Open Thread #719

Happy Friday everyone!

Here is your Open Thread, which is here for you to chat about anything you want, whether it be drama-related or not. Nothing’s off-topic here! Spoilers may be rife, so proceed accordingly.



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Little Boy - 2175k - 19th of August - even i'm bored now

Yet to get any dose. woosh

There was rain - not so heavy, not so light - perfect and continuous for hours. cloudy days - This is what you like the most - hot food and some cool, soothing rain.


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As a kid you are told to eat green food and vegetables. Who as a kid like that? I was able to tolerate lot of vegetables as a child, as a teenager i was more assertive and could loudly put my word on the table as a big no, As an adult I abolished the criteria of cooking them.
Raw Carrot tastes so good - but cooked and boiled - meh
so do spinach - green onion - lettuce
even cauliflower - cabbage - broccoli
add radish with turnip
then cucumber and tomato and onions

The only time i can tolerate cooked vegetables is when put together with rice. Even steamed vegetable like potato and sweet potato and cauliflower have there non-taste taste than is befitting for consumption.


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1st of August have a plan to go outside and be in immediate presence of 100 of Humans.
After a long while - the politics and Geo-politics post.

New Zealand - water trouble and i was untested to invest in spring water bottle plant. heh. Not many like nestle for taking over public water and then sell it for good profits.

Glacial water's taste is different - a worthwhile taste to have but that water is premium water that can empty your pockets quite easily.

Afghanistan - well well well - tali is in rush - they got the open field and they are marching ahead and have the confidence and boost of pak and even ChIna.

Pega surveillance app double trouble - neto could have hold it for his other right wing brothers but with the scene change things do change a bit. And that is also USA 2020 election effect. But this company's team will change name or become part of other such companies. It isn't like there is only 1 player in the town. heh. Business is business.


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I thought last week that the new drama 39 had built in Covid downtime into its filming schedule since the 12 episodes would be filmed from August, 2021 into January, 2022, which is the time frame for a 16 episode series. Originally, the show was to air in fall 2021. Recently, it was announced it is moving its air date to sometime in 2022. Therefore, it is going to be a pre-produced production.

The decision was made just before today's news that South Korea is moving the vaccination window to include 18 to 39 year olds beginning mid-August. It had stalled at the 50 plus age group because of vaccine shortages. But a record spike in cases has made the government changing its course to try to have as many people quickly vaccinated as possible.

For the past two weeks, the k-entertainment industry was hit with many shutdowns due to Covid, including variety shows. And the Olympics also pre-empted many shows. It seems the disruptions will continue throughout the end of the year.


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Say goodbye to viewer favorite 'knit hat guy' on 'Nevertheless'. His career just got sunk by a vindictive girlfriend and now they're writing him out of the series, even reediting finished episodes to minimize his air time. It ironic that accusations of cheating on your girlfriend can cause problems in THIS series especially. I guess people prefer their smooth talking players to be fictional.


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After a long wait, I received my LILAC album (Probably it will be surprising that I like IU quite a lot). It's the HILAC version.

I don't always like Korean singers, but I guess I will try to learn Korean because of her ... I want to read her mind through understanding her lyrics (I didn't improve a lot, it's hard to find lesson you can present in the classroom, and online courses make me so stressful). It's hard to find a singer/songwriter whose favorite writer is Fyodor Dostoevsky ...

But lately I also falls into AKMU. It is not only because they have a collaboration with IU in their newest album. I found their songs has a kind of touch you never find in another songwriter, also their vision is pretty epic——take Hey Kids, Close Your Eyes (formerly translated as Warzone, they do have such social conscience that amazed me, yet they have songs (namely Stupid Love Song) that put me into tears. I have that feeling in IU's Above the Time and Love Poem (As well AKMU's How Can I Love the Heartbreak, You Are the One I Love and Lee Hi's Breathe). I know LILAC's songs are uplifting and meaningful, but call me old school, the song I love most in the album is My Sea (literally translated The Sea of the Kid and I): I can really see the kid in her heart, scared and hope to be understand.

I love songs that can touch my heart.


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There are foreign songs in which I do not understand the lyrics but still enjoy. I merely listen to the singer's voice as another instrument.


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AKMU put a lot of thought in their music. I'm not into kpop but I always like their work.


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For K-drama viewers, the cashier character in 'Mad for Each Other' was played by Lee Suhyun, half of the sibling duo AKMU. They even snuck her singing one of their songs into the series.
IU asked Suhyun in a recent interview how she can be such an accomplished singer, radio host and now actor. Suhyun replied that she has no ambition so doesn't suffer from performance anxiety. I imagine that super-ambitious IU may have been slightly taken aback by the response.


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I really like AKMU too, they’ve got some great songs. I enjoyed watching Suhyun on Begin Again (specifically seasons 3 and 4), which is an excellent show - it’s introduced me to some of my favourite Korean songs. Like welh if I don’t understand the words I listen to the voice as another instrument - but helpfully the fan subs for Begin Again often translate the lyrics too.


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You've watched Sea of Hope lately, @beffels? Suhyun also involves in this interesting reality show, too.

I guess I start to pay attention to their Sailing album. Their songs are surprisingly good, touching as well having pretty good message.

Most of the time I watch their music video or listen to their song first, then try to find the meaning of the lyric and listen again. This time (their Next Episode album) all 7 of their songs will be on MV, so their song will be way more accessible ...


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I haven’t seen Sea of Hope yet but I have seen a lot of promo stuff for it, I should check it out.


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I am grateful to DB, for having giving us a space to have open discussion on topics apart from Kdramas, because I really do not know where else I can share my thoughts that have been continously chewing my mind the past few months😅

I already mentioned in few OT backs, I am an Asian. Before someone assumes, I am generalizing all the Asian people, please be assured that is not the case.

Right from childhood, people are expected to prioritize education over other aspects of life. That is not a bad thing per se, but when kids turn adults, everything becomes complex as they really do not know there is more to life than getting good grades. As a result, one of the factors that is greatly affected is marriage. We are not supposed to date, know about s**, but should all of a sudden be ready to marry a complete stranger, who our parents deem fit and procreate, probably, within maximum two years of marriage. Being of an age, where there is pressure to find the one and cross over to the next stage in life, I am actually jealous of all the people in countries, where this custom is not followed.

This is not about forceful marriage, but the problem is the older adults pretend to let one choose their partner, but it is only at face value because one is restricted from sharing their opinions/desires/aspirations. Open communication is essential to any relation, especially in arranged realtions, but parents are more worried about losing a good alliance (with respect to family background, education, career status, economic welfare etc.,) than letting their child to know/learn about their potential partner. There is emphasis on showing a golden personality than revealing one's real attitude.


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Generations have changed and the younger people are slowly moving towards the concept of dating, even virtual dating, but it is largely followed by people residing in cities. Parents have come to terms with accepting their kid's love and marry them to a partner of their choice, but again this possible only when the parents have a progressive mind set.

One can argue that the partners choosen by parents may also be good, but the concept of arranged marriages have a timeline of maximum 6 months from engagement to marriage. We can never fully know a person even if we get a lifetime, so 6 months sounds like a average span to get to converse and be comfortable with the choosen partner, but the very important line here is , the two people involved are allowed to exchange phone numbers only after engagement. Yes, numbers can be given with prior conset of the parents, but this again circles back to limitations in conversation due to fear of rejection.

Lastly, I do not know how many are aware, but consummation in arranged marriages is expected to have happened from day 1 or atleast within 3 months. There are people who are kind to their partners and ask their consent, but more often the newly wedded couple jump into the love making process completely blind. This is one major drawback that resonates from the education system, where teachers in high school tend to shy away from the topic of human reproduction system. Fortunately, I have a very good biology teacher who touched on these topics, but did not dwell in depth. Neither did my teacher nor any of the other teachers explain the process that goes in s**. Young adults are just expected to know the stuff as soon as they are ready to be shipped into marriage life.


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Everything that you say sounds quite familiar and only when these things are implored in detail, we realize that they are actually quite messed up. I personally don't think arranged marriages are that bad only if given enough time to know the other person but I can't deny that there are cons too. It's okay if family or friends introduce you to a person you didn't know of earlier, but running straight into marriage is an issue but is somehow still followed largely.


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I'm wondering whether one can obtain enough information about the other to initiate contact on one's own.

This issue is definitely not exclusive to Asians. Highly patriarchal religion/societies/cultures practice this. Old money also have limited choice in marriage, although playing around is fine as long as one is "careful".

My grandparents on one side married via arranged marriage. Grandfather was unwilling but filial duty won. They never met before the wedding Grandparents on the other side married freely after dating in university. Both sides had frequent conflicts and arguments but stuck to "'til death parts us". Their children had equal or greater freedom in dating although most respected the tradition of getting parental approval when things got serious. One aunt's boyfriend was rejected by her father due to his political affiliation.


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You can see this being played out in multiple K-dramas. The plot of 'Marriage not Dating' was the matriarch of the family threatening to disown the son if he doesn't marry and produce offspring at her command. The (adult) children are always rebelling against the parental authority but, in the end, wind up exactly where the parents wanted them to be, on the road to 'domestic bliss'.


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Woah.. that's sad.

For me, I don't believe in arranged marriage and I think people have their right to choose anything in their life. I know it's a cultural thing, but one can always choose to follow or not to follow a tradition. There will be repercussions, ofc, but then it has to be weighed against the pros of it. It's gonna be difficult if the parents have a tunnel vision mindset, but I don't think it's a hopeless situation. Nowadays, we have access to the internet, so even when any issue isn't explored or educated in details, you can always find reliable sources online. The problem then comes to having a real discussion with your parents I think. Oh.. this is such a difficult question given that I just made my mother mad today because I suggested one thing which she seemed to take it so personally. I didn't blame myself or her, but I truly believe that we love one another, so things will work out.


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I feel I this day and age we have moved from arrange marriages (foe the people who have a choice) to your parents helping you choice a prosper tive wife or husband but most the boys parents get the choice...

Different situations means different reasons and ways of choosing but all in all parents (read family as aunts and uncles still get a say) still choose validate and give a thumps up...

Some ask their family to choose, some families choose for thier children... Me I hope to find what I want before they choose for me unlike you am it entirely opposed but there us always a what if?? ...


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I have met people in India who have married for love and who have had an arranged marriage. Some of the arranged marriages have worked out brilliantly because the parents have chosen wisely, but some have been disastrous. Marrying within one's professional class is considered important and as a result the bride's standard of living and values are much the same in her marriage as before. The people who have gone against the wishes of their families seem to me to have come from more privileged parts of society (I'm trying not to say higher caste here). Belonging to an intellectual or professional elite gives you the clout and authority to say "No", I'm not doing that and usually the parents are also more broad minded and more secure socially, so they fall in line. One woman I knew married for love, but entered a joint family where the in-laws tied to dominate and bully her (probably because she was from a more professional background and they felt it necessary to keep her under the thumb). She left the family home and the marriage with her mother's support (very very unusual, but the mother was an open-minded highly educated person). He loved her so much that his health started to suffer and they begged her to go back. She did, but then on her terms. No more bullying. She has since been free to travel for study and while I'm not up-to-date, she runs her own life. It's a hard one because women from less privileged backgrounds can get trapped in a loveless non-functioning marriage and it's all blamed on them. It's not unknown for women to kill themselves. They are bullied and blamed and their families do not want them back. The worst instances are when women pour petrol over themselves and ignite it. It would be all the stuff of dramas and melodramas if it was just on the screen, but it's all too real.


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(I am using MDL reporting for dates.)

1. SBS's LOVERS OF THE RED SKY (Viki US). 16 eps.
M/T Aug. 21-Oct. 12. (Kim Yoo-jung, Ahn Hyo-seop).
2. KBS's AFFECTION. 20 eps.
M/T Sept. 27-Nov. 30. (Park Eun-bin, Rowoon).
F/S Oct. 15- Dec. 4. (Junho, Lee Se-young).
M/T Nov. 1-Dec. 21. (Taecyon, Kim Hye-yoon).
5. Hong Sisters' tvN's RETURN (Historical fantasy?). 16 eps.
S/S Dec. 18-Feb. 6, '22. (Lee Jae-wook, Jung So-min).
M/T Dec. 20-Feb. 15, '22. (Yoo Seung-ho, Lee Hye-ri).

No dates available:
7. KBS's RED SINGLE HEART. 20 eps.
(Jang Hyuk, Kang Ha-na, Lee Joon)
8. tvN's SHUROOP/UMBRELLA. 16 eps.
(Kim Hye-soo)


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A few thoughts:
1. This list is totally unofficial and what I have been able to collate from various kdrama sources. Please feel free to amend/correct/update;
2. Sageuk fans have a lot coming down the line;
3. Since many of the dramas are from SBS, KBS and MBC hopefully those will be available on Kocowa/Viki; and
4. The airing of some dramas will overlap. I have found it a challenge in the past to handle 2 sageuks at once I am thinking of THE CROWN CLOWN and HAECHI which overlapped. I watched and enjoyed both but frankly it was a challenge.


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I hope I won't be disapointed like the first half on 2021. I was so excited to see sageuk in the list of dramas :(

I think I can watch more than one sageuk, overall they won't be historic one. Affection is a webtoon adaptation with the FL who disguises herself as a man, Red Sky is an adaptation of a novel, etc. I'm excepting different directions from the PD.


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So looking forward to another meaty sageuk. In my anticipation I've taken to a couple of Chinese historical dramas, but I've got Red Sky on my watch list.


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Right now I am watching THE IMPERIAL CORONER.
I will be watching RED SKY also but I think AFFECTION will probably be a pass.


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If I can get access, I'll give them all a chance.


Huh. Lotta Red, just sayin’.



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5. The Hong sisters have gotten something of a bum rap recently for unsatisfying dramas, but if you look at those series you can usually detect the heavy hand of production company exec interference or, just as often, lackluster directors. The fate of their series isn't entirely up to them. Nobody was complaining about their writing on Hotel del Luna.


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happy friday beanies!
i think this summer has been the most stressful yet. i’m trying to organize college stuff which is a lot by itself, and meet some of my high school friends before i go across the country to college. i also feel like because so many of my friends, family and people (at least in my state) are vaccinated, people are trying to make plans everyday. and i’m happy that my loved ones are safe, but i feel almost overwhelmed with so many plans. i’d been mostly in my house until online school ended, and right after graduation, everyone’s trying to hang out or do something, which i am really not used to. and it’s a bit exhausting as an introvert to go from staying in my house most days or seeing maybe 1-2 friends (post-vaccinations) to people having graduation parties with 20+ people. i just don’t feel like i eased back into normal life. i am obviously happy that my state is safer in terms of covid, i guess i just never realized how quickly life would transition (i hope what i’m saying doesn’t come out negatively or in any other way! people’s health is more important than ANYTHING.)

my mom is also… less than enthused about me leaving for college and our communication isn’t the best. she can be a little bit passive aggressive when i have to go somewhere, or even when i call my friends. i know it’s because she cares about me and is afraid of not having me in the house, but her way of expressing her emotions is quite hurtful to me, and conversations don’t really go anywhere. sigh…

dramawise, i’m on episode 16 of vincenzo, caught up with hosplay, and for some reason, i BINGED 7 EPS OF HER PRIVATE LIFE YESTERDAY. i found the show pretty funny, and aim to finish the show this weekend. i’m leaving for college in a bit more than 2 weeks, so i hope i can finish some dramas before i start.

hope you all have a good weekend! miss you guys.

love and hwaiting,


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There are two groups after this pandemic: those dying to go back to the office and social life, and the two of us.😆 I am only half kidding, the second group does not feel comfortable leaving the cage. What you are trying to explain is normal and relatable.😉

I wish I understood my mother that well at your age! I hope you can patch things up with her before you leave, but things might cool down once she gets used to not having you around all the time, and the distance might bring you two closer!😘

Ryan Gold!🤭


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Ryan is the perfect boyfriend.


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Lion Gold always deserve a shout out...


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The transition can be so abrupt! I really found that here last year - we had about two months of full on lockdown where basically you could only leave your house to go to the supermarket if absolutely necessary, after which there was no community covid so life was just ….back to normal. With crowds and stuff, and no transition time. It was weird. I got used to it again but I’m still happier with more time at home.

Good luck with college!


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Happy weekend Beanies and keep Beaning On!

Darn it, the drama gods took my words waaay too literally again!😅Last week I begged them for some new interesting shows because the movies I watched were not to my liking, but of course I forgot that a new K-drama month is starting this weekend.😆Now there are a handful of them premiering in August that look like potential beans to collect in 2021.😊

Real life heard those infamous words as well, and picked the non-K-Drama route to solve my movie problem: not watching anything.😅The week is finished and instead of K-dramas I dealt with another medical check-up from work, a rookie recruiter blissfully unaware of my current situation, a questionnaire from my psychiatrist, dozens of mysterious boxes in the storage room and the dust and papers in my bedroom.💪 So no What We Are Watching for me tomorrow.😆

My friend is on leave next week and wants to catch up on Prison Playbook, so I hope my second Pfizer shot tomorrow and first therapy session next week won’t leave me too sick or too exhausted to watch with her, to catch up on the two last episodes of Racket Boys, and to start some new K-dramas and maybe movies.🙏


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I got into Kdramas this year on Netflix while distancing. I'm still catching up with the rest of you by getting some of the classics (Goblin, Secret Garden, etc) from the library. Korean diaspora is very prevalent here in Seattle so there's a good selection. But a lot of shows are missing, like "Coffee Prince." Is Viki a good service? I need English subtitles and have seen some bad reviews of Viki. What do you think?


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Welcome fellow Western Washingtonian. I think Viki has the best subs around. The subs sometimes include historical information (like in the case of Chicago Typewriter which I highly recommend) or song lyrics. I do complain about Viki on occasion when they aren't picking up many new dramas and because they rely on volunteers rather than paid employees.


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Viki does the trick. I watch Netflix, Viki and something else 😉😉😉 with an ad blocker. You're like me, playing catch-up. It's lots of fun.


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A somewhat more sketchy K-drama access site is 'Dr@m@cool', I don't know if they're entirely legit, especially with the (almost) porn ads lining the edge of the page. But hey, it lets me watch 'The Girl From Nowhere' so I won't complain.


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Welcome aboard @thimble. Viki is the way to go. I prefer Viki’s ‘style’ to Netflix’s.
The strange thing of course is that Viki subbers are all volunteers and Netflix could probably afford to run the UN translation service but many times Netflix translations go the low road. I am thinking profanity for example.


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Sadly Americanized.


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As others have said, Viki subs are generally more accurate than Netflix's, although because they're done by fans they can be slower sometimes. Kocowa is the other major legal streaming site currently, but you do need a subscription (or you can get Viki Premium which gives you access to Kocowa content). There are also some shows available legally through YouTube (MBC and KBS's pages have some older stuff subbed, including Coffee Prince, I believe) and random other sites, as well as various sketchy places where some of the harder to find shows lurk.


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Saturday morning here. Usually by the time I get to this thread, it's all over. I'm having a lazy start to the day watching Seoul Walker. It's a guy with a camera going on long walks around the city and sometimes outside the city. Recently he walked along the beach in Busan, but the rolling waves made me sea-sick so I had to stop. This morning I'm watching the sunset that he recorded a couple of weeks ago as he walked through the city. The colours are glorious: yellow, pinks, purples. Very different to what I see here where I live. It has to be seen to be believed. I took photos off the screen because I'd love to be able to paint something like that. What you get too are the changes in the colours as the sun sets. It's just as good as being there (almost). At the beginning of the year, I "walked" to Olympic park to see the sunrise over the Land of Morning Calm with lots of other people. I've got a series of photos of that too. I tried to get it as a painting, but I've got a loooong way to go. Some of the most interesting walks have been along the fortress walls or up to one of the surrounding hills to look down on the city. I find it hard to pick what was originally "inside" the walls and what was outside. It's armchair traveling, but if I have the time and I sit through a whole walk, I really do feel as if I've been there. At least, when things open up and my chance to go to SK comes, I'll know what to look out for.


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I love Seoul Walker. What kind of painting do you do? I'm partial to watercolors but I haven't picked up a brush in forever.


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I can't honestly claim to be a painter. I just tried to get the sunset with crayons. A bit embarrassing, but I'll try next with watercolours. It's something I've always wanted to try. I'd like to catch the same colours.


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Crayons are good! Watercolor is fast and it helps to get a little instruction (and the right basic supplies).


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Have you tried acrylics? I've got some here already, so I might start there, but I feel in my bones that I'll get the effects I want best with watercolour.


I've tried them but couldn't get the look I wanted with them.


I like both. I think acrylics is easier because the light came at the end when for watercolor you need to think about it at the beginning.


I'm a complete novice.


It is about your own creative expression. I use all mediums except oils so I really do not have one style. Sometimes I mix and match inks, watercolor and pencil. The process itself is as enjoyable as the end result.


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I would love to do that. I'll keep the pleasure of the process in mind.


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I love Seoul Walker, too! (though I am absolutely mystified by how smoothly they walk, I keep visualizing wheels)

Watching the walks went a long way toward easing the grief and ache over a cancelled trip last fall to Seoul, because some of my best memories of Seoul were the walks. I had just finished a gorgeous book about walking (Wanderlust by Rebecca Solnit) and put it into practice on my first trip to Seoul, walking between 5-10 miles a day.

I paint with both, watercolors and acrylics, and they each have their charm. Watercolor would be wonderful at capturing the brilliant colors of a sunset, but trying it out first in acrylics sounds like a plan!


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Sometimes you can see his shadow and he has the camera on his head. I've thought that he's been on a bike at times as well. I'm envious that you've been at least once. I imagine myself walking there. Thanks for the advice - I'll try the acrylics first.


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I have exams throughout today and the week to come, saying I'm stressed is an understatement right now. But even with this hectic schedule, I managed to rewatch some of my favorite dramas and movies, just one episode at a time though. I think rewatching is quite good considering the fact that I really enjoyed it than the first time.
That's all I have in my mind. I need ur encouragement over my upcoming exams. I'm really feeling the heat, fellow friends.


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I’m wishing you all the best and you have my support! May you find some joy in every exam you’re taking. When I have to take an exam, I always feel like I’m meeting a new friend. Being afraid of it won’t take me anywhere, so I try to befriend it. 🥺😂


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Super thanks, my confidence is building up positively seeing the exams were not as hard as I thought.
Too many thanks for your love and care


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You can do it! 🤞


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Good luck with exams!


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(Sigh) I'm an adult (have been for awhile). Nobody's formally tested me on my knowledge for a very long time. You will be surprised how little used test taking skills are after you reach a certain age. I'm almost nostalgic, now, for standardized testing!


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Thanks for the encouragement. Today's paper went well. Many thanks for the sweet words


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While I was tidying up my bedroom, I found this letter written to me by my pen pal. She drew me an anime picture of a girl with the 'fighting' expression. Inside the letter, a poem was written:

Dear You Whom I Have Not Met,

Where we now stand is the strangest of places
where hearts know hearts, before faces know faces
where in silence, we so much talked
where in distance, together we walked
unobscured by such things trivial
as attire and material
where we defy both time and space
where we now stand...

is such a wondrous place.

(signed) A faceless friend

I miss her so much. We used to talk a lot before I became more frequent on DB and Discord. Actually, she was absent for quite some time so I became more frequent here. However, she has been absent for almost a year now and I'm getting a bit concerned. I hope she's doing fine wherever she is.


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Given what's going on in the world, there's reason to be concerned. Have you done what you can to contact her? Letter, whatever other means, and she hasn't responded? If not, I'd suggest starting there; but if so, it depends how stalkerish you think it's reasonable to be.


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Thanks Joe! Unfortunately, there was no other way to contact her. The real-world information we exchanged was very limited, but that was what enabled us to befriend one another and talked to one another about almost everything. She used to disappear for a year before, so I’m here hoping that will be the case this time, too.


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try sending birthday or holiday greetings. I've had a penpal since primary grade and we are in touch through our greetings. We're now in our early 60s. She's in a far north scandinavian country and i'm in Asia/Pacific. We met at least 3 times in this lifetime!


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That sounds so lovely merry!
Yes! I actually still wrote to her the same way I usually did when she was around. Still, I haven’t heard back from her yet, but hopefully she’ll come around soon. 🙂


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I had been watching The Newsroom for the last few days and I think that's one of my favorite tv series ever and such a shame that it only had 2.5 seasons...... I wish there could be more...

And I think it kinda has a good basic premise for a kdrama lol

Also I think it's my first time writing on the open thread lol


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'The Newsroom' was my favourite drama till I watched 'The West Wing' (This one has 8 SEASONS!). Aaron Sorkin is a little infamous for giving up on his projects. That brilliant mind gets bored too quickly. I have not watched it but I believe K-Drama 'Argon' is in the same genre.


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