adorbs!

Now for the spy stuffs, that escape was unreal and shouldve been better executed.


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I always crack up when I see hunktastic dudes wearing frilly aprons and looking like their own Moms. ROFLMAO. ;-)


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K better not bring himself orr his faulty trigger finger anywhere near KIS's queen 🐝


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How i wish this show was just a rom com/family drama. I so sooo love the bond between Bon and Ae-rin. It is hard to find such a mature relationship between the leads in normal romcom setup. These two have stolen my heart.

In my mind i keep on repeating the moment when he hugged her. What a beautiful comforting hug it was.( Plus point was their height difference ) I swooned when he said he came to find her first before anyone else. He loves her so much and he has missed her so dearly.


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That was another moment when this writer really shone. She didn't have him making declarations of love, she just had him say something that showed very clearly that he loved her.


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Yes writer-nim should totally write a full on rom-com/slice of life.She clearly has an eye for character and comedy.
When Bon pointed to the Joon-Joon twins as Ae-Rin's success -swoon😍🙌that's the kinda heroes the world needs.
I really love it when this writer-nim does low-key social commentaries without hanging huge flash lights over such scenes


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that hug was a little dry... but So Ji Sub...
*I'll wait in line right behind Ae-Rin*


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Fine Joon-hee, you're my favorite, alright !!!!



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YAY 🎊🎉 my suspicious is correct!! The Director is the Mole!


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I really don't think there is a mole in NIS per-se. This group are a bunch of idiots and don't seem very good at their jobs. We already know that The Voice is employed at the freaking Blue House and has dinners with Minister's and members of agencies. The Minister's could be a problem ( assassination and an attempt on another one who refused to go along), but it does not surprise me how easy it is to get info from NIS. They're horrible and kinda clueless.


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If he wasnt the Mole~ but i have suspected him (as one of the baddies) from the beginning because he wass too nice and supportive towards Ji yeon.. thank god JYT made a quick escape


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Ooo, witty.
(I admit I wanted to childishly retort something like; "Then what about Hwangs? Or "Lees and Wangs would've been better". But THEN I realized I'm just gonna sound super lame and silly compared to you,lol. It was like Elephant vs Elephant ! Well anyway now I went and exposed myself anyway.😝😂☺)
When I too become a "woman of certain age" I want to become an effortless English speaker and non-cringeworthy witty person like you are.

P.s.- Well in Kdramaland, present-day viewers always seem to watch older dramas I guess? They don't seem to watch their sister-dramas, as if that's an unspoken rule?


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I'm truly only here for the fluff between Bon, Joon-Joon and Ae-Rin, as well as the KIS shenanigans.

The rest is utter crap. The NIS spy stuff is so poorly written and lame, it feels like a completely different show. So many plot holes and inconsistencies, you might as well have NOT bother with a plot all together:
Bon just randomly runs out of the van but we all know it was because the "evil NIS lady" texted someone *eye roll*
Bon reappears alive in Jeju Island in broad daylight and no NIS agent was around to monitor Ae-Rin. As a matter of fact, ever since the 2 agents got chased from the apartment complex grounds, there has been zero surveillance, and YET, Bon is a wanted man. *double eye roll*
Keeping "The Voice" in the dark and now revealing him, like we care. And worst, I suspect that there's gonna be a very lame plot twist involving Yoo Ji-Yeon's Director *triple eye roll*
Are we STILL on that stickers-are-audio-spie-tools deal?!?! *MAJOR EYE ROLL*

Tempted to drop it but... So Ji Sub & kids...


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