Crash Landing on You: Episode 9

The stakes are getting higher the longer our heroine stays in North Korea, not the least of which are the emotional stakes. No matter how many times her protectors try to help her get home, it never gets any easier to say goodbye.


Se-ri is walking back to Jung-hyuk’s house carrying the watch she traded with the pawn broker when she’s kidnapped at gunpoint by several unidentified men. They force her to call Jung-hyuk and tell him she’s leaving the country with Seung-joon, but Jung-hyuk can sense that something is wrong and begs her to say where she is. Se-ri manages to sob, “Ri Jung-hyuk, I love you,” then all he hears is a gunshot and silence.

Thankfully, Se-ri is fine — the gun went off when she pushed one of her captor’s arms as he wrestled the phone from her, and the bullet went through the truck’s canvas top. But Jung-hyuk doesn’t know that, and he fights back tears as he tries to call Seung-joon with shaking hands.

It’s dark when he makes it home, and there’s a crowd around his house. Chul-kang is there with soldiers from the State Security Department, searching the house for Se-ri. When Jung-hyuk sees that they’ve damaged his tomato plant, he confronts Chul-kang, who sneers that Se-ri doesn’t belong to Division 11.

He says that he plans to use her to destroy Jung-hyuk and his entire family, and gets graphic about the ways he intends to torture Se-ri when he finds her. Jung-hyuk punches him, which gets Jung-hyuk beaten and arrested and taken to the State Security Department.

As Se-ri is being taken away, she tries to think of happy things. Everything that comes to mind involves Jung-hyuk — the way he makes her ramyun by hand, how he now knows the difference between regular and scented candles, and how he always says he’s fine even when he’s standing on a land mine. Eventually Se-ri is tossed into what looks like an attic and left alone.

The next day, the ducklings visit Jung-hyuk at the State Security Department, and they blame Chi-soo for telling Dan’s mother everything he knows about Se-ri. Determined to learn who was behind Se-ri’s kidnapping, Jung-hyuk requests that Dan visit him.

Dan is bitter that the first time Jung-hyuk has ever asked to see her, it’s because of another woman. Jung-hyuk asks her if she approached his father to get involved, but Dan refuses to answer his questions, snaps that Se-ri is dead, and tells him to stay locked up until their wedding day. Jung-hyuk tells Dan to let his father know that if Se-ri is harmed, he’ll lose the only son he has left.

Man-bok’s son, Woo-pil, finds the watch that Se-ri dropped when she was kidnapped, and he takes it to his dad. Man-bok recognizes it as MH’s watch, so he shoves it in his pocket and warns Woo-pil not to tell anyone about it.

Jung-hyuk gives the ducklings a mission to spread the rumor that hid father is the director of the GPB. He’s sure that his father won’t get him freed, but he hopes that someone else will hear whose son he is.

They “gossip” about it in the men’s room where several soldiers overhear, though when they’re alone, Chi-soo admits that he thinks it’s a big fat lie. It’s not long before the gossip reaches the village wives, and Young-ae takes the news home to the senior colonel, threatening him to fix it or else.

Eventually Se-ri is taken downstairs to meet with her captor. Unaware that he’s Jung-hyuk’s father, she assumes he’s Dan’s father, so she humblebrags about how she runs a big company in South Korea so she doesn’t want to cause any trouble, and says she had no ulterior motives for getting Jung-hyuk’s help.

Director Ri asks if she’s saying this is all Jung-hyuk’s fault. Se-ri vehemently protests that Jung-hyuk did nothing wrong, and even tells Director Ri how she threatened Jung-hyuk to help her. She confesses that she somehow started having feelings for Jung-hyuk, but that he doesn’t return her feelings, as Jung-hyuk’s mother listens from just outside the room.

Se-ri switches to flattery and says that Jung-hyuk hasn’t been able to get her home because he’s just a captain, and she appeals to Director Ri’s obvious power for help. He doesn’t fall for it and has her dragged back to the attic. But Mom’s heart was moved, so she personally brings Se-ri her next meal.

Even though she still doesn’t know who’s holding her captive, Se-ri asks Mom if she knows how Jung-hyuk is. Mom is touched again by Se-ri’s caring for her son, so she takes her downstairs to a real bedroom. The bookcase seems familiar to Se-ri, and she suddenly remembers that she saw Dan’s mother at the hospital and this woman isn’t her… and deduces that she’s in Jung-hyuk’s room, in his parents’ house.

Meanwhile, Director Ri reads an article about Se-ri and discovers that she was telling the truth about being a wealthy businesswoman. His assistant warns that sending her back to South Korea will cause a huge disturbance, so he offers to “take care of her” right away, but Director Ri sighs that she should at least have one good night’s sleep.

Se-ri can’t sleep, so she finds an old photo album and looks at younger pictures of Jung-hyuk. In his childhood diary, he’d written I want to be a world-famous pianist. Se-ri goes to the old piano in the room and wonders how Jung-hyuk ended up a soldier instead, as she plays the song she heard once, far away in Switzerland.

The senior colonel goes to see the director of the State Security Department, hoping to get Jung-hyuk released (and get on his father’s good side). The director makes it clear that it’s completely impossible to release a man who assaulted a senior officer — until he learns who Jung-hyuk is, and suddenly what Jung-hyuk did wasn’t technically assault and it’s not fair to keep him locked up, ha.

Once Jung-hyuk is out, the senior colonel sidles up to him all friendly (lol, Jung-hyuk’s face). He tells him to take a week off, and to come to his house for a meal. Jung-hyuk instead asks for a favor, and soon he’s driving a military vehicle to Pyongyang to see his father.

Over ramyun, Se-ri compliments Jung-hyuk’s mother’s cooking and says that Jung-hyuk must have gotten his kind heart from her. Mom recalls how cold Jung-hyuk is around Dan, and she tells Se-ri that it’s been a long time since Jung-hyuk showed anyone that side of himself.

Jung-hyuk demands to see Se-ri, then nearly cries as he asks his father if she’s dead. His father asks if he’s even worried about his future, and Jung-hyuk says that he’s worried he’ll look back on this day and regret that he couldn’t save her.

Se-ri is hiding with his mother and asks her not to tell him she’s there. But Mom tells her husband that she won’t let their son live in such a hell, and she pulls Se-ri into the room. Both Se-ri’s and Jung-hyuk’s eyes fill up with tears as they confirm that they’re both okay, and even Director Ri gapes in disbelief at the obvious love between them.

Once everyone calms down, they all sit to talk. Jung-hyuk pouts like a child when his father snaps at him for hiding Se-ri and risking them all, hee. He says this is all his fault, but Director Ri tells him that Se-ri claims it’s all her fault, so Jung-hyuk confesses that the entire reason he didn’t report her was because he didn’t want her to get hurt.

Seung-joon meets up with Dan in a bar, where she’s already been drinking quite a bit. Against his will, she tells him how she met Jung-hyuk — it was back in school, and Jung-hyuk had been very popular. Dan had fallen for him immediately, and although Jung-hyuk never really talked to her, Dan believed they had a connection.

So, when she was older, she asked for him as her arranged husband. She’d gone to Switzerland where he was studying, and ouch, he hadn’t even recognized her when he first saw her. When she’d told him who she was, Jung-hyuk had introduced himself as if they were strangers.

Dan complains to Seung-joon that she knew Jung-hyuk long before he met Se-ri, but Seung-joon says bluntly that it doesn’t matter. Dan steals his shot, drops to banmal, and curses at him (which is pretty adorable), and Seung-joon grumbles that he has no idea why Jung-hyuk wouldn’t be attracted to her, hee.

He fusses at Dan for making his heart flutter, and she admits that he’s not so bad, himself. Just as he’s preening under the compliment, Dan tsks that it’s a waste, and that this is all his fault for getting dumped by Se-ri. LOL. Seung-joon ends up piggybacking Dan home, and her mother has to pay the elevator attendant to say she didn’t see an engaged woman being carried home by another man.

Jung-hyuk goes to his old room to see Se-ri, and she asks him about his dream to be a famous pianist, but he just says it’s in the past. Se-ri gets up to play the song she heard in Switzerland, hoping he may have heard it before, and when Jung-hyuk recognizes his own song he goes white as a sheet.

He sits down, and perfectly describes the day he played it on the dock. He tells Se-ri that he wrote the song for his brother, and that it was the first and last time he ever played it. As he plays, Se-ri is transported back to that dock in Switzerland.

Stunned, she tells Jung-hyuk that she wanted to die back then, but that his song saved her life. Jung-hyuk looks moved, but all he says is that tomorrow, she’s going home.

Chul-kang goes to see the Military Director of the Central Committee again, the man who would most benefit if Director Ri were no longer in power. He shows the military director some photos of the vehicle that took Se-ri to Director Ri’s house, correctly guessing that she must be there now.

They go to Director Ri’s house, bringing along a squad of soldiers. Director Ri seems unbothered, and the military director is effusively apologetic as Chul-kang insists on searching the house.

Back near the DMZ, an emergency personnel switch is announced, due to a soldier defecting. Chi-soo is upset that their squadron is being put back on the DMZ early, and he takes this as proof that Jung-hyuk isn’t really Director Ri’s son. But Kwang-bum reveals that actually, Jung-hyuk’s request of the senior colonel was for them to be put back on the front lines, so that he can get Se-ri to the border.

Nothing is found at Director Ri’s house, as Se-ri has already been taken back to the village by Jung-hyuk. Chul-kang angrily accuses Director Ri of harboring both Jung-hyuk and Se-ri, but Director Ri smoothly says that his son is at the frontline. Chul-kang doubles down and yelps that Jung-hyuk is helping Se-ri get to the south, so the military director smacks him and has him dragged out.

Jung-hyuk and the ducklings lead Se-ri to a small cabin where they usually bunk down when they’re on frontline duty. Se-ri is surprised to learn that there used to be a village there, and Chi-soo tells her that there are still photographs inside the house of the family’s son, who he believes fought in the war.

They sit together, sad to think that they’ll never see each other again after tonight. Eun-dong gets weepy, thinking about his family, who he won’t see until his discharge in almost ten years. Chi-soo tells Se-ri to go home and never return or he’ll bury her, but his words no longer carry any heat, and Se-ri knows what he’s really saying — that he’ll miss her.

Back in Seoul, Se-ri’s stepmother and her sisters-in-law go to her apartment. Stepmom lets them in, remembering that Se-ri once told her that her passcode is her birthday: “The day I almost died.” She sits quietly, seeming to grieve as she recalls the last time she was here, at Christmas a year ago.

She had tried unsuccessfully to convince Se-ri not to list her company, accusing her of doing it to make herself look better than her brothers to their father and inherit everything. She’d blamed Se-ri’s supposed greed for their bad relationship, but Se-ri had said that she worked hard for her company and would do what’s best for it.

Stepmom has to stop her daughters-in-law as Hye-ji tries to steal Se-ri’s designer purses, and Sang-ah takes pictures of Se-ri’s business papers. She notices all of Se-ri’s awards, and photos of Se-ri with famous people. Among them is a picture of herself, that she never knew was snapped by Se-ri last Christmas.

After dark, Jung-hyuk walks Se-ri to the border, keeping close to a line of stones that delineate a land-mine-free path. She tells him breezily that she’ll be fine, and that she’ll soon be back to her old life of working, earning money, and dating men. He gets grumpy at the idea of her dating and remembers that she once said they should have a post-breakup condolence period. He’s so cute.

She recalls that he had told her to go back to her old life right away, and he pouts that he didn’t mean she should immediately start dating. Charmed, Se-ri agrees not to date for six months. She says it really was fate that they met in Switzerland, then again in North Korea.

Jung-hyuk takes back what he said and tells her to date like nothing ever happened. But he forbids her to be lonely, or to consider disappearing again: “I won’t be by your side, but I will always hope that you won’t be lonely. Be happy until the end of your life. I would be grateful if you do that.”

Back at their camp, the ducklings realize that it’s not very far to the border, so Jung-hyuk should be back by now. Chi-soo realizes that Jung-hyuk just wanted to spend more time with Se-ri, as he’s known to have a great sense of direction at night.

Meanwhile, Jung-hyuk deliberately walks in circles, claiming to Se-ri (with an adorable smirk) that he’s got a terrible sense of direction at night. But eventually they make it to the border, and Jung-hyuk says that Se-ri will have to go the rest of the way alone, because he’s not allowed to take one more step.

He tells her that he’ll never forget the woman who fell from the skies, and Se-ri says, in her endearingly haughty way, “I didn’t fall… I descended.” Slowly, Se-ri makes her way to the wire denoting the border between their countries… then she steps over it.

She’s crying but she doesn’t look back, so she’s surprised when a hand grabs her and whirls her around. It’s Jung-hyuk, who says, “A single step should be okay,” just before he kisses her.


While Se-ri was staying in Jung-hyuk’s old room, she had rearranged some of his books. After she was done, Jung-hyuk had seen that the first syllables of the books’ titles spelled out, “I love you, Ri Jung-hyuk.”


These two are going to kill me with their repeated, distraught goodbyes! In any other show this would be a running joke by now, but in Jung-hyuk and Se-ri’s situation, it makes sense that they keep trying to get her home but keep being thwarted by circumstances. But because they continue trying, each goodbye feels like it really, truly might be the last one, and each time they’re more emotional and more upset by the thought that they won’t ever see each other again. It’s heartbreaking! Now they’ve pretty much confessed their mutual feelings for each other, it’s so painful to think of them loving each other and never even being able to communicate.

Speaking of which, I’m hopeful of a happy ending but I’m not holding my breath. I fully expect Crash Landing on You to end with a painful separation. It would be lovely to see another outcome… my dream ending would be for Jung-hyuk to find a way to live in South Korea with Se-ri. He could continue to play piano and nurture his gentle, artistic soul, and Se-ri could take over her father’s business and get her two horrible brothers out of there. They just so clearly belong together, and while I would understand if that doesn’t happen, I can’t help but want it badly.

My feelings for Dan are so complicated, I go back and forth between sympathizing with her and being angry at her for how she behaves. This episode just made things more confusing, now that we see that Dan has had feelings for Jung-hyuk for many years, and has actually been waiting very patiently for him to marry her. It makes more sense now why she feels some “ownership” of him, having known him longer than Se-ri has and having been engaged for so long, and it’s no wonder she’s bitter that he fell for another woman after knowing her for such a short time. Anyone in her position would be having all sorts of negative feelings, so I’m glad that she has Seung-joon to tell her when her expectations, understandable though they are, just aren’t realistic.

And then there’s Se-ri, who gets people to love her without even trying. I adore how effortlessly Se-ri manages to win people over just by being herself, as flawed and fake-humble and yet genuine as she is. She’s truly a person who means nobody any harm, not even people she doesn’t like such as Chi-soo (at the beginning, anyway — now they luffs each other and I’m all about it). Even Jung-hyuk’s mother, who has every reason to resent a strange foreign woman shaking up her son’s stable life, and his father who had planned to have her killed, ended up fond of Se-ri because of her unabashed admiration of Jung-hyuk. If we can just get some of these people (along with Man-bok — come on, sir, I know you are strong enough!) to start actively helping them, maybe there’s hope that they can someday be together?


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Thank you for the recap! I actually feel optimistic for the outcome for our OTP = at the very end, he steps over the line that he said he would never cross, and follows her into South Korea. I am wondering if that isn't foreshadowing our ending.


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i’ll watch you, okay? just give me time till i finish my exams. but i’ll watch you.


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Are you me? 😂 I actually watched all the episodes aired last year but had to take a break to focus on schoolwork. Will get back to it after my exams next month. Till then, fighting!!!


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He tells her that he’ll never forget the woman who fell from the skies

So would you rather live in N.K. and have a beautiful rich woman fall on you, or be in Florida and get clonked on the head by a Falling Frozen Iguana?



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In Australia we have drop bears.



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Not competing but you wouldn’t want to be here during the ‘swooping’ season. Those damn magpies will kill you!


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swooping season

I love it! I live next to a botanical garden and we're especially watchful for feisty Red-winged Blackbirds during swooping season.


Oh dear I laughed out loud at that one @lordcobol - I was just reading about that this morning and didn't realize the iguanas were so large! We only have little tiny salamanders here and so I was imagining the wee lizards falling from the trees. Not gigantic 6 ft long reptiles!
Still a rich heiress would be better.


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Now that is funny! Strange things are happening all over the world. The thing that disturbs me the most is this article in The Korea Times.


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Chi-soo tells her that there are still photographs inside the house of the family’s son, who he believes fought in the war.

The rules say there Must Be A Connection Here, even if I don't know what it is. Her grandfather? His? Or just a misdirect?


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I've been thinking there's a connection somewhere for sure.
Back in ep. 3 when JH tried to get her back to SK for the first time and they formally introduced themselves, Se-ri said she's from the Haeju Yoon clan, whose origin is in NK... and JH from the Jeonju Ri clan, from SK.


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Yes!! I was waiting for a birth secret reveal. Am sure there is one :)


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I was waiting for that too. I just assumed it was her father.


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Don't think so. It is pretty common any South-North Korean drama/movie mention these kinds of things, although possibility is still there.


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That’s a sharp observation! Considering how kdrama works, there’s a high possibility! (Just resuming my watching.)


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I thought Jung Hyuk’s mother’s reaction to Seri quite refreshing. We hardly see this in kdrama’s where a potential mother in law treats her potential daughter in law with respect even more so when she is the enemy. I thought it was quite sweet that she had her sons happiness at heart.

As much as I love Hyun Bin his constant pout is becoming a bit meh for me. You are cute anyway HB you don’t have to do that!!! Just smile and show us those dimples!


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A man who pouts is a man who is brave enough to embrace the inner child in him. *NODS WISELY*


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I love Hyun Bin's pouts, too! They are just as cute as his dimples.


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He ain’t Kim Young Kwang *snickers wickedly*


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It was Director Ri that had me howling - I loved the constant reaction shots to him as the two lover reunited. Just a steady “wait... this can’t be happening. You’re not - you’re not... Oh GOD they’re in LOVE what the hell am I going to do with this?!?”

His horrified stare as his eyes darted between the two really made the scene for me.


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This was my favourite part, too. Given that Seri's a good-looking gal, I wonder if any part of Director Ri was like: "Good for you, my son, you got game!"


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Yes! This. So real.


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I'm glad we didn't get a kimchi-slap from Jung-hyuk's mother. I cheered when she wouldn't let Seri hide from Jung-hyuk. I'm so over MILs who act like their own child is the only precious child out there especially when it involves someone who clearly loves their child.


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I thought his little pout was adorable at the father scene. But it was the fingers twiddling that made me laugh out loud. He’s the maknae of the family and it does show.


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Se-Ri finally knows that Jung-hyuk wrote the song! I like the scene in his room :)

Dan is a smart woman, she should have knows that Jung-hyuk was not interested by her after 7 years... She was just lying to herself.


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And thanks to SeungJoon she's seeing it now, and she's realizing that someone else may be as attractive...


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Isn't that how one sided love is. Only you dream of the person, think about every little interaction as fate, feel a connection at the slightest touch or attention. I actually have more respect for her knowing she kept so much in when what she wants is so close to happening. Another person in her shoes would have killed Se-Ri right away. Just shows how good-natured Dan is.


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Is it the normal reaction when someones is not loving you to accept it instead to kill the other woman ?

I mean I understand she is hurt but she could have seen coming, she chose to not.


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Everyone has his/her way of reacting to such luck. There are extreme cases where some think the other woman is at fault
and will try to do everything to get her out of the picture.
Here, Dan's greediness wouldn't allow her to see that she is actually the third wheel. But she might be coming to terms with that thanks to a blunt conman.


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Its like the guy from 500 Days of Summer, they both projected their feelings onto someone and at the end it served them both wrong. In Dan's case, she only liked the cool-ness/attractiveness that Hyun's character brought to her school. And she had a crush because of that, I think she tried fooling herself into thinking that there was something more, and then it arranged date came and she decided to see if there was more to it.


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Crashlanding every episode I think it's the best but it continuously proves me wrong by being better than the last. What I really enjoyed was the Director Ri's flustered expression at the love birds. You can clearly see "You guy are acting like children. For the love of god!" :)


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that scene when finally know that he is the one who played piano.... *chef kiss* so freaking beautiful.
i knowww this drama is your typical korean drama but a well made, well thought korean drama. even every epilogue give more depth to the character make viewers root for each character.
if this ended beautifully, i will love this drama even more.


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Yeah, I feel like this drama is tossing out all the tropes, but the way they're utilized feels refreshing. It's the same stuff, but done differently which is why I've been enjoying it so much.


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I wonder if part of that freshness is in how self-referential it is. Like, all the tropes are winks for us the viewers.


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So this episode has confirmed I was wrong in two ways: Jung-Hyuk didn't remember SeRi form Switzerland (he didn't mention at all after all the piano thing) and Dan had not been in love with his older brother (as she confirmed she had been in love with Jung-Hyuk since a teeneager). Goodbye, theories.

As for the episode, and I will live aside all the OTP wonderful interaction, I will stick with these moments:

- ManBok finding the strength to confess JunHyuk what he knew about his brother's dead. He was really brave.
- Dan and Seung Joon interaction in the bar. It was light, funny and very true. Those two are about to realize how they care about each other and the attraction they feel is real. I love them as much as JH and SR.
- I need to know more about SeRi's mum and her real concern about her daughter. She hides it with some sort of contempt but I'm pretty sure she is the only one on her family that really cares for SeRi, the person. Not that his dad cares, he only cares for the company. I wish these two woman could have a healing talk, because I can tell how deeply they care for each other (mum could find out the key to open the door, and SeRi not only took her the photo, but after the hard talk they had, she printed and placed it on an important place in the house).

As for the ending. I expect to cry buckets. Not seeing a happy ever after here. Not for everyone, at least (oh, my poor ducklings and my hens).


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I laugh very hard when Jung-hyuk's father and mother gaped in disbelief, seeing both of them looking so lovely like no one else exist in this world XD
And duckling sitting there looking the sunset and talking about Seri is just adorable, just like duckling lost their mother XD


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Meeting 어머니 (mother) and 아버지 (father)
Seriously, the best scenes for the whole episode were in Jung-Hyuk’s family home. His mother is SUCH a sweetie. While she may appear to be overshadowed by her more powerful husband, I love her gentle strength and tenacity. She rarely oversteps to contradict her husband, but when she does, I feel like she is HEARD. She is a wonderful example of “soft power”.

I LOVED the quiet scene between her and Se Ri. Away from politics and male patriarchy, they speak like a woman who has just met her future daughter-in-law. They share about Jung-Hyuk in glowing terms, indicating already their silent bond in loving the same man, as son or as lover, respectively. I also find it a sweet scene because RJH’s mother obviously can sense the existent rift in the family in which her son is emotionally closed off. Se-Ri is in need of a loving mother. They just seem to fit as allies to mend the brokenness in RJH’s family.

HAHAHA! I also love how RJH and Se Ri react to each other after the big reveal at his home. For them it was as if there was no one else in the room. I loved the look of shock and disbelief on RJH’s father’s face. And then when he sat them down, RJH turned into a pouty teenager and Se Ri demurred. What sort of witchcraft is this?! The competent elite NK captain and the chaebol heiress with the fashion world at her feet - reduced to contrite little children being scolded by Dad. HAHAHA. Priceless. When they left and Jung-Hyuk took Se-Ri’s hand…I about died from swooning. Such a cute but determined gesture, and once again, he seemed more like a teenage boy stubbornly asserting to have his way. Cutie.

Se-Ri is at her most adorable when she puts her foot in her mouth
Man, where to begin? When meeting Ri Jeong Hyuk’s father, it was just one spewing mess after another. First saying that she’s great at perceiving family resemblance, only to mistake RJH’s father to be Set Dan’s father. Bragging about her SK business. She's a hoot.


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I think it was this episode where Jung Hyuk's father's subordinate asks if he should take care of Seri quietly and the father says that his wife insists Seri sleeps another night. Which I thought was a nice detail as to the relationship of Jung Hyuk's parents.


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@lunartokiya: So true! Jung-Hyuk's parents are actually quite sweet.

His father is probably more "practical" because he understands the political risks all too well with housing Se-Ri. But, obviously Mu Hyuk and Jung Hyuk got their sense of integrity from someone. I think that someone is their father. He seems quite above reproach.

But yes, I love how he listens to his wife, even when what she says contradicts what is politically expedient. I think that also ties in nicely to how Jung-Hyuk always listen to Se-Ri, even when she is being ridiculous. Yes, we all needs scented candles for bath time and sleep. *rolls eyes* 😘


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Yes, someone had to be a good role model for Mu Hyuk for him to have turned out so upright and basically a saint in NK.


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So true.
Remember when Chul-Kang was detained and almost interrogated by a higher up, but he got away cuz the higher up got some money from him?

He said that there's only a few NK's higher-ups who haven't taken or got involved in his illegal activities. I guessed Director Ri is one of those few people, hence, Chul Kang seems to be obsessed to ruin the family.


That flashback to the scene where Jung Hyuk's family is having dinner with Dan's family, was when Mama realized that Jung Hyuk did love Dan.


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Should be, Didn't love Dan.


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YAY! @lollypip is back!! Thanks for the recap! ❤️❤️

Oh no, Mr. Tomato Plant!
It was so sad to see the tomato plant knocked over with the SSD search. I could feel Jung-Hyuk's sense of violation and outrage.

Ducklings to the rescue!
Awwwwww!! JH’s Ducklings spreading the rumor to help JH get out of jail was so CUTE!! 😍

Adjumma fangirls
HAHAHAHAHA! I love how they re-interpret their observations of his physical attributes in light to the new information about his powerful family connections. The writer has done a fabulous job with many of the minor group of characters: the ducklings and the hens.

When you want something done, send the wife
I’m kind of a fan of Senior Commander’s wife, Young-ae, now. It’s cute to see the fruition of the Ducklings’ gossip from episode 3 where they say in order to get to the Senior Commander, you have to go through the wife. She is the gatekeeper. I love how we see both the professional and personal sides of the North Koreans. The Senior Commander certainly has his weight to throw around, but it’s cute how helpless he is in front of his wife.

About Dan
SEE?! I knew she was genuinely in love with Jung-Hyuk! Unrequited love is always so painful, especially since she coveted him for so long from a distance. But, as Seung-Joon said, that really doesn't matter. Jung-Hyuk loves someone else. What can you do?

Tragic ending
I agree with Lollypip that I'm expecting a not-so happily-ever-after. I mean, I would love for Jung-Hyuk and Se-Ri to either end up in South Korea or Switzerland...but I guess this really depends on how unrealistic the drama wants to be, and if it can pull it off. At the moment, I think a an acceptably realistic ending would have them separated in the end. But, I too hope I'm wrong and that Show will somehow pull off an acceptably fantastical romantic ending. ❤️


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All sooooooooo true!


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Surely if Kang Chul can step off the pages into the real world - Jung Hyuk and Se Ri can be together?! There must be a way!!!
Like Jung Hyuk sent to be sleeper agent by being Se Ri"s husband - you know, something outrageous like that will be fine!!


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@madkdr: I want them to have a happy ending too! 😭😭😭

I just don't think it's possible to pull it off and have the SK fans accept it. In a sense, the drama is hampered by real life limitations, which seem to suggest that reunification is not really possibly any time soon. And whether or not intentionally so, Jung-Hyuk and Se-Ri represents each country in this drama. If their relationship is meant "to be", it would be hard to separate k-drama wistfulness from genuine political statements, ya know?

I don't know. I hope they will end up together, but I'd still be satisfied with a tragic ending if done well.


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Sigh . . . I'd hate for you to be right. Let's continue to hope!!


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Since this is a fantasy, of course there can be a happy ending. For example, JH leaves the military to become a political envoy posted in Switzerland. Seri sells her company to "retire" to Switzerland.
I just do not want the final ending of Seri, in a hospital bed after a paragliding accident, waking up from a dream.


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I am not sure if Dan is in love with him or with the idea of him she created in her head. She had a crush on him but she does not really know him, so how can you really be in love with the person?

I hope we will get a happy ending. Since he is rich he could get out. I am more worried about the army boys since they do not have many options.


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Especially when she was away for so many years.


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@tesshan: Your point is actually quite a good one. She could very much be in love with the idea of him rather than the real man. They never really interacted, she only observed him from afar in school. How much of his inner world could she have known??

I think others (from the previous recaps) felt that Dan didn't really love Jung-Hyuk, and gave other reasons for her fixation on him as fiancé. My comment was mainly addressing their position.

I think she genuinely believes she's in love with him.

We could question her as a reliable narrator, but the thing about Dan is that she's terribly honest and straight-forward with herself and others. She knew (in episode 4) that there was love lacking between her and Jung-Hyuk (although I think what she was intimating is that he didn't love her). She's also not given to flights of fancy. She's quite down-to-earth, and in touch with her own desires, and perceptive of others.

Also, Jung-Hyuk is highly accomplished and well-connected. He was considered handsome, even as a boy. He was popular amongst all the girls. He seems warm and kind before his brother died. Even afterwards, Jung-Hyuk is an impressive man, even when he was only going through the motions. His integrity is self-evident as well. I don't think it's a stretch to say that Dan fell in love with him for who she could see him to be. I mean, who wouldn't fall for such a man?

I think your point is still a very valid one, and in particular, she could never know his heart because they had never interacted until Switzerland. He didn't seem terribly open to her then, and certainly not after his brother died. But, I think that shows how Dan could never win Jung-Hyuk's heart...because he never let her in, or even gave her a chance. It's a pity because I think she wanted very much to open her heart to him and for that to be reciprocated. But, what can you do? He ended up falling for Se-Ri!


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Yeah, it's kind of 50/50 - do I want this drama to go all makjang and come up with ridiculous scenario to keep them together, or be realistic.


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I was so touched during Seri and Junghyuk reunion at his house, but burst out laughing at Dad's reaction lol.

Then how Pouty Junghyuk still manages to sulk about whose side Seri's on when she scolds him for yelling at him dad... Then holds Seri's hand as a defiant attempt after being scolded HAHAHA.

It was also unexpected for me that Seri could win over and bond with his mom so easily and quickly...aww..

And the ducklings!!! Their separation with Seri is so saddening...

I think this episode is my most favourite by far...and I still hold on my wish for a fantastical ending.

I don't care about 100% realistic ending. I need FLUFF. Lol.


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Nooo, I want a happy ending, whatever it takes or I will cry!


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Things really picked up this episode and the story is moving forward which i was glad happy to see. i was wondering how long that North Korean storyline was going to last before the writer runs out of ideas to keep Seri trapped there. I was worried that the angst was gonna hit full force this episode but glad for Seri to keep things light despite being kidnapped lol. lastly that ending scene was just the icing on the cake with this show's theme, that love can extend beyond borders just fantastic!


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I watched that kiss on Youtube. It was very nice.


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@yyishere: Me too. Hit repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


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The books’ titles spelling out “I love you, Ri Jung-hyuk” was so amazing and heartbreaking at the same time!
I really love this drama. I adore the 2nd leads and the army boys are just hilarious. For me it is rare that I like all the cast but this drama just checks all my boxes.
It gives me a lot of DODS vibes.


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I am really loving all the characters too. Usually, I get bored and skip through some minor character scenes but the writer and actors have done a good job in giving everyone a story even if it's not part of the main one.


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The excellent supporting characters are one of the show's strengths, for sure.


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all aboard the Seo Dan-Gu Seung-joon ship!!!


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*Toot toot* Let's set sail!


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I love their friendship and particularly like how frank they are with each other. Seung Joon might just be the best friend Dan's ever had. He sees her: her beauty, her strength and the folly of her one-sided love (especially in Ep. 10).


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I just hopes it’s love, I find them soooooo cute together!


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I can’t believe we have such comic moments after the emotions of the previous episode.

hyuk’s father expressions were priceless - when Hyuk and seri had that embarrassing lovey doey conversation
“Why did you get hurt again”
“Who Hit you like that again”
“It’s all my fault I’m trouble”
“No you are not...”
“If I haven’t been here”
“No, it’s not”
*cut to papa expression of disbelief that his son is so lovelorn (or love gone)

The scene is hilarious!
Put it in another drama I’ll throw my popcorn at the terribleness and cheese of it but here, it’s just GOLD. I love their honesty in the conversation, she’s truely upset, And his short answers and gentleness is just how he is, Hyuk stays true to his character. And it doesn’t matter one snort that dad and mum is in the room, completely Befuddled by what is happening.

put them all in one space And it’s so hilarious I laughed so hard but yet don’t doubt that this would have happened. 10/10 for making this scene work. Basically the plot is moving fast in an unpredictable manner is a drama full of kdrama tropes. Just making this work makes this drama special. From the ratings I Guess the magic is working.


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I love that Jung Hyuk's mother made Seri guksu (I don't think it's ramyun?). It's pretty fitting since Jung Hyuk made that for her when she first came to NK and now it's his mother who's giving her the same dish now. Love the little connecting moments like these in this drama. Like the tomato plant on the ground when Jung Hyuk returns to his home is such a small, but important detail. The fact that even when his house is being ransacked and he's about to be arrested, Jung Hyuk takes the few seconds to put the plant upright and then face Chul Kang.

The scene when Seri and Jung Hyuk see each other while his parents are looking on is just gold at the disbelief and shock on Jung Hyuk's father's face lol.


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"Is he even my son??!!" Hahahaha


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I think Seri won over both mom and dad in that 1 day! It just makes me laugh. And the fact she thought (very confidently so also) that dad was Dan’s dad at first was absolutely hilarious


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And when she said Junghyuk has no power...which make his dad CHOKES Hahahahahha.


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When she was comparing the dad to Dan because of they way they glare, I died lmao


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I like the parallel when the ahjumma hens were talking about his broad shoulders and how it showed he can stand strong against the seniors.
And then we see him become ‘small’ and slouch his shoulders when he is with his dad who is the only one that can really reprimand him 😅😝😂


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There were some super adorable scenes in this episode, but I gotta say, Jeong-Hyuk's father in disbelief at his son's and Se-Ri's obvious heart-eyed PDA takes the cake LOL. It was such a shift from his stern soldier image that it really humanized him as a loving dad, and somehow made it more convincing that he really IS Jeong-Hyuk's father, and that he truly cares for him.

The one character that I'm still scratching my head over is Se-Ri's step-mom. From the beginning, it wasn't an obvious trope relationship—which I'm enjoying! The fact that Se-Ri seems to, at times, crave her attention and treat her like a mother, and at other times mourn that StepMama doesn't care for her is so intriguing. And StepMama's facial expressions - I can't figure out if she's battling within herself between happiness that Se-Ri is "gone" or deeply embedded worry and/or guilt over her. Now that Se-Ri will be in SK, I look forward to seeing what role StepMama is going to play!


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Thank you for the recap @lollypip.

It was nice to see Chul-kang get knocked down a bit. He needs to be put in a deep, dark hole somewhere. General Ri seems like the kind of guy that would be by-the-book(given the dress-down he gave Jung-hyuk) so I was pleasantly surprised when he helped Jung-hyuk and Seri get away. Granted he may have just been trying to protect his family from the fallout of Jung-hyuk's actions but it was nice to see anyway.

Dan's reaction makes sense. She has been engaged to Jung-Hyuk for a while now and so him going to great lengths to protect this woman makes no sense to her. While I don't think she loves Jung-Hyuk, she has enough feelings for him to want to hold on to him when someone seems to be "taking him away from her". I'm not the type of person who would hold on to someone who clearly doesn't want me but this is Dramaland where ownership and love get confused when second leads are involved.

Seri and Jung-Hyuk's goodbyes do feel realistic in that, because of where they are, Seri really could get killed if discovered and so if a way to get her out of NK results in her death or discovery then it has to be scrapped.

I keep going back and forth between accepting that I might not get a "..they lived happily ever after, raising their little ducklings somewhere safe" ending and writing about 500 alternate endings that I'm hoping the writer will choose from so I'm not left a complete mess when the drama ends. The way I love our lead couple, I'm not looking for realistic at this point. I just want them together.


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I did like this episode, but I like #10 even better.


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Ahhhh!! SQUEE!! This is one of the very few dramas that I'm watching before the whole series end. So much feels, in so many ways! I think there will be a happy ending since the past works by the same writer always reunite her main couples. I adore Son Ye Jin, and in this role most of all! Her chemistry with Hyun-Bin is off the chart. There's something powerful about the love shown between two mature, talented actors! Whether apart or together, they show each other love in beautiful ways.

It's so wonderful that Jung Hyuk has that loving family dynamic that Seri lacks. She'll fit in so well with his family! And finally Jung Hyuk knows that his music makes a difference in someone's life, especially someone that he loves. It could be the healing he needs to play the piano again. Can't wait for more episodes! Wish you ladies could watch live with me and squeal together!


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"I’m hopeful of a happy ending but I’m not holding my breath. I fully expect Crash Landing on You to end with a painful separation. "

While I want an ending where our leading couple ends up in SK (Because who would realistically want to live in NK?), I feel like this drama is setting up the "happy ending" to be Se-ri living in North Korea with Jung-hyuk. Se-ri's relationships with the people in NK are much stronger than the relationships she has with her family and work subordinates in SK, and there have been several little scenes that show the simpler aspects to life in NK have made her happier, despite the blackouts and running hot water. Not to mention, the reality of Jung-hyuk defecting to SK has much more severe consequences for the people he leaves behind, whereas I'm sure in Dramaland there could be a "safe" way for Se-ri to become a NK citizen. I'm at odds with this potential ending, though, because it feeds into the current controversy that this drama is glorifying NK.

Sooooo...I think they other, more realistic "happy ending" is that Jung-hyuk goes back to playing the piano for NK, and we see him and Se-ri meeting up periodically in Switzerland when he's allowed to leave NK. It won't be a nice, clear happily-ever-after outcome, but it will be ambiguously optimistic, albeit somewhat bittersweet.

Then again, maybe they will go full suspension of disbelief and have a reunification of the countries, as Se-ri kept promising the ducklings.

I'll be happy with any of the above three. I just hope we don't have them separated forever or until they are, like, 70-years-old, when reunification happens.


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Seri live in NK with Jung-hyuk happily ever after? Probably not, especially after a SK right wing (in South Korean sense, they are hostile to North Korea, and those people are way more than you think) political party reports to police that this drama is threatening SK safety by having a way too handsome and kind NK officer.
And no, I'm not kidding. It is even in the news!


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Oh! I agree! That's what I meant when I said I was at odds with this "happy ending" given the current controversy/issues with this drama glorifying and romanticizing NK, but I guess I did a poor job of explaining that I'm conflicted with this drama because, despite real world tensions being high between the two countries, within the drama it is far too lighthearted with most of the North Koreans--even Jung-hyuk's high ranking military father-- being far too receptive and protective of Se-ri.

This makes it very easy to imagine an ending where she ends up in NK with all the lovable NK characters, especially when I think of the drama as an isolated work of fiction where anything can happen. Generally speaking, when a drama has a sad/bittersweet ending there is a lot of foreshadowing pointing to it within the drama, but, in this case, if you take away the real-world context and tensions between North and South Korea, this feels more a like an overcoming-all-the-odds-to-achieve-a-happy-ending drama.

Maybe the remaining six episodes will make it clearer within the context of the drama that they aren't going to end up together in the same country, but so far my suspension of disbelief is overpowering my real-world knowledge of North and South Korea tensions.


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Boring! I don’t like this drama. I don’t see any chemistry between them. It looks like 2 friends who are acting.


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Nice! I still have a bad feeling Chaul Kang will be waiting for her again in the next episode.
Sang Ah seeing her picture in Se ri custody, was she moved with a soft heart?


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Thanks for the recap!

JH's dad takes home the award for best reaction, hahah.

I very much enjoyed ep 9, probably most out of the other episodes so far--the reveal that JH and SR had crossed paths before was well timed and I'm so glad they didn't drag it out any longer. A fitting resolution to that part of the backstory, imo. It was particularly satisfying to see SeRi play that melody on the piano and finally, finally have someone recognize the song.

Seo Dan is actually growing on me by the episode, though I totally understand the character whiplash. I think she's incredibly endearing when she's vulnerable/isn't acting like a cold ice queen lol. I'm quite interested to see how her relationship with SJ will unfold; as much as I'm not into neat endings where everyone pairs off cleanly...and a nice, big bow on top, I can't help but be invested in their friendship/potential romance(?)

And Seung Joon, wow I absolutely adore SJ--Kim Jung Hyun is quite the comedic actor (also, welcome to waikiki anyone?) His expressions and line delivery is frikin' spot-on.

I'm optimistic for a happy ending...that being said, I won't hold my breath. Regardless, I think there's an opportunity to end this drama satisfyingly without the leads necessarily ending up with each other...


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Can I just say how much I like the interior of the two Ri houses in this drama? They might look old-fashioned or even a bit shabby at first, nevertheless both Jung Hyuk’s house and his parents’ residence give off such a warm and cozy vibe. I like how the morning sun is shining into Jung Hyuk’s kitchen when he’s preparing breakfast and both his bedrooms seem so dreamy with all the books and the old piano at his parents’ house. I found it so relatable when Se Ri got up in the middle of the night to look through his stuff and play his piano. It seems like the interior of the houses reflects the kind and caring character of their residents. In a country like North Korea both homes are each like an oasis of humanity.


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Beautifully written! I concur. I love the colour palettes that contrast the NK and SK worlds. The set design is simply gorgeous.


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Bear with me, but I refuse to think that this is the end of the Swiss storyline. I just can’t stop wondering:
What happened in Switzerland?
I definitely think there was more going on than we’ve already seen and Jung Hyuk wants to admit in front of Se Ri. In this episode it’s already the second time he quickly switches topics when Se Ri talks about Switzerland and might come up with more questions. I still think he recognized her right away when she landed in NK, but he doesn’t want her to know to avoid creating an even deeper bond between them when they have to separate again anyway. Did he already fall for her when they first met in Switzerland? Is she his first love (since back then)? What’s with the scene in an earlier epilogue, in which they’re both fascinated by people paragliding in the mountains? It seems like they went hiking together?
There are also all these props in Jung Hyuk’s home which tell that he’s remembering his time in Switzerland at lot since Se Ri came into his life. Like, he digs out his old coffee set and has a look at the camera through which he first saw her. Both items seem to mean a lot to him as he handles them with care. Plus, he exchanges the books on the little nightstand/shelf right next to his bed. When he’s pouting in bed, we see that he’s currently reading crime novels in German (yes, German me is delighted!) edited by Swiss publishing company Diogenes Verlag (their books are easily recognizable by German book lovers, because of their typical design) which he most likely brought back from Switzerland.
So, foolish me is still hoping Jung Hyuk will open up and talk to her about this in future episodes and we’ll still learn more about their encounter in Switzerland. I’m having this wild idea (wishful thinking) he might use the Swiss background to finally confess to her. I know he’s not a man of big words, but we already have three confessions from Se Ri’s side, so come on, Jung Hyuk, it’s your turn now!
I also strongly believe in a happy ending in Switzerland. The last scene of the opening, when their respective worlds merge in (what looks like) Switzerland might be a major spoiler here. It shouldn’t be too difficult to set him up as a diplomat working in Switzerland. This way they could be together legally, no defecting or reunion of the two Koreas necessary.


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Thank for your these wonderful notes. I sure hope that there is more to switzerland than just added fanciness to the drama. There should be in depth story in there somewhere.


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Thank you for your insight about the German crime novels! I love how that man has to live with books.

I'm also curious about how much Jang Hyuk might remember Se Ri. We know she found his face vaguely familiar when she found the ephemera from his music school. "I've seen this face from somewhere." (Ep. 2, 1:09:42) But, until the Ep. 9 reveal, did he make the connection between Se Ri and the woman he briefly encountered in Switzerland?

One of the quirkiest aspects of kdrama is how people have absolutely shite peripheral vision. (How else can we overhear other people's monologues?) Maybe he noticed her as they watched the paragliders but I'm certain she was still fully much focused on her pain, despite the brief respite of scenery.

The Ep. 4 epilogue was astonishing. Refused medical euthanasia, Se Ri tried to end her life at the suspension bridge. I have been itching to know if JH managed to take a photo of Se Ri before Seo Dan stepped in front of the camera. Are the pictures still in the camera he stored with his coffee carafe?

And did they talk after Se Ri photographed Dan and JH? It's not like they were on a busy street.

Like you, I hope for a happy ending. I'm a sucker for Fated Laaaaaahhhhve and this story exploits that trope especially well.


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In one episode, Dan had the photo Seri took of Dan and JH in Switzerland, so the roll of film must have been developed. I wonder whether the photo of Seri exists as well.


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I'm thankful that the writer hasn't wasted these moments so something may still come of this interaction.😜


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Also, YAY to passionate kissing in the middle of the DMZ!
Kdrama never fails to amaze me!


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true, I was like is there going to be bullets whizzing past; but Jung Hyuk says the South korea search team will only arrive in morning!! ha ha ha ha ha you expect the world most fired border much more monitored but NOT in KDrama ;) :D ha ha aha ha


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Well more jaw dropping surprises in Episode 10 !!!!!!!!! :) :D


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It's amazing how a close-up slow-mo shot of ordinary boots crossing over the fence can mean so much in this dramaverse. The director knows how to hurt us. But I don't mind cause it hurts so good! These two, seriously. I just need them to be together.

Anyway, I just want to point out some moments in this episode that I found to be a breath of fresh air--like how mom wasn't the typical rich bitchy mother-in-law and dad wasn't the scary military patriarch that he seemed to be. I had a good laugh at dad's expression during the reunion of our lovebirds. It's these little twists that help the story focus more on the important plot points. Can't wait for the next episode recap! ^^


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Loving this show. Disliking the pre emptions though. But it is the holiday season to enjoy.

Hope the cast and crew are warmly bundled up now that they are filming in Seoul.


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I was dreading the gore of her going over the border but it was simple and bloodless!!! *phew* Like the way storyline is progressing.


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Seri and Junghyuk didn't even had to hold hands, hug or kiss after reuniting, they just had to talk as if they are the only ones in the room and be apologetic to each other - him for being late and her for causing trouble --to show undeniable love for each other😍😍 much to the surprise and horror of Junghyuk's dad😮🥰😂😂


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"Even his dad gapes in disbelief" 😂
I haven't watched this episode, but the way the sentenced was phrased legit cracked me up. I can only imagine 😂


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There extremely crazy surprises in Episode 10 and for once I am happy its Kdrama.... drama become so much more fun :) I'm loving it


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@lollypip I agree about Se Ri and that's what I love about her. This episode felt a little slow but I really liked it. I liked the scenes with Se Ri and Jung Hyuk's parents. And the one with Se Ri and the Ducklings was just so sweet. While I am mostly optimistic about the ending I am still worried for Man Bok and the Ducklings. Dan, I don't hate her but there is not much so far to make me really like her either. But I liked the Bar scene. On Se Ri's mother, I know she cares about Se Ri. Some of things I believed were confirmed this episode. Anyway I can't wait to get to the SK part.


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I watched episode 10- can't wait to comment!!!! great show, great acting!


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Oh dear oh dear😍 Our captain pouty surely didn't hold back - so much emotion! - just look at him yelling at his Dad and then got pouty afterwards🤣😂

Dad's reaction is so hilarious, he has the "what fresh hell is this?? This can't be happening, this can't happening! Oh my god my son is in love with the girl from the south!!" look😆😆😆😂😂.


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The highlight was the father's cringe reaction in front of the pair of them. 😂😂 I think that is one of my favourite scenes in this drama.


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Love this drama. I'vr already watched it completely but can't seem to figure out the exact timeline. I believe that their meeting in Switzerland happened about 7 yrs ago as its mentioned that his brother died seven yrs ago. But how long was she in North Korea? I think it was about a month? Is that correct.


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This program is destroying me


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I'm late to this drama but I'm enjoying it so far and that's saying something when we've reached the halfway point!

Oh Dan lol....I like her but I was over the pity party after this episode. I thought there was a legitimate reason for her holding on our male lead. This woman seriously created an entire relationship in her own head based off a single high school interaction? Once she met him in Switzerland the fantasy should've ended - that's not how love (or life) works haha. I'm glad the con man serves a dose of reality she needs to move on from her childish pettiness. Better to have love and lost child...


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