The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

Kim Min-gyu and his dimples have descended from the heavenly realms to earthly planes (and my screen), and oh boy! Going from a heavenly body into that of a mere mortal is bad enough, but said mortal is a K-pop idol? Ha! The jokes write themselves as his misadventures begin, and as such, this show clearly has my full attention.


The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

We begin our story with an introduction to “The Other World” — a fantasy world where magic and mysterious beings exist. Our leading man REMBRARY (Kim Min-kyu) is a pontifex in the service of Lord Redrin — the righteous lord of The Other World. And in opposition to Lord Redrin is THE EVIL ONE (Lee Jang-woo) — who, after being asleep for a long time, has now returned on the wings of volcanic activity to wreak havoc on The Other World.

The biggest casualty in The Evil One’s attack ends up being Rembrary — who gets sent to our world (current day Seoul) just as he was about to send The Evil One back into a state of slumber. Oops! Swapping immaculate heavenly robes for a crop top and chained jeans, Rembrary begins a scary new life in the body of his earthly doppelganger, WOO YEON-WOO (also played by Kim Min-kyu) — who happens to be a K-pop idol in the five-membered washed-up group “Wild Animal.”

It’s all wild hijinks from this point on, as Rembrary’s fish-out-of-water adventures begin. And when he’s — all but — pushed onstage for Wild Animal’s comeback performance, he’s left with no choice but to declare that he doesn’t know how to dance — on live TV! Yikes! It’s a disaster, as you’d expect, and their manager quits on the spot. Double Yikes! Rembrary is not unaware of the predicament he has thrown the group into, but he is also in a predicament of his own, as he explains to their agency’s CEO IM SUN-JA (Yeh Ji-won). But as far as Sun-ja is concerned, the visual center of Wild Animal has gone nuts.

“You’re not the Woo Yeon-woo I know,” she says in exasperation, and for the first time since he arrived, Rembrary is excited! Finally, someone gets him! But far from being a pontifex of Lord Redrin as he says, Sun-ja thinks he’s suffering from reading too many fantasy novels. Heh. The other members are convinced that he’s putting up a show, and as for me, I think Rembrary could have just proven his true self by showing off his divine powers — which he still has.

Instead, Rembrary goes from the agency to the hospital (where the doctor refers him to a psychiatrist) and then to Wild Animal’s dorm — which is just as messy as you’d expect from a boy band. “People can live in a place like this?” Rembrary spurts, turning up his nose. And when he gets shoved into the room Yeon-woo shares with two other bandmates, Rembrary balks at the idea of ending his life by being squashed in his sleep. So, he gets a solo spot on the balcony where he moans about how humiliating all of this is. Lol.

But “humiliation” is the very thing that saves Wild Animal from disbandment, as a clip of Rembrary’s on-stage goof goes viral. To capitalize on his current virality, Sun-ja arranges for an unfazed Rembrary to be interviewed by a popular influencer. But just as Rembrary starts to spill the tea about his passive-aggressive relationship with the Wild Animal bandmates and the filthy condition of their dorm, volcanic activity occurs just like it did in The Other World. And this can only mean one thing: The Evil One has arrived in this world. Uh-oh!

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

Rembrary’s search for The Evil One leads him to the broadcasting station where he finally crosses paths with our leading lady KIM DAL (Go Bo-kyul) — who is such a big Yeon-woo fan that she immediately detects that Rembrary is not Yeon-woo. But Dal is also human, so she can’t comprehend his story about Lord Redrin and The Evil One. Instead, she tearfully switches from a “Who are you and what have you done to my oppa?” to a “How stressed out were you that you got in this state?” Lol.

But this is no time for a meet and greet session. The arrival of The Evil One poses a threat to mankind, and it’s up to Rembrary to stop him — only, in this world, as Dal explains, The Evil One (whose earthly persona is powerful enough to have an audience with the broadcasting station’s director) is just like the nobles in The Other World. And being a failed idol, Yeon-woo (Rembrary’s host) is like a slave, meaning it’s almost impossible for the likes of him to meet The Evil One. Hehe.

I have to give Dal credit for playing along with what she thinks are Rembrary’s delusions and not totally dismissing his ramblings to be that of a crazy fella’s. She even goes as far as researching possible causes for the change in her beloved idol’s behavior, and she wonders if he’s suffering from trauma. But it’s Dal herself who’s got trauma — stemming from the (semi-clouded in mystery) accident of an idol at the entertainment agency where she previously worked as a manager on the planning team.

In the present, Dal manages to convince Rembrary that the only way to meet The Evil One is for him to become a successful idol. Unfortunately, The Evil One’s arrival seems to have caused Rembrary’s divine powers to dissipate, and the poor guy cannot even have a filling meal to restore his energy — no thanks to all that idol dietary restriction. The opportunity of having a face-off with The Evil One aside, Rembrary becomes even more determined to succeed as an idol so that he can at least buy himself some decent meals. Heh.

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

Rembrary eventually lands a spot on a singing survival show, and the PD (who is infamous for his malicious editing) is upfront with Sun-ja about bringing him on as the show’s villain. Although reluctant, Sun-ja agrees since it’ll guarantee enough screen time for Rembrary, and it also secures a plus-one spot on the show for CASH (Choi Jae-hyun), one of the Wild Animal bandmates. While Cash gets nervous during the photoshoot and is told off by the photographer, the opposite is the case for Rembrary: the photographer cannot get enough of Rembrary’s pontifical poses after the latter is told that a “pose” is the position a person is most comfortable in. LMAO!

Since he’s supposed to be a holy man and all, Rembrary becomes a bit uncomfortable when the shoot gets to the sexy concept. But after all that “rabbit food” he’s being fed at the dorm, the anticipation of eating the snacks on set — or “tributes” as Rembrary calls them — is enough to make him pop a few buttons and turn on the sexy. Unfortunately, as someone who has experienced real evil, Rembrary is forced to draw the line when it comes to making “evil” but sexy poses, and he storms off the set.

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

Rembrary cannot understand the levity with which the humans in this world treat “evil,” and even worse, that idols are required to take on evil concepts. The allure of being an idol begins to fade for Rembrary — even though that’s the only way he knows how to get tributes. But Rembrary needs to re-think quitting idol life, because Dal gets hired as Wild Animal’s new road manager and she takes him to a psychiatrist, determined to find a cure to his problem. And for Dal, this is not all about blinded fan love.

You see, two years ago after the incident at her former job, Dal quit and went into depression. Then by chance, she ran into Yeon-woo who was handing out Wild Animal CDs with his bandmates on the street, and he spotted charcoal briquettes — presumably for a suicide attempt — in her plastic bag. Yeon-woo saved her life by trading the bag for an autographed CD and a photocard where he scrawled that his calling is to heal people. Now it’s Dal’s turn to help Yeon-woo — or rather, Rembrary.

Truly, Rembrary needs all the help he can get at this point because after restoring his divine energy (thanks to a basket full of tributes he swiped from the hospital), he finally manages to achieve a telekinetic connection of sorts with the real Yeon-woo who is now living as Rembrary in The Other World. The problem is that Yeon-woo actually prefers his new life as a pontifex (minus the uncomfortable robes), and he has no intention of returning to his life as a failed idol. Welp!

Rembrary is desperate to return to his body, and Yeon-woo offers him a deal: if Rembrary gets Wild Animal to win Artist of the Year at the Korean Music Awards, Yeon-woo might be inclined to go back to his old life. Wait, might? Ha! Yeon-woo is crazy, but it gets even crazier when they have to recite the contractual vows that’ll guarantee their soul swap at the music award. While Rembrary vows on the basis of the Artist of the Year win (as originally planned), Yeon-woo — who wants to become an actor — has a last minute change of mind, and he whispers his vow on the basis of a Best Rookie Actor win instead. You’ve got to be kidding me! Thus, their vow of confusion is sealed at the sacred altar of Lord Redrin. Oh boy!

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

Meanwhile, for an undisturbed telekinetic session with Yeon-woo, Rembrary locked himself up in the meditation room much to Dal’s discomfort. And when she hears a disturbing thud from inside, she’s forced to get the key from the doctor, only to find Rembrary collapsed on the floor after expending all his energy on the session. Rembrary moans about the slave contract he has just signed, and in The Other World, Yeon-woo wears a dimpled smirk.

With this, we come to the end of our premiere week — which almost fully delivered on the humor I was expecting! Aside from this, The Heavenly Idol also did a good job of setting up the plot, introducing us to most of the main characters, and establishing their relationships. The members of Wild Animal don’t seem to me like best of friends — more like very civil co-workers. And HWANG TAE-IN (Shin Myung-sung) in particular strikes me as someone who actually doesn’t like Yeon-woo that much.

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2

For a group that hasn’t turned in a profit in their five years of existence, it’s obvious that Sun-ja still cares a lot about her wild animals — malicious editing aside. And as for Dal, I love how she’s more than just a one-dimensional fangirl — although, for obvious reasons, Sun-ja must not find out that Dan is a Wild Animal fan, else she’ll lose her road manager job. So far, Dal seems to be the only one who can handle Rembrary because she’s got Yeon-woo’s best interest at heart. But I wonder if she knows that her beloved idol is such a prankster. I mean, Best Rookie Actor? LMAO!

Due to the peculiarities of the characters, I was half-expecting to feel a bit of cringe from Kim Min-kyu’s performance. But he really sold it as the pontifex, the high-priest-turned-idol, and the idol himself. And I cannot wait to see Rembrary navigate the idol life on his way to winning Artist of the Year.

PS: I also cannot wait for us to get a proper introduction to The Evil One’s earthly persona. And he better have an actual name!

The Heavenly Idol: Episodes 1-2


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The only reason I checked out this drama was Go Bo-Kyul, but I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it more than I anticipated! I did find Kim Min-Kyu a little bit cringey in the beginning but it got better as the show went on. With a little comedy, fantasy, healing and, perhaps, a dash of romance, it has a winning combination that could make me stick with it. The plot is pretty straightforward so I think 12 episodes will work in its favor—as long as things don’t become unnecessarily convoluted… (Is that hoping for too much?)


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I am so annoyed that I’ve been deprived of this silliness😭😱


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So funny, I’m kicking my feet in the air!


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I was anxiously waiting for the 2nd episode after watching the first. I'm intrigued by the fish out of water elements and how so opposite these worlds are. For Rembrary to be a pontifex seeing how idols are, well idolized, and evil is glorified must be such a shock to his system.

Sidenote: it tickles me that chocolate gives him strength haha. If that's the product placement, I'm okay with this haha.

I wonder if or when Rembrary will be able to show his powers to others. If only he had shown his powers, such much could have been avoided. I do like Dal's character so far. I kinda hope that Rembrary shows his power to her and that band member who was the temporary type manager at the same time because I think they could help him most.

Personally, I liked that he drew a line at pretending evil even if that did make others made. Why shouldn't he stand up for himself (to some extent).
And when that other band member said something like "it's not like he had you take nude pictures", it was just another reminder of how said and toxic the world can be. Like being, (validly) uncomfortable doesn't matter because 1) it could always be worse 2) there will always be someone else willing to do it 3) you have to conform to get ahead. This is exactly why such bad and unhealthy behaviors are allowed to constantly continue.

Someone way more analytic than me could probably explain why this drama could, if done well, be a critique on idol, entertainment, and fandom culture.

I'm not expecting much with the antagonist at all. I feel he's gonna be a cheesy evil for the lulz type. I have nothing to base that on and yet it just feels so accurate haha

I'm looking forward to next week's episodes.


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I was wondering if they wrote in the power from chocolate for PPL and thought, if so, kudos to the writer for thinking that one through!


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I like it!


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I'm also surprised by the bits of light criticism on k-pop in general that the show managed to convey. They used it perfectly as fuel for humor, but after the humor landed there were some more sobering moments when things characters said landed a bit deeper. And I like that. I expected all the silly, but a bit of thoughtfulness like this is also much appreciated.


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Like Wild Animals eating rabbit-like food haha


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Expecting lots of candy/snack PPL.


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Jeong-seo is my bias in Wild Animal. I feel so sorry for him having to babysit Rembrary, play mediator between the members, and double as their manager. It's so hard being the leader of a K-pop group.

I thought that Rembrary vowed to become a successful idol so he could meet the Devil. When he said that he had never been told that he was bad at singing, I knew that he would be a good singer (like Kim Min-gyu is https://youtu.be/BwkC_3E1wBw) and ruin the PD's evil editing plans. His following the photographer's directions just so he could eat the snacks is like Pavlov's dogs. I hope that new Wild Animal fans find out about Rembrary's love of chocolates and give him lots of tributes.

I'm disappointed that Yeon-woo turns out to be a petulant idol. In Dal's flashback, Yeon-woo was an angel. He really did save her that day. Please don't tell me that it was all image-making. I wanted Yeon-woo to be unrealistically perfect to the point of being boring.

A big thanks for weecapping, @Unit!


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I think we should kiss our dream of "Yeon-woo being unrealistically perfect" goodbye, given the members' statement early on that Yeon-woo was always such a prankster.

My heart went out for Jeong-seo. Being a k-pop leader is hard, but being a leader of a no name group where the members all became jaded and desperate no thanks to the bitter reality of entertainment industry is a whole other level of hard. I hope Wild Animal hit it big and surprise everyone in the country.


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So far the most fantasy thing about this drama is that all kpop meta jokes landed well))) Slave contracts, dirty mencave of a dorm with clothes EVERYWHERE, rabbit food diet, sleep deprivation as go-to explanation, nugu stars going viral for the dumbest things, evil editing as desired result because of buzz, plus1 variety deals... Even real Yeon Woo is a walking meta! Let's see: visual, dancer and abs guy of 5-members group that became idol only to gain enough fame to smoothly transition into acting later - Lee Joon, is that you?)))

Rembrary (what name is that? was Kkokdu not enough with all his Ks, now we have 3R guy?) is actually pretty sweet - his softness for kids got me, and he's not as holier-than-thou as you'd expect from High Priest of black-and-white morality fantasy world. One thing does bother me though - what is his age if he called 26 y.o. Yeon Woo a kid?! If he's an actual grandpa that'll explain a thing or two...

Leader guy is very nice, hope he gets big too in the end. Other 3 are blah. Fl... well, she's not annoying and her backstory makes some sense. Real Yeon Woo is an idiot though. Watch him regret his prank once Rembrary gets Wild Animal that daesang for real))) And how he plans to pretend being priest forever without holy powers? They're clearly tied to spirit, not flesh, so Rembrary's body alone is useless. Also hope Evil One took all his minions with him here, and we'll see 2 worlds being saved by music show battles. Plus they'll probably feel at home with their Jeju counterparts from Island... Someone call Yohan, this is exactly his type of a party!


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I like how we know almost the whole story in the beginning, but the fact that they made such a confusing vow, a 'slave contract' in his words, i don't know how they will end this show. But i think it will be really interesting because of woo yeon woo's personality in the drama. I think the small things matter in a show like this and i hope they deliver, especially coz i loved kim min kyu in business proposal


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We absolutely loved the first two episodes. Can't wait for the next ones.


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So... if there is a love story, will he stay as an idol? Will she go in his world?

I just hope it won't be like "it was a drama" end.


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Pros Comedy, likeable characters, good actors (even the supporting actors playing the "Wild Animal" idols were passable), info about the struggles of idol life.

Cons Rembrary's life as pontifex, the Evil guy, repeated flashbacks of Dal's trauma and Rembrary's constant monologue of defeating evil.

This drama has the potential to go either way, so I will drop it as soon as it stops exercising humour.


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It’s a silly show. But I like how it criticises the idol industry and it should continue to do so. What I also like is the details, it gives me certain joy when I see them xD Like when the leader and Yeon-woo where crossing the street and they raised their hands, SO CUTE! And how Dal is saved on her sister’s phone, Moon and I’m assuming her sister’s name is Eunha which is galaxy.


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I like the silliness of it a lot, as well as the meta-jokes. Hope it continues to be funny.


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It began with an action packed, medieval AoS fight sequence but then abruptly changed gears to a fish-out-of-water story. Did the Evil One teleport Rembrary to Earth for some wild Dragonball-Z good vs. evil showdown? The body swap trope is a tough nut to crack so I am on the fence for this show. I had different expectations of the leads base don their last dramas: Kim Min-Kyu was restrained too much as Woo and Go Bo-Gyeol is very reserved, unglamorous and plain as Kim Dal. Both have a lot of baggage to sort out in order to help each other come to grip with their fates.


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OG Yeon woo is such a prankster. He really said "Nah. I'm all good. being a Pontifex isn't that hard." OOPs. Anyway, am I the only one falling for Rembrary's accent/voice? Is he talking in historical speech? My Korean is very limited, so I am not 100% sure. It definitely working though for me. His voice is so deep. As for Kim Dal, I feel a bit sorry for her. Rembrary is really going to stress her out. She must have been so shocked to see him passed out. She seems so alone. I really want her to depend on other people. At least she has a therapist/psychiatrist. Good sign. Wild Animal members except for the leader seem like they could get really jealous soon.

P.S. I am so happy to see Kim Min gyu in a lead role. Our little puppy from BTLIOF has grown so much.


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I can't tell the differences but according to the reactions and Dal's lines, Rembrary speaks in a different speech and dialect.


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Thanks for the recap!

Caught these episodes yesterday and it's starting out as a fun ride, especially with the twist of OG Yeon-woo not wanting to switch back and the mess with the vow! As a kpop fan, it was also nice to see all the manufacturing behind idol groups.

I am a little sad that OG Yeon-woo didn't want to switch back. I want Dal to be able to interact with her real savior. I love that scene of him noticing she was in a bad place, so he wrote her a positive message and suggested some Wild Animal activities she could attend the next few days - things she could add to her schedule instead of suicide.

Chocolate gives me power too! I do hope Rembrary can eat things other than lettuce, boiled chicken, and chocolates.

I can't wait until the PD tries to evil-edit Rembrary and get blasted with Kim Min-kyu's lovely singing voice.


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As someone who was heavily anticipating this drama, I LOVED IT. It struck the exact tone and blend of divine high fantasy vibes with body swap, fish-out-of-water comedic hijinks I was hoping for. The sprinklings of genuine critique of the toxic idol industry is a very welcome bonus. I hope the writing continues to balance these elements going forward.

The real Yeon-woo actually being conniving and manipulative was a pleasant surprise, plot-wise. It makes for interesting story possibilities later on, provided the screenwriter wants to delve in that direction. I like to think that he does have a compassionate side to him, but it has been buried deep underneath the cynicism formed after years of hardship in a brutal, cruel industry. People, after all, do have many facets to their personality. Or maybe I’m just overthinking this for Dal’s sake because I already love her. It’s so nice to see Go Bo-kyul back on my screen. And in such a radically different role too! I don’t know yet if Heavenly Idol will have romance, but if they do, I’m already rooting for Rembrary and Dal (manager/idol; pontifex/human power dynamics aside). It would an absolute joy if Rembrary fell first and has to angst about Dal “preferring” the original Yeon-woo. I can already see the mess that will create lol.

If Dramabeans doesn’t keep logging me out of my account, please prepare me becoming completely insufferable about this show. Sorry y’all, but it hits all my guilty pleasure points and so I will not shut up about it unless it goes real downhill.


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You know what for once we are dealing with the FL dealing with trauma instead of the ML! Yeah ML become the healing she needs yeah?
Take care of her just like how thousands of female characters have done in plenty of stories already. I like this switcheroo!
Also remain this absurd and campy fun! I need this show, become my new obsession!


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I think I will give this series a try, once it is completed. I like when MLs are the ones who try to heal the FLs. I think I have watched very few dramas with that kind of dynamics (Flower Boy Next Door, The Happy Loner, My Holo Love, It's okey to not be okey, Bride of Habaek... are the ones which come to my mind).


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Finally finished the first week and I like it! The humor & idol meta were good. Diet restrictions/rabbit food. Dirty idol dorms. XD Surprisingly, nothing was too cringey for me. I guess because I came in expecting the wacky and the comedy all flowed well.

Really fun to see Kim Min Kyu here. He's nailing his character.

I like the healing aspect of this drama. It was a great moment when Yeon Woo wrote that small but heartfelt message to Dal on the CD. ^^


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