Team Dramabeans: Staff AMA – Submit your questions!

You read that right! We’re planning to have a Team Dramabeans staff AMA (a.k.a. Ask Me Anything). What with so many new regulars, and so many great new writers, we thought now would be a good time for you to, uh, ask us stuff!

If you have a burning question about our drama likes loves and hates, favorite oppas, how we approach writing, the worst drama we’ve ever covered — or any other dramaland question you’re curious about — drop it in the comments below. We’ll answer as many of your questions as we can in an upcoming post (or series of posts, depending on how inquisitive you are).

As always, thanks for being a part of Dramabeans. ♥

Drop a question for the Dramabeans staff in the comments below!

The cutoff for submitting your questions is Wednesday 8/17 at 12AM PST.
Thank you for your questions! The idea behind this AMA was for you to get to know the DB staff writers more, so we’ll be answering questions that lean towards that. Any of the more pressing editorial questions will be answered below because we’re nice like that.



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I have my question to Dramabeans staff:
Are there any Kdramas with a hilarious scene of guy's/man's pants fell down?


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My another questions to Dramabeans staff:
(1) What's your favorite OCN Kdramas? What's your favorite Channel A Kdramas? What's your favorite TV Chosun Kdramas?
(2) What's your favorite Korean foods?
(3) What's your favorite 1990s Kdrama? (e.g. Sandglass)
(4) Who's your favorite former Kdrama actor/actress that either disappeared from public spotlight, faded into obscurity or even retired?


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You know what, I’m seconding that first question! I’m racking through my brain but I’m coming up blank

Tho what are the rules here? Does one’s pants have to fall off by themselves or with someone’s help? And does the underwear also have to come off or can it remain on?

The closest I can come up with is in Sh**ting Stars, where that rookie actor gets drunk, takes his pants off and sleeps in his boxers in a playground

I can think of a few other adjacent scenarios but none that fully meet the pants-fall-off criteria:

Seo In-guk appears a few times in his boxers in Cafe Minamdang

Same with Hwang In-yeop getting caught in his underwear in front the female lead in True Beauty

K2 has that bathroom fight scene but that’s more of a towels off kind of situation

Love In The Moonlight, we don’t see it but it is implied that the Eunuchs-in-training take their pants off to you know become Eunuchs

Though my best bet would be Welcome to Waikiki S1&2, I don’t quite remember if the series had such a scene but since it’s main premise is dealing with embarrassing situations, I’m guessing it does (or at least close to it)

Still I’d like to be 100% sure DB staff! Is there such a scene in a kdrama?


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About the pants, I can only remember this one. It was in Running Man :



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In Sassy Girl Chun-hyang, the heroine is trying to stop 2 guys in a school brawl but she trips and ends up pulling down one of the boys’ pants.

Later in that same show, the hero gets caught without clothes on so he wears an ajumma dress/duster. Then he keeps putting his leg on the table to act tough in front of the second lead, leading to this hilarious gag of him hiking up the dress every now and then while trying to look Alpha.

(Feels weird logging in just to share this highly specific drama trivia lol)


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Hi Mary!!!


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Hellooooooo hihi


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How long have you all been into dramas? Were they a thing you grew up with, or came to later in life?

What impact have they had on your life? Are they a nice escape from stressful realities, comforting in times of trouble, or nice fodder for conversations with friends/loved ones? All? None?


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I've always been curious about:
1. Which recappers/weecappers are fluent in Korean (i.e., can understand K-dramas without subtitles)? I'd guess @lovepark and @solstices because they recapped raw episodes of Tracer and The Good Detective 2, respectively, and @lovepark accurately translated dialogues despite Netflix's Americanization.

2. Does at least one Dramabeans staff watch the Drama Hangout dramas? Otherwise, how do you choose the header photos? Do you just pick a random scene?

3. Drama Chat suggestion: What are your controversial, unpopular K-drama opinions?


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I second your 1 and 3


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1) What is your recap writing process?
2)Who introduced you to kdramas?
3)Which drama do you wish didn't exist?


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During the weekly What We're Watching, why is it that you do not comment on the shows you're recapping? Most of you guys comment on other shows. Is there a law or something?

I guess this is not an issue for me anymore so it'll just be a comment in passing. Why did the full recaps from most recappers. It wasn't until 2020 that I found a way to stream kdramas in my region weekly so I could only follow through with the recaps thus I could only watch a few and follow the bulk with recaps. Since the days of Mirror of the Witch(my first watch and recap follow and the drama that brought me here), I have followed Kdramas only through recaps as there was no means to watch them so it was more like I watched the dramas(count everything from Mirror of the Witch (2016) to early 2020). With the weecaps, so much juicy info is left out.
As I said earlier, I have a means to watch now so it's not a problem. But it would have hit a sore spot if the weecaps began before I got the avenue.

How do you recap shows that are a piece of work - the good ones, the bad ones and, the ugly ones😂? One readily comes to mind recently.


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I really love the weecaps for kind of the same reason you don't! I only have access to Netflix right now, so sometimes I will follow a drama through the weecaps, and I love that they leave a lot out so that if I get access to the drama later, there is still a lot to discover!


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I'm 92.384% sure that the lack of full recaps is a cost-cutting measure. And possibly even a necessary one. At least a weecap or even a hangout is a lot better than nothing.


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Oh I'm sure that's why they changed, you're probably right. The recaps were so in depth that they must have taken a long time! But I think the two have different strengths, and I really like the weecap format.


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I agree. Let's say I'm still stuck in the old times😁, and refusing to move with the change.


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I'd say it's also, if not more, a time-saving and thus quantity-enabling measure - a recap of one episode is more time-consuming to write than a weecap of two eps, so there are more people who have time to do weecaps, and thus we have more series covered.


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I assumed it was speed; writing a full recap takes a long time and if you miss the timing the conversation has moved on.


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I think it also makes sense with the broadcasting schedules. If they aired two episodes a week, and they were on Monday and Thursday, I could see having two recaps. But since they are basically also on consecutive days, just one for the week feels natural to me. I'm sure they discussed all of this before they made the change, haha! And if it allows them to cover more, I'm definitely here for it.


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@jerrykuvira To quickly answer your What We're Watching question -- yes, it's a DB law XD. Since you already hear from us on the shows we are recapping, the WWW is a space for us to talk about other things.


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Are there any restrictions/limits you impose on yourself for recap? Like no critics about the actors? Etc.


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Why were you drawn to Dramabeans? What about this community do you like? What do you want your role to be here?


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"What do you want your role to be here?" gives me bad memories of job interviews.


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Ok. I may have worded it not well, but I am just interested in the bigger picture thinking behind the scenes. It is what I do at my job as a school teacher-build communities for students and teachers. It’s something I’m fascinated about outside of work too.


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Has there ever been a time when a drama was so bad that the weecapper was allowed to drop it. I am thinking during the worst of the pandemic when tolerance levels were low and it would have had an impact on mental wellness.

How do the dramas get distributed for weecaps? Is it by weecapper’s choice based on what’s coming up so weecappers can berate themselves for falling for the promo material or is it randomly assigned so everyone suffers at some point!

How do you choose which dramas to weecap when there are so many released each week? Is it based on accessibility to the international audience/weecappers interests.

Does anyone currently working for Dramabeans know if there is an actual systematic process behind the beanie levels or is the information in a locked box buried under a tree that can’t be located as there has been a lot of development in the area since it was buried all those years ago so the landmarks have all gone! I’m asking for a friend🤣


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Picturing a kdrama about minions berating themselves for falling for the promo material.

And organizing a search for the locked box.


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@reply1988 Hiya! Since these are more editorial questions they won't be answered in our AMA (see above note) but I'll give you some quick replies here!

The decision to cover a drama is based on a lot of things -- buzz, writer interest, beanie interest (we are alllllways listening!), etc. Writers are never assigned a drama they don't willfully choose, for whatever that's worth!

I could tell you about Beanie levels, but then I'd have to... you know...


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‘I could tell you about Beanie levels, but then I'd have to... you know...’
🤣🤣It was worth a try


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Do any of you have another Dramabeans account under a different name so you can secretly mingle with us common beanies? 😄


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which type of dramas/episodes are hardest to recap? related, what's it like covering a trainwreck?


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Really, what was the worst drama you recapped?


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What is the one drama that you loveeee, even though you can see all it’s faults, but will still fight for it?

Do you dabble in Chinese dramas? If so, what are your favorites?

Have you successfully brought over a family member or friend over to the kdrama side?


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What time zones are you working in? (As there seem to be certain patterns as to when things get posted, but not it's not always consistent, and small, ridiculous things like wanting to understand the pattern just get stuck in my brain... Yep, I'm sad.)


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I am with you on this one as I have learnt the hard way that there are certain times when you need to get into the chat early as people don’t always return to check and respond to new comments. I was so late joining the Dear X who doesn’t love me comments because of the late release of the last episode in my region that the three people watching it had moved on by the time I commented🥺

When the drama that won’t be named was on, I was desperate to share my frustrations so didn’t want to be late joining the discussion on that one. I do refreshes on Viki to watch my favourite dramas (the notifications don’t work for me for some reason) and I was doing the same on Dramabeans for that weecap!


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@reply1988: Is there a drama about a Korean Voldemort?😊


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🤣🤣🤣it took me a while to work out what you meant. I am guessing using the word Voldemort is like the reference to the ‘Scottish play’ that can’t be called by its actual name in the theatre to avoid disaster. If it’s not that meaning and I am completing on the wrong track please do let me in on the secret.

I was referencing the drama Why her that can’t be called by its name because it evokes so much negative memories of hate watching just to earn what I have decided is the Bean of shame. It was a tough call whether the overriding feeling was shame or if it was actually the Bean of disappointment. I love that the community members came up with names for the beans we earn when we are not watching for joy.


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You are on the right track as in the Harry Potter books - this is a spoiler but the series have been out for almost 2 decades so… - he is the big baddie whose name should not be uttered.
And, ahhhh. Should have guessed. Thanks for clueing me in! And, good call re the subpar viewing-related beans’ names!


It really is great and I have started to use these categories as I list out my beans for 2022! I am sure we will find a need for more categories as the year progresses.


@kate88hammond Hiya! Since this is a more editorial question it won't be a part of the AMA (see above note), but the best answer is that we are working from all over the globe quite literally, and we do our best to get content out as swiftly as real life allows. There's a master plan. Somewhere.


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What do you do outside of Dramabeans career-wise, or is Dramabeans your full-time job?


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@infinityk This question won't be a part of the AMA, but we wanted to answer you here -- DB is a part-time labor of love for everyone on staff :)


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How/where do you take screencaps of dramas in such high quality?


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I would love to know more about how @alathe approaches the writing of her wonderful and funny weecaps, and anything she cares to share about herself without doxing herself. I’m also interested in knowing who among the staff is fluent or semi-fluent in 한국어. Thank you.


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@dncingemma You can look forward to her Staff Spotlight coming soon to a theater near you~


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How long have you all been watching K-dramas?
What do you miss the most from the good old days?
What do you enjoy the most from the current K-drama offerings?


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What do you think of the current kdrama landscape?

Do you have any favorite actors & actresses that hasn't quite make it big but has tons of talents that you wished to be recognized?

Do you have a wishlist of drama pairings that you'd like to see onscreen in specific genre?

Thank you for giving beanies a chance to ask questions, appreciate the thought 🤗


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I hope I am not too late😅

Some dramas that are being recapped have very less comments and so, how do recappers motivate themselves to complete the recap for the entire show? Was there a time when you guys thought of dropping the recaps since there was not enough engagement, but you had to keep going out of sense of responsibility and duty?


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