The Interest of Love: Episodes 9-10

Lots of developments in these episodes: Love relationships are built and broken. We go round-for-round in a game of meet the parents. And the true (not-so-nice) nature of some of our characters is coming to the fore. If I thought the stakes got raised last week, hoo boy, are they getting high now.


The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

Let’s just get it out of the way: they’re at different doors! We all knew it, but something inside me still wanted it not to be true. Instead of a secret meeting between our leads, we have Sang-soo at the hotel to meet Mi-kyung and her group of uber-rich friends, and Soo-young in a room alone — trying to get a break from Jong-hyun.

The relationship between Soo-young and Jong-hyun this week takes some topsy-turvy turns, and as their actions say they’re getting closer, they’re emotions say they’re living far apart. We get many scenes of the two sitting across from each other at a table, arguing their side of things.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

Jong-hyun is melancholy and depressed, unable to accept Soo-young paying for everything and changing her life around for him. Soo-young keeps giving and giving — going so far as to get rid of her piano and plants (the things that reminded her of her brother) to make more space in the apartment. The more she gives, the more he loathes himself for being “useless.”

As troubled as they are, they keep trying to connect. One night, after a disagreement, Jong-hyun comes into Soo-young’s room and sits on the bed with her. He apologizes and says that the reason he’s living with her is because he likes her a lot (he’s not just there so she’ll pay the bills). He leans toward her and they kiss, looking like things are about to heat up. When we see Soo-young exit the room later (Jong-hyun shirtless in the bed), she looks contemplative, but not happy.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

On the other side, Sang-soo and Mi-kyung are no longer swimming along pretending to be happy either. When the drama opens this week, we see a future with the two married and bored, as Sang-soo looks out the floor-to-ceiling windows of their apartment. We then cut to Sang-soo in the present, at the wedding we ended with last week. (Is he thinking back to this moment from that future window? Or imagining his future from the current wedding?)

At the wedding, Mi-kyung catches the bouquet and starts talking about marriage. She then invites herself over to Sang-soo’s place for ramyun (leaving him looking shocked). But when they get there, and he actually starts to cook for her (in his suit! Yesss!), she suddenly says she has to leave. We later learn that she snooped through a notebook on his desk and saw a scribble about Soo-young.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

From there, Mi-kyung fills in all the blanks and realizes that Sang-soo has had strong feelings for Soo-young for a long time. She then turns into a total crazy person. She cancels plans with Sang-soo and calls Soo-young instead to covertly interrogate her. Soo-young understands what’s happening and confidently says she doesn’t know if Sang-soo had a crush or flirtation with anyone in the past. Mi-kyung pivots, saying it’s not important, since he’s with her now, and she’s the one he likes (and she looks legit psycho when she says it).

To counterbalance this, Sang-soo finds out that Mi-kyung’s college boyfriend, SO KYUNG-PIL (Moon Tae-yoo), was his friend and colleague. We’ve seen Kyung-pil making strange remarks to Mi-kyung at the bank, and now we know why. Since the three of them work together, Sang-soo is taken aback that he didn’t know about their relationship. But, in contrast to Mi-kyung, he doesn’t show any signs that he really cares (which bothers Mi-kyung).

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10 The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

Every week I try to find space to introduce the moms in this show and now it can’t be delayed anymore. Sang-soo’s mom, HAN JUNG-IM (Seo Jung-yeon), and Mi-kyung’s mom, YOON MI-SUN (Yoon Yoo-sun) (played amazingly by both actresses) have become “friends” despite their social statuses.

Jung-im operates a spa where Mi-sun is a VIP client. Mi-sun got it in her head that the two could be friends (since she has no one to talk to) and keeps showing up at the spa to take over the reception so Jung-im can have a break. (It sounds nice but there’s a lot of one-sidedness in their interactions.)

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

One day, Sang-soo surprises Mi-kyung by taking her to his mother’s shop (where Mi-kyung is also a client). Mi-kyung’s mother is working the desk and thinks Sang-soo (whom she’s already met) is bringing her daughter there for a couples’ treatment. Sang-soo shocks Mi-kyung and her mother when he introduces Jung-im as his mom.

After they part ways, we see Mi-sun disapprove of Sang-soo. It’s one thing for Mi-sun to hang out with Jung-im, but she can’t have her daughter dating the son of a shopkeeper — especially when her friend owns the building the shop is in! (Good grief.)

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10 The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

Sang-soo’s mom, though, thinks her son is just as good as Mi-kyung. She guesses that Sang-soo must really like Mi-kyung to have introduced the two of them and asks why he likes her. Sang-soo lists a bunch of reasons (that do not include love or like) and his mother says it sounds like he’s complimenting a colleague, not a girlfriend. (My take on the introduction is that Sang-soo did it to try to scare Mi-kyung away, or have her parents cut off the relationship.)

If my hunch is correct, it backfired. Mi-kyung calls Sang-soo later and says she was touched by meeting his mother. She took it as a sign of his sincerity. On the other end of the phone, Sang-soo has an “oh, shit” look on his face. When Mi-kyung asks to come over, he says, no, he’ll see her tomorrow (and it’s like he can’t hide his lack of interest).

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10 The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

In a parallel event, Sang-soo (and some of the other bank employees) find out that Soo-young’s mother is the owner of the oyster place where they all go for lunch sometimes. When they see the shop owner fall in the street, barely avoiding an oncoming car, everyone is shocked when Soo-young yells, “Mom!” Sang-soo takes Soo-young’s mother to the hospital, and it’s one of a series of events that shows the growing bond between him and Soo-young.

The two leads get closer this week in a way that feels organic and, also, like they’re really getting to know each other as people (not just distant crushes). First, an important bank client dies and Sang-soo and Soo-young have to go out of town to the funeral. There, they each reveal the impactful deaths in their own lives (Soo-young’s brother and Sang-soo’s father) and connect over these early losses.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10 The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

On the train ride home, they decide to get off at the beach and spend the afternoon. Sang-soo notes that when they went to Jeju together for business before, they didn’t actually get to see the water. Soo-young responds, “Did you want to go to the beach? You should have told me.” He looks at her: “I should have made myself clear.” (Oh my heart! We’re not talking about beaches anymore!)

When they finally make it to the train station, it’s nighttime. While waiting, Sang-soo asks Soo-young if she’s happy. She had mentioned earlier that she was trying her best to be happy — so, is she? Her eyes fill with tears: “Should I break up with Jong-hyun?” Sang-soo stares, I stop breathing, and the train pulls in to take them back to reality.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

As Sang-soo and Soo-young get closer, Mi-kyung’s desperation spirals out of control. When she thinks the two are together (and, well, they are) she packs up a bunch of her unworn clothes with the tags still on and brings them to Soo-young’s house. She’s waiting outside when Soo-young gets home and basically pushes her way inside, telling Soo-young she wants her to have the clothes now that they don’t need to wear uniforms at work (grrr! Good job, show, you wanted me to hate her, and now I do).

She wields her money-power against Sang-soo as well, buying him a car as a surprise. He yells that it’s too much. She says, “Not in comparison to how I feel about you” — and he literally rolls his eyes (lol). She keeps trying to force the car on him and, sometime later, she stops by his apartment and gives him the keys, telling him to keep it or throw it away. Either way, she can’t look at it anymore because it feels like a rejection.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

We end this week like a badminton match, our emotions getting thwacked back and forth. It starts when Mi-kyung’s dad and Sang-soo go to play golf (as banker and client) and Dad sort of gives his approval for the relationship by saying he can make up for anything Mi-kyung’s boyfriend lacks. But then his words take on a threatening tone when he says, “I’ll give her anything and everything she wants” (like, if she wants Sang-soo, he’ll make sure she has him).

Dad invites Sang-soo for dinner with him and Mi-kyung. We know Sang-soo already has plans with Soo-young that night. We don’t see Sang-soo’s response (and it seems like he’s going to cancel with Soo-young). But then, we see Sang-soo waiting at the same restaurant of their ill-fated last date — the one where he hesitated to go inside.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

This time, Soo-young is the one who falters in the street, looking up at him in the restaurant. She sees him smiling, waiting for her — and turns around and leaves (nooooo!). From the bus stop, she calls him and says she has plans with Jong-hyun so she has to cancel. But Sang-soo already saw her walking away from the restaurant and followed her to the bus stop. She hangs up the phone and turns to see him standing there.

He’s caught her in a lie but doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, he invites her to the rink where he plays ice hockey, asking her for help cleaning the ice. (It’s the same rink where he “taught” Mi-kyung how to skate when she pretended not to know how). Soo-young really isn’t a good skater, so Sang-soo says he’ll teach her (one trick pony, this guy) and challenges her to a race. She asks for a head start, but when the race begins, he never moves from his spot.

Soo-young reaches the wall and Sang-soo says, “I lost,” as his eyes go red and fill with tears. She replies, “You didn’t even try.” (Oh, the subtext.) She skates back toward him, almost falling when she reaches him, and they grab onto each other. They stand and stare. Finally, he says, “I don’t think I can do this anymore” — and kisses her. (Ahhhhhh!) Then they kiss and kiss and kiss and it is one for the rewind button.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10

Holy squee! I can’t even. I am so in love with the leads right now, even if they are a couple of cheating scoundrels. When Sang-soo appeared at the restaurant (meaning he told Mi-kyung’s dad no), I just fell in love with him. He finally took a risk to move toward Soo-young (not just to defend her). So, when Soo-young started to leave, after he took that risk, I was ready to go berserk. But, she said yes to the ice rink, and so, she’s redeemed for me.

The leads are (and have always been) a better pairing than they are with the other two. Not only do they have more in common personality-wise, they’re closer in their social spheres. Both Sang-soo and Soo-young are hiding parts of themselves and their pasts in order to achieve social mobility (that’s their common ground).

Of course, this is exactly the problem for Sang-soo: he wants to be with someone like Mi-kyung so he can live a “normal” (according to him) life and be stable, which he thinks will bring him happiness. Since the drama dwelled on themes of happiness this week — while putting our characters in particularly unhappy circumstances — I’m hoping Sang-soo is ready to fight against his ideas about what will make him happy, so we can have our OTP.

The Interest of Love Episodes 9-10


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I have this growing sense of unease, like things are about to go sideways next week. I don't know, I think Mi Kyung is going to be pregnant, which will compel Sang Su to propose. I don't know why else Soo Young and Sang Su be separated at this point. My hope is that the brief scene at the beginning of episode 9 was hypothetical instead of a foreshadowing of their life, but the child paintings on the fridge and toys are giving me pause.

Speaking of unplanned additions, I think Mi Kyung will cheat with her ex. I don't know, their interactions keep niggling at me and I think they might find their way back to each other. Also, Jong Hyun is so going to cheat with his study buddy. Someone said that he found somebody more miserable than him and I can't stop laughing. I'm not surprised, he and Soo Young are not a good match. Can we skip to the end of their ill-fated relationship?


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I saw an interview where the FL lead stated that when she read the script it was different than the novel and that is why she accepted the role of Ahn Soo Young. From what I have seen about comments of the novel ........ Sang Su and Mi Kyung get married later on, but they get divorced and the story ends with Sang Su and Soo Young meeting again ....... the End.

I'm thinking the script writers threw this seen in at the half way mark to simply throw a mother bait and swith to keep the viewers confused as they have done with each episode. I believe they spent 8 episodes to split them up .......... the next 8 episodes to build them back up, but it won't be easy.


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@randomheart247 I am 100% down with a different, happy for these two and would appreciate the turn from them being separated to building a future together. Nevertheless is an example of the adaptation not being competely faithful to the source material, and while the show wasn't for me, I liked the divergence.


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Assuming Jong Hyun isn't already cheating on Soo Hyun with his study buddy.


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Mi Kyung getting pregnant?! Nooo...it can't be that worst TAT
Please, show, don't do that for heaven's sake!


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It's not what I want, either! 😭


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After 10 episodes, I finally feel the pull between the leads and want them together. I do wish the writers had managed to show a bit more of Sang-soo and Soo-young's gently flirtatious dynamic early on; if they had, I would have better understood Sang-soo's feelings for her and I also would have felt more of a connection with Soo-young herself.

Regardless, I certainly feel for them now! They clearly make each other happier than the people they're dating, and are compatible in ways I don't think either fully recognizes yet. I'm glad they've found each other again.

At the same time, things are so messy, and I can't help but feel pity for both Mi-kung and Jong-hyun. First, I felt genuinely bad that Sang-soo had no real reaction to the news that not only did Kyung-pil date Mi-kyung in college, but that he also cheated on her by sleeping with all her friends! For Sang-soo to basically shrug and say "Hey, it's all in the past" was obviously to show us the flip side of his intense reaction to the mere suggestion that Soo-young was leaving the bank. But Sang-soo is also a decent guy, and most any decent guy, even one not really in love with this girlfriend, would probably have punched Kyung-pil at least once for his callous treatment of said girlfriend. So it really could not be clearer at this point that Mi-kyung is in a one-sided love.

Mi-kyung can obviously be emotionally manipulative, immature, and clueless, but she's also genuine, and has been starved for affection, first from her father and then from Kyung-pil. She wants so badly to believe that Sang-soo is the man for her, and that he'll come to adore her in time, but she's smart enough to realize at this point that he is a hopeless cause. Still, I'm sure I'm not the only one who can relate to the special kind of hell it is to think you love someone who just likes you ok.

I also feel for Jong-hyun. I wish he'd pass that test already! But I don't think he's actually in love with Soo-young; what he feels is likely a mix of guilt, gratitude, and sexual attraction. However, he's lost and aimless with no real prospects and so knowing that his girlfriend was out making out with another guy--even though I enjoyed those developments--makes me pity him more.

I have no idea how all this will resolve, and know at least one more round of pain is in store for all our characters. But I'm also anxious to see the rest of this story unfold.


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Regarding MiKyung and KyungPil, we only know he cheated on her because of what the other colleague said. When he saw MK's cousin at the bank, his face changed, and when he told her that he had arrived, she was surprised that he knew him. So he just said she had introduced them before although she didn't remember. Somehow I feel the reason these two broke up is because her family got in the way. KyungPil is a nosey guy but it doesn't fit (at least for me) in the cheating category, specially the comment "she slept with all her friends". Someone who does that is still a womanizer, and we haven't seen this side of him so far.

On the contrary, the one who I think is cheating is SeokHyeon, with his ex-girl friend. We've already seen he is an hypocrite (leaving his girlfriend because she's not good enough for him and marrying someone because she fits him better), and after almost running away from his wedding he is all smiley when texting? Red flag.


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re: your last paragraph, I got that same vibe. That guy was definitely on the phone with his ex.


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I agree about Seok-hyeon.

You may also be right about Kyung-Pil, however, my point about Sang-soo's reaction still stands as he clearly believes the cheating allegations are true and yet still had an extremely muted reaction.


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I still don’t find this so important. University was some 10 years ago, and we all have a past. The fact that his friend dated the woman he is dating is not that important. I would be madder to know they both hiding the fact than he cheating on her. But he is not mad, because he just doesn’t care and that is the problem, specially for MK. But him getting mad with KP? No way… why? Would you confront your friend because 10 years ago he cheated on someone who was not important to him then… why would he ask for a satisfaction? What is the point? I was shocked yes, but that he didn’t mention it to them and that he wasn’t a bit annoyed that they didn’t tell him but reprimanding KP? I really don’t see the point.


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I agree! Maybe the truth about Seok Hyeon's affair will make Sang Su decide to do differently by not marrying Mi Kyung when his feelings are obviously for someone else. Kyung Pil doesn't strike me as a womanizer so I don't think he ran through her friend group. The question is, who stands to gain from her thinking this and their current separation?


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Agree with your statement about KyunPil, he doesn't seem to be the womanizer sort. My personal theory is that MK's family had something to do with their breakup, and had spread rumours about what had happened. On the other hand,m MK's behavior (manipulative, psychotic etc.) may have started back in college and be a reason of their relationship's doom as well. I also believe what KyungPil is doing now is to subtly hint to SangSoo that MK and her family can be harmful to his and his mum's wellbeing should SangSoo break MK's heart.


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I really like the tone and the pace of this drama. Keep it writer 6 more eps! Cheating be damned, Sangsu and Sooyoung better ask for break up soon.
I really glad there's shifting in K drama toward better ML characterization (Love Sangsu, he is so considerate). Once upon a time in K drama land, when almost every ML character is a possessive, obnoxious, childish, jerk, despite being rich and cute, I don't understand Why the FL even love him.


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i was seriously going to THROTTLE both of them until the end of ep 10. O.M.G. can it be a slower burn than this??? wait, i didn't say that - i think i might've jinxed it by saying it out loud...
*knocks on wood furiously, tosses salt over left, no right (?) shoulder, jumps backward over a broom... what else...*


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You took the words out of my mouth. As frustrated as the OTP is, it didn't compare with mine this week. I wanted to knock their heads together. Thank goodness it ended the way it did. 😃


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There is promotional poster with photos of Ha Sang Su on top and Ahn Soo Young on the bottom the caption in the middle " Can you handle all of this for the sake of Love and Love alone" . After seeing the first 8 episodes no one could see the love but everyone got a taste of what could happen when trying to get love.

Finding Love and keeping it what this story is about........ The first 8 episodes tells how none of the main leads know what Love is.......... the two main leads made one mistake after another.

What is Love?
Love is an emotion we feel when we’re attracted to someone or something. A relationship, on the other hand, is a connection between two people that requires effort and work to maintain. Although love may be the initial spark that gets a relationship started, it’s the daily actions and interactions that make it last.

I mention this because I believe this series was intented to be two parts......... The first episodes everything that could go wrong does go wrong.....the next 8 episodes everything that could wrong goes right.

Soo Young stated that when she failed the transfer test she wasn't letting up she will keep on trying until she does. Sang Su has also learned that he done with thinking about it, he love soo young.While they were kissing the words that were going through his head: " I fooled myself into thinking I was going somewhere ........ I'm back to square one.........once again ......... I'm back to Soo Young.

The next 6 episodes aren't going to be easy for them........ Mi Kyoung, her father, her mother, the bank employees will all be putting roadblocks, how they will learn to overcome them will be how they both learn the real meaning of love.

Soo Young will learn how her father isn't as bad as she made him out to be, Sang Su's mother will once again make her son understand what it means to love someone.

The official Promo trailer does have them getting intimate and staring lovingly into each others eyes, what I'm curious to see ........ they are both standing in the apartment that Mi Kyung told Soo Young would be hers after they got married.
P.S. Twice they have shown Soo Youngs incredible artistict abilities, could this be the avenue to elevate her from her present class into the upper class as a famous artist who buys that apartment with the view?........ Food for thought.


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Loved your last thought, could be the best ending possible. But I don't think the writers intend to head that way....🙁


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Sang SOO and SOO Young. I should have known!!!!

... HAHA JK.

Anywho, that hot cliffhanger. I'm torn cuz they cheated, but my goodness, the leads feel so right together! Their amazing kisses. They went back for more, ahhhh. Gotta give it to the show for really going there though.

They need to end the other relationships asap, but I doubt that will happen soon.

Can't believe I haven't seen steamed silkworms in kdramas before. Poor Sang Soo had me dying. XD

I was surprised about Kyung Pil. He had a people pleaser look when it came to his clients and customers, but he seemed like a pretty decent guy. He was nosy around his friends, but he never gave off a playboy and jerk vibe. I wonder if we have the full story.


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Did they cheat?.......... Where they in a committed relationship like being engaged, being married......... did anyone say they were exclusive to each other? Sang Su just went along to get along when she said she only needed 1% of his attention, while the other 99% was Soo Young's.........maybe we could say he cheated on Soo Young?

When Soo Young said that she was in love with Sang Su from the first moment she saw him......... did she cheat him?

The only real cheaters are Kyung Pil who used Mi Kyung to get to her rich girlfriends........The other real cheater is Yang Seok Hyun who got married but didn't want to......... that conversation he was having when Sang Su approached him, certainly wasn't his wife.......... He was probably back with his former girlfriend of 4 years.......... He wants his cake and eat too!


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Totally agree with your thoughts about SeokHyun. As for KyungPil I think he used her to get to know her friends and also to get into the bank through her cousin...


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Well that was certainly a kiss. What a miserable existence everyone is living. I wish Soo Young had just told Jung Hyun she sold the clothes Mi Kyung gave to her to give him the money. Mi Kyung was being nasty, insecure, and mean again. I maintain no one should be together in this drama. When Sang Su and Mi Kyung break up Soo Young is going to bear the brunt of it and that is simply not fair. One of them has to leave that bank first or all hell is going to break loose. The fact the Mi Kyung now knows Soo Young is living with Jong Hyun means she will weaponize it. IF this have to be together, I really hope it is clean because I don't think Soo Young deserves any of the BS. Sigh, lol.


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That kiss was a real and passionate kiss. And both of them deserved that kiss and diving in it.
While I was watching, the minute SooYoung saw SangSoo sitting where she once was sitting and she had all those flashbacks and decided to turn back, I thought how this drama is about miscommunication: if SY and SS had had an honest talk after that incident, if SY wasn't forcing herself into rescuing JH, if SS would make clear to MK how he feels... we wouldn't be here for sure, and all the misery all leads are going through wouldn't be there too. If only they allowed themselves to talk about their feelings...


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" if only" is what life's lessons is about......... people learn from their mistakes......... this series shows it......... how frustrating it is to watch because many people can relate to their own mistakes, especially those in searching for love. The next 6 episode should reveal how the lessons are learned or not?.........Now that Sang Su and Soo Young got their first taste of true love will they fight to keep it or will they let it slip through their fingers once again............ I'm banking that the marriage scene shown in episode 9 will be the happy version with Sang Su and Soo Young enjoying it.


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I thought the scene of Sang-soo and Mi-kyeong's marriage life was just imaginary but now I got anxious. No, please don't take that turn. I'm ok with the leads remaining single but not that.

These episodes excelled in getting me to hate Mi-kyeong. Be it the suit, the car, the clothes she gave So-young as if she was a beggar, barging into So-young's house, or her over-the-top manipulative words and actions. She is possessive and she knows that she is obsessed with Sang-soo. Also, I don't think she was fully shocked when she spotted the notebook, clues were all over the place that Sang-soo is in love with So-young.

Jong-hyun needs to be more clear about his stance. I wasn't fond of So-young clearing out the balcony to make more space either but I think he needs to take a break and rethink their whole relationship before it is too late.

The trip to Jeju was the final nudge our leads needed to stop fooling themselves into believing they could go on with their current relationships and the metaphors in this week's episodes are on point.

This show is deeper than we were first led to believe and this depth is what makes it stand out.


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I am not even watching the drama (but reading recaps) but I saw episode 10 in it’s entirely and it was beautiful!
I felt all the emotions.


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good! you managed to skip all the episodes where we wanted to put them in a chokehold and strangle them for not being honest about their feelings.............
*still rages about the 9 episodes of total frustration*


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Heh, but then it made their embrace & kiss much more thrilling? xP


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I have really grown to love this drama a lot. It started really slow and was a little frustrating but my god it has picked up pace and spice along the way. I love how each character is flawed and yet is driven by genuine struggles. Yes, Mi Kyung is manipulative but anyone who has craved affection since childhood, seen a loveless marriage between her parents and was cheated on by her bf (I am still unsure of this story though!) would become insecure and use everything at their disposal (including money) to get themselves some love and even security in their relationships. I still do not hate her. I feel bad for the SL also. Struggle, poverty and failure are unlikely to make you a great boyfriend material. It also shows how frustrating life can be when you do not have the means- all aspects of your life are affected. The prospect of not having a decent romantic relationship, constantly feeling inferior to your partner, using alcohol as coping mechanism- such a vicious cycle!
And then the ML and FL! The longing in their eyes and the genuine attraction were way more visible this time around. Its amazing how we can cheer for them even though they are cheating (I definitely was cheering atleast!) I wonder if most of us would react differently if they were actually married to their partners. They definitely have much more in common (Dramaddictally recaps it so beautifully) - early loss of loved ones, social standing, even the struggle for upward social mobility, hiding parts of their life ( Sang Soo by living in an upscale area, Soo Young by cultivating a fancy taste and ofcourse both hiding their parents in some way). Can't wait to see how it all unfolds!


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I don't hate her either. I find it interesting that I haven't seen anyone mention the parallels between Soo-Young's and Mi-kyung's behavior towards their partners. Mi-Kyung buys Sang-soo a new suit to meet her friends, in earlier episodes Soo-Young tries to buy Jong-hyun new clothes to make him look better (hiding it by saying she wants to buy him a birthday gift, even though it was her birthday not his). Mi-kyung and Soo-Young say the same line to their partners "take it, or do whatever you want with it". Mi-kyung was talking about the car and Soo-Young about the money. But both men had previously rejected the offers. Both women manipulate the men they are with to live a lifestyle they want for them. It doesn't matter the motive, both men repeatedly rejected the lifestyle, and yet both women pushed, Soo-young going so far as to chase down Jong-hyun in another town. Both women insisted when the men said they aren't ready for a relationship. Both women are in problematic relationships that are heavily influenced by their insecurities. Mi-kyung is insecure about how committed her partner is and Soo-young is insecure about her social status. (I find it interesting that the person recapping puts the onus on Sang-soo for the Leads relationship not starting, when Soo-young entered a relationship where she has the higher social status rather than date someone who is above her.) I think as usual the FL is given more grace because she is that: the FL. But all four people are flawed and deserving of grace (including the two cheaters, because let's be real, that's what they are). It's actually what I like and appreciate about this show. No one is just the plain bad guy.


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Thats very true actually. Soo Young also is of better social standing than Jong Hyun and she did insist on continuing the relationship even when he was not ready. Though I feel even though she uses her money to show her dedication to him from time to time (just like Mi-Kyung), it is usually to help him get out of a dire situation. The one exception would be where she wanted to buy him clothes (For attending the wedding I think). She didnt eventually buy it though when he insisted that he does not need it. But other instances like giving up her piano and plants seem unnecessary and clearly make him feel inferior (just like the car thing with Sang Soo). So yeah, there are minor differences but largely the behaviour is similar to Mi- Kyung and requires us to question our biases.


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Soo-Young and Jong-hyun relationship is neither love, nor friendship. In Soo-Young eyes he's her late brother. It is part a huge family trauma which predetermines her behaviour with men. He took Jong-hyun on board as a replacement, a family member, that's why her behaviour is irrational and full of guilt and compassion.


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Some random thoughts

One of my favorite characters of this series is Sang Su"s mother........ she has some very straight talking dialogue with her son and provides him with great insight into what he needs to do......... remember this conversation at the spa place?
Sang Su: What about you? Why won't you go on dates?
SSMom: I dated plenty when I was younger, so I don't feel the need....... I had enough passionate relationships before I met your father.
Sang Su: I don't know if this is a proper mother son conversation
SSMom: Actually, there was someone I liked more than him, but I still married your father. So I figured you end up marrying someone whom you're meant to be with and thanks to that, I had you.......I realized fiery passionate love wasn't everything.........if you just go with the flow and follow your heart, you'll end up with a kid with an old soul..........that's life

In episode 5 Sang Su goes to a wedding an upon seeing the bride his eyes only saw Soo Young in a wedding dress......... then in Episode 9 it begins with the scene of Sang Su and Mi Kyung married but not very happy.......... Which of these two scenes where the writers trying to project in the future?

These next 6 episodes should be something.


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LOVE your recaps @dramaddictally. Yeah, the kiss is certainly one for the rewind button along with the addictive OST in the background.
I don't know how long the show intends to continue the cheating trope, ( feels like it will be dragged on for a while) but I wish they end it quickly. I get that the SLs are miserable af but no one deserves cheating.
However, the relationship flaws are coming forth more harshly. Mi Kyung is being insecure & almost psychotic over the relationship , not to mention manipulative (as she always was).
At first, I wondered what flaws would be shown in Sooyong - Jong hyun's seemingly healthy relationship; now I can see it clearly. He continues to be miserable no matter what ( where is the guy with endless hopes from the first few episodes?) & keeps being ungrateful to Sooyong ( I know you feel guilty about taking her hospitality but at least stop being sulky & thank her; & if you can't, then don't take those! ) He is so miserable himself that he can't look into his girlfriend's problems & in the process, dragging her down with him into hell.
I still can't gauge which direction the show is going to take, but I sincerely hope for a healthy & satisfactory ending. 2022 has gave us enough traumatic endings, now we deserve a break in this year.


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The change in JongHyun has been huge. From that hopeful guy who would pursue his dream no matter what, and who would make SooYoung happy to this miserable guy, who drinks and fights and has almost lost his self esteem.

Of course I understand his situation is difficult. He has to provide his parents and yet keep working and studying. There is this thing I don't like about him now: he never told his parents he had use the deposit money to cover the hospital fees, and last week I thought it was noble from him, but it was just out of pride. The same way he can't fully accept that Sooyoung is providing now for him, because he is the man and he should be the breadwinner.


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This week made me question the real meaning of "Cheating". I am watching both Interest of Love and Strangers Again. One shows how you can cheat but still be doing it right and the other shows the aftermath of Cheating on those affected. I still don't know who to believe because with the way a lot of us are happy over the kiss here, I can't help but pity the Second leads. You can call their love for the leads obsession and Pity respectively but they are still humans who wanted affection and they committed no wrong in loving anyone.

I'm hurt though, whether their kiss was steamy enough to heat my electric kettle, I still feel bad cuz it's not right, they better don't waste time breaking up with their partners unless I see no worth in their relationship if they are ready to harm others for their true love. And Mi-kyung, please get it together honey, Money no matter how powerful cannot make things happen at all times especially when it comes to true emotions. Jong-hyun, please wake up too, your crush on her has really turned to "I am extremely grateful to you that I cannot help but love you".


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I can't be really sorry for second leads, because they are clearly unseeing the reality: the person they have by their side is not fully reciprocating them. They both have chosen to look aside. This doesn't mean leads are doing well, because they are not. They should clear the mess in their relationships going any further between them, yet... "I just can't do this anymore" feels so, so real.


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I am coming to the conclusion that self love is also detrimental for the perception of the characters by third parties (viewers).

In Strangers Again we feel bad for the FL who got cheated because before the cheating happened her relationship was two sided, meaningful and her expectations were betrayed. In here, however, we have Mi Gyung who starts relationship with a man who clearly states that he can only give his 1% and Jong Hyun, who is too miserable to even be in a new founded relationship right now.

Cheating is wrong, no doubt, but extending a sympathy for a person who does not think they deserve better and knowingly step into a doomed relationship is extremely difficult.


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If Jong-hyun cheated on Soo-young would we come to the same conclusion? Because he had broken up with her, repeatedly told her he cant be in a relationship with her, she chased him down, insist that he hold on to her, had him move into her house. How is that different from Mi Gyung starting a relationship with a man saying he can't give 100% (he didn't say he could only give one). If anything Soo-young was a lot more coercive, so would we would extend sympathy towards her if Jong-hyun was the one who cheated? I would venture to guess that we would. Because we are already very much sympathetic to her now, when Jong Hyun is struggle with depression and can't just snap out of it. We give her sympathy even though she literally dragged that man back into her life when he repeatedly told her he can't be in a relationship right now.


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I know what the SL did to be in their present relationship is and was wrong. But still, what is bad is still bad. Two wrongs can not make a right. That the relationship they are in is meaningless because of their choices does not make them guilty of the other one cheating.

I am not sorry for them, but a lot of comments made it seem as if they deserve it, after all, they saw it coming but still choose to dive right in. It's like we are using the SL faults to cover up for the other wrongs.


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Agreed. I feel sorry for the second lead. Both relationship despite it seems wrong has gone too far. I fear for they getting truly hurt in the end for the sake of the lead together.


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First, along with everyone else, may I congratulate us all on not throwing something through our TVs/laptops whilst enduring 9 episodes of people not even trying to communicate. Aaaaaaand breathe. (And fervently hope they don't return to it in ep11...)

I was stuck in these two episodes by the oblique parallels between Sangsu and Jonghyun. I'm not sure I've got quite the right term here, but they are both aware of being "made an ornament" by their relationships. Jonghyun's situation is more straightforward - he has a deep sense that he should be giving, not taking, and he is struggling with being a dependent. He seems to have a strong sense (and we could argue whether this is right or wrong, but this is what he thinks) that as a man, he should be providing for her not depending on her. Since he is in a relationship where he can't do that, he feels less of a man and simply ornamental - and that feeling is poisoning his relationship as he just can't move on from there.

Sangsu is more subtle. However, Mikyung buying the car and her dad suggesting he will cover everything she needs are doing a similar thing - taking away Sangsu's sense of being an equal participant in the relationship. He is being reduced to a "ornamental" role with Mikyung and, like Jonghyun, he doesn't like it.

We've seen that Jonghyun is openly aware of this "ornamentalism" and is allowing it to ruin his relationship (and while I have a lot of sympathy for his situation - he's not got many options right now - he could try to embrace it as a season in his life rather than sobbing on and on). I think Sangsu is increasingly aware that the relationship he's in is leading to "ornamentalism" and I want to see how long he will continue before he simply refuses to be pushed into that role. Not sure if the writer is trying to say something here, but it's interesting...


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You are pointing out what bugs me the most about this drama. The two couples are relationships where the woman is wealthier and more successful and both relationships do not work very well because of this. Is the writer telling us that only rich boy plus poor girl (standard kdrama fare) or people with similar backgrounds go well together? I hope not!


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The comment of them being ornaments is correct, however with one distinction......... Sang Su's go along to get along brought him to this position......... He accepts the suit but not the car shows his his internal struggle of who he is and who he truely wants.

Jong Hyun on the other hand is a dreamer he talks a good game, but lacks the discipline to follow through. Whenever things go wrong he reverts into self pity......... the huge debt for playing video games......... he did this not once but twice because he failed the test and disappears for three days. I was more disappointed in Soo Young for continueally forgiving him while the person she loved, she kept lying to him.


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I'd like to add that the parallels are also in how the two women behave as well with them echoing the same line to the men in this last episode. Mi-kyung when referring to the car and Soo-young to the money. I also similarities between Soo-young and Jong-hyun. Neither wants to be in a relationship where they are taking more than they can give. Their lives of poverty has caused both to dislike even the impression that they are a charity case. Soo-young did not pursue a relationship with Sang-soo for that very reason. She prefers to be the one in the relationship with the means to help. She prefers to be the savior rather than being saved. But I have to say that I don't view Jonghyun in the same light as you described. He has very few choices and he made one. He ended the relationship and moved away. She was the one that chased him down and dragged him back, insisting that he hold on to her. He was very honest with her about where he was financially and mentally, how he felt and the state he was in. He told her he couldn't do a relationship right now. So I don't get why he's being blamed for being depressed now. This isn't a season in his life, he's been struggling with severe poverty his whole life and not getting far. When he finally thought there was some hope of getting out, it's crushed twice. Both times he doesn't just go back to his starting position, each time he's kicked back farther into more debt. (It's not the same as her situation, when she doesnt doesn't get into HQ, she is just in the same job with the same paycheck. She doesn't lose anything she already has.) His circumstances are really rough and haven't changed. It's just now that he is putting that burden on someone else. Something he never wanted and made the choice to avoid. I also see him struggling with her savior complex. Because that's what it is. She's trying to be his savior (probably because this is her chance to "save" her brother) all the while telling Sang-soo she doesn't need him to save her.


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I think she has replaced her definition of happiness from living the life her brother imagined for her to saving Jong-Hyun. I think that's why she was able to move out the plants and piano. Except trying to be someone's savior is exhausting and draining, because we can't ever really save anyone else. The best we can do is help give them tools to save themselves.

It's hard seeing these two women cling with a death grip to these two men. Both of them are holding onto people who don't want to be held.


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So I was right assuminf MK and KP had been a couple before. I still don't buy he "went around sleeping with all her friends", but I will buy he just used her to get a position into the bank using the cousin he was not supposed to have ever met.

MK is really getting into my nerves. She's definitely her parents child. Like her mum, she just gets what she wants even if the other part is not willing to accept: she's taking SS as his boyfriend the same way her mum has decided to be SS's mum friend because she has no one to talk to. And MK is also like her dad: buying her way in life with money, an expensive suit and a brand new car to SS or clothes to SY. Her message, as her dad's (I’ll give her anything and everything she wants), is I can have anything I want and I want you. She is such a selfish creature...

So far she's still stepping in your foot, but now she's realised she has stepped and is not moving because she feels she has the right to step into your foot.

As for our leads, you can see how different they are and react when they are just the two of them: natural smiles, relaxed attitude, even some bickering, while when they are with their "real" partners they are mostly grave, burdened and only doing things because "it's the way it should be".

The kiss felt real, but as Kafiyah has mentioned before, I don't think our leads should end up together. They should learn to live their lives and being honest with themselves. So far everyone in the drama has been hiding their feelings or their thoughts. The only straight person is SS'm mum.


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I love this show so much!

Jong-Hyeon & Su-Yeong : They lived in a fantasy. JH was happy when he was the one who was protecting her but now he's the one who needs help and he can't accept it. But he doesn't really know her. She's not teasing him or sarcastic with him. She didn't tell him for her mother. She was making herself feeling good by helping him, thiknking she didn't give up on him because he was poor, etc. But she doesn't love him and their "night" together was more bitter than romantic... If her goal is to be happy, she needs to date someone she loves.

Sang-Su & Mi-Gyeong : Mi-Gyeong is using money/gifts to make people indebted to her and to control them. But she still wants to be loved, but money doesn't buy feelings. She can't control her parents neither and they will hurt SS and his mother.

I like Gyeong-Pil, he's the only one who is honest. He adds fun :p

The last scene 😍 So many dialogues have double meaning!


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Thank you for the recap!!

I just finished watching episode 10 and my frustration with Mi Kyung is real. She knows he's not that into her and their relationship, so I want her to walk away from him, taking away his power to end it, but I doubt this will happen. Meanwhile, Sang Su is sending mixed signals. On one hand, he in no way wants to be intimate with her again and keeps dodging any private time that they could spend together, but he took her to meet his mom. I understand the psychology behind this, he felt guilty and exposed when Mi Kyung asked pointedly if there was anything from his past that he'd like to share, so to compensate for not being open in that regard, he made the unfortunate decision to introduce her to his mother. This gave Mi Kyung undue hope in their relationship, so she held on tighter. She knows he’s slipping away, but she’s got a death-grip on him and trying so hard to stuff Sang Su into a pre-carved mold. I predicted the reaction from Mi Kyung's mother, I knew she'd dislike his lack of background and would bristle when the truth about his mom came out, but I didn't foresee Mi Kyung orchestrating the meeting at the bank between her dad and Sang Su.

She really is spiraling and I found myself yelling at her to just let go. I posted earlier that the show might drop a bomb of her being pregnant, since now this is the only way he'd stay with her over Soo Young. We finally see them face their feelings, thank you Writer-nim for that heat-inducing make-out session 🥵, but I think troubled waters lie ahead. It's so frustrating to see her make the relationship appear more serious than it is; especially since it always gives Soo Young pause. As though she needed more reservations. However, this speaks volumes about her insecurities, and given the fact that she uses them to manipulate others, they are no one's fault but her own. The same goes for Jong Hyun, what you do with your feelings is all on you. They both seem too immature for the leads and a poor fit all around.

Honestly, her feelings of self-doubt might be unwarranted since there's probably more to the story than Kyung Pil is letting on, and I think her cousin is involved. If it weren't for her father saying he didn't care about the wealth and background of potential suitors, I would assume that he had her cousin threaten Kyung Pil, making up the whole thing about him cheating so that they would break up. There's surely something amiss here as Kyung Pil still seems to care for Mi Kyung, so I hope there’s closure to their story.

As for Soo Young and Sang Su, I don't know what to do with these babies. I want them together, but in addition to Mi Kyung’s schemes, Sang Soo and Soo Young remain in their own way, as I have said from the beginning. At least he's starting to understand her more, I loved that he knew she needed coaxing to play the piano and they don't mind ribbing each other, which is cute. My hope is that Sang Su...


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...will understand by watching Mi Kyung's family dynamics that money isn't enough. It won't account for the happiness and warmth that he desperately needs, and as the two are balanced on the precipice of something new, I am hopeful that they choose wisely.

They really have come full circle and Sang Su had first-hand experience of how Soo Young likely felt as she watched him turn away. They're in the place to make different decisions than in the past, hopefully better ones that won't leave them quite as unhappy... but I wonder if they'll get the chance?

🎀Stray Observations🎀

🎀 The amount of enthusiasm she showed following her rump with Jong Hyun made Soo Young look like she had her molars removed. Yikes girl, please don't do that to yourself again. 😒🙃

🎀 My barbies are melted from the heat of the reel-life kiseu, Writer nim, thank you for obliging me lol

🎀 Mr. Ma and Ms. Bae didn't have too much going on this week, I may have heard him call her, but their relationship is still a slow burn.

🎀 I think the newly-wed friend is cheating with his ex. Y'all his grin was too big, man looked too happy and I have my eyes on him.

🎀 We stan Mama Ha for pointing out that Sang Su's assessment of Mi Kyung was like that of a co-worker. Thank you for your service, ma'am.

🎀 Soo Young thinks the study buddy is a dude and Jong Hyun didn't correct her. Girl...

🎀 I am glad she sold the clothes; at least some good came from them. I think Mi Kyung is just oblivious to how her actions come across at times. Her father placed more importance on wealth than showing genuine affection and she really treats the feelings of others as an afterthought.

🎀 Which brings me to this point, sell the car Sang Su, that was Emotional Manipulation 101. She's forcing you to accept something that you've made clear makes you uncomfortable. How is that showing love or consideration?

🎀 Mi Kyung keeps her pills in her kitchen? Has she never heard of a medicine cabinet? I'm concerned and think maybe we have bigger problems than her general disregard for others.

That's all for now! Take care, chingu's!


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Yes to all this, and also to your last point: yes, I was thinking, hey girl... you don't keep that stuff in your kitchen. Never.


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"I think Mi Kyung is just oblivious to how her actions come across at times."

don't misunderstand the gurl -- Mi Kyung is VERY CONNIVING and INTENTIONAL in everything she says and does or gives Su Yeong. she's the worst kind of fake gurlfriend that exists. it definitely shows her insecurities, which i believe will be her downfall in her self-entitlement.


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I think I’ve figured out why I struggle so much with this show. Why I turn it on, try to watch it, but end up playing it in the background while I do other things.

There is no joy, no light-hearted moments, no smiling, no laughter. It’s episode after episode of yearning looks, unrequited love, bad timing, mixed signals, nasty, taunting comments to and about each other, and last but certainly not least, they are written as relentlessly, obsessively, and compulsively unhappy.

What would it take to get a genuine smile out of these people? Is no one grateful or happy to have a good paying job, to have their health and good looks, and present a competent work ethic?

It’s this simple-imo it’s depressing to watch because no one is ever happy. Ever.


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Lmaoooooo at this review!

I absolutely hate dramas that go this way, especially romance dramas that are determined to be depressing in the name of upholding that ‘Melo’ genre tag...which is why I’m sticking to the recaps, Lols. Abeg, if there’s all miserable (and repressed) in the present, at least give us flashbacks of them being young, wild and free!


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can anyone explain to me why daddy park-bucks can't be affectionate AND useful? or why migyeong knows he substitutes money for love and yet doesn't see that she does it too?
and i hope this is the end of people having sex when they not really into it. it makes me so sad


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The bus route
This is exactly what life is like
A circle
You fool yourself into thinking that you’re going somewhere
But then you’re back to square one
You’re just going in circles
Our entire life is just one big, never-ending circle

Damn INTEREST OF LOVE this dialogue hit me right in the FEELS.


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I keep going back to SS's voiceover towards the end of episode 1 in which he describes SY as "a bitch". And I couldn't agree with him more. She lies, pushes him away, misrepresents her feelings for him repeatedly, and has also continually and detrimentally manipulated JH. I've had trouble liking her throughout the drama. She IS a bitch in my worldview. I started out liking the character but that flipped very quickly. By the way are the voiceovers implied to be real time as episodes unfold, or from a future perspective??

MK is manic and manipulative, spoiled and entitled...a clear product of her family and upbringing. Unlikeable from the getgo. I am unclear as to her motivation in dumping her new with tags clothes onto SY. Was she trying to belittle SY, or just contuing her power stance habit of forcing "gifts" onto her....a handbag at one of their first friendly get togethers, the bronze O necklace, lavish meals, etc. Or was there a more nefarious motivation behind the clothes that I'm missing? In any case I'm glad she was clever enough to sell them....for her own manipulative act of foisting the money onto sadsack JH. (Why do I want to smack him the most out of the 4 of them? He needs to find and pull up his big boy pants and do ANYTHING other than wallow.)


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