Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

At long last, our entire family learns what has been going on under their noses this whole time. But, with our grandma’s health worsening, tensions are running even higher than usual. As a new player joins the mix, we can only sit back and watch to see whether or not the big lie was for better or for worse.


Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

After what we all thought was the big confession, we see that Se-yeon meant that she “liked” her cousin, Moon-sung — not the stranger known as Jae-heon. And this is one tease that I’m okay with, considering this confession scene felt abrupt and a bit forced, as if the drama was trying to play catch-up. Still, Jae-heon’s confession stands, and he seems sad and ardent at the same time.

The morning after, Yoon-hee surprisingly asks Se-yeon if she likes Jae-heon. She denies it, which leads to Yoon-hee telling her that she likes him. I like this interaction between the two of them. However, I wish Yoon-hee acted the same when talking to Jae-heon. She tells everybody else her feelings but him.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14 Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

Attempting to meet the real Moon-sung, Se-yeon strings together a plan. To lure Moon-sung into meeting her, she has Yoon-hee lie to Ji-won telling her that Geum-soon has moved to the hotel to spend her last days there. Ji-won relays this information to Se-joon who sees it as an opportunity to introduce Moon-sung to Geum-soon. To his surprise, when he knocks on the door, Se-yeon is there. Meanwhile, Jae-heon pulled Geum-soon away on a short trip.

Upon meeting Moon-sung, Se-yeon asks him to leave politely. She explains that this is bad timing and offers to give him money if he leaves. Shocking Se-yeon, he responds by saying that he doesn’t want money — he just wants to give Geum-soon pain to repay the pain she has caused him.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

While Geum-soon and Jae-heon are getting their quality time in, Se-yeon shows up to add to the fun. Over dinner, Geum-soon echoes a remark she made last week: Jae-heon looks uncannily similar to Moon-sung’s grandfather. We have only been given the bare bones of Jae-heon’s backstory so I’m interested to see if the drama will try to tie Jae-heon’s bloodline to the family’s bloodline considering they have mentioned this two weeks in a row now.

During their leisure escape, Geum-soon falls unconscious and becomes unresponsive. Rushing her to the hospital, Jae-heon and Se-yeon are told that she has passed the critical stage but is still unstable. As the family members slowly pack into the waiting area, Se-joon arrives and instantly punches Jae-heon, blaming him and leaving him with a busted lip. Picking up Jae-heon and loading up for another round, he is stopped by Secretary Jung.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

Due to the chaos at the hospital, Jae-heon and Yoon-hee figured it was time to tell everybody the truth. Feeling betrayed, Se-gyu and Ji-won have fits of frustration while realizing that nobody else is as shocked as they are, since they were the only two that didn’t find out beforehand. This scene hits well, considering how fond Se-gyu grew of Jae-heon. He seemed genuinely let down and I hated seeing that.

But now, the whole family finally knows the truth. As the real Moon-sung moves in, the siblings begin to realize they don’t like him much. He treats them like strangers (which they are to him) while Jae-heon treated them like family from the start. Missing the warmth of Jae-heon, Se-gyu reaches out as he has hit a brick wall with Moon-sung.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

Despite Geum-soon being in the hospital, Se-joon plans to push forward with his plans to sell the hotel. Se-yeon pleads with him to stop and wait for Geum-soon to wake up. He replies telling Se-yeon that she may never wake up, and he’s going through with it. Even with Dong-je’s shares, she wouldn’t be able to beat Se-joon in their battle because he has Moon-sung on his side.

I wonder what their relationship was like before the loss of their parents. I also wonder what their relationship would or will look like in the future if the hotel does end up being sold. Se-joon seems so intent on selling it that I don’t know if I’d be able to believe a full turnaround, if he changes his mind in our finale week.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

Jae-heon has moved out of the mansion and back into his humble abode while also quitting his job at the hotel. Going to say his goodbyes, his exit is suspended when Se-yeon begins to cry and talk about her regrets and sadness regarding Geum-soon. With the walls coming down on her from all directions, Se-yeon lets it all out with Jae-heon, proving to him that she does trust him and he was never a stranger to her. She is willing to be vulnerable around him.

Watching from the background is Dong-je — heartbroken to see the two together in such a heartfelt moment. Dong-je’s facial expressions tell all. As I’ve said in previous weeks, he does care for her, so I wonder if he will try to sabotage the blooming relationship between Se-yeon and Jae-heon.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

As Jae-heon and his laundry room friends all quit their jobs to go back to acting full time, Jae-heon has a light go off in his head to start a passion project – a play about the “show” they put on for Geum-soon, titled “Curtain Call.”

After reaching out to Jae-heon, Se-gyu meets him over coffee and tells him that he feels unfulfilled. He asks Jae-heon about acting and says he’s interested in trying it. After some persuading, Jae-heon adds him to the cast for the play and introduces him to the crew members.

To end this week, we see Geum-soon dreaming about how she met Moon-sung’s grandfather which sparks some life into her, leading to her fingers twitching in the hospital room.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14

As I asked for last week, we did get some good plot developments: Geum-soon’s health concerns, the power struggle within the family becoming more relevant, the reveal of Jae-heon and Yoon-hee, and Moon-sung’s introduction to the family. A lot of these developments were fed to us early on, but not much happened after them which is my gripe with this week. There was a lot of fluff that padded the big important plot developments and took away from the scenes that did feel climactic.

With next week being our finale, there are a lot of answers we’re still waiting on, so I’m crossing my fingers that we get them all addressed next week. Also, as Geum-soon seems to be clinging to life, will the sale of the hotel actually happen? How will that plot line will be resolved? Honestly, I don’t know what or how much is going to happen to our characters in the remaining episodes, so despite the slow-moving story, I admit that I’m interested in how this drama will conclude.

Curtain Call: Episodes 13-14


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Kwon Sang-woo has not much to do or say in Curtain Call, I don't even know if I should call Dong-je a tertiary character, but Kwon Sang-woo and Dong-je made me feel and wish he and Se-yun would be the endgame. Is it too greedy to wiah for that.
I guess this will be another classic case where two people can't be together not because of themselves but because of family. I haven't felt this classic case since Search: WWW. I'm heartbroken.

Oh God! Finally someone is knocking some decorum into Se-jun's head. And I'm glad it was Secretary Jung doing the chastise, without any restraint of any sort. Each time Se-jun talked about the hotel sale I wanted to...it's overbearing. I quite understand where he is coming from, I'd do same. But freaking read the room. He did the same thing during Guem-seon's final party, and he's doing the same thing again. Once is a mistake, but his own two, I'm this close to calling it a patch from his skin. I am not liking his character at all, and it is getting hard to feel for the character except for the conflict he is bringing to the drama. You can get under my skin and I'll still like you but not Se-jun anymore. He just knows when to stop but still keeps on going, just to what end... You have a major share in the company? Like really? Like your stake can't be stripped away from you? Like your shareholding rights can't be stripped away, leaving you with just the money without the power it affords you? It's a family business and anything and somethings go. Like...Calm down dude.
'Ungrateful bastard'...There's no one fitting for that adjective better than Se-jun, irrespective of what drove him to that point. Secretary Jung described him succinctly in two words.

I hope Guem-seon has a trick in place to protect her hotel. Even if she was content with the hotel being sold, with the way things are going I want it sold on her own terms, her own designs. If only someone is there to carry out her intentions, someone who sees her.

I love Se-gyu. He took it in stride and now I'm content with how the truth came out and seeing his take on it. He might seem irresponsible to his siblings but with the way he reacted, he definitely is the most matured of the three. I guess he matured early, waited for Se-yoon and Se-joon to come up to speed, and then left the baton for them to battle with. But they've clearly forgotten about that time.

Ji-won...one character I wish is doing more than she is allowed to. I hope she stands up to Se-jun next week. No, I want her to.

For a slow paced drama, I am as eager to see how it ends.


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Dong-je is a wasted character at this point. As I said last week, once he got Se-yeon to agree to get married, he lost interest in her and her situation. He was in it for the chase and not the conclusion. Since Se-yeon's family knew him and respected him, he could have been the voice of reason throughout the show rather than a minority shareholder trying to buy back his first love.


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I wish Dong Je & Se Yeon was endgame too... if only she had feelings for him.

Hope to see Kwon Sang Woo in a leading role after this.


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Trying to pack an entire OST into two episodes to attempt to tell the story better than your actors is not well conceived. As expected, keeping the truth from Grandma was a bad idea especially now when the consequences are dire. In an undertone of regrets, everyone tries reflect on their actions. The Real Moon-seong is channeling his pain against Grandma and her SK family. He said it was not about the money, but the pain. Even Se-Joon was taken aback by his true motivations. I thought they would use the old trick and have Grandma die on the breakwater in a silent moment, but no, putting her in a coma further delays the release of the Truth. Besides, who takes a very old and sick grandmother to a cold and damp seaside?

The truth and reveal of the real Moon-seong was too drawn out and so anti-climatic that taking a seltzer for heartburn would have been more poignant. The real Moon-seong is more of an outcast after meeting his family, who did not take the time to even get to know him or ask him questions. Ironically, if the family knew at the beginning of Mr. Jung’s Grandma’s play, they probably would have been on board with it. None of the grandchildren have done anything to comfort Grandma in her last days. Mr. Jung should have given that blasting speech at the beginning of the show instead of deceiving them. Spoiled and selfish grandchildren blaming everyone but the fates was true but it is too late to make any difference. Greed is more important than grief or regret.

The corny ending is on the horizon. Jae-Heon’s guilt drives him to spend all his performance money to stage a play about his deception of elderly Geum-Soon? Instead of telling the truth directly, he hopes she can see his play. All of this seems absurd since Grandma is on her death bed; a playwright does not bang out a brilliant script in a matter of days; and a performance in a large theater does not happen in a blink of an eye. And Se-Gyu becoming a stage actor with no training because he misses his fake cousin is a sad commentary on his family situation.

It is hard to tell how this one will end.


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Secretary Jung's private, solemn breakdown in Geum Soon's hospital room had me teary-eyed. Really felt for him. The kids totally needed to be scolded by him with all the inheritance talks and fighting too.

With all the references to acting and performances, I didn't think about Jae Heon going into producing a show. I like this more positive direction instead of more angst and sadness. Still, the angst should come before things can be fully resolved. I don't think Geum Soon will die before she learns the truth. I would like her to know and meet the real Moon Sung. Things have been dragged out so time is running out before the finale.

Cracked me up during the scene with Jae Heon and Se Gyu talking about acting! Se Gyu being adamant that he passes all the tests. And then he doesn't want to play himself lolll. I really like him. It's been a pleasure watching Choi Dae Hoon here.

Same goes with Kang Haneul. It's crazy how he can flawlessly act & look dorky one moment and strikingly handsome the next.


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The show had many interesting characters that were never given the chance to take the spotlight. Ji-won, Mrs. Yoon, Dong-jae and Moon-seung are some of them. Why didn't we get more of the relationship between Mrs. Yoon and granny? She left the hotel to take care of granny. That means they are close so Why is she sidelined? Ji-won also exists for almost no other reason than hang out with Yoon-hee just for PPL purposes. Dong-jae is an interesting character and I wanted to see how his relationship was with Se-yeon in the past. But the show only made him into an annoying man forcing his first love to marry him.
Also Moon-seung is a many-layered character but he had barely any screen time in the first half and was portrayed as an evil person when he is a heartbroken child. I am not saying his evil deeds are excusable but I wanted the show to dig deeper into him. Also, I am really mad at everyone who keeps telling him to just leave without even giving him any chances to express himself so I understand his anger towards granny's SK family but still, that doesn't give him the right to inflict pain on granny just because he is hurt inside.
The show had great potential but the slow pace and the repetitive conversations between the characters made it lose its spark.


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I wouldn’t call the drama perfect, but it keeps me wanting to continue watching. Mostly because, I like the characters and their interactions. The reveal was kinda sad. When people questioned if every interaction was fake, you knew that they made a bond with our actors. When the DIL asked of the original Moon Sung came with a wife, I felt for her.

Also I was happy that Se Gyu chose to meet them and maintain a relationship. I hope the rest of the family will also do so.

I still feel nothing for the romance. At this point it looks like she is just leaning on to anyone who shows her affection and is willing to talk to her. She is lonely and will be more so after grandma’s death. Not that Jae Heon isn’t a great catch.

Also, no idea why he looks exactly like the grandfather!!


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I enjoyed the reveal and but for the awful punch, I appreciated that no one screeched and screamed like some chaebol family members do in other dramas. I also liked the way there was real sadness and perhaps even grief in saying goodbye to the fake family and how Jaeheon was inspired to write a screenplay that has a roman à clef character. Aside from the unrealistic nature of how quickly he wrote it, was workshopped and cast, I was glad that he could use the money that he earned to fund its production and so lucky to have Yoonhee who despite being heartbroken over him, is still such a devoted friend to him.
And I have loved Sung Dongil in everything I have seen him in and this flawed but enjoyable drama is no exception. To be such a great comedic actor and also to be believable as someone like Secretary Jung is indicative of his range.
The real Moonsung doesn’t cut anyone any slack here and shouldn’t have to. Noh Sanghyun has such a presence and is full of anger, contempt, grief and bitterness. Great casting there!

I hope there is an element of surprise in the final 2 episodes as I have sketched what I think will happen in my head and would like it subverted!


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Watching this drama cos there is nothing else to watch on mon/tues. Secy jung scoldec the grandchildren, good but he should have done it long ago instead of deceiving the grandma n the grandchildren. Secy was a badass, injured the grandma when he was young. He was lucky grandma took him in, gave him a job n turn his life around. Now he is secy jung, so he justifies the real moon who did all the gangster thingy is not good enough to meet his grandma, whogaves him the right to do that. He was like moon before grandma rescue him.
I feel that kind of feel that fake moon is not her grandson after the real moon sat down n talk to her. She went back hoping to see him again but fake moon shows up n she was kind of fraustrated.
This drama goes in circles, no characrer development, boring romance, glad it is going to end soon.


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I think CC’s writer Jo Seong-geol in episode 14 may have written for me the best piece of dialogue in 2022.
Secretary Jung (Sung Dong-il as only he could deliver this line) to Grandmother’s gathered clan:
“Ungrateful bastards”.


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