Forecasting Love and Weather: Episodes 9-10 Open Thread

What happens when a couple has two different ideas of what a successful relationship looks like, and two very different end games in mind? As the heatwave continues, so does the discord between our couples — especially when the word “marriage” gets thrown into the mix.


We pick up with Ha-kyung and Shi-woo happy and cute at the bar together, but a proposal at the restaurant — accidentally started in front of them — makes for an interesting mishap. However, Shi-woo’s response isn’t the one we’d expect; instead, he makes a negative comment about marriage, and Ha-kyung doesn’t miss picking up on it.

Before they can talk it out, she’s confronted by Ki-joon at work for her obvious dating of Shi-woo. She denies it (somehow), and the whole exchange is as annoying as we can imagine, what with Ki-joon being a pathetic jerk and all.

From here, Ha-kyung sounds the alarm over IM to Shi-woo, and the two have a hilarious rapid fire IM exchange that doesn’t escape the notice of KIM SOO-JIN (Chae Seo-eun), who from that point on is suspicious of the pair.

Ha-kyung wants to date even more secretly now, so they come up with a weekend camping date. Unfortunately, Ki-joon is on their tail trying to capture incriminating evidence. It’s played for laughs, but at this point I’m out of good humor for this character. Ki-joon misses his mother’s birthday meal with Yoo-jin, criticizes her for shopping for herself when she’s spent her bonus on a designer purse for his mother, and his whole weekend revolves around Ha-kyung. It’s pathetic to the point of being boring. Ki-joon, get a life!

Another strange event in this week’s episodes is that both couples seek the other out to talk about their exes. While Ki-joon and Shi-woo are working on their weathery business, it turns into a rare moment of maturity between them, and Ki-joon tells Shi-woo that Ha-kyung doesn’t date without the intention of marriage.

Meanwhile, Ha-kyung seeks out Yoo-jin, because she’s a bit bothered by what she thinks is Shi-woo’s anti-marriage perspective. And sure enough, we learn from Yoo-jin that Shi-woo is something of a misogamist; she broke up with him because he doesn’t believe in marriage. We also learn that Yoo-jin married Ki-joon because he was the first man that wanted to marry her.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Yoo-jin, but the more we see of her, the more I like her. I feel sorry she got saddled with Ki-joon; hopefully he can get his act together soon.

If there’s one thing that’s refreshing about this show, it’s that the main couple communicates beautifully about everything, and we get to see them genuinely working through the bumps they hit. The marriage talk is a perfect example of this. Ha-kyung says she sees marriage as the outcome of dating, while Shi-woo sees it (and the family one marries into) as a burden. “What could our ending be if not marriage?” muses Ha-kyung. It’s an interesting conundrum for them.

While this is playing out in the background, Ha-kyung’s mom makes a surprise banchan delivery visit, and learns (with the expected amount of horror) that two grown men are living with her daughter. Conversely, she likes what she sees of Seok-ho, and immediately puts on her matchmaker hat. Too bad she has the wrong daughter in the hot seat. (I’m really liking the Seok-ho + unni pairing. Penguins! lol)

The marriage question continues to play out through Episode 10 as well, and Ha-kyung and Shi-woo get two different images of married life. Ha-kyung hears from Myung-joo, who unhappily tells her to stay single and be free from the burden of a family, while Shi-woo sees the huuuuuuge smile Dong-han gets on his face talking about being a husband and a father. He encourages Shi-woo to experience those things, and I love this moment (especially considering Dong-han is so positive about family when his own situation isn’t optimal). But also, I’m pretty sure I know where we’re going next.

Sure enough, just when Shi-woo gets a different vision of what marriage could look like (and learns from Yoo-jin what it might be like for a man to say he’s not interested in marrying you), so does Ha-kyung. Except they are opposite reactions, both moving towards the other’s stance.

We can see Ha-kyung second-guessing herself, and, when Mom comes to visit with more demands, Ha-kyung boldly declares that she’s never getting married. I can see why Mom drives her to this point, and I can see how the advice Ha-kyung and Shi-woo have received/absorbed from their elders impacted them — but also, how do you change your stance on something so serious after just one instance? Are they trying to please the other, or please themselves?

Either way, change is on the horizon — as our episode closes, Yoo-jin leaves with a suitcase saying she and Ki-joon should spend some time apart, and Ha-kyung selects Shi-woo for the extended work stint on Jeju. Whomp whomp.


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The scene where they're going back and forth on IM while Seok-ho obliviously drones on about classical pianists in the background was pretty fun.

Other than that Ki-joon needs to get a life and Mom needs to learn some boundaries!


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Ki-joon is a total ass, but I'm still enjoying him. Yoon Park is hilarious, and makes this ridiculous and selfish character mildly sympathetic just because he's so clueless.

The matchmaking mom got on my nerves this week, though. But this is a character type that I always struggle to understand, so it might just be a cultural thing. But why is it so important that her daughter hurry up and get married? If she's not upset about it, why is her mother? The sexism underlying this kind of thinking irks me.

I loved the IM-ing scene with what's-his-name droning on about classical music in the background. I'm loving his burgeoning pairing with unni, too.

I completely understand why Shi-woo is so reluctant to marry, even though it's clear that he's a serial monogamist and wants a relationship that's basically marriage without the legal validation. To that end, I didn't take Ha-kyung's declaration that seriously--I think she was just fed up with her mom and Ki-joon and likes the idea of going against what people assume she wants, even if she does actually want it.


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Even though 25 21 has the feels, this continues to be the drama I first pick yo watch week after week. Maybe because the late teens and early 20s, and their struggles, is not one I’m so concerned with anymore.

But this weeks marriage question is. I can understand why they both changed their mind so “quickly”. One has been hounded by her mom to get married AND just got a taste of how life can pull your intended path from you quickly (like you could even if you were married). Now someone’s offering her a different option and hearing a confirmation from a senior that marriage isn’t all it’s cracked up to be made her change her mind.

The other comes from a broken home but I think they’re trying to show how much he likes her and is slowly changed by her , namely this weeks comment that his intuition has consequences. So it’s also understandable why he changed his opinion.

This is prob why I like the drama. The feels are very understated and yet thoughtful.


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I laughed when Ki-joon told Yoo-jin that Ha-kyung can't possibly date a man like Shi-woo then out all negative comment about Shi-woo which is more suitable describing himself. But I couldn't disagree with him, Ha-kyung has bad eyes in choosing male partner. If I were her and wanting to get married, I will choose to go blind dates arranged by her mother.
After a man like Ki-joon for 10 years and then Shi-woo (both need to be taken care of), traumatic hard life when she was a child, she deserves someone who can't take care of her.
Shi-woo is cute and all that but he so immatur sometimes, it will be exhausting for the long run. Who is got panicked forget to bring meat for making kimchi jiggae while he can just replace with can of tuna or dude Chiken stock or something?? Man are you a kiddo?


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Thanks for the speedy post @missvictrix!

I don't love this drama, but it's good and keeps me watching. I liked ep10 for the way it gave no clear answers on the issue of marriage - loads of thoughts from loads of perspectives but no simple path to follow. I liked the truth of that - each of us approaches it with our own perspective, experience, understanding and so on, and what works for one doesn't work for another - and that the writer is forcing the characters to work through their own decisions. It's interesting.

While I loved Seok-ho and unni bonding over penguins (his wide-eyed, "They're my favourite!" actually drew an "Awwww" from me), I am having to suspend disbelief over the speed with which they got to red-wine-and-reading-her-book-together. Seok-ho has known she is the author of Crocodile in the City since the bookshop; despite that he's done very little to pursue the relationship and was following his uptight-and-cold routine when she turned up with kimchi, trying to get her out of the house asap. How did her finding her book on his shelf lead him to becoming a marshmallow just like that? He was squirming with embarrassment when she picked it up... Not following what we're expected to deduce!


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Seok-ho is one of my favorite characters now; I enjoyed his squirming-marshmallow act as he first tried to figure out how to get unni out of his apartment... There are a lot of supporting characters that hold my interest here.


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The office “emergencies” are making me cringe. I actually like the characters, but then something goes “wrong” at the office and I end up groaning at what will inevitably be a COMPLETELY INSANE reaction.

Today’s idiocy about the 5-minute glitch on the portal was dumb as hell. You know how you react when that happens? You say “was anyone negatively impacted by this” and when the collective agrees that it was obviously a glitch (“today Minneapolis will be 145 degrees at dawn!”) then you correct it. And if a moron tries to make it into a tabloid report you say “this was an error that was up for five minutes and quickly corrected, per our stats, and we’ll be careful to avoid similar issues in future”.

Honestly the phone-answering seemed more of an issue to me. That was a training issue on two levels (rookie and senior) and then the cloying advice Ha Kyung gave wasn’t practical; the practical advice is that you have to zen your way through crazy people and always remember that this may be being recorded (and sometimes remind the caller of that too) and will come back to haunt you, especially in public service and govt sectors (“My taxes pay your salary” roles).

I feel like they decided to place this show in a weather center before doing any on-scene observation, and now they’re stuck absurdly hyping small office events. Ha Kyung is generally fine as a boss, but management is coming across as a structure full of drama queens. Also why did they schedule this for summer? Surely there’s more drama in winter weather?

…Okay so apparently this show makes me grumpier than I realized.


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I’m with you @missvictrix, Yoo-Jin is starting to grow on me. She’s displaying growth and maturity, especially when compared to almost everyone else. The people who really irritated me this week were Dong-Han’s wife - what is her deal?! Nothing seems to make her happy! - and Ha-Kyung’s mom. Enough meddling already!


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I could not agree more LOL!


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same. Theis trying to sabotage forecaster um's relationship with his daughter. when they see each other at you could tell how happy they both were. HIs daughter even had a small smile when he said he would treat her to lunch. I understand his wife resents the Weather Buero, but at least his daughter is trying to understand her father. i hope their tenuous relationship doesn't get ruined.


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Yes, Dong Han's wife I cannot wrap my head around what her deal is. I could understand her at first, but she is no longer making any sense. Woman, communicate and deal with your insecurity/trust issues with your husband, leave the kid out of it! I felt bad for Dong Han to be honest..


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Are there six episodes of story left for FL&W? I would still run FL&W out for twelve episodes and send the other four episodes to THROUGH THE DARKNESS.
I think Yoo-jin has had some of the best character growth in the drama.
I though that maybe Ki-joon (Yoon Park) might evolve and come around the way Han Se-kwon (Lee Sang-yeob) did in VERGE but now I am not sure.


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I like that Yoo-jin, as much as she started off negatively, has turned out to be a character we can sympathize with, and even like. And you know what? I do like her. And I really, really want her and Ki-joon to work out. I like that she calls him out on his frequent nonsense, and that she is so much more than just someone's cheating ex. I want Ki-joon to get his act together and make it work with her, I really do.


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The couples are like empty shells for me.

The main couple has very important converstions about relationship but I still don't know why they love each other... Their camping trip was superficial. They spent their time to watch informations about meteo or talked about meteo, that is their job. But there wasn't any intimacy. (And, who wants to go camping when they are expecting rain? What genius forgets the meat?)

The second couple is not better. Yoo-Jin showed some growth but if Ki-Joon acted like that it's because of her. She lied about Shi-Woo and then didn't register their marriage. Her reason to want to marry was because he was just the first one to propose? He was sure about his feelings for her before that. The issue it's they rushed their marriage before knowing each other and they're disapointed now.

I don't like how the ex-pair still talk to each other. I can't understand why Ha-Kyung would ask Ki-Joon about marriage life...


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I'm warming up to Yu-jin more. Surely she saw a responsible Ki-jun, and fell in love with that man. Get your acts together man. I'm deeply rooting for Yujin-Kijun to work out, and of course Taekyung-Seokho.
The more the episodes pan out, the more I see problems with the main couple. The lovey-dovey moments are there and they are to die for, but as Director Jin's mom says 'happiness ain't a constant factor or occurrence in a marriage', but I don't see both being a pillar for each other when the going gets going.


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Death, Taxes and Day Care. That's my connection with these two episodes (thumbs up @missvictrix). Had to skulk out of a meeting with a particularly pugnacious subcontractor and my boss to pick up my 14 month old kiddo. As any working mom will tell you - don't piss off your child minders. Said no male ever.
Interspersed with some mind-blowingly nuts office interactions are these little nuggets of truth. Mom-breadwinner has to pick up her kids. Her hubby is a schlub and has dumped it all on her: high pressure career, being primary parental unit and support while he "studies".
Gee, no wonder our FL decides to opt out of the whole mess.
Weather-wise - having lived and worked (outside) in South Florida, I can say that endless days of heat and humidity can suck the heart, mind and soul out of anyone.
I am happy our ML is going to Jeju for a spell. Does absence do its thing?


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My scenario is that Ha-Kyung will have to go to Jeju to help Shi-Woo with a cyclone emergency, and they will finally get their romantic getaway :)


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Thanks @missvictrix! I agree that Yoo-Jin is developing some maturity and gaining our sympathy, while Ki-Joon is still stuck in his self-involved spin-cycle. Also, the fact that our ML and FL both went to their exes to ask advice was pretty brave, and says a lot about how much they care for each other.


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We are still loving this show and these episodes actually surprised us. In particular there is no longer any way we can hate the second female lead anymore- now what she did makes sense, even if perhaps she simply ended up trading one mistake for a different mistake. At this point she simply has our pity.


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I like how the show depicts a mature couple (with heavy baggage of past relationships) navigating a new one. They keep going over how they may have screwed up in the previous relationship (either in their heads or even going and asking previous partners) and taking corrective steps in the new one. I like how they even question marriage in a real way as the conclusion of a relationship. It is rarely shown on screen because it is not exactly butterflies inducing kdrama stuff but many people do operate like this in life. This is a mature show. It can be slow paced and even a tad boring at times but atleast its trying something different. I don't mind. I hope to be surprised at the end by how the two leads eventually choose to take their relationship forward.


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I can empathise with Yoo-Jin on some level but I cringed hard when she said she got married to Ki-joon because he was the first to propose. 🥴. That must have hurt. Did she think it through before actually saying that?
It looks like he was more certain of his feelings for her.

Also, she has certainly played a role in the mistrust he has of her but Ki-joon is such an ass. He really could have at least listened to what she had to say. Ughh


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Can forecaster Um's story arc with his wife move a little? It was interesting at first but now...


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Although I am a huge fun of Park Ming Young I force myself to watch it . I don't see any spark between any of them. It is not about age difference just become a boring , stereo type story. PMY is repeating herself again. She is following Song Hye Kyo's step :) I felt the same vibe like 'We are breaking up' in this drama. I have dropped it in this week. I may come around the watch last episode :)


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Forecasting love and weather is such an up-and-down experience for me! I hated the 1st episode, liked episodes 2, 3 and 4; was meh for episodes 5 and 6, and for this set of episodes I am completely down. I have a difficult time because I am not sure where they are going with the four leads. The main leads no longer have that chemistry they had earlier, they dnt even look like a couple anymore. I understand they have issues to deal with each week, but it feels disjointed and the weather aspect feels forced, I mean it's not smooth at all. Even the monologues they have about the weather and how they feel, does not connect with me at all. And I still wonder why Ki-jun is still like the main character, why do we see so much of him. His clueless face is not funny, and I am getting tired of seeing him. The only story that resonated with me this week was that of Myong-joo: women lose so much when they get married and I could feel with her, when she had to leave to pick up her kids, and I wanted to slap Soo-jin' mouth when she made that snide comment afterward, pfff, you should know better!


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super agree with you. the story went down the hill these past few episodes.


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"and learns from Yoo-jin what it might be like for a man to say he’s not interested in marrying you"

That's a big statement. There was no gender-related meaning attached to it, and no expectation of generalization, she was simply conveying what she felt at the time. Did she try to understand him? No. Did she discuss this with him? No. Was she aware of this when they were together? Yes. Did she break things off when she realized it, rather than horrifically betraying him? No. Despite intending to break up anyway. All in all, I felt no sympathy for her, because:
- The guy has a pretty clear reason for thinking what he thinks (his father).
- The guy clearly communicates that even though he is not interested in marriage, this is not a fling for him.
- In general, I think that particularly nowadays this is not such a crazy position to have. It's a different perspective, not a personal slight. I don't see FL cheating on him for this, because she is not bottom feeder scum.
- I didn't really like her glossing over her betrayal, as if they had simply decided to part amicably. If it was the latter, I would have been fully supportive: different perspectives. This is not the case (and yet, this is addressed only through her husband and his almost-wife, as if the ML was not equally hurt by their actions... the scummy man-child at least apologized, which is more than could be said for his wife; filth, the both of them -and incredible that they are still in the lives of the people they hurt).


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Revolting to see them reach out to their exes/the people that destroyed their lives. Revolting to see the traitors feign caring, it's intellectually insulting. "Too little, too late" does not even begin to cover this -there is no coming back from this, not that I see her apologizing or either of them doing much to redeem themselves, and not that they ever could, no matter what they did-. I prefer brutal honesty to this facade of decency and respectability. This filth does not have a respectable bone in their bodies, and in that respect they do deserve each other.


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"she broke up with him because he doesn’t believe in marriage. We also learn that Yoo-jin married Ki-joon because he was the first man that wanted to marry her."

Not sure I like how they casually gloss over her cheating, and with someone in a 10 year relatioship that was about to marry another person, to boot.

Also not sure that "the first person that wanted to marry me" is a good criterion. The guy was, as he constantly point out, apparently not realizing how it makes him seem, willing to horrifically betray a woman he knew for 10 years, having sex with his mistress in front of her in their house, in their marriage bed. That's the kind of bottom feeder scum he was.


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Frankly, I wouldn't be opposed to her realizing that they can be together without needing to marry each other, that marriage and commitment don't have to go together. Or him changing his perspective and deciding that he can get over his trauma, either way would be okay.

I like the second ML and second FL splitting up, frankly the idea that the show would "validate" their horrific betrayal by giving them a happy ending is revolting (as the people supporting this). I mean, I know that in the real world scammers might win the lottery, but that's not exactly what one wants to focus on or see. Let alone see the show give an imprimatur (thus saying they were disectionally correct, and treating their actions like mere minor inconveniences, rather than the horrific, traumatic betrayals that wrecked their former partners' lives).


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I mean, if the only thing she did was break up with him it would be a different situation. Not that she seems to have apologized, or even confessed to the cheating, or shown any evidence that she regrets it. Which her husband at least did, despite being at least equally a****lish in basically every other respect -what with his physical, emotional and financial betrayal, the stalking , the physical violence, the presumption he has the right to question her life choices, the scenes he creates due to his fragile male ego-.


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I must say that I found Yu-jin's misplaced pride when she tels Ha-Kyung that she did not break up with his boyfriend because of his father. She said she liked her husband because he was the first/only man that wanted to marry him. I found ridiculous and umbelievable that instead of breaking up with her boyfriend and look for someone unattached with the same goal, she chose to cheat and went after someone in a 10 year relationship that was about to marry someone else. The kind of person that would seep with his mistress in the home and bed he shared with his girlfriend of 10 years. She broke up with her boyfriend after having been caught in bed by the woman she is currently talking to, and didn't feel any guilt, apologized or even acknowledged her betrayal and what she had put both her boyfriend -who she didn't have any complaints about besides his different ideas on marriage, which he was always upfront about- and Ha-Kyung -who she didn't know and never did anything to her- through. Even telling her ex, who she had dumped right after being caught sleeping with his lover on the bed he shared with his girlfriend of 10 years, that she understood how men could not tolerate their wifes having lived with someone else, and regretted it, despite it being something her husband had no right to shame her over(while neither regretting, apologizing for or even acknowledging her betrayal, that was indeed something to be ashamed of, and was completely pointless and needlessly cruel, humiliating, hurtful, disrespectful, when she had already decided she would break up afterwards).

In short, Ha-Kyung has every right to set her bar and expectation very much lover than normal when assessing her behavior and motivations.


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I also found pretty remarkable how she could simply tell as if it was completely normal that she went for someone that would be willing to cheat on his girlfriend of ten years in their own home and bed, just because he was the first/only person that wanted to marry her. Which also mean, as he keeps reminding her, evidently not realizing the how it makes him look like the untrustworthy scumbag he is -not that she is any better, of course- that he is the kind of person that would be willing to cheat with his mistress in the very house and bed he shared with his girlfriend of ten years that he was on the verge of marrying. I mean, completely unbelievable: why couldn't she simply break up with her boyfriend and look for someone unattached with the same interest in marriage?


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