Oh My Baby: Episode 8

Our heroine’s plan to have a baby outside of a relationship hits a snag when she realizes that her feelings for one of the potential donors are no longer just clinical. As usual, she’s open about how she feels, unaware that a wayward notebook landed in her crush’s hands, making him more confused than ever. Reaffirming his resolve to keep his distance from our plucky heroine, the reality is that no matter how hard he tries, there’s no way to escape her.

EPISODE 8: “Maybe a misunderstanding, maybe a mix-up, maybe love?”

Upon witnessing the kiss between Eu-tteum and Ha-ri, Yi-sang thinks better of returning her notebook and walks away. He doesn’t get to see Ha-ri’s angry reaction or Eu-tteum’s hasty escape in a conveniently timed taxi.

At home, Ha-ri is still fuming as she brushes her teeth, “How dare he kiss me without my permission. I haven’t been kissed for 10 years!” A flashback to the night that Ha-ri met Yi-sang reminds her that she drunkenly pulled him in for a kiss. Yi-sang’s explanation about that first meeting, “I felt very unpleasant afterward,” suddenly makes sense and Ha-ri drops her toothbrush in shock.

In his apartment, Yi-sang asks his statue, “Only a jerk would read it, right,” but he opens Ha-ri’s notebook anyway. Yi-sang doesn’t like what he sees, a huge ‘X’ through his name compared to a small triangle by Jae-young’s and two green stars for Eu-tteum.

That night, Ha-ri sits in bed with her head buried in her arms. In the morning when Ha-ri looks up, dried toothpaste still on her lip, it’s obvious that she didn’t sleep at all.

As she leaves for work, Ha-ri runs into Jae-young and Do-ah who are on their way to daycare. While they walk together, Jae-young invites Ha-ri to Do-ah’s first birthday celebration and she absentmindedly agrees. Seeing that she’s distracted, Jae-young reminds Ha-ri that she shouldn’t worry about finding a man when the perfect one is standing right next to her. Calling Jae-young a sinner, Ha-ri walks away.

All morning, Yi-sang notices triangles wherever he goes — there’s a coat hanger, street signs and triangle kimbap in a convenience store — all reminding him of Ha-ri’s notebook.

At work, a hungover Yeon-ho suggests soup for lunch but Ha-ri is too numb to think about food. Ignoring her boss’ strange mood, Yeon-ho rounds up Hyo-joo and So-yoon and when Ha-ri’s stomach rumbles, she joins them after all.

During lunch, Yeon-ho asks Ha-ri if she’ll be the next editor-in-chief but she doesn’t hear her and mumbles, “Will he sue me for this?” Everyone at the table listens to a news report about a woman who was arrested for sexually harassing a male employee and when Soo-chul and Yi-sang walk in, a panicked Ha-ri runs out.

When Eu-tteum sees Ha-ri outside Dachae Media, he apologizes for his behavior the night before. Ha-ri asks, “Why did you do it?” and Eu-tteum explains that he overheard her talking about him with Yeon-ho. After Ha-ri informs him that they were discussing sperm donation, Eu-tteum is even more apologetic but she’s no longer angry with him, “I don’t have the right to judge you. I’m no different, which is why I should just die.”

Yi-sang and Jae-young meet Eu-tteum at the local restaurant and are surprised when he announces, “I made a confession in the wrong way…I think I have feelings for Ms. Jang.” Hopeful that the men will help him to confess properly, Eu-tteum calls them ‘allies’ but Yi-sang corrects him, “No, we’re not.”

With a wink to Yi-sang, Jae-young outlines a confession that he knows Ha-ri won’t like. Eu-tteum takes notes as Jae-young describes a public confession with a huge bouquet, accompanied by a dance such as b-boying. Yi-sang chimes in with a reminder that the latest trend is the Bongsan mask dance.

When Jae-young suggests a saxophone serenade, Eu-tteum enthuses, “I majored in applied music and the sax.” Jae-young giddily imagines videos of the confession all over social media until Yi-sang whispers, “What if he looks good doing it?”

Yi-sang warns that a one-sided confession may make Ha-ri uncomfortable and Eu-tteum admits, “I think she’s only interested in me because I have a lot of sperm…like 10 times the norm.” Shocked, Yi-sang mumbles, “That’s why he had two stars.”

When Eu-tteum runs into Ha-ri, he asks her to choose between b-boying or the Bongsan mask dance but she’s not a fan of either. After she walks away, Eu-tteum gets goosebumps, unaware that Yi-sang was staring at them through a window.

Later, Eu-tteum gets chills when he asks Ha-ri about her favorite song as Yi-sang spies on them. At the end of the day, when Eu-tteum asks Ha-ri about saxophones, she advises him to abandon whatever he’s planning. Suddenly alarmed, Ha-ri warns Eu-tteum to go inside but he pauses when the back of his neck tingles, as Yi-sang glares at him from above.

Yi-sang is back at Jambi Studio when So-yoon finds Ha-ri’s notebook. In a flashback, we see that Yi-sang carefully chose the perfect spot for it to be discovered. Hyo-joo brings up Ha-ri’s column and asks Soo-chul and So-yoon if they know how she plans to get pregnant. So-yoon thinks Ha-ri has someone in mind so Soo-chul urges, “Then we should help. Ha-ri is so clueless when it comes to seducing men.”

Yi-sang chuckles when Hyo-joo declares that Soo-chul’s moves are sure to be outdated. Hyo-joo launches into an explanation about the art of seduction, “…you don’t make the move. You make the other person make the move,” jumping in fright when Yi-sang pops up from behind a computer monitor so that he can hear her better.

The next day during a photoshoot, Yi-sang stares at Ha-ri and remembers what else Hyo-joo had to say, “Subtly show the other person through your actions that you are interested.” When Ha-ri tucks her hair behind her ears, Yi-sang gets the wrong idea and accuses her of trying to act pretty.

During lunch, Ha-ri stares at Yi-sang’s lips and worries that he didn’t kiss her in Mureung because of her drunken kiss years earlier. When Yi-sang catches Ha-ri looking at his mouth, she nervously munches on a hot pepper.

On the drive back to work, Ha-ri mumbles that her mouth is on fire. Recalling that Hyo-joo said, “If you whisper, the other person will naturally lean over to listen,” Yi-sang suspects Ha-ri of trying to seduce him.

After Ha-ri pops a hard candy into her mouth for relief, an uncomfortable Yi-sang asks, “Must you suck it like that?” Thinking that he wants a candy too, Ha-ri offers one to Yi-sang, confused when he sputters, “…if you keep doing that, things will get dangerous.”

Yi-sang pays another visit to the urologist and when he’s called “too ethical”, he tries to explain, “But I told you. This woman wants kids.” Yi-sang asks the doctor, “I won’t even ask for a star…A triangle. That’s all I ask for. Is that not possible?”

When So-joon and Hyo-joo return from Jambi Studio, Ha-ri learns that Yi-sang is out so she hurries over to search for a background she needs for an upcoming photoshoot. Hoping to get out before Yi-sang returns, Ha-ri struggles with a heavy panel. It starts to fall but suddenly stops, and Ha-ri finds herself uncomfortably close to Yi-sang, who’s behind her holding up the panel. Ha-ri pushes Yi-sang away with so much force that he has to catch his breath.

After checking that she’s okay, Yi-sang turns to go but he eagerly returns when Ha-ri calls his name. With difficulty, Ha-ri admits, “I remember now…That day, when we first met…I finally get why you said you felt unpleasant.” When Ha-ri frets that she could be sued, Yi-sang admits that at the time, he found her kiss consoling. Before he leaves, Yi-sang asks Ha-ri if she really saw him as a man but we don’t hear an answer.

The next morning over breakfast, Ha-ri mumbles, “Well, he’s obviously a man,” but her thoughts are interrupted when Jae-young pounds on her door to remind her that it’s time for work. Ha-ri meets him outside because she had promised to take Do-ah to daycare.

Jae-young brings up Ha-ri’s search for a sperm donor, “What’s your standard when choosing the right sperm?” Ha-ri describes someone young and healthy, who doesn’t drink or smoke, and Jae-young asks if she’s talking about Eu-tteum.

Jae-young wonders if he’s a candidate too and Ha-ri asks, “Would you donate yours to me?” Jae-young suggests that they should just get married but Ha-ri tells him, “Let’s just go, sister.” As Ha-ri walks ahead with Do-ah, Jae-young vows, “Just you wait and see. ‘Honey, sweetheart. My love.’ That’s what you’ll soon call me.”

Jae-young discusses Ha-ri’s situation with an old friend at University Hospital, who agrees that finding a sperm donor will be harder than finding a husband. When the friend insinuates that there must be something wrong with Ha-ri, Jae-young informs him, “She could easily provide for a man on her own. Also, she’s incredibly beautiful and lovely.”

The friend realizes that Jae-young is interested in Ha-ri and asks if his status as a divorced, single father is keeping him from pursuing her. Jae-young’s ex-wife, Jung-won, overhears their conversation as she walks by and she stops to speak to Jae-young.

Jae-young tries to leave but Jung-won grabs his arm to invite him to lunch. He spits, “Don’t talk to me like nothing happened. It makes me hate you even more.” When Jung-won mentions that she wants to be included in Do-ah’s first birthday photos, Jae-young refuses.

Undaunted, Jung-won asks Jae-young if he plans to marry Ha-ri and he quietly confesses, “It’s been on my mind.” When she warns, “Ha-ri will be furious when she finds out that you’re only using her to get back at me,” Jae-young walks away.

Eu-tteum is in trouble when a product scheduled for a photoshoot can’t be found. After some calls, Eu-tteum realizes that he never ordered it and Hyo-joo and photographer Kim Sang-hee can’t hide their irritation. With the child model on the way, Eu-tteum heads for a nearby store.

Hyo-joo picks up Eu-tteum in her car and once he’s successfully secured the potty chair that they need, she speeds back to the studio. During the drive, Hyo-joo vows to make Eu-tteum’s life miserable if she has to reschedule the model. When Hyo-joo threatens him with shopping with her every weekend, Eu-tteum eagerly agrees, and he’s just as enthusiastic when she adds in lunch and a movie.

Luckily, the photoshoot goes off without a hitch but Hyo-joo scolds Eu-tteum anyway, “I’ll only let it slide this once…your personal life shouldn’t distract you like this.” Hyo-joo invites him to confide in her, and with a little prodding, Eu-tteum admits, “I’m trying to confess my feelings to someone.” When he stops short of identifying who he’s talking about, Hyo-joo leads Eu-tteum away from work.

Ha-ri finds herself alone in the office and she takes advantage of the privacy to call Yi-sang and inform him that the infertile couple managed to conceive. Until the pregnancy is confirmed at the hospital, Ha-ri asks Yi-sang to take special care to make them comfortable during the photoshoot. Yi-sang asks about carpooling to the hospital but Ha-ri has an errand to run and promises to meet him there.

Seeing Yi-sang at the hospital, Ha-ri thinks of his question, “Did you really think of me as a man?” They find the infertile couple and Ha-ri does her best to reassure the nervous wife, who has a history of miscarriages.

Ha-ri and Yi-sang are present for the ultrasound, which confirms that the wife is pregnant. The husband squeezes his wife’s hand as she weeps with joy while Yi-sang discretely photographs the emotionally charged moment.

After leaving the hospital, the couple celebrates with a cake, even though the wife confesses that she won’t be able to relax until after the first trimester. The husband encourages his wife to allow herself to enjoy their good news for at least one day.

Ha-ri hands the couple a baby gift and at the sight of some tiny shoes, the husband smiles, confessing, “I feel strange.” The wife has something for Ha-ri, an image from her sonogram, “I feel like it won’t be easy for you…I succeeded, so take my energy.” Yi-sang watches Ha-ri as she gazes at the image of the tiny baby.

After leaving the couple, Ha-ri shows Yi-sang the ultrasound and calls the baby handsome. Yi-sang agrees, “Since the baby was conceived with such desperation, I bet it’ll be pretty.”

Seated in a comfortable spot where they can talk, Hyo-joo guesses that Eu-tteum has never had a girlfriend. She nods knowingly when Eu-tteum admits that he gets asked out all the time, “But none of them lasted very long. They all say they develop a temper once they go out with me.”

Eu-tteum explains that he’s not sure about his feelings but he’s hoping that dating will help him figure them out. Hyo-joo decides to help with Eu-tteum’s confession and after explaining what not to do, pretty much everything that Jae-young suggested, Eu-tteum realizes that he was deliberately given bad advice.

Hyo-joo recommends confessing with a heart shaped ring. Eu-tteum gasps when he looks it up online and sees that it costs $2,500, “That’s a month’s salary.” Gazing at the ring finger on her left hand, Hyo-joo tells herself, “It would fit right there.”

While practicing for Do-ah’s Doljabi ceremony (a tradition where the child is placed in front of various items), Mom places money in the baby’s hand and coaches, “Health is the best.” Mom asks where the ceremony will be held and Jae-young tells her, “At the photography studio.” Concerned, Mom asks about the first birthday rice cake and Jae-young asks, “Do I need one?” Seeing how Do-ah is dressed, Ha-ri tells her mother, “He isn’t prepared at all.”

Jae-young complains while shopping for a dress for Do-ah but Ha-ri explains, “Her first birthday pictures will stay with her forever. She should look pretty.” With a soft look in his eyes, Jae-young tells Ha-ri, “…you look really ugly today.”

After buying Do-ah’s dress, Jae-young and Ha-ri pass a table and are told they can get a $100 restaurant voucher if they spent over $50, but only if they’re a family. Slipping her arm into Jae-young’s, Ha-ri and Jae-young call one another ‘honey’ and ‘sweetie’ until Yi-sang asks, “Are you seriously committing fraud just for free food?”

Yi-sang ends up joining Ha-ri and Jae-young for lunch. Jae-young and Yi-sang race to cut the meat on their plates but Jae-young wins and is the first to set his plate in front of Ha-ri. After taking Do-ah into his arms so that Ha-ri can eat, Jae-young tries to get her to feed him.

When Yi-sang shoves some food in his mouth, Jae-young warns, “Don’t try so hard, Mr. Han. I don’t think you’re it either. Unless you have something to defeat the king.” Ha-ri looks puzzled when Yi-sang admits that he’s not her first choice.

After lunch, Yi-sang stops in front of a poster for a leather crafting workshop, telling himself, “I’ve never tried that.” When Ha-ri’s mother stops and says the exact same thing, the two of them exchange smiles.

At the office, Ha-ri realizes that someone has read her notebook. After double-checking where So-yoon found it, Ha-ri runs to Jambi Studio. Yi-sang confirms that he read her notebook and when asked why he’s not angry, he reminds Ha-ri that she gave his personality five stars.

Ha-ri apologizes for comparing Yi-sang to the others but explains that she only did it because she’d hoped that one of them might help her. Yi-sang calmly replies, “…there’s nothing I can do to help. That’s why I didn’t get angry at you.”

Ha-ri tells Yi-sang the reason that she wasn’t able to answer his question, “I didn’t understand what you meant when you asked me if I thought of you as a man.” Carefully choosing her words, Ha-ri confesses that she has feelings for Yi-sang and warns that he’ll lose her if he can’t figure out his own feelings.

After Ha-ri leaves, Soo-chul urges Yi-sang, “Can’t you just give in? You know you have feelings for her.” Yi-sang explains, “Ms. Jang and I are hopeless. I don’t like kids. But she’s trying so hard to have a baby.” Understanding how deeply his breakup affected Yi-sang, Soo-chul argues that it’s time for him to leave the past behind so that he can follow his heart.

When Yi-sang gets home, he stands in his window to watch the fireworks over the Han River. He narrates, “I also want to follow my heart and just hold your hand like all the other couples do, Ms. Jang.” Recalling their near kiss, Yi-sang admits, “I wanted to get swayed and get closer to you as if it were a mistake.”

Yi-sang remembers the stamp on his hand and consoling Ha-ri while she cried and accepts the fact that she makes his heart ache. As he remembers Ha-ri’s drunken kiss on the day they met, we see that Yi-sang was shaken, “I was determined not to fall in love again, but you totally made me forget about that.”

On the walk home, Ha-ri stops by the river to watch the fireworks while Yi-sang turns away from his window, “I…want to be happy…I want to be honest about how I feel.”

Ha-ri pulls out her phone to take photos while Yi-sang drives to the river, his thoughts still on Ha-ri, “I’ve been through enough to know that it’s not just me who ends up getting hurt.”

Yi-sang walks to the river’s edge with his camera and while taking photos of the fireworks, we hear his decision, “You may have entered my heart and stirred me up like this. But…I need to…ignore it.” Yi-sang lowers his camera as Ha-ri walks towards him, and he resolves, “I need to make sure my heart doesn’t flutter again.”

Ha-ri stops when she sees Yi-sang and they stare at one another as fireworks explode behind them. Ha-ri asks, “Why do we keep running into each other,” but Yi-sang wants to know, “Why do you keep showing up like this?”

Insisting that their meeting was accidental, Ha-ri bids Yi-sang a goodnight. Yi-sang blocks her to ask, “How can you be this beautiful?” Ha-ri cooly replies, “And what if I’m beautiful? What comes next?”

This time it’s Yi-sang who takes a step closer and as he leans in for a kiss, Ha-ri doesn’t turn away. When their lips meet, Ha-ri’s eyes widen briefly in surprise but then they close, and as she kisses Yi-sang, fireworks fill the sky.


I’m impressed by the fact that we’re being shown infertility from both the man’s perspective as well as the woman’s. While Ha-ri continues to consider her options, it’s looking more and more like Yi-sang has none, which is why he’s insisted that he can’t be in a relationship with Ha-ri. As beautiful as that kiss was between Yi-sang and Ha-ri, and long overdue, what I’ve really been longing for is for him to take her into his confidence, to confess to her that he can’t father a child. I feel like Yi-sang put the cart before the horse with that kiss because he’s going to have to tell Ha-ri the truth sooner or later, which won’t be easy for either of them.

Ha-ri and Yi-sang continue to deal with their issues in completely different ways. While Ha-ri is determined not to give up on becoming a mother, Yi-sang has thrown in the towel and accepted a life of loneliness and isolation. But as we see by Yi-sang’s repeated visits to the urologist, it’s not the life that he wants. Being around Ha-ri and seeing her determination has awakened a spark of hope but something else is holding Yi-sang back. What did the urologist mean when he told Yi-sang that he’s too traditional and ethical? Is there a way for Yi-sang to become a father that he’s not willing to consider?

Interestingly, it turns out that the infertile couple that Ha-ri and Yi-sang are working with are in a similar situation. They must need a sperm donor because the husband is sub-fertile and we learned that the wife has a history of miscarriages. Neither of them is a good candidate for parenthood but they haven’t given up. Will their journey help Yi-sang and Ha-ri find a way to become parents together? I hope so because I’m grieving for that Yi-sang mini-me from a few episodes ago. The thought that the boy is an impossibility makes me incredibly sad.

For comic relief we have the ever-shifting alliances between Yi-sang, Jae-young and the much younger Eu-tteum. That meeting to “help” Eu-tteum plan the perfect confession for Ha-ri had Yi-sang and Jae-young thick as thieves. Even moreso once they learned about Eu-tteum’s super-sperm status. But when it’s just the two of them, such as during that lunch with Ha-ri, Y-sang and Jae-young become cut-throat competitors. It’s understandable and natural when the three men find themselves drawn to the same woman, but as time goes on, it’s becoming obvious that one of them has already won our heroine’s heart.


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Ep. 7 & 8 put me on a rollercoaster ride with the small gestures, silent moments. If it was other couple I would have gotten tired of the push and pull in these episodes but I could see that both of them are trying – Yi Sang’s visit to the urologist, Ha Ri trying to understand Yeonho’s POV on childless marriage – and also, Ha Ri's answer to Yi Sang at the fertility clinic on how she thinks of both romantic partner AND baby as a miracle so she wouldn’t let her lover go either. I hope this will not end up as mere words but will be revisited now that they are together.

But anyway special shout out to Ms. Shim in Ep. 7 because it was her scene with Ha Ri that squeezed the tears out of my eyes.

Also, just realised that Yi Sang’s “Go raise a dog if you’re lonely” line to Ha Ri from 3 years ago, was actually repeated by one of the mothers to Ha Ri in Ep. 4 (before Yi Sang immediately leapt to her defence). Just wonder if this is a common insult, or done on purpose to justify that kind of reaction from Yi Sang (and if I’m supposed to overthink it haha).


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I was also really touched by Ms. Shim's story. I didn't want it to happen at all, but it was inevitable. The bosses need to understand that they can't have it all - an editor who is a mom and can work 80 hours per week. It's too bad, but also too real, that Ms. Shim was the one to pay the price, though, instead of the boss.


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Regarding the puppy, well, it's quite common.
Maybe not to women who can't have children (because that's really disrespectful), but to couples who let their children behave like they want or that have little monsters as kids. I've heard people saying about them: if only they have bought a dog or a kitty.


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Ugh i can't believe i'm having second lead syndrome with jae young, i live for their banter, and can we talk about how doha is literally cutest baby ever?? Yi sang following eutteum everywhere was hilarious, that was definitely the highlight of the show for me. Now that we are half way into the show, it's time for some revelations to be made and decisions as well.


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Do-ha is cute but the cutest baby ever was Sol from WOO HOO WAIKIKI.


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Agree - Sol was the cutest baby EVER!!!


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omg yess sol was beyond adorable!!


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Please, don't forget BakHa baby in never Twice, Yeol Mu!!


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I feel for Jae-young too, he's a guy stuck in a bad position and trying to get by. That said, Ha-ri calling him unnie really put him firmly in the bro-zone tho, I hope he takes note of that!


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"If I kiss you, I'm never going to let you go."


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I loved Yi Sang lurking jealously about. I’m interested to see where the show goes next - he’s going to have to tell her sooner or later that he can’t have kids.


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Preferably as soon as possible.


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Am loving this show for so many reasons.
But mostly for the little parts - especially when Yi-Sang was always watching over Eu-tteum's shoulder - that was funny.
But I just wish that Yi-Sang would be honest with Ha-Ri and tell her what is going on.....
Is this the noble idiocy trope gone bad?


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The noble idiocy trope is always bad.


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If there is a trope I truly hate - it is the noble idiocy one... hands down....


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The noble idiocy trope is annoying but I can understand Yi Sang not wanting to go past he doesn’t want kids/she does - it’s pretty personal but apart from that, he can tell her he can’t have children; she can say it doesn’t matter; but then a bit later it turns out that she was wrong and it DOES matter to her and everything falls apart. He’s had one long term relationship break up presumably for this reason.
Also, it’s probably easier to deal with not being able to have children if you can tell yourself you don’t want them.

He still needs to tell her though.


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Yes he really needs to tell her everything and stat!!!! Then the relationship will be more real and honest.


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Now that he's made the decision to be with her, he definitely needs to tell her.

I don't really see this as noble idiocy though, as it is completely normal to have a hard time sharing personally vulnerable information or to avoid starting a relationship. I'm sure he'll try and initiate an honest conversation now that they're together (and, ok yes, I'm betting, probably fail for at least an episode) .


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As a person that have to tell a future partner something about myself that make me fertile I can attest it is hard... You wonder if you are good enough for the other person, how will he/she take it. Will they look at you differently. Is it better to spare the other person the burden. I really can feel for YS mental torture. It is not easy finding confidence to be honest and even open your heart to starte something. It is extra hard i imagine for YS as he have experience the outcome and think it will end the same way.
But I really love HR straightforwardness. She make him belive that he can go to her, and that he is still a man in her eyes.❤️


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Yeah, I admit, while many are probably going to feel frustrated going forward while he struggles to get the courage to tell her, I'm just going to feel a mixture of worry and concern for him, since I know how scared he is. Even any initial show of disappointment on her behalf could hurt.

Given how wonderfully empathetic she's shown herself to be, I really feel like her first concern will be of what he's been through, what his infertility has meant to him and his recent life trajectory, not what it means to her baby prospects. But, the more the show builds it up, I'm starting to get paranoid we'll get an out-of-character reaction, just for drama.


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This show makes me laugh, squee, and cry. I am enjoying this gem so much.


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Right?! The way he just smoothly steps in front of her, but not into her space, until she invites him to, gahhhhh, it was just lovely. I also love how the director focuses on their feet, showing him finally taking a step towards her, like she did in ep 5.


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When I saw that step, I thought, yes, it's really gonna happen!


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That deliberate single step is like an exclamation mark. It's a Yes! I'm willing to take the risk of opening up my heart and offering it to you.

The pause that followed is like the question mark, Will you take this offering and risking this together?

I just love the writing, directing and acting on these scenes. Really well put together.


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I'm ANDGAHJSAGDJDGAHDG by your side!!!


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I just want to applaud the Show for highlighting that kiss without consent is neither romantic nor cute, be it for women or men. When I started watching Kdrama/ C-drama/ J-drama, I used to get very uncomfortable by this. But slowly (and sadly), by the continuous conditioning from watching this type of behavior over and over, I have become used and somewhat numbed by it. This show reminds me that No, it is not ok to just kiss someone without consent, even when you're adorable and without malicious intent like Eu-tteum and Ha-ri. I love Ha-ri for realizing her past mistake, owning it, and trying to apologize for it.


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Amen to that- and to Ha-ri realizing it. Please also note that we also saw Eu-tteum apologizing for it as well. Again, what lovely balance this show has.


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Yap, I should've acknowledge that he too apologized.


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Yes, it was a nice change.
I really liked the scene: HaRi being shocked and showing it (drama FL usually just turn around), and Eu-tteum realizing it was wrong and apoligizing.


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Thanks for the recap, TeriYaki! I love this show so much! One of my favorite scenes in this episode is when Ha-Ri and Jae-young shopping for Do-ah and the following scene where they tried to commit fraud for free food! That was so out of character and so funny!


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Thankyou for another great re-cap, Teriyaki. I too love the balance in this show, in dealing with both male and female infertility. The doctor’s comment about Yi-sang being too traditional may mean that Yi-sang is actually not just sub-fertile but even essentially aspermatozoic (no sperm at all) - a condition that used to be more common before we had the MMR vaccine for children. The only solution for such a case is a sperm donor.

Their kiss at the end of the episode was wonderful- and painful because we know that it creates more problems than solutions at this point.

Jae-young and Jung-won continue to frustrate me. Unfortunately their dynamic is one which I have seen too many times in my professional life. I am sad to say this but this part of our drama is very realistic indeed. Jung-won’s statement that he is pursuing Ha-ri to get back at her is likely partly true. But in any case it is long since time for Jae-young to start letting Jung-won be a part of her daughter’s life. I really have very little sympathy for Jae-yung now- although I do not have that much for Jung-won either, But just as men are different one from another so are women- and not every woman is a natural mommy. It would be nice if Jae-young could set aside his anger and just see that his ex simply did not come with those talents- but she can still significantly contribute of his child’s life in non-traditional ways, like paying for the support and education of her daughter- and yes, even making sure that her daughter will have nice pictures to look at in the future. Even modelling what a successful professional woman is like and passing along the attitudes that go with that would be a huge contribution to her daughter’s future- her daughter pursuing a profession would be as natural to her daughter as breathing.

In contrast this episode actually started to give me some positive feelings for Hyo-joo. She actually does care about her work, and she is actually starting to care about Eu-tteum- even as she sees his flaws. She nodded knowingly when Eu-tteum confessed that he gets asked out a lot- but nothing lasts because the girls always end up getting mad at him. She sees that he simply is oblivious and lacks judgement- but she also sees his many very fine qualities and so she is liking him anyway. Her heart may be wiser than we thought because it knows that time will teach him to be more observant and will bring him judgement, She is still self-ish in wanting that heart ring- but perhaps the more important point is that she wants to receive it from Eu-tteum.


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Hope it would be part of Jae-young character development to eventually raise above his pain and hurt and put his daughter well being above everything else. While a man and a woman can end their relationship, they don't have to drag the child into the mess.


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I hope so too.


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I agree with you about JaeYoung and JungWon.
What I get from the show is that JungWon has cut all ties with his ex-husband and DoHa, so it felt strange when she suddenly appeared to say she wanted to take photos with her in her first birthday.
An idea is coming to my head but I haven't rewatched so I can't tell, but I think in a moment he asks if she's better now. So... besides what you say that not women are mommies (which I totally agree with), could this be a case of postpartum depression? I could feet the situation... She doesn't feel attached to the baby and then she decided to divorce, running away as a way out.
Even so, I agree that she should be part of DoHa's life obviously unless she's legally renounce to all her rights as a mum.


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Post-partum depression? Maybe?

I do not know Korean law, but in my country there is no such thing as renouncing parental rights except as part of the process for having the child adopted by someone else. In the case of severe abuse a court can order the parent-child relationship ended but this is seen as something so serious that an indigent parent actually is entitled to a free lawyer- it is the only non-criminal proceeding in which that is the case.

Depression or not it is quite clear that she ran away from her child as well as her husband. I may have been critical of Jae-young but that does not mean that Jung-won was not responsible for creating the problem, though you are probably right that her action may have had psychological roots. But at least she is taking steps towards assuming some level of responsibility towards her child and, for that child's sake Jae-young needs to remember that- even though he is hurt.


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It's exactly the same in my country, and that's the reason why adoption is extra complicated because if parents don't renounce, children in foster care would never be adopted.
I also hope JungWon can learn to be in the life of her daughter.


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I hope that too. It is clear that Jae-young was given sole custody but she is still the mother of his little girl. This is the kind of thing where professional help is really needed. It is actually unfair to Jae-young to simply say "man up and handle the situation". He really is hurt and with good reason. A good professional could help these parents sort things out- and perhaps help Jae-young deal with his anger, which will not go away just because it would be a good idea. His anger is in fact quite justified- he has good objective reason to be angry- so he needs help in coping with it. And both parents need help finding a way to a new relationship where they can effectively raise the child. I do not think that the two parents are equipped to deal with this mess on their own.


I was really feeling unwell when I heard him telling her she has no right to see her daughter. It might be a korean thing because it was shown in different dramas that when the father gets his child's custody the woman has no right to see her child, only in adulthood. It's really awfully not right.

As someone who had really bad postpartum depression after my first born I could tell that it could be an option mixed with desire to succeed as a doctor in he professional life. We see it with HaRi's boss that she had it really tough as a working mom in a society where they work crazy long hours.


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Koreans are probably the hardest working people in the world - and I respect that. But they are only average in productivity. They simply work too hard. I sometimes wish that I could send my son over there to help them get more done in less time (he is an Industrial Engineer- that is what they do). Koreans pay a fearful price in terms of both family and health precisely because they work so hard and put in too many hours on the job.


I do know enough about Korean law that the parent who does not get custody is not automatically forbidden from seeing the child- that is not some sort of default setting. I think that we see it so much in dramas simply because it is more dramatic. In this case it could indeed mean that post-partum depression, something we also experienced in our family (and it is no joke), was indeed involved in Jung-won's situation.


I think long working hours are common for most of asian countries unfortunately and drinking afterwards. How can they be effective the next day? They made a new law but I don't think they practice it but they did put it in dramas - finishing work at 6 pm and Kian in I live alone is practicing it in his office, that's something positive to see.

That's good if it's only for dramatic purposes and there's nothing like exclusive one parent child's custody because sometimes when I read some news I tend to believe those dramas like I've read an article about one evil korean stepmon two days ago. She wanted to punish her stepson for braking a gaming console so she closed him in a suitcase. 9 years old child urinated himself so she opened the suitcase, probably he was beaten up as well and closed him in a smaller suitcase and when she came back after 2 or 4 hours he wasn't breathing so she called emergency.


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Thanks for the recap!

As much as I actually really enjoyed all the pained longing and difficult conversations between them, I was glad this episode interspersed a bit more levity with the lead's hilarious inner turmoil this hour. Many have already praised the other comedic bits, so I'm just going to praise Jang Nara's delivery of the "I caused you to misunderstand, didn't I? I was talking about your sperm" line. Like, I can't explain it, something about her delivery, the music, and the matter-of-fact explicitness of her clarification just got me rolling. I also had to laugh at the irony of Yi-sang projecting Hyo-joo's seduction tactics on to Ha-ri, all the while he was the one implementing them, albeit subconsciously.

Part of what I love about the show is that it does a great job of contextualizing characters actions while not completely exempting them of their missteps. We've been aware and entertained by Hari's search for the perfect sperm candidate, but, from the moment we find out about Yi-sang's infertility, we see how discouraging her antics would be for someone who is afraid of being rejected for those reasons. Because of discovering the diary, poor Yi-sang, while trying to keep to his resolve to cut things off, was suddenly forced to deal with his inability to be indifferent. He couldn't help but ask confusing questions like "do you see me as a man?" because even though he's scared of letting things to go any further, he can't help but feel hurt at the idea she might have been approaching him just for a baby. I love that Ha-ri was perceptive enough to figure it out and, not only apologize, but risk her heart once more just so that he knows her sincerity. This whole conflict allowed for her to give him some of the assurance he needed to be able to be brave enough to take a chance on them.


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I think Ha Ri's confession that she sees only him as a man meant even more than what might Yi Sang realize as we've seen that he's dealt with years of low self-confidence and basically feel less of a man as he can't have children(huge scars left by his ex intending or not when she discarded him when she realized he is infertile) aside from his disdain against children for basically the same reason so her confession and past mentiones about not letting go if it was to choose indeed meant huge even more than Ha Ri might ever know at the moment...


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Thanks for this observation and it explains Yi -sang' hiatus doing all sorts of adventure before returning home. There were earlier comments by Beanies that he might have some terminal illness and hence, completing his bucket list. Male infertility is such an under radar issue....


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I really like the way Ha-Ri communicates. She de-escalates what could be super-melo moments by saying what needs to be said clearly and concisely, whether that's telling Eu-tteum what she was actually talking about or apologizing to Yi-Sang about the notebook entries.


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Omg, Yi-sang, just tell Ha-ri already! Been waiting forever for the kiss, but it really bugs me he did it before being upfront about why he hesitated in the first place. But I guess everyone in this drama always needs a few episodes to keep their medical condition a secret. *yanks hair*


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My feelings have been similar to yours. I'm glad it wasn't a forced kiss and both of them were into it, but I wasn't super thrilled about it. Some of the subs confused me about his thoughts. Just moments before the kiss, he was telling himself to resist.

The drama might show him getting caught up in his happy feelings and new love with Ha Ri before he drops the bomb on her. Delaying it will make their conflict worse and more painful.


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I can understand why he didn't want to put his heart on the line in such a soul-baring fashion quite yet, especially since the kiss, though not done lightly, wasn't exactly planned. It was one of those "can't resist anymore" moments.

I think it has to do with Go Joon's acting. He really played up Yi-sang's fear and nervousness, before going into the kiss. He's already scared of taking even that step, so it's probably going to be even harder for him to open up.

Ha-ri has already said she can handle her own heart. She's aware there's an issue in his past that needs to be discussed so I doubt she'll feel betrayed by him taking the time he needs to tell her.


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Yi-sang saying “I won’t even ask for a star…A triangle. That’s all I ask for. Is that not possible?” It's so sad and yet funny... This drama has so many gold lines!!!


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Yi-sang doesn’t give me butterflies! He turns me into one!


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😂 🤣 😆 😂


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I'm flying by your side 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋


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i am flying right beside you... he is big giant teddy bear and i hv no words to explain his impact. esp his cute antics.. that talk with statue..hahahahah


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Its been awhile since a K-drama has given me genuine laugh out loud moments. Episode 8 was a hoot and almost made me forget the second-hand angst I felt for our heroine a couple episodes ago.


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Really loving this show - even though some characters are more or less likeable than others, the show gives us reasons why they are the way they are. No one is a stupid jerk from the get go. Well, maybe Jae Young was in the beginning, but his deep distress at his situation is effectively shown.
What I really love is the way the show removes "love" from its solo in the spotlight role, and shows how complex and interrelated it is to everything else in the characters' lives, goals and histories. The standard kdrama trope is if you love someone enough, your love (and tears) will dissolve the rocks in your road. This show says, no, that's not true - there's a lot more going on in who we love and whether we decide to pursue that love. The choice of the ticking bio clock (for Ha-Ri) and infertility (for Yi-Sang) is genius, since they are love-adjacent already. The connection is obvious, and we are reminded that IRL love can't conquer all.
I did find the notebook's prominence in eps 7-8. pretty clumsy. I remember thinking in the beginning - girl, you should hide that thing under a non-creaky floorboard in the back of your closet. Carrying it around all the time felt stupid on Ha-Ri's part. Thank goodness the incendiary possibilities of her little rating system didn't ignite for Yi-Sang. Although I hope that's the last we'll see of the notebook, I kind of doubt it. Oh well, tropes gotta trope.


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Or better still, write it in your phone! Which you can lock! I suppose she doesn’t have any siblings so hasn’t felt the trauma of having a brother/sister read her diary 😅


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You can never go wrong with episode 8 kisses!!! And this was more lovely because no forced kiss and most importantly! NO WRIST GRABS!! To all writers and PDs, do take note that it's possible!

Every time Go Joon's on the screen with his teary eyes and that hesitation acting makes my heart break. This is my first time seeing him in a romantic drama and I am now a fan!


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I was like “ THANK YOU
for not grabbing her wrist n kissing her to make her feel like she has been given a dislocated shoulder and tased at the same time like so many other dramas!”.


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Yi-sang looming over Eu-tteum like a grim reaper had me in stitches. HAHAHA


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It was so funny...
I feel a wicked presence...


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Go Back Couple remains to be the drama closest to my heart... but this show is fast contending for that slot. Imma have to finish this show before I can declare it number 1 and convince anyone who bothers to listen to watch it asap. Haha


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I'm loving this show so much, it's a perfect balance of funny moments (YiSang and JaeYoung giving advice to poor Eu-tteum on how to declare his love, YiSang being the wicked ghost behind Eu-tteum), heartfelt moments (when the infertile couple gives HaRi the ultrasound), butterfly moments (the kiss), and painful moments (JaeYoung and JunWon interactions).

Regarding our OTP, it felt a little bad that YiSang didn't tell HaRi about his problems before the kiss. He already knows she would always choose love, because love is the miracle. I guess we will find out this week.


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Yi Sang ssi is the cutest awwdorable puppy in love when does his talk with his statue. I absolute love Go Joon in this role.
looking forward to see his love struck puppy avatar.


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I like how this show surprised me.

For example, when Hari understood that Yi Sang read her diary, I thought she will be mad for it. But no, she apologized for judging him as sperm cow and not a human being. The same for the kiss, she felt bad for it because she forced him. The same for Eu-tteum, he understood that he did was wrong, she's his boss after all.

I don't like how Jae Young uses his daughter to get Hari. It wasn't cool how he acted with this poor and naive Eu-tteum too. But it's sad to see him struggling with his ex.

Yi Sang is so funny, speaking with Gum Gum or the doctor about the fact he got a triangle, how he sees triangle everywhere, how he's trying very badly to make Hari interested. I like his styling in this show. I guess he's the kind to look good in everything but his casual clothes are really good on him.


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Thank you for the recap!

Aaah, they kissed! 😍 It was prudent, but seemed fitting with their current situation. Yi-Sang needed that outlet after his mind wandered in the gutter multiple times. He had his lucid moments as well, like commenting that the child would be beautiful born out of desperation. I cried when that couple got the good news. 🥺

He does have one flaw: trolling sweet Eu-Tteum! I severely underestimated our hoobae, but I am excited to find out what else he will bring to the table.😆

I actually enjoyed the instances when auntie Ha-Ri is assisting single dad JaeYoung with taking care of Do-Ha, since it resembles my current fairy godmother situation. Needless to say I dislike it whenever JaeYoung ruins this platonic, family atmosphere with his romantic implications and marriage talk.😤 Even to other men who have no business knowing all this. 😤 I am still upset about that aunts are strangers comment a few episodes ago. 😒 Let go of Hari, caring for your daughter and avoiding your ex should keep you busy enough.😒


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Totally with u on JY-HR relationship. I do love their friendly banter dynamics. And I always enjoy this actor's portrayals... But then JY says things that are just ..ugh...According to my subs, he said something along the lines of "I am uncomfortable at the thought of her marrying another man but having another man's kid is irreversible!" when he was visiting his doctor friend. I'm like what..Sir, aren't you trying to get her to live with another woman's child..ah, the hypocrisy!!


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You articulated my thoughts perfectly @teriyaki. I have nothing more to add


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I have a plan: Ha-ri and Yi-sang become a married couple and they ask Eu-tteum to donate ( he would make a great uncle/godparent). I really don't see any problem with that.


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I second the motion: This is a good plan but it only works well if Eu-tteum can actually accept the idea that he is not really the child's parent. Oddly, it is precisely the fact that he such a straightforward and earnest young man that he could find this so difficult. One of the reasons for sperm banks is actually to prevent this situation through a veil of anonymity.


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very good point. I didn't think that thru long enough. maybe they could co-parent?


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There are two puzzle pieces to uncover. First, the reason why Jae-young and Jung-won divorced so quickly after having a child. Hari would have known about it as a warning signal that having a child does not mean a happy marriage. Second, the reason why Hari stopped dating 10 years ago (in her prime prospect years). What happened in her last relationship to cause her to make her career a priority more than marriage and children?


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Korea has a universal military draft. That implies a three year (now closer to 2) shortage of eligible men in your age group for a certain period. That may explain the incongruously large number of 'never dated' characters hitting 30 in k-dramas. Hari had dated up to 30 but but had become discouraged with the routine of kissing frogs in the hope one might turn into a prince.


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Thanks for the recaps @teriyaki
*Loving the dynamics of the 3 musketeers. I was in stitches to see the smirks wiped of both hyungs when ET casually mentioned that he was the 'sperm king' . YS anguished "do you have a lot" and JY's questions directed to his erm nether regions...😂
*I felt for ET's ex-girlfriends and all of them 'mysteriously' developing rage issues.Sure hope he won't blow a month's salary based on HJ totally 'unbiased'opinion on what a girl wants!!
*When is the magazine gonna make HR chief editor,btw. They better not be trying to sneak in another candidate.


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Actually ET noted that the girls he dated never really reached the stage of being girlfriends- and also that said girls had asked him out (because he is good looking), which was part of the problem because he was not motivated to be observant and to think before he spoke. Oblivious people can drive anyone batty. So when he said that HJ knew exactly what had happened. But she still likes him. Is she still very selfish and vain? You bet. But maybe she is growing.


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